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<h1>CMSIS Release Notes</h1>
<p align="center">Release Notes for CMSIS V2.00</p>
<p align="center">November 2010</p>

<p class="TinyT">Information in this file, the accompany manuals, and software is<br>
                 Copyright � ARM Ltd.<br>All rights reserved.
<p align="center"><img src="Documentation/CMSIS_Logo_Final.jpg" height="78" width="197">



  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/CMSIS_History.htm">CMSIS Version History</a>
    lists the changes between the different CMSIS versions.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/CMSIS_Core.htm">CMSIS Core Support</a>
    contains a general description for CMSIS.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/DSP_Lib/html/index.html">CMSIS DSP Software Library</a>
    describes the CMSIS DSP software library.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/CMSIS_System_View_Description.htm">CMSIS System View Description</a>
    describes the CMSIS System View Description.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/CMSIS_CM4_SIMD.htm">CMSIS Support for Cortex-M4 SIMD Instructions</a>
    lists the Cortex-M4 instructions supported by CMSIS.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="Documentation/CMSIS_DebugSupport.htm">CMSIS Debug Support</a>
    describes the available CMSIS Debug functions and the used methods.
  <li class="LI2"><a href="CMSIS END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT.pdf">License</a></li>

