/* * Copyright (c) 2024, sakumisu * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "usbd_core.h" #include "usbd_video.h" #include "cherryusb_h264.h" #define MAX_PACKETS_IN_ONE_TRANSFER 1 #define VIDEO_IN_EP 0x81 #define VIDEO_INT_EP 0x83 #ifdef CONFIG_USB_HS #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 1024 // for high speed with one transcations every one micro frame #define VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE (unsigned int)(((MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE / 1)) | (0x00 << 11)) // #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 2048 // for high speed with two transcations every one micro frame // #define VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE (unsigned int)(((MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE / 2)) | (0x01 << 11)) // #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 3072 // for high speed with three transcations every one micro frame // #define VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE (unsigned int)(((MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE / 3)) | (0x02 << 11)) #else #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 1020 #define VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE (unsigned int)(((MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE / 1)) | (0x00 << 11)) #endif #define WIDTH (unsigned int)(640) #define HEIGHT (unsigned int)(480) #define CAM_FPS (30) #define INTERVAL (unsigned long)(10000000 / CAM_FPS) #define MIN_BIT_RATE (unsigned long)(WIDTH * HEIGHT * 16 * CAM_FPS) //16 bit #define MAX_BIT_RATE (unsigned long)(WIDTH * HEIGHT * 16 * CAM_FPS) #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE (unsigned long)(WIDTH * HEIGHT * 2) #define VS_HEADER_SIZ (unsigned int)(VIDEO_SIZEOF_VS_INPUT_HEADER_DESC(1,1) + VIDEO_SIZEOF_VS_FORMAT_H264_DESC + VIDEO_SIZEOF_VS_FRAME_H264_DESC(1)) #define USB_VIDEO_DESC_SIZ (unsigned long)(9 + \ VIDEO_VC_NOEP_DESCRIPTOR_LEN + \ 9 + \ VS_HEADER_SIZ + \ 9 + \ 7) #define USBD_VID 0xffff #define USBD_PID 0xffff #define USBD_MAX_POWER 100 #define USBD_LANGID_STRING 1033 const uint8_t video_descriptor[] = { USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(USB_2_0, 0xef, 0x02, 0x01, USBD_VID, USBD_PID, 0x0001, 0x01), USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(USB_VIDEO_DESC_SIZ, 0x02, 0x01, USB_CONFIG_BUS_POWERED, USBD_MAX_POWER), //VIDEO_VC_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x00, VIDEO_INT_EP, 0x0100, VIDEO_VC_TERMINAL_LEN, 48000000, 0x02), VIDEO_VC_NOEP_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x00, VIDEO_INT_EP, 0x0100, VIDEO_VC_TERMINAL_LEN, 48000000, 0x02), VIDEO_VS_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x01, 0x00, 0x00), VIDEO_VS_INPUT_HEADER_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x01, VS_HEADER_SIZ, VIDEO_IN_EP, 0x00), VIDEO_VS_FORMAT_H264_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x01, 0x01), VIDEO_VS_FRAME_H264_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x01, WIDTH, HEIGHT, MIN_BIT_RATE, MAX_BIT_RATE, DBVAL(INTERVAL), 0x01, DBVAL(INTERVAL)), VIDEO_VS_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(0x01, 0x01, 0x01), /* Standard VideoStream Isochronous Video Data Endpoint Descriptor */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_INIT(VIDEO_IN_EP, 0x05, VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE, 0x01), /////////////////////////////////////// /// string0 descriptor /////////////////////////////////////// USB_LANGID_INIT(USBD_LANGID_STRING), /////////////////////////////////////// /// string1 descriptor /////////////////////////////////////// 0x14, /* bLength */ USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING, /* bDescriptorType */ 'C', 0x00, /* wcChar0 */ 'h', 0x00, /* wcChar1 */ 'e', 0x00, /* wcChar2 */ 'r', 0x00, /* wcChar3 */ 'r', 0x00, /* wcChar4 */ 'y', 0x00, /* wcChar5 */ 'U', 0x00, /* wcChar6 */ 'S', 0x00, /* wcChar7 */ 'B', 0x00, /* wcChar8 */ /////////////////////////////////////// /// string2 descriptor /////////////////////////////////////// 0x26, /* bLength */ USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING, /* bDescriptorType */ 'C', 0x00, /* wcChar0 */ 'h', 0x00, /* wcChar1 */ 'e', 0x00, /* wcChar2 */ 'r', 0x00, /* wcChar3 */ 'r', 0x00, /* wcChar4 */ 'y', 0x00, /* wcChar5 */ 'U', 0x00, /* wcChar6 */ 'S', 0x00, /* wcChar7 */ 'B', 0x00, /* wcChar8 */ ' ', 0x00, /* wcChar9 */ 'U', 0x00, /* wcChar10 */ 'V', 0x00, /* wcChar11 */ 'C', 0x00, /* wcChar12 */ ' ', 0x00, /* wcChar13 */ 'D', 0x00, /* wcChar14 */ 'E', 0x00, /* wcChar15 */ 'M', 0x00, /* wcChar16 */ 'O', 0x00, /* wcChar17 */ /////////////////////////////////////// /// string3 descriptor /////////////////////////////////////// 0x16, /* bLength */ USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING, /* bDescriptorType */ '2', 0x00, /* wcChar0 */ '0', 0x00, /* wcChar1 */ '2', 0x00, /* wcChar2 */ '1', 0x00, /* wcChar3 */ '0', 0x00, /* wcChar4 */ '3', 0x00, /* wcChar5 */ '1', 0x00, /* wcChar6 */ '0', 0x00, /* wcChar7 */ '0', 0x00, /* wcChar8 */ '0', 0x00, /* wcChar9 */ #ifdef CONFIG_USB_HS /////////////////////////////////////// /// device qualifier descriptor /////////////////////////////////////// 0x0a, USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, #endif 0x00 }; volatile bool tx_flag = 0; volatile bool iso_tx_busy = false; static void usbd_event_handler(uint8_t busid, uint8_t event) { switch (event) { case USBD_EVENT_RESET: break; case USBD_EVENT_CONNECTED: break; case USBD_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: break; case USBD_EVENT_RESUME: break; case USBD_EVENT_SUSPEND: break; case USBD_EVENT_CONFIGURED: tx_flag = 0; iso_tx_busy = false; break; case USBD_EVENT_SET_REMOTE_WAKEUP: break; case USBD_EVENT_CLR_REMOTE_WAKEUP: break; default: break; } } void usbd_video_open(uint8_t busid, uint8_t intf) { tx_flag = 1; USB_LOG_RAW("OPEN\r\n"); iso_tx_busy = false; } void usbd_video_close(uint8_t busid, uint8_t intf) { USB_LOG_RAW("CLOSE\r\n"); tx_flag = 0; iso_tx_busy = false; } void usbd_video_iso_callback(uint8_t busid, uint8_t ep, uint32_t nbytes) { if (usbd_video_stream_split_transfer(busid, ep)) { /* one frame has done */ iso_tx_busy = false; } } static struct usbd_endpoint video_in_ep = { .ep_cb = usbd_video_iso_callback, .ep_addr = VIDEO_IN_EP }; struct usbd_interface intf0; struct usbd_interface intf1; void video_init(uint8_t busid, uintptr_t reg_base) { usbd_desc_register(busid, video_descriptor); usbd_add_interface(busid, usbd_video_init_intf(busid, &intf0, INTERVAL, MAX_FRAME_SIZE, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE)); usbd_add_interface(busid, usbd_video_init_intf(busid, &intf1, INTERVAL, MAX_FRAME_SIZE, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE)); usbd_add_endpoint(busid, &video_in_ep); usbd_initialize(busid, reg_base, usbd_event_handler); } USB_NOCACHE_RAM_SECTION USB_MEM_ALIGNX uint8_t packet_buffer[2][40 * 1024]; void video_test(uint8_t busid) { uint32_t out_len; uint32_t packets; (void)packets; memset(packet_buffer, 0, sizeof(packet_buffer)); while (1) { if (tx_flag) { iso_tx_busy = true; usbd_video_stream_start_write(busid, VIDEO_IN_EP, &packet_buffer[0][0], &packet_buffer[1][0], MAX_PACKETS_IN_ONE_TRANSFER * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, (uint8_t *)cherryusb_h264, sizeof(cherryusb_h264)); while (iso_tx_busy) { if (tx_flag == 0) { break; } } } } }