import os import shutil from shutil import ignore_patterns def do_copy_file(src, dst): # check source file if not os.path.exists(src): return path = os.path.dirname(dst) # mkdir if path not exist if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) shutil.copy2(src, dst) def do_copy_folder(src_dir, dst_dir, ignore=None): import shutil # check source directory if not os.path.exists(src_dir): return try: if os.path.exists(dst_dir): shutil.rmtree(dst_dir) except: print('Deletes folder: %s failed.' % dst_dir) return shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir, ignore = ignore) source_ext = ["c", "h", "s", "S", "cpp", "xpm"] source_list = [] def walk_children(child): global source_list global source_ext # print child full_path = child.rfile().abspath file_type = full_path.rsplit('.',1)[1] #print file_type if file_type in source_ext: if full_path not in source_list: source_list.append(full_path) children = child.all_children() if children != []: for item in children: walk_children(item) def walk_kconfig(RTT_ROOT, source_list): for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(RTT_ROOT): if 'bsp' in parent: continue if '.git' in parent: continue if 'tools' in parent: continue if 'Kconfig' in filenames: pathfile = os.path.join(parent, 'Kconfig') source_list.append(pathfile) if 'KConfig' in filenames: pathfile = os.path.join(parent, 'KConfig') source_list.append(pathfile) def MakeCopy(program, BSP_ROOT, RTT_ROOT, Env): global source_list target_path = os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'rt-thread') if target_path.startswith(RTT_ROOT): print('please use scons --dist to make a distribution') return for item in program: walk_children(item) source_list.sort() # fill source file in RT-Thread target_list = [] for src in source_list: if Env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': src = src.lower() if src.startswith(RTT_ROOT): target_list.append(src) source_list = target_list # get source directory src_dir = [] for src in source_list: src = src.replace(RTT_ROOT, '') if src[0] == os.sep or src[0] == '/': src = src[1:] path = os.path.dirname(src) sub_path = path.split(os.sep) full_path = RTT_ROOT for item in sub_path: full_path = os.path.join(full_path, item) if full_path not in src_dir: src_dir.append(full_path) for item in src_dir: source_list.append(os.path.join(item, 'SConscript')) walk_kconfig(RTT_ROOT, source_list) for src in source_list: dst = src.replace(RTT_ROOT, '') if dst[0] == os.sep or dst[0] == '/': dst = dst[1:] print '=> ', dst dst = os.path.join(target_path, dst) do_copy_file(src, dst) # copy tools directory print("=> tools") do_copy_folder(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, "tools"), os.path.join(target_path, "tools"), ignore_patterns('*.pyc')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'Kconfig'), os.path.join(target_path, 'Kconfig')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'AUTHORS'), os.path.join(target_path, 'AUTHORS')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'COPYING'), os.path.join(target_path, 'COPYING')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) print('=> libc') do_copy_folder(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, "components", 'libc', 'compilers'), os.path.join(target_path, "components", 'libc', 'compilers')) print('done!') def MakeCopyHeader(program, BSP_ROOT, RTT_ROOT, Env): global source_list global source_ext source_ext = [] source_ext = ["h", "xpm"] target_path = os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'rt-thread') if target_path.startswith(RTT_ROOT): print('please use scons --dist to make a distribution') return for item in program: walk_children(item) source_list.sort() # fill source file in RT-Thread target_list = [] for src in source_list: if Env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': src = src.lower() if src.startswith(RTT_ROOT): target_list.append(src) source_list = target_list for src in source_list: dst = src.replace(RTT_ROOT, '') if dst[0] == os.sep or dst[0] == '/': dst = dst[1:] print '=> ', dst dst = os.path.join(target_path, dst) do_copy_file(src, dst) # copy tools directory print "=> tools" do_copy_folder(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, "tools"), os.path.join(target_path, "tools"), ignore_patterns('*.pyc')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'Kconfig'), os.path.join(target_path, 'Kconfig')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'AUTHORS'), os.path.join(target_path, 'AUTHORS')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'COPYING'), os.path.join(target_path, 'COPYING')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) print('done!') def MkDist(program, BSP_ROOT, RTT_ROOT, Env): print("make distribution....") dist_name = os.path.basename(BSP_ROOT) dist_dir = os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'dist', dist_name) # copy BSP files do_copy_folder(os.path.join(BSP_ROOT), dist_dir, ignore_patterns('build', 'dist', '*.pyc', '*.old', '*.map', 'rtthread.bin', '.sconsign.dblite', '*.elf', '*.axf')) global source_list target_path = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'rt-thread') for item in program: walk_children(item) source_list.sort() # copy the source files in RT-Thread target_list = [] for src in source_list: if src.lower().startswith(BSP_ROOT.lower()): continue if src.lower().startswith(RTT_ROOT.lower()): target_list.append(src) source_list = target_list # get source directory src_dir = [] for src in source_list: src = src.replace(RTT_ROOT, '') if src[0] == os.sep or src[0] == '/': src = src[1:] path = os.path.dirname(src) sub_path = path.split(os.sep) full_path = RTT_ROOT for item in sub_path: full_path = os.path.join(full_path, item) if full_path not in src_dir: src_dir.append(full_path) for item in src_dir: source_list.append(os.path.join(item, 'SConscript')) # add all of Kconfig files walk_kconfig(RTT_ROOT, source_list) source_list.sort() for src in source_list: dst = src.replace(RTT_ROOT, '') if dst[0] == os.sep or dst[0] == '/': dst = dst[1:] print('=> %s' % dst) dst = os.path.join(target_path, dst) do_copy_file(src, dst) # copy tools directory print("=> tools") do_copy_folder(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, "tools"), os.path.join(target_path, "tools"), ignore_patterns('*.pyc')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'Kconfig'), os.path.join(target_path, 'Kconfig')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'AUTHORS'), os.path.join(target_path, 'AUTHORS')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'COPYING'), os.path.join(target_path, 'COPYING')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) do_copy_file(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, ''), os.path.join(target_path, '')) print('=> libc') do_copy_folder(os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, "components", 'libc', 'compilers'), os.path.join(target_path, "components", 'libc', 'compilers')) # change RTT_ROOT in SConstruct try: sconstruct = file(os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'SConstruct')) out = file(os.path.join(dist_dir, 'SConstruct'), 'w') for line in sconstruct: if line.find('RTT_ROOT') != -1: if line.find('sys.path') != -1: out.write('# set RTT_ROOT\n') out.write("if not os.getenv('RTT_ROOT'): \n RTT_ROOT='rt-thread'\n\n") out.write(line) except : print('') # change RTT_ROOT in Kconfig try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'Kconfig')): Kconfig = file(os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'Kconfig')) out = file(os.path.join(dist_dir, 'Kconfig'), 'w') found = 0 for line in Kconfig: if line.find('RTT_ROOT') != -1: found = 1 if line.find('default') != -1 and found: position = line.find('default') line = line[0:position] + 'default: "rt-thread"\n' found = 0 out.write(line) out.close() except : print('') # make zip package import zipfile zip_filename = os.path.join(BSP_ROOT, 'dist', dist_name) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename + ".zip", 'w') pre_len = len(os.path.dirname(dist_dir)) for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dist_dir): for filename in filenames: pathfile = os.path.join(parent, filename) arcname = pathfile[pre_len:].strip(os.path.sep) zip.write(pathfile, arcname) zip.close() print('done!')