ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 

    1 00000000         ;/*
    2 00000000         ; * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
    3 00000000         ; *
    4 00000000         ; * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    5 00000000         ; *
    6 00000000         ; * Change Logs:
    7 00000000         ; * Date           Author       Notes
    8 00000000         ; * 2019-10-25     tyx          first version
    9 00000000         ; */
   10 00000000         
   11 00000000                 AREA             |.text|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=
   12 00000000                 THUMB
   13 00000000                 REQUIRE8
   14 00000000                 PRESERVE8
   15 00000000         
   16 00000000                 IMPORT           rt_secure_svc_handle
   17 00000000         
   18 00000000         ;/*
   19 00000000         ; * int tzcall(int id, rt_ubase_t arg0, rt_ubase_t arg1,
                        rt_ubase_t arg2);
   20 00000000         ; */
   21 00000000         tzcall  PROC
   22 00000000                 EXPORT           tzcall
   23 00000000 DF01            SVC              1           ;call SVC 1
   24 00000002 4770            BX               LR
   25 00000004         
   26 00000004                 ENDP
   27 00000004         
   28 00000004         tzcall_entry
   29 00000004 B512            PUSH             {R1, R4, LR}
   30 00000006 460C            MOV              R4, R1      ; copy thread SP to
   31 00000008 CC0F            LDMFD            R4!, {r0 - r3} ; pop user stack
                                                            , get input arg0, a
                                                            rg1, arg2
   32 0000000A E924 000F       STMFD            R4!, {r0 - r3} ; push stack, us
                                                            er stack recovery
   33 0000000E F7FF FFFE       BL               rt_secure_svc_handle ; call fun
   34 00000012 E8BD 4012       POP              {R1, R4, LR}
   35 00000016 6008            STR              R0, [R1]    ; update return val
   36 00000018 4770            BX               LR          ; return to thread
   37 0000001A         
   38 0000001A                 ENDP
   39 0000001A         
   40 0000001A         syscall_entry
   41 0000001A 4770            BX               LR          ; return to user ap
   42 0000001C         
   43 0000001C                 ENDP
   44 0000001C         
   45 0000001C         ;/*
   46 0000001C         ; * void SVC_Handler(void);
   47 0000001C         ; */
   48 0000001C         SVC_Handler

ARM Macro Assembler    Page 2 

   49 0000001C                 EXPORT           SVC_Handler
   50 0000001C         
   51 0000001C         ; get SP, save to R1
   52 0000001C F3EF 8108       MRS              R1, MSP     ;get fault context 
                                                            from handler
   53 00000020 F01E 0F04       TST              LR, #0x04   ;if(!EXC_RETURN[2])
   54 00000024 D001            BEQ              get_sp_done
   55 00000026 F3EF 8109       MRS              R1, PSP     ;get fault context 
                                                            from thread
   56 0000002A         get_sp_done
   57 0000002A         
   58 0000002A         ; get svc index
   59 0000002A 6988            LDR              R0, [R1, #24]
   60 0000002C F810 0C02       LDRB             R0, [R0, #-2]
   61 00000030         
   62 00000030         ;if svc == 0, do system call
   63 00000030 2800            CMP              R0, #0x0
   64 00000032 D0FE            BEQ              syscall_entry
   65 00000034         
   66 00000034         ;if svc == 1, do TrustZone call
   67 00000034 2801            CMP              R0, #0x1
   68 00000036 D0FE            BEQ              tzcall_entry
   69 00000038         
   70 00000038                 ENDP
   71 00000038         
   72 00000038                 ALIGN
   73 00000038         
   74 00000038                 END
Command Line: --debug --xref --diag_suppress=9931 --cpu=Cortex-M33 --fpu=FPv5-S
P --depend=.\build\keil\obj\syscall_rvds.d -o.\build\keil\obj\syscall_rvds.o -I
2H5xx\Include --predefine="__UVISION_VERSION SETA 536" --predefine="STM32H563xx
 SETA 1" --list=syscall_rvds.lst ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S

ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
Relocatable symbols

.text 00000000

Symbol: .text
      At line 11 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: .text unused
SVC_Handler 0000001C

Symbol: SVC_Handler
      At line 48 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 49 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: SVC_Handler used once
get_sp_done 0000002A

Symbol: get_sp_done
      At line 56 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 54 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: get_sp_done used once
syscall_entry 0000001A

Symbol: syscall_entry
      At line 40 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 64 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: syscall_entry used once
tzcall 00000000

Symbol: tzcall
      At line 21 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 22 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: tzcall used once
tzcall_entry 00000004

Symbol: tzcall_entry
      At line 28 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 68 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: tzcall_entry used once
6 symbols

ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
External symbols

rt_secure_svc_handle 00000000

Symbol: rt_secure_svc_handle
      At line 16 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
      At line 33 in file ..\..\..\libcpu\arm\cortex-m33\syscall_rvds.S
Comment: rt_secure_svc_handle used once
1 symbol
340 symbols in table