/* **************************************************************************** * * "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program * ----------------------------- * * Version: C, Version 2.1 * * File: dhry_1.c (part 2 of 3) * * Date: May 25, 1988 * * Author: Reinhold P. Weicker * **************************************************************************** */ #define NUMBER_OF_RUNS 1000000 #include "dhry.h" #define printf rt_kprintf /* Global Variables: */ Rec_Pointer Ptr_Glob, Next_Ptr_Glob; int Int_Glob; Boolean Bool_Glob; char Ch_1_Glob, Ch_2_Glob; int Arr_1_Glob [50]; int Arr_2_Glob [50] [50]; Enumeration Func_1 (); /* forward declaration necessary since Enumeration may not simply be int */ #ifndef REG Boolean Reg = false; #define REG /* REG becomes defined as empty */ /* i.e. no register variables */ #else Boolean Reg = true; #endif /* variables for time measurement: */ float Begin_Time, End_Time, User_Time; float Microseconds, Dhrystones_Per_Second; /* end of variables for time measurement */ void dhry_test(void) /*****/ /* main program, corresponds to procedures */ /* Main and Proc_0 in the Ada version */ { One_Fifty Int_1_Loc; REG One_Fifty Int_2_Loc; One_Fifty Int_3_Loc; REG char Ch_Index; Enumeration Enum_Loc; Str_30 Str_1_Loc; Str_30 Str_2_Loc; REG int Run_Index; REG int Number_Of_Runs; /* Initializations */ Next_Ptr_Glob = (Rec_Pointer) rt_malloc (sizeof (Rec_Type)); Ptr_Glob = (Rec_Pointer) rt_malloc (sizeof (Rec_Type)); Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp = Next_Ptr_Glob; Ptr_Glob->Discr = Ident_1; Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp = Ident_3; Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = 40; rt_strncpy (Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING", sizeof(Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp)); rt_strncpy (Str_1_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING", sizeof(Str_1_Loc)); Arr_2_Glob [8][7] = 10; /* Was missing in published program. Without this statement, */ /* Arr_2_Glob [8][7] would have an undefined value. */ /* Warning: With 16-Bit processors and Number_Of_Runs > 32000, */ /* overflow may occur for this array element. */ printf ("\n"); printf ("Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 2.1 (Language: C)\n"); printf ("\n"); if (Reg) { printf ("Program compiled with 'register' attribute\n"); printf ("\n"); } else { printf ("Program compiled without 'register' attribute\n"); printf ("\n"); } printf ("Please give the number of runs through the benchmark: "); Number_Of_Runs = NUMBER_OF_RUNS; printf ("%d\n", Number_Of_Runs); printf ("\n"); printf ("Execution starts, %d runs through Dhrystone\n", Number_Of_Runs); /***************/ /* Start timer */ /***************/ // Add your timer initializing code here Begin_Time = rt_tick_get(); /* get start tick */ for (Run_Index = 1; Run_Index <= Number_Of_Runs; ++Run_Index) { Proc_5(); Proc_4(); /* Ch_1_Glob == 'A', Ch_2_Glob == 'B', Bool_Glob == true */ Int_1_Loc = 2; Int_2_Loc = 3; rt_strncpy (Str_2_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING", sizeof(Str_2_Loc)); Enum_Loc = Ident_2; Bool_Glob = ! Func_2 (Str_1_Loc, Str_2_Loc); /* Bool_Glob == 1 */ while (Int_1_Loc < Int_2_Loc) /* loop body executed once */ { Int_3_Loc = 5 * Int_1_Loc - Int_2_Loc; /* Int_3_Loc == 7 */ Proc_7 (Int_1_Loc, Int_2_Loc, &Int_3_Loc); /* Int_3_Loc == 7 */ Int_1_Loc += 1; } /* while */ /* Int_1_Loc == 3, Int_2_Loc == 3, Int_3_Loc == 7 */ Proc_8 (Arr_1_Glob, Arr_2_Glob, Int_1_Loc, Int_3_Loc); /* Int_Glob == 5 */ Proc_1 (Ptr_Glob); for (Ch_Index = 'A'; Ch_Index <= Ch_2_Glob; ++Ch_Index) /* loop body executed twice */ { if (Enum_Loc == Func_1 (Ch_Index, 'C')) /* then, not executed */ { Proc_6 (Ident_1, &Enum_Loc); rt_strncpy (Str_2_Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 3'RD STRING", sizeof(Str_2_Loc)); Int_2_Loc = Run_Index; Int_Glob = Run_Index; } } /* Int_1_Loc == 3, Int_2_Loc == 3, Int_3_Loc == 7 */ Int_2_Loc = Int_2_Loc * Int_1_Loc; Int_1_Loc = Int_2_Loc / Int_3_Loc; Int_2_Loc = 7 * (Int_2_Loc - Int_3_Loc) - Int_1_Loc; /* Int_1_Loc == 1, Int_2_Loc == 13, Int_3_Loc == 7 */ Proc_2 (&Int_1_Loc); /* Int_1_Loc == 5 */ } /* loop "for Run_Index" */ /**************/ /* Stop timer */ /**************/ End_Time = rt_tick_get(); // Get end tick printf ("Execution ends\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("Final values of the variables used in the benchmark:\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("Int_Glob: %d\n", Int_Glob); printf (" should be: %d\n", 5); printf ("Bool_Glob: %d\n", Bool_Glob); printf (" should be: %d\n", 1); printf ("Ch_1_Glob: %c\n", Ch_1_Glob); printf (" should be: %c\n", 'A'); printf ("Ch_2_Glob: %c\n", Ch_2_Glob); printf (" should be: %c\n", 'B'); printf ("Arr_1_Glob[8]: %d\n", Arr_1_Glob[8]); printf (" should be: %d\n", 7); printf ("Arr_2_Glob[8][7]: %d\n", Arr_2_Glob[8][7]); printf (" should be: Number_Of_Runs + 10\n"); printf ("Ptr_Glob->\n"); printf (" Ptr_Comp: %d\n", (int) Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp); printf (" should be: (implementation-dependent)\n"); printf (" Discr: %d\n", Ptr_Glob->Discr); printf (" should be: %d\n", 0); printf (" Enum_Comp: %d\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp); printf (" should be: %d\n", 2); printf (" Int_Comp: %d\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp); printf (" should be: %d\n", 17); printf (" Str_Comp: %s\n", Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp); printf (" should be: DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING\n"); printf ("Next_Ptr_Glob->\n"); printf (" Ptr_Comp: %d\n", (int) Next_Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp); printf (" should be: (implementation-dependent), same as above\n"); printf (" Discr: %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->Discr); printf (" should be: %d\n", 0); printf (" Enum_Comp: %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp); printf (" should be: %d\n", 1); printf (" Int_Comp: %d\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp); printf (" should be: %d\n", 18); printf (" Str_Comp: %s\n", Next_Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Str_Comp); printf (" should be: DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING\n"); printf ("Int_1_Loc: %d\n", Int_1_Loc); printf (" should be: %d\n", 5); printf ("Int_2_Loc: %d\n", Int_2_Loc); printf (" should be: %d\n", 13); printf ("Int_3_Loc: %d\n", Int_3_Loc); printf (" should be: %d\n", 7); printf ("Enum_Loc: %d\n", Enum_Loc); printf (" should be: %d\n", 1); printf ("Str_1_Loc: %s\n", Str_1_Loc); printf (" should be: DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING\n"); printf ("Str_2_Loc: %s\n", Str_2_Loc); printf (" should be: DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING\n"); printf ("\n"); User_Time = (End_Time - Begin_Time) / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND; Microseconds = (float) User_Time * Mic_secs_Per_Second / (float) Number_Of_Runs; Dhrystones_Per_Second = (float) Number_Of_Runs / (float) User_Time; printf ("Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: "); printf ("%6d \n", (int)Microseconds); printf ("Dhrystones per Second: "); printf ("%6d \n", (int)Dhrystones_Per_Second); printf ("Dhrystones MIPS: "); printf ("%6d \n", (int)(Dhrystones_Per_Second / 1757.0)); printf ("\n"); } Proc_1 (Ptr_Val_Par) /******************/ REG Rec_Pointer Ptr_Val_Par; /* executed once */ { REG Rec_Pointer Next_Record = Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp; /* == Ptr_Glob_Next */ /* Local variable, initialized with Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp, */ /* corresponds to "rename" in Ada, "with" in Pascal */ structassign (*Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp, *Ptr_Glob); Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = 5; Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Int_Comp; Next_Record->Ptr_Comp = Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp; Proc_3 (&Next_Record->Ptr_Comp); /* Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp->Ptr_Comp == Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp */ if (Next_Record->Discr == Ident_1) /* then, executed */ { Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp = 6; Proc_6 (Ptr_Val_Par->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp, &Next_Record->variant.var_1.Enum_Comp); Next_Record->Ptr_Comp = Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp; Proc_7 (Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp, 10, &Next_Record->variant.var_1.Int_Comp); } else /* not executed */ structassign (*Ptr_Val_Par, *Ptr_Val_Par->Ptr_Comp); } /* Proc_1 */ Proc_2 (Int_Par_Ref) /******************/ /* executed once */ /* *Int_Par_Ref == 1, becomes 4 */ One_Fifty *Int_Par_Ref; { One_Fifty Int_Loc; Enumeration Enum_Loc; Int_Loc = *Int_Par_Ref + 10; do /* executed once */ if (Ch_1_Glob == 'A') /* then, executed */ { Int_Loc -= 1; *Int_Par_Ref = Int_Loc - Int_Glob; Enum_Loc = Ident_1; } /* if */ while (Enum_Loc != Ident_1); /* true */ } /* Proc_2 */ Proc_3 (Ptr_Ref_Par) /******************/ /* executed once */ /* Ptr_Ref_Par becomes Ptr_Glob */ Rec_Pointer *Ptr_Ref_Par; { if (Ptr_Glob != Null) /* then, executed */ *Ptr_Ref_Par = Ptr_Glob->Ptr_Comp; Proc_7 (10, Int_Glob, &Ptr_Glob->variant.var_1.Int_Comp); } /* Proc_3 */ Proc_4 () /* without parameters */ /*******/ /* executed once */ { Boolean Bool_Loc; Bool_Loc = Ch_1_Glob == 'A'; Bool_Glob = Bool_Loc | Bool_Glob; Ch_2_Glob = 'B'; } /* Proc_4 */ Proc_5 () /* without parameters */ /*******/ /* executed once */ { Ch_1_Glob = 'A'; Bool_Glob = false; } /* Proc_5 */ /* Procedure for the assignment of structures, */ /* if the C compiler doesn't support this feature */ #ifdef NOSTRUCTASSIGN memcpy (d, s, l) register char *d; register char *s; register int l; { while (l--) *d++ = *s++; } #endif #include <finsh.h> FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(dhry_test, dhry test);