/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2006-09-15 QiuYi the first version * 2017-08-16 Parai the 2nd version */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <rthw.h> #include <bsp.h> #include "keyboard.h" #include "keymap.h" #define FALSE RT_FALSE #define TRUE RT_TRUE #define PRIVATE static #define PUBLIC #define t_bool rt_bool_t #define t_8 rt_uint8_t #define t_32 rt_uint32_t PRIVATE KB_INPUT kb_in; PRIVATE t_bool code_with_E0 = FALSE; PRIVATE t_bool shift_l; /* l shift state */ PRIVATE t_bool shift_r; /* r shift state */ PRIVATE t_bool alt_l; /* l alt state */ PRIVATE t_bool alt_r; /* r left state */ PRIVATE t_bool ctrl_l; /* l ctrl state */ PRIVATE t_bool ctrl_r; /* l ctrl state */ PRIVATE t_bool caps_lock; /* Caps Lock */ PRIVATE t_bool num_lock; /* Num Lock */ PRIVATE t_bool scroll_lock; /* Scroll Lock */ PRIVATE int column = 0; /* keyrow[column] is one value of keymap */ PRIVATE t_8 get_byte_from_kb_buf(); PRIVATE void set_leds(); PRIVATE void kb_wait(); PRIVATE void kb_ack(); PUBLIC void init_keyboard() { kb_in.count = 0; kb_in.p_head = kb_in.p_tail = kb_in.buf; caps_lock = 0; num_lock = 1; scroll_lock = 0; set_leds(); } PUBLIC rt_bool_t keyboard_read(rt_uint32_t *pkey) { t_8 scan_code; t_bool make; /* TRUE : make */ /* FALSE: break */ t_32 key = 0; t_32* keyrow; if(kb_in.count > 0){ code_with_E0 = FALSE; scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf(); /* start scan */ if (scan_code == 0xE1) { int i; static const t_8 pausebreak_scan_code[] = {0xE1, 0x1D, 0x45, 0xE1, 0x9D, 0xC5}; t_bool is_pausebreak = TRUE; for(i=1;i<6;i++){ if (get_byte_from_kb_buf() != pausebreak_scan_code[i]) { is_pausebreak = FALSE; break; } } if (is_pausebreak) { key = PAUSEBREAK; } } else if (scan_code == 0xE0) { code_with_E0 = TRUE; scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf(); /* PrintScreen pressed */ if (scan_code == 0x2A) { code_with_E0 = FALSE; if ((scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf()) == 0xE0) { code_with_E0 = TRUE; if ((scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf()) == 0x37) { key = PRINTSCREEN; make = TRUE; } } } /* PrintScreen released */ else if (scan_code == 0xB7) { code_with_E0 = FALSE; if ((scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf()) == 0xE0) { code_with_E0 = TRUE; if ((scan_code = get_byte_from_kb_buf()) == 0xAA) { key = PRINTSCREEN; make = FALSE; } } } } /* if is not PrintScreen, scan_code is the one after 0xE0 */ if ((key != PAUSEBREAK) && (key != PRINTSCREEN)) { /* is Make Code or Break Code */ make = (scan_code & FLAG_BREAK ? FALSE : TRUE); keyrow = &keymap[(scan_code & 0x7F) * MAP_COLS]; column = 0; t_bool caps = shift_l || shift_r; if (caps_lock) { if ((keyrow[0] >= 'a') && (keyrow[0] <= 'z')){ caps = !caps; } } if (caps) { column = 1; } if (code_with_E0) { column = 2; } key = keyrow[column]; switch(key) { case SHIFT_L: shift_l = make; break; case SHIFT_R: shift_r = make; break; case CTRL_L: ctrl_l = make; break; case CTRL_R: ctrl_r = make; break; case ALT_L: alt_l = make; break; case ALT_R: alt_l = make; break; case CAPS_LOCK: if (make) { caps_lock = !caps_lock; set_leds(); } break; case NUM_LOCK: if (make) { num_lock = !num_lock; set_leds(); } break; case SCROLL_LOCK: if (make) { scroll_lock = !scroll_lock; set_leds(); } break; default: break; } } if(make){ /* ignore Break Code */ t_bool pad = FALSE; /* handle the small pad first */ if ((key >= PAD_SLASH) && (key <= PAD_9)) { pad = TRUE; switch(key) { /* '/', '*', '-', '+', and 'Enter' in num pad */ case PAD_SLASH: key = '/'; break; case PAD_STAR: key = '*'; break; case PAD_MINUS: key = '-'; break; case PAD_PLUS: key = '+'; break; case PAD_ENTER: key = ENTER; break; default: /* keys whose value depends on the NumLock */ if (num_lock) { /* '0' ~ '9' and '.' in num pad */ if ((key >= PAD_0) && (key <= PAD_9)) { key = key - PAD_0 + '0'; } else if (key == PAD_DOT) { key = '.'; } } else{ switch(key) { case PAD_HOME: key = HOME; break; case PAD_END: key = END; break; case PAD_PAGEUP: key = PAGEUP; break; case PAD_PAGEDOWN: key = PAGEDOWN; break; case PAD_INS: key = INSERT; break; case PAD_UP: key = UP; break; case PAD_DOWN: key = DOWN; break; case PAD_LEFT: key = LEFT; break; case PAD_RIGHT: key = RIGHT; break; case PAD_DOT: key = DELETE; break; default: break; } } break; } } key |= shift_l ? FLAG_SHIFT_L : 0; key |= shift_r ? FLAG_SHIFT_R : 0; key |= ctrl_l ? FLAG_CTRL_L : 0; key |= ctrl_r ? FLAG_CTRL_R : 0; key |= alt_l ? FLAG_ALT_L : 0; key |= alt_r ? FLAG_ALT_R : 0; key |= pad ? FLAG_PAD : 0; *pkey = key; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } PRIVATE t_8 get_byte_from_kb_buf() { t_8 scan_code; RT_ASSERT(kb_in.count>0); scan_code = *(kb_in.p_tail); kb_in.p_tail++; if (kb_in.p_tail == kb_in.buf + KB_IN_BYTES) { kb_in.p_tail = kb_in.buf; } kb_in.count--; return scan_code; } PRIVATE void kb_wait() /* wait inpit cache of 8042 */ { t_8 kb_stat; do { kb_stat = inb(KB_CMD); } while (kb_stat & 0x02); } PRIVATE void kb_ack() { t_8 kb_read; do { kb_read = inb(KB_DATA); } while (kb_read != KB_ACK); } PRIVATE void set_leds() { t_8 leds = (caps_lock << 2) | (num_lock << 1) | scroll_lock; kb_wait(); outb(KB_DATA, LED_CODE); kb_ack(); kb_wait(); outb(KB_DATA, leds); kb_ack(); } /** * @addtogroup QEMU */ /*@{*/ void rt_keyboard_isr(void) { rt_uint8_t data; if ((inb(KBSTATP) & KBS_DIB) == 0) return ; data = inb(KBDATAP); if (kb_in.count < KB_IN_BYTES) { *(kb_in.p_head) = data; kb_in.p_head++; if (kb_in.p_head == kb_in.buf + KB_IN_BYTES) { kb_in.p_head = kb_in.buf; } kb_in.count++; } } /* generally, this should be called in task level for all key inpit support, but here only support a key that is composed of 2 bytes */ rt_bool_t rt_keyboard_getc(char* c) { if(kb_in.count>=2) { rt_uint32_t key = 0; rt_bool_t rv=keyboard_read(&key); switch(key) { case TAB: *c = '\t'; break; case ENTER: *c = '\n'; break; case BACKSPACE: *c = '\b'; break; default: *c = key; break; } return rv; } return RT_FALSE; } /*@}*/