# **nuwriter_scripts** Some scripts can help you program firmware into storages in this folder. ## **Requirement** ### [Python3 for Window](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/) After installing Python3, some plug-in as below must be installed. ```bash pip3 install pyusb usb crypto ecdsa crcmod tqdm pycryptodome ``` Notice: - Tested python3 version is 3.10.1. - Please remember to add Python to PATH environment variable. ### [Libusb for Window](http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb/files/libusb-1.0/libusb-1.0.20/libusb- On Windows platform, it is required to install libusb manually. ```bash Step 1: Download the library extract the download file. Step 2: Copy MS64\dll\libusb-1.0.dll to C:\Windows\System32. Step 3: Copy MS64\dll\libusb-1.0.lib to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\\Lib. ``` ### [USB Driver for Window](https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MA35D1_NuWriter/blob/master/driver/WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe?raw=true) NuWriter must install **WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe** on the computer. ## **Double-click Scripts for Windows** If your NuWriter_MA35 python running is ready, you can do following batch script files for Window directly. ### **nuwriter_ddr2_128mb_download_and_run.bat** or **nuwriter_ddr3_512mb_download_and_run.bat** Download rtthread.bin binary file into DDR. The address is 0x80400000. ### **nuwriter_sd_programming.bat** Program header, DDR timing setting and rtthread.bin binary file into SD card or EMMC. ### **nuwriter_spinand_programming.bat** Program header, DDR timing setting and rtthread.bin binary file into SPI NAND flash. ### **nuwriter_nand_programming.bat** Program header, DDR timing setting and rtthread.bin binary file into NAND flash. ## **Troubleshoot** ### **Fail to create symbolic folder** ```bash Create symbolic folder conv failed ``` - To switch **Developer Mode** in Window. To enter [Settings], [Update & Security], [For developers], [Developer Mode] page, then set it **On** - Use **Administrator** permission to install python3, libusb and utilities. ### **Use NuWriter_MA35.exe** Due to the python execution file size and saving network bandwidth, we just only release the python code in this repository. We also provide [NuWriter_MA35.exe](https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MA35D1_NuWriter/blob/master/EXE/NuWriter_MA35.exe?raw=true) python execution. You can run the packaged app without installing a Python interpreter or any modules. You can use **NuWriter_MA35.exe** and do some modification. ```bash To modify "py -3 nuwriter.py" to "NuWriter_MA35.exe" ``` For example, the **nuwriter_ddr_download_and_run.bat** modification is as following: ```bash :forever_develop NuWriter_MA35.exe -a ddrimg\enc_ddr3_winbond_256mb.bin IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( NuWriter_MA35.exe -o execute -w ddr 0x80400000 ..\rtthread.bin ) pause goto :forever_develop ``` ## **See also** [NuWriter Repository](https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/MA35D1_NuWriter)