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Version 1.4.9
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
packChk.exe is a utility for validation of a Software Pack. It operates on the unzipped content of the Software Pack and is located in the directory .\CMSIS\Utilities of the ARM::CMSIS Pack.
packChk.exe performs the following operations:
packChk.exe is invoked from the command line:
<options> | Short Name | Description |
-i <file> | Check component dependencies | Reference PDSC file(s) used to resolve component dependencies in conditions. |
-n <file> | Write Pack file name | Write a standardized name for the Software Pack to the specified ASCII file. |
-s | Verify SVD files | Each SVD file referenced in the *.PDSC file is validated with SVDConv.exe. With this option set, SVDConv.exe is invoked from the same directory as packChk.exe. |
-u <url> | Pack Server URL | Verifies that the specified URL matches the <url> element in the *.PDSC file. |
-v | Verbose | Prints extra process information. |
-x <msg-list> | Suppress | Suppress all listed validation messages. You can separate the values with blanks to create a list or repeat the option. Ranges are not allowed. Suppressing validation messages does not affect error and warning counters. For a list of messages refer to Validation Messages. |
-h/-? | Help | Show help. |
Run packChk.exe on the package description file called MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc. packChk.exe verifies the file against the Software Pack that is located in the same directory.
packChk.exe MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc
Run packChk.exe on the package description file called MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc in the current directory and try to resolve conditions using the ARM.CMSIS.pdsc file based in another directory.
packChk.exe MyVendor.MyPack.pdsc -i ..\..\PACK\ARM\CMSIS\ARM.CMSIS.pdsc
Run packChk.exe on the package description file called MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc, verify SVD files, verify the URL to the Pack Server, and generate a ASCII text file with the standardized name of the Software Pack.
packChk.exe "MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc" -s -u "http://www.myvendor.com/pack" -n packname.txt
Run packChk.exe on the package description file called MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc. Suppress validation messages M304 and M331.
packChk.exe MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc -x M304 M331 // messages as a list packChk.exe MyVendor.MVCM3.pdsc -x M304 -x M331 // option repeated
The following table shows the errors and warnings issued by packChk.
If you encounter one of the following errors, please send a problem report via email to cmsis. @arm .com
Message Number | Type | Description | Action |
M100 | ERROR | GetModuleHandle failed | Call support. |
M101 | ERROR | Unknown error! | Call support. |
M102 | ERROR | MFC initialization failed | Call support. |
M103 | ERROR | Internal Error: 'REF' | Call support and submit the error message. |
M104 - M107 | N.A. | not in use | — |
M108 | ERROR | Reading PDSC File failed! | Verify file and folder permissions. Verify whether the file is corrupt or in another folder. Repeat the process. If this error persists, call support. |
M109 | ERROR | Constructing Model failed! | Building Model based on the PDSC information failed. Repeat the process. If this error persists, call support. |
M110 | ERROR | Verifying Model failed | Model based verification of the PDCS information failed. Repeat the process. If this error persists, call support. |
Message Number | Type | Description | Action |
M200 | ERROR | Invalid arguments! | At least one argument is wrong. Correct the argument. |
M201 | ERROR | Too many arguments! | The list of arguments is too long. Verify if you have used one argument twice. |
M202 | ERROR | No PDSC input file specified | Correct the command line. packChk.exe expects a *.PDSC file name as input. |
M203 | ERROR | Error reading PDSC file 'PATH/FILENAME'! | Verify the PDSC file for consistency. |
M204 | ERROR | File not found: 'PATH' | The specified PDSC file could not be found in the PATH displayed in the message. Correct the path or the filename. |
M205 | ERROR | Cannot create Pack Name file 'PATH' | Check the disk space or your permissions. Correct the path name. |
M206 | ERROR | Multiple PDSC files found in package: 'FILES' | Only one PDSC file is allowed in a package. Remove unnecessary PDSC files. The message lists all *.PDSC files found. |
M207 | ERROR | PDSC file name mismatch! Expected: 'PDSC1.pdsc' Actual : 'PDSC2.pdsc' | The PDSC file expected has not been found. Rename or exchange the PDSC file. |
M208 | ERROR | Error calling SVDConv.exe: 'PATH' | SVDConv.exe was not found. Copy the executable into the directory of packChk.exe or enter the path where SVDConv.exe is located. Default is CMSIS\Utilities. |
M209 | ERROR | Unknown Option: 'OPT' | The command line option entered is not known or invalid. |
M210 | ERROR | Only one input file to be checked is allowed. | You can only check one PDSC file at a time. |
Message Number | Type | Description | Action |
M300 | ERROR | The following files are listed in PDSC but not part of the package: 'PATH': 'FILES' | The files listed should be part of the package. However, these files could not be added to the package. Verify whether the files exist. Verify the file permissions. |
M301 | ERROR | Checking Pack URL of PDSC file failed: Expected URL : 'URL1' Package URL : 'URL2' | The URL entered in the package does not match the value entered for comparison. Change the URL in the package. Check for possible misspellings of URL1. |
M302 | ERROR | No vendor tag found in the PDSC file! Add the <vendor> tag and provide the vendor name. For example: <vendor>Keil</vendor> . | No vendor entered in the PDSC file. Enter the tag <vendor> and add the vendor name. Refer to /package. |
M303 | ERROR | No package name found in the PDSC file! Add the <name> tag and provide the package name. For example: <name>MCU-Name_DFP</name> . | No package name found in the PDSC file. Enter the tag <name> and add the package name. For example <name>MCU-Name_DFP</name>. The package name is mandatory to create the package. Refer to /package. |
M304 | ERROR | No package URL (<url>-tag and/or value) found in PDSC file! | Add the tag <url> and enter a URL in the PDSC file. The URL points to the web page from which users can download the package. Refer to /package. |
M305 | ERROR | No package version ("version"-attribute in a <release>-tag) found in PDSC file! | No version or release information found in the PDSC file. Add the attribute version to the tag <release> and enter the version number. Refer to /package/releases/release. |
M306 | ERROR | No package description found in the PDSC file. Add the <description>-tag and provide a descriptive text. | No package description was found in the PDSC file. Enter the tag <description> and briefly describe the package content. Refer to /package. |
M307 | ERROR | Checking SVD file 'PATH' failed! | Verify the consistency of the *.SVD file. Refer to SVD File Validation. |
M308 | ERROR | SVD file 'PATH' not found. Add the SVD file or correct the PDSC entry. | The *.SVD file was not found in the path specified in the message. Add the SVD file or correct the entry in the *.PDSC file. |
M309 | ERROR | Cannot read file information: 'PATH'. | Access to the file specified failed. Verify permissions and spelling. |
M310 | ERROR | Filename mismatch (case sensitive): PDSC name : 'PDSC_FILENAME' Filename : 'SYSTEM' | Filenames are case sensitive. Correct spelling. |
M323 | ERROR | File/Path not found: 'PATH' | The file or path entered in the PDSC file could not be found. Verify the path information. |
M324 | ERROR | Board referenced in Example 'EXAMPLE' is undefined: 'VENDOR' : 'BOARD' | The board referenced in the example application could not be found. Define the board (/package/boards/board) or correct the reference information (/package/examples/example/board). |
M325 | ERROR | Board 'NAME' redefined, already defined in Line 'LINE': 'PATH' | This board has been defined already in the line 'LINE' of the file 'PATH'. Verify and remove one of the board definitions. |
M326 | ERROR | Path is not conformant: 'PATH': Absolute Paths or Drive references are not allowed, use Paths relative to PDSC file. | The path needs to be relative to the PDSC file so that a dependency of a certain file system does not occur. |
M327 | ERROR | Path is not conformant: 'PATH': Backslashes are not recommended, use forward slashes. | Paths to files should adhere to the POSIX standard using forward slashes (/). |
M328 | ERROR | Version not set for Release Information 'DESCR' | The release defined through the description 'DESCR' requires the attribute <version>. Refer to /package/releases/release. |
M329 | ERROR | Description not set for Release Information 'VER' | The release defined through the version 'VER' needs a description. Refer to /package/releases/release. |
M330 | ERROR | Condition redefined: 'COND', already defined in Line 'LINE' | The condition has been defined already in a previous line. Correct the condition name, or remove the duplicate. |
M331 | WARNING | Condition unused: 'COND' | The condition has been defined but not used further. Remove the condition or add condition rules. Refer to /package/conditions/condition. |
M332 | ERROR | Condition undefined: 'COND' | A condition has been used but not defined. Correct the name of the condition or define the missing condition. Refer to /package/conditions/condition. |
M333 | WARNING | Component has no condition: Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Csub='CSUB', Cversion= 'CVER' | The component defined has no condition. If the component has restrictions, then add a condition to the component definition. Refer to /package/components/.../component. |
M334 | WARNING | Config File has no version: 'PATH' | Add version information to the configuration file. |
M335 | WARNING | Component declared as 'Board Support' has no ref to a device: Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Cversion= 'CVER' | A component defined as 'board support' needs a reference to a device. Add a device or correct the component definition. Refer to attribute Cclass of /package/components/.../component and /package/boards/board/mountedDevice. |
M336 | WARNING | No reference to a device or device not found: Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Cversion= 'CVER' | Define the device /package/devices/family/../device or correct the information about the device in the reference. |
M337 | WARNING | File with category 'CAT' has wrong extension 'EXT': 'PATH' | The extension of the file does not match the file category. Verify the extension to match the category. Refer to /package/.../files/file. |
M338 | WARNING | No releases found. | The PDSC file is missing release information. Add <release> information to the file. Refer to /package/releases element. |
M339 | WARNING | Include Path 'PATH' must not be a file! | The path specified contains a filename. Correct the path infomation and remove the filename. |
M340 | WARNING | Include Path 'PATH' must end with '/' or '\' | Include paths must end with a slash or backslash. Verify and correct the path name. |
M341 | WARNING | File with 'COMP' dependency must have extension 'EXT' : 'PATH' | A file defining component dependencies must have the extension mentioned in the message. Verify the settings and correct the file extension. |
M342 | WARNING | File with attribute 'ATTR' must not have category 'CAT': 'PATH' | A file with the attribute mentioned in the message must not have the category specified. Correct the attribute or the category.Refer to /package/.../files/file. |
M343 | WARNING | File with attribute 'ATTR' requires 'ATTR2' attribute: 'PATH' | A file with the attribute 'ATTR' requires another attribute 'ATTR2'. Add the required attribute or correct attribute 'ATTR'. Refer to /package/.../files/file. |
M344 | WARNING | File shall have condition containing 'COND': 'PATH' | The file should have a condition. Define a condition in the file specified in the message. |
M345 | WARNING | URL not found : 'URL' | The specified URL could not be found. Correct the URL. Refer to /package. |
M346 | WARNING | Referenced device(s) in 'BOARD' not found: 'DEVICE' | The device or devices specified for the board could not be found. Verify and correct the device name or the board name. Refer to /package/boards/board/mountedDevice and /package/boards/board/compatibleDevice. |
M347 | WARNING | Generator ID in Component Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Cversion= 'CVER' is undefined: 'GENID' | The generator ID used in the component could not be found. Verify and correct the generator ID (/package/components/.../component), or define the generator ID (ref /package/generators/generator). |
M348 | WARNING | Feature redefined for 'MCU', see Line 'REF_LINE': 'FEATURE' | This feature 'FEATURE' has been defined already on the same level in line 'REF_LINE'. The feature characteristics defined on line 'LINE' overwrite those from 'REF_LINE'. Correct the feature (/package/devices/family/.../feature). |
M349 | WARNING | Examples found, but no board description(s) found | Example projects have been found for a board that was not defined. Correct the entry for the examples (/package/examples/example/board) or define the board (/package/boards/board). |
M350 | WARNING | No 'COMP' found for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | The package (/package) defines a Vendor-MCU combination for which no component was defined. Define a component (/package/components/.../component) or verify the 'VENDOR' - 'MCU' settings. |
M351 | WARNING | Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') error for 'VENDOR': 'MCU' ( 'COMPILER'): 'MSG' | An unspecified error was found for the component. The message might give detailed information about the error. |
M352 | WARNING | No Directories/Files found for 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR': 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | No files or directories could be found for the defined component. Add the missing information. Refer to /package/.../files. |
M353 | WARNING | No 'FILECAT' File found for Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | No file with the mentioned file category was found for the component. Verify whether the file exists or correct the information. Refer to attribute category in /package/.../files/file. |
M354 | WARNING | Multiple 'FILECAT' Files found for Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | Multiple files with the mentioned file category were found for the specified component. Verify and rename the files, or correct the component settings (/package/.../files/file). |
M355 | WARNING | No 'FILECAT' Directory found for Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | The directory specified for the file category was not found. Correct the information in the component settings (/package/components/.../component). |
M356 | WARNING | Multiple 'FILECAT' Directories found for Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | Multiple directories were found for the same file category in the specified component. Remove obsolete information or correct the component settings. |
M358 | WARNING | Header File 'HFILE' for 'CFILE' missing for Component 'COMP' ('COMPID') for 'VENDOR' : 'MCU' ('COMPILER') | The header file defined for the component could not be found. Verify the header file settings (/package/.../files/file) or whether the file exists. |
M359 | WARNING | Family has no Device(s) or Subfamilies: 'FAMILY' | The device family has no devices or subfamilies. Add the missing information (/package/devices/family). |
M360 | WARNING | Subfamily has no Device(s): 'SUBFAMILY' | Add the missing information. Refer to /package/devices/family/subFamily. |
M361 | WARNING | Generator ID in Taxonomy Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP' is undefined: 'GENID' | The generator ID used in the taxonomy is not defined. Define or correct the generator ID (/package/taxonomy element). |
M362 | WARNING | Not all Component Dependencies for Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Csub= 'CSUB', Cversion= 'CVER', Capiversion= 'APIVER' can be resolved. RTE Model reports: 'MSG' | Some of the component dependencies could not be resolved. The message might contain additional information. Verify and correct component definition and dependency information. Refer to /package/components/.../component attribute condition. |
M363 | WARNING | No API defined for Component Cclass= 'CCLASS', Cgroup= 'CGROUP', Csub= 'CSUB', Cversion= 'CVER', Capiversion= 'APIVER' | The package is missing the API information for the specified component. Refer to /package/apis. |
M364 | WARNING | No Devices for Condition 'COND' available. | The specified condition refers to a device that does not exist. Define the device (/package/devices/family/../device) or correct the information for the condition (/package/conditions/condition). |
M365 | ERROR | Redefined DEVTYPE 'MCU' found, see Line LINE | Remove duplicate device/variant entries. |
M366 | ERROR | Redefined DEVTYPEEXIST as DEVTYPE 'MCU' found, see Line LINE | Device has been redefined as variant or vice versa. Remove duplicate device/variant entries. |
M368 | INFO | Redefined TYPEEXISTING as TYPE 'NAME' found, see Line LINE | Family/subfamily/device/variant has been redefined as different type. |
M369 | INFO | Feature is already defined for 'DEVICE' and will be added, see Line 'LINE': 'FEATURE'. | This feature 'FEATURE' has been defined already on a higher level and as such it gets added to this 'DEVICE'. This is usually done when some devices have a higher number of basic features. Correct the feature (/package/devices/family/.../feature) if this is a typo. |
M370 | WARNING | URL is not conformant: 'URL': Backslashes are not allowed in URL, use forward slashes. | Use standard URL notation using forward slashes (/). |
M371 | ERROR | 'SECTION' Feature for 'MCU': 'FEATURE' unknown. | This feature 'FEATURE' is unknwon to the specified 'MCU'. Correct the feature (/package/devices/family/.../feature) if this is a typo. |
M372 | ERROR | 'SECTION' Feature for 'MCU': 'FEATURE' misspelled, did you mean 'KNOWNFEATURE' ('DESCR'). | This feature 'FEATURE' resembles the feature 'KNOWNFEATURE'. Correct the feature (/package/devices/family/.../feature) if this is a typo. |
M373 | ERROR | Unsupported Schema Version: 'VER'. | The schema version is not supported. Verify the attribute schemaVersion of the element /package. |
M374 | ERROR | While checking Feature for 'MCU': Pname 'CPU' not found. | The processor could not be found for the specified device. Refer to /package/devices/family/../device and /package/devices/family/.../processor. |
M375 | ERROR | 'path/pdsc_file': No <mountedDevice> for board 'BOARD' found. | If a board element does not contain a <mountedDevice> element, then the examples for this board are not shown and example projects may not appear in the development tools. Refer to /package/boards/board/mountedDevice of /package/boards. |
M376 | ERROR | Schema Version not set! | Set a valid schema version in the PDSC file. |
M377 | INFO | File 'NAME' TYPE must have 'attr="config"' | This file has to be configurable. Add the required attribute to achieve this. |
Message Number | Type | Description | Action |
M401 | INFO | Did you mean 'TAG'? | Specify the tag to be used. |
M410 | WARNING | Lost xml file stream. | File corrupted. |
M411 | WARNING | Preamble for 'UTF' should not be used, specify via '<?xml' | Specify encoding as UTF-8 only, without BOM. |
M412 | WARNING | Unsupported format or extra characters found before '<?xml': 'TEXT' | Correct the XML file. |
M413 | WARNING | UTF Format not supported: 'UTF' | Select another UTF format. |
M414 | ERROR | Cannot decode XML special character: 'SPECIALCHAR'. | Correct the XML file. |
M415 | ERROR | '<–' found, should this be a comment '<!–' ? | Looks like a misspelled comment. |
M416 | ERROR | Begin Tag seems to end with a Single Tag. Is this a typo? | Correct the XML file. |
M417 | ERROR | Inconsistent XML Structure | Correct the XML file. |
M418 | ERROR | XML Stack deeper than 30 Items! Giving up. | Reduce the nested nodes. |
M419 | ERROR | Begin Tag follows Text. Missing End Tag? | Correct the XML file. |
M420 | ERROR | Missing quotes (") in Attributes: 'ATTRLINE' | Correct the XML file. Enclose values in " ". |
M421 | ERROR | XML Hierarchy Error: Missing End Tags. | Correct the XML file. Verify for enclosing or nested tags. |
M422 | ERROR | Error reading file 'NAME' | File could not be read. |
Message Number | Type | Description | Action |
M500 | TEXT | RTE Model reports: MSG | Error while preparing data. See massage for more details. |
M502 | TEXT | RTE Model reports: #error NUM: NAME : MSG | Additional software components required. |
M504 | TEXT | RTE Model reports: MISSING: – SPACE NAME | Add the missing component. |