/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2023-09-04 Rbb666 first version */ #include "board.h" #include "drv_hwtimer.h" //#define DRV_DEBUG #define LOG_TAG "drv.timer" #include <rtdbg.h> #ifdef RT_USING_HWTIMER static struct ra_hwtimer ra_hwtimer_obj[BSP_TIMERS_NUM] = { #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM0 [BSP_TIMER0_INDEX] = TIMER_DRV_INITIALIZER(0), #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM1 [BSP_TIMER1_INDEX] = TIMER_DRV_INITIALIZER(1), #endif }; const rt_uint32_t PLCKD_FREQ_PRESCALER[PLCKD_PRESCALER_MAX_SELECT] = { #ifdef SOC_SERIES_R7FA6M3 PLCKD_PRESCALER_120M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_60M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_30M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_15M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_7_5M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_3_75M, PLCKD_PRESCALER_1_875M, #endif }; static void timer_init(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer, rt_uint32_t state) { RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL); struct ra_hwtimer *tim; tim = (struct ra_hwtimer *)timer->parent.user_data; if (state) { fsp_err_t fsp_err = FSP_SUCCESS; fsp_err = R_GPT_Open(tim->g_ctrl, tim->g_cfg); if (fsp_err != FSP_SUCCESS) { LOG_E("%s init fail", tim->name); } } } static rt_err_t timer_start(rt_hwtimer_t *timer, rt_uint32_t pr, rt_hwtimer_mode_t opmode) { RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(opmode != RT_NULL); struct ra_hwtimer *tim; tim = (struct ra_hwtimer *)timer->parent.user_data; fsp_err_t err = FSP_SUCCESS; /* set timer count */ R_GPT_CounterSet(tim->g_ctrl, 0); /* set timer period register */ err = R_GPT_PeriodSet(tim->g_ctrl, pr); if (err != FSP_SUCCESS) { return -RT_ERROR; } /* set timer to one cycle mode */ err = R_GPT_Start(tim->g_ctrl); return (err == FSP_SUCCESS) ? RT_EOK : -RT_ERROR; } static void timer_stop(rt_hwtimer_t *timer) { struct ra_hwtimer *tim = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL); tim = (struct ra_hwtimer *)timer->parent.user_data; /* stop timer */ R_GPT_Stop(tim->g_ctrl); /* set timer count */ R_GPT_CounterSet(tim->g_ctrl, 0); } static rt_uint32_t timer_counter_get(rt_hwtimer_t *timer) { struct ra_hwtimer *tim = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL); tim = (struct ra_hwtimer *)timer->parent.user_data; timer_info_t info; if (R_GPT_InfoGet(tim->g_ctrl, &info) != FSP_SUCCESS) return -RT_ERROR; return info.period_counts; } static rt_err_t timer_ctrl(rt_hwtimer_t *timer, rt_uint32_t cmd, void *arg) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; struct ra_hwtimer *tim = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(timer != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(arg != RT_NULL); tim = (struct ra_hwtimer *)timer->parent.user_data; switch (cmd) { case HWTIMER_CTRL_FREQ_SET: { rt_uint8_t index = 0; rt_uint32_t freq = *((rt_uint32_t *)arg); for (rt_uint8_t i = 0; i < PLCKD_PRESCALER_MAX_SELECT; i++) { if (freq <= PLCKD_FREQ_PRESCALER[i]) { index = i; } } tim->g_ctrl->p_reg->GTCR_b.TPCS = index; } break; default: { result = -RT_ENOSYS; } break; } return result; } static void timer_one_shot_check(void) { IRQn_Type irq = R_FSP_CurrentIrqGet(); /* Recover ISR context saved in open. */ gpt_instance_ctrl_t *p_instance_ctrl = (gpt_instance_ctrl_t *) R_FSP_IsrContextGet(irq); /* If one-shot mode is selected, stop the timer since period has expired. */ if (TIMER_MODE_ONE_SHOT == p_instance_ctrl->p_cfg->mode) { p_instance_ctrl->p_reg->GTSTP = p_instance_ctrl->channel_mask; /* Clear the GPT counter and the overflow flag after the one shot pulse has being generated */ p_instance_ctrl->p_reg->GTCNT = 0; p_instance_ctrl->p_reg->GTCCR[0U] = 0; p_instance_ctrl->p_reg->GTCCR[1U] = 0; /* Clear pending interrupt to make sure it doesn't fire again if another overflow has already occurred. */ R_BSP_IrqClearPending(irq); } } #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM0 void timer0_callback(timer_callback_args_t *p_args) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event) { rt_device_hwtimer_isr(&ra_hwtimer_obj[BSP_TIMER0_INDEX].tmr_device); timer_one_shot_check(); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM1 void timer1_callback(timer_callback_args_t *p_args) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); if (TIMER_EVENT_CYCLE_END == p_args->event) { rt_device_hwtimer_isr(&ra_hwtimer_obj[BSP_TIMER1_INDEX].tmr_device); timer_one_shot_check(); } /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } #endif static const struct rt_hwtimer_ops _ops = { .init = timer_init, .start = timer_start, .stop = timer_stop, .count_get = timer_counter_get, .control = timer_ctrl, }; static const struct rt_hwtimer_info _info = TMR_DEV_INFO_CONFIG; static int rt_hw_hwtimer_init(void) { int result = RT_EOK; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ra_hwtimer_obj) / sizeof(ra_hwtimer_obj[0]); i++) { ra_hwtimer_obj[i].tmr_device.info = &_info; ra_hwtimer_obj[i].tmr_device.ops = &_ops; if (rt_device_hwtimer_register(&ra_hwtimer_obj[i].tmr_device, ra_hwtimer_obj[i].name, &ra_hwtimer_obj[i]) == RT_EOK) { LOG_D("%s register success", ra_hwtimer_obj[i].name); } else { LOG_E("%s register failed", ra_hwtimer_obj[i].name); result = -RT_ERROR; } } return result; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_hw_hwtimer_init); /* This is a hwtimer example */ #define HWTIMER_DEV_NAME "timer0" /* device name */ static rt_err_t timeout_cb(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size) { rt_kprintf("this is hwtimer timeout callback fucntion!\n"); rt_kprintf("tick is :%d !\n", rt_tick_get()); return RT_EOK; } int hwtimer_sample(void) { rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK; rt_hwtimerval_t timeout_s; rt_device_t hw_dev = RT_NULL; rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode; rt_uint32_t freq = 1875000; /* 1Mhz */ hw_dev = rt_device_find(HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); if (hw_dev == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("hwtimer sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); return -RT_ERROR; } ret = rt_device_open(hw_dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR); if (ret != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("open %s device failed!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); return ret; } rt_device_set_rx_indicate(hw_dev, timeout_cb); rt_device_control(hw_dev, HWTIMER_CTRL_FREQ_SET, &freq); mode = HWTIMER_MODE_PERIOD; ret = rt_device_control(hw_dev, HWTIMER_CTRL_MODE_SET, &mode); if (ret != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("set mode failed! ret is :%d\n", ret); return ret; } /* Example Set the timeout period of the timer */ timeout_s.sec = 1; /* secend */ timeout_s.usec = 0; /* microsecend */ if (rt_device_write(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)) != sizeof(timeout_s)) { rt_kprintf("set timeout value failed\n"); return -RT_ERROR; } /* read hwtimer value */ rt_device_read(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)); rt_kprintf("Read: Sec = %d, Usec = %d\n", timeout_s.sec, timeout_s.usec); return ret; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(hwtimer_sample, hwtimer sample); #endif /* BSP_USING_HWTIMER */