 * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2022-3-29      Wayne        The first version
#ifndef LV_GPU_N9H_GE2D_H
#define LV_GPU_N9H_GE2D_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *      INCLUDES
#include "../../misc/lv_color.h"
#include "../../hal/lv_hal_disp.h"
#include "../sw/lv_draw_sw.h"

 *      DEFINES

 *      TYPEDEFS
struct _lv_disp_drv_t;
typedef lv_draw_sw_ctx_t lv_draw_n9h30_ge2d_ctx_t;


 * Turn on the peripheral and set output color mode, this only needs to be done once
void lv_draw_n9h30_ge2d_init(void);

void lv_draw_n9h30_ge2d_ctx_init(struct _lv_disp_drv_t *drv, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);

void lv_draw_n9h30_ge2d_ctx_deinit(struct _lv_disp_drv_t *drv, lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);

void lv_draw_n9h30_ge2d_blend(lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx, const lv_draw_sw_blend_dsc_t *dsc);

void lv_gpu_n9h30_ge2d_wait_cb(lv_draw_ctx_t *draw_ctx);

 *      MACROS

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /*extern "C"*/

#endif /*LV_GPU_N9H_GE2D_H*/