#include #include #include /* Reentrant versions of system calls. */ int _close_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd) { return close(fd); } int _execve_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char * name, char *const *argv, char *const *env) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _fcntl_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd, int cmd, int arg) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _fork_r(struct _reent *ptr) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _fstat_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd, struct stat *pstat) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _getpid_r(struct _reent *ptr) { return 0; } int _isatty_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd) { if (fd >=0 && fd < 3) return 1; /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _kill_r(struct _reent *ptr, int pid, int sig) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _link_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *old, const char *new) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } _off_t _lseek_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd, _off_t pos, int whence) { _off_t rc; rc = lseek(fd, pos, whence); return rc; } int _mkdir_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *name, int mode) { int rc; rc = mkdir(name, mode); return rc; } int _open_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *file, int flags, int mode) { int rc; rc = open(file, flags, mode); return rc; } _ssize_t _read_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { _ssize_t rc; rc = read(fd, buf, nbytes); return rc; } int _rename_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *old, const char *new) { int rc; rc = rename(old, new); return rc; } void * _sbrk_r(struct _reent *ptr, ptrdiff_t incr) { /* no use this routine to get memory */ return RT_NULL; } int _stat_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *file, struct stat *pstat) { int rc; rc = stat(file, pstat); return rc; } _CLOCK_T_ _times_r(struct _reent *ptr, struct tms *ptms) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } int _unlink_r(struct _reent *ptr, const char *file) { int rc; rc = unlink(file); return rc; } int _wait_r(struct _reent *ptr, int *status) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } _ssize_t _write_r(struct _reent *ptr, int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes) { _ssize_t rc; rc = write(fd, buf, nbytes); return rc; } int _gettimeofday_r(struct _reent *ptr, struct timeval *__tp, void *__tzp) { /* return "not supported" */ ptr->_errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } /* Memory routine */ void * _malloc_r (struct _reent *ptr, size_t size) { return (void*)rt_malloc (size); } void * _realloc_r (struct _reent *ptr, void *old, size_t newlen) { return (void*)rt_realloc (old, newlen); } void *_calloc_r (struct _reent *ptr, size_t size, size_t len) { return (void*)rt_calloc (size, len); } void _free_r (struct _reent *ptr, void *addr) { rt_free (addr); } void __assert(const char *file, int line, const char *failedexpr) { rt_kprintf("assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d\n", failedexpr, file, line); RT_ASSERT(0); } void _exit (int status) { rt_kprintf("thread:%s exit with %d\n", rt_thread_self()->name, status); RT_ASSERT(0); } #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char * format[] = { "%", "%0.", "%.0", "%+0.", "%+.0", "%.5", "%+.5", "%2.5", "%22.5", "%022.5", "%#022.5", "%-#022.5", "%+#022.5", "%-22.5", "%+22.5", "%--22.5", "%++22.5", "%+-22.5", "%-+22.5", "%-#022.5", "%-#22.5", "%-2.22", "%+2.22", "%-#02.22", "%-#2.22", "%-1.5", "%1.5", "%-#01.5", "%-#1.5", "%-#.5", "%-#1.", "%-#.", NULL }; static void intchk (const char *fmt) { (void) printf("%15s :, \"", fmt); (void) printf(fmt, 0); (void) printf("\", \""); (void) printf(fmt, 123); (void) printf("\", \""); (void) printf(fmt, -18); (void) printf("\"\n"); } static void fltchk (const char *fmt) { (void) printf("%15s :, \"", fmt); (void) printf(fmt, 0.0); (void) printf("\", \""); (void) printf(fmt, 123.0001); (void) printf("\", \""); (void) printf(fmt, -18.0002301); (void) printf("\"\n"); } void fprintf_test() { printf("stdout test!!\n"); fprintf(stdout, "fprintf test!!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "fprintf test!!\n"); puts("puts test!!\n"); } int speed() { int i; time_t t; printf("%d\n", time(0)); for (i=0; i<10000000; ++i) t=time(0); printf("%d\n", time(0)); return 0; } int printf_test() { char buf[256]; int i; printf("%s\n\n", "# vim:syntax=off:"); /* integers */ for(i=0;format[i];i++) { strcpy(buf, format[i]); strcat(buf, "d"); intchk(buf); } /* floats */ for(i=0;format[i];i++) { strcpy(buf, format[i]); strcat(buf, "f"); fltchk(buf); } /* hexa */ for(i=0;format[i];i++) { strcpy(buf, format[i]); strcat(buf, "x"); intchk(buf); } printf("#%.4x %4x#\n", 4, 88); printf("#%4x#\n",4); printf("#%#22.8x#\n",1234567); printf("#%+2i#\n",18); printf("#%i#\n",18); printf("#%llu#\n",4294967297ULL); printf("#%#x#\n",44444); printf("#%-8i#\n",33); printf("#%i#\n",18); printf("#%d#\n",18); printf("#%u#\n",18); printf("#%lu#\n",18); printf("#%li#\n",18); printf("#%-+#06d#\n", -123); printf("#%-+#6d#\n", -123); printf("#%+#06d#\n", -123); printf("#%06d#\n", -123); printf("#%+15s#\n","ABCDEF"); /* from ncurses make_keys */ printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 2, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 2, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 0, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 0, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %-*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 0, 0, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 2, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 2, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 16, 0, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 0, 16, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("{ %4d, %*.*s },\t/* %s */\n", 139, 0, 0, "KEY_A1", "key_a1"); printf("%*.*f\n", 0, 16, 0.0); printf("%*.*f\n", 16, 16, 0.0); printf("%*.*f\n", 2, 2, -0.0); printf("%*.*f\n", 20, 0, -123.123); printf("%*.*f\n", 10, 0, +123.123); i = printf("\"%s\"\n","A"); printf("%i\n", i); /* from glibc's tst-printf.c */ { char buf[20]; char buf2[512]; int i; printf ("snprintf (\"%%30s\", \"foo\") == %d, \"%.*s\"\n", snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%30s", "foo"), (int) sizeof (buf), buf); memset(buf2,0,sizeof(buf)); i=snprintf(buf2, 256, "%.9999u", 10); printf("%i %i\n",i,strlen(buf2)); printf ("snprintf (\"%%.999999u\", 10) == %d\n", snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%.999999u", 10)); } return 0; } #if 0 // FAILED: no glob #include int glob_test() { glob_t g; int i; printf("%d\n", glob("/*.hdc",0,0,&g)); for (i=0; i int getenv_test() { printf("PATH=%s\n", getenv("PATH")); putenv("foo=bar"); printf("foo=%s\n", getenv("foo")); return 0; } void dprintf_test() { int fd; fd = open("/dev/console", O_WRONLY, 0); if (fd >0) { dprintf(fd, "fd:%d printf test!!\n", fd); close(fd); } } #if 0 // FAILED: no dirname #include #include int dirname_test() { char s[80]; strncpy(s,"/usr/lib",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/usr")==0); strncpy(s,"/usr/",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/")==0); strncpy(s,"usr",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), ".")==0); strncpy(s,"usr/test",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "usr")==0); strncpy(s,"usr/test/test2",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "usr/test")==0); strncpy(s,"/usr",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/")==0); strncpy(s,"/",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/")==0); strncpy(s,".",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), ".")==0); strncpy(s,"..",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), ".")==0); strncpy(s,"////",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/")==0); strncpy(s,"//",80); assert(strcmp(dirname(s), "/")==0); assert(strcmp(dirname(NULL),".")==0); s[0]=0; assert(strcmp(dirname(s), ".")==0); puts("OK"); return 0; } #endif void fdopen_test() { int fd; FILE* fp; fd = open("/dev/console", O_WRONLY, 0); if (fd >0) { fp = fdopen(fd, "w"); fprintf(fp, "fdopen test, fd %d!!\n", fileno(fp)); fclose(fp); } } static int errors = 0; static void merror (const char *msg) { ++errors; printf ("Error: %s\n", msg); } int malloc_test (void) { void *p; int save; errno = 0; p = malloc (-1); save = errno; if (p != NULL) merror ("malloc (-1) succeeded."); if (p == NULL && save != ENOMEM) merror ("errno is not set correctly"); p = malloc (10); if (p == NULL) merror ("malloc (10) failed."); /* realloc (p, 0) == free (p). */ p = realloc (p, 0); if (p != NULL) merror ("realloc (p, 0) failed."); p = malloc (0); if (p == NULL) merror ("malloc (0) failed."); p = realloc (p, 0); if (p != NULL) merror ("realloc (p, 0) failed."); return errors != 0; } void putc_test() { putc ('1', stderr); putc ('2', stderr); putc ('\n', stderr); } #include int dirent_test () { DIR * dirp; long int save3 = 0; long int cur; int i = 0; int result = 0; struct dirent *dp; dirp = opendir ("/"); for (dp = readdir (dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir (dirp)) { /* save position 3 (after fourth entry) */ if (i++ == 3) save3 = telldir (dirp); printf ("%s\n", dp->d_name); /* stop at 400 (just to make sure dirp->__offset and dirp->__size are scrambled */ if (i == 400) break; } printf ("going back past 4-th entry...\n"); /* go back to saved entry */ seekdir (dirp, save3); /* Check whether telldir equals to save3 now. */ cur = telldir (dirp); if (cur != save3) { printf ("seekdir (d, %ld); telldir (d) == %ld\n", save3, cur); result = 1; } /* print remaining files (3-last) */ for (dp = readdir (dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir (dirp)) printf ("%s\n", dp->d_name); closedir (dirp); return result; } int rand_test (void) { int i1, i2; int j1, j2; /* The C standard says that "If rand is called before any calls to srand have been made, the same sequence shall be generated as when srand is first called with a seed value of 1." */ i1 = rand(); i2 = rand(); srand (1); j1 = rand(); j2 = rand(); if (i1 < 0 || i2 < 0 || j1 < 0 || j2 < 0) { puts ("Test FAILED!"); } if (j1 == i1 && j2 == i2) { puts ("Test succeeded."); return 0; } else { if (j1 != i1) printf ("%d != %d\n", j1, i1); if (j2 != i2) printf ("%d != %d\n", j2, i2); puts ("Test FAILED!"); return 1; } } void sleep(int tick) { rt_thread_sleep(tick); } #include int fseek_test (void) { const char *tmpdir; char *fname; int fd; FILE *fp; const char outstr[] = "hello world!\n"; char strbuf[sizeof outstr]; char buf[200]; struct stat st1; struct stat st2; int result = 0; tmpdir = getenv ("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == NULL || tmpdir[0] == '\0') tmpdir = "/tmp"; asprintf (&fname, "%s/tst-fseek.XXXXXX", tmpdir); if (fname == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot generate name for temporary file: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return 1; } /* Create a temporary file. */ fd = mkstemp (fname); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open temporary file: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return 1; } fp = fdopen (fd, "w+"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot get FILE for temporary file: %s\n",strerror(errno)); return 1; } setbuffer (fp, strbuf, sizeof (outstr) -1); if (fwrite (outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: write error\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } /* The EOF flag must be reset. */ if (fgetc (fp) != EOF) { printf ("%d: managed to read at end of file\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (! feof (fp)) { printf ("%d: EOF flag not set\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_CUR) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (feof (fp)) { printf ("%d: fseek() didn't reset EOF flag\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Do the same for fseeko(). */ if (fgetc (fp) != EOF) { printf ("%d: managed to read at end of file\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (! feof (fp)) { printf ("%d: EOF flag not set\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (fseeko (fp, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_CUR) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (feof (fp)) { printf ("%d: fseek() didn't reset EOF flag\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Go back to the beginning of the file: absolute. */ if (fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { int pos = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position, pos %d\n", __LINE__, pos); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseek(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Now with fseeko. */ if (fseeko (fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseeko(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Go back to the beginning of the file: relative. */ if (fseek (fp, -((int) sizeof (outstr) - 1), SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseek(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Now with fseeko. */ if (fseeko (fp, -((int) sizeof (outstr) - 1), SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseeko(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Go back to the beginning of the file: from the end. */ if (fseek (fp, -((int) sizeof (outstr) - 1), SEEK_END) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseek(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } /* Now with fseeko. */ if (fseeko (fp, -((int) sizeof (outstr) - 1), SEEK_END) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fflush (fp) != 0) { printf ("%d: fflush() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: lseek() returned different position\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: fread() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0) { printf ("%d: content after fseeko(,,SEEK_SET) wrong\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (fwrite (outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: write error 2\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } if (fwrite (outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: write error 3\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } if (fwrite (outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: write error 4\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } if (fwrite (outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1, 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("%d: write error 5\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } if (fputc ('1', fp) == EOF || fputc ('2', fp) == EOF) { printf ("%d: cannot add characters at the end\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } /* Check the access time. */ if (fstat (fd, &st1) < 0) { printf ("%d: fstat64() before fseeko() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else { sleep (1); if (fseek (fp, -(2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)), SEEK_CUR) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek() after write characters failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; goto out; } else { time_t t; /* Make sure the timestamp actually can be different. */ sleep (1); t = time (NULL); if (fstat (fd, &st2) < 0) { printf ("%d: fstat64() after fseeko() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (st1.st_ctime >= t) { printf ("%d: st_ctime not updated\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (st1.st_mtime >= t) { printf ("%d: st_mtime not updated\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (st1.st_ctime >= st2.st_ctime) { printf ("%d: st_ctime not changed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } if (st1.st_mtime >= st2.st_mtime) { printf ("%d: st_mtime not changed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } } } if (fread (buf, 1, 2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1), fp) != 2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)) { printf ("%d: reading 2 records plus bits failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0 || memcmp (&buf[sizeof (outstr) - 1], outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0 || buf[2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)] != '1' || buf[2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1) + 1] != '2') { printf ("%d: reading records failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (ungetc ('9', fp) == EOF) { printf ("%d: ungetc() failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fseek (fp, -(2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)), SEEK_END) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseek after ungetc failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fread (buf, 1, 2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1), fp) != 2 + 2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)) { printf ("%d: reading 2 records plus bits failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (memcmp (buf, outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0 || memcmp (&buf[sizeof (outstr) - 1], outstr, sizeof (outstr) - 1) != 0 || buf[2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1)] != '1') { printf ("%d: reading records for the second time failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (buf[2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1) + 1] == '9') { printf ("%d: unget character not ignored\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (buf[2 * (sizeof (outstr) - 1) + 1] != '2') { printf ("%d: unget somehow changed character\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } fclose (fp); fp = fopen (fname, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("%d: fopen() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st1) < 0) { printf ("%d: fstat64() before fseeko() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fseeko (fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_END) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (ftello (fp) != st1.st_size) { printf ("%d: fstat64 st_size %zd ftello %zd\n", __LINE__, (size_t) st1.st_size, (size_t) ftello (fp)); result = 1; } else printf ("%d: SEEK_END works\n", __LINE__); if (fp != NULL) fclose (fp); fp = fopen (fname, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("%d: fopen() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st1) < 0) { printf ("%d: fstat64() before fgetc() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fgetc (fp) == EOF) { printf ("%d: fgetc() before fseeko() failed\n\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (fseeko (fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { printf ("%d: fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_END) failed\n", __LINE__); result = 1; } else if (ftello (fp) != st1.st_size) { printf ("%d: fstat64 st_size %zd ftello %zd\n", __LINE__, (size_t) st1.st_size, (size_t) ftello (fp)); result = 1; } else printf ("%d: SEEK_END works\n", __LINE__); if (fp != NULL) fclose (fp); out: unlink (fname); return result; } const char* text = "this is a test string\n"; void lseek_test() { int fd; fd = open("/tmp/tt.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0); if (fd < 0) { printf("open failed\n"); return ; } write(fd, text, strlen(text) + 1); printf("begin: %d\n", lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)); printf("end: %d\n", lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)); close(fd); } void fstat_test() { int fd; struct stat s; fd = open("/tmp/tt.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0); if (fd < 0) { printf("open failed\n"); return ; } write(fd, text, strlen(text) + 1); printf("begin: %d\n", lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)); printf("end: %d\n", lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)); printf("fstat result: %d\n", fstat(fd, &s)); close(fd); } void nltest() { fseek_test(); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(nltest, newlib test); #endif