/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : fsmc_nand.c * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0.3 * Date : 09/22/2008 * Description : This file provides a set of functions needed to drive the * NAND512W3A2 memory mounted on STM3210E-EVAL board. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "fsmc_nand.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FSMC_Bank_NAND FSMC_Bank2_NAND #define Bank_NAND_ADDR Bank2_NAND_ADDR #define Bank2_NAND_ADDR ((u32)0x70000000) /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ROW_ADDRESS (Address.Page + (Address.Block + (Address.Zone * NAND_ZONE_SIZE)) * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE) /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_Init * Description : Configures the FSMC and GPIOs to interface with the NAND memory. * This function must be called before any write/read operation * on the NAND. * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void FSMC_NAND_Init(void) { FSMC_NANDInitTypeDef FSMC_NANDInitStructure; FSMC_NAND_PCCARDTimingInitTypeDef p; /*-- FSMC Configuration ------------------------------------------------------*/ p.FSMC_SetupTime = 0x1; p.FSMC_WaitSetupTime = 0x3; p.FSMC_HoldSetupTime = 0x2; p.FSMC_HiZSetupTime = 0x1; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_Bank = FSMC_Bank2_NAND; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_Waitfeature = FSMC_Waitfeature_Enable; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_MemoryDataWidth_8b; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_ECC = FSMC_ECC_Enable; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_ECCPageSize = FSMC_ECCPageSize_512Bytes; // FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_AddressLowMapping = FSMC_AddressLowMapping_Direct; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_TCLRSetupTime = 0x00; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_TARSetupTime = 0x00; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct = &p; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct = &p; FSMC_NANDInit(&FSMC_NANDInitStructure); /* FSMC NAND Bank Cmd Test */ FSMC_NANDCmd(FSMC_Bank2_NAND, ENABLE); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_ReadID * Description : Reads NAND memory's ID. * Input : - NAND_ID: pointer to a NAND_IDTypeDef structure which will hold * the Manufacturer and Device ID. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void FSMC_NAND_ReadID(NAND_IDTypeDef* NAND_ID) { u32 data = 0; /* Send Command to the command area */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = 0x90; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = 0x00; /* Sequence to read ID from NAND flash */ data = *(vu32 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA); NAND_ID->Maker_ID = ADDR_1st_CYCLE (data); NAND_ID->Device_ID = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE (data); NAND_ID->Third_ID = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE (data); NAND_ID->Fourth_ID = ADDR_4th_CYCLE (data); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage * Description : This routine is for writing one or several 512 Bytes Page size. * Input : - pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer containing data to be written * - Address: First page address * - NumPageToWrite: Number of page to write * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation * And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be: * - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address * - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage(u8 *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, u32 NumPageToWrite) { u32 index = 0x00, numpagewritten = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS; u32 status = NAND_READY, size = 2048; while((NumPageToWrite != 0x00) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS) && (status == NAND_READY)) { /* Page write command and address */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_A; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE0; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_5fh_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); /* Calculate the size */ size = NAND_PAGE_SIZE + (NAND_PAGE_SIZE * numpagewritten); /* Write data */ for(; index < size; index++) { *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA) = pBuffer[index]; } *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE_TRUE1; /* Check status for successful operation */ status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(); if(status == NAND_READY) { numpagewritten++; NumPageToWrite--; /* Calculate Next small page Address */ addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address); } } return (status | addressstatus); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage * Description : This routine is for sequential read from one or several * 512 Bytes Page size. * Input : - pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer to fill * - Address: First page address * - NumPageToRead: Number of page to read * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation * And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be: * - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address * - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage(u8 *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, u32 NumPageToRead) { u32 index = 0x00, numpageread = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS; u32 status = NAND_READY, size = 2048, i = 0; /* Calculate the size */ size = NAND_PAGE_SIZE + (NAND_PAGE_SIZE * numpageread); while((NumPageToRead != 0x0) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS)) { /* Page Read command and page address */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_A; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_5fh_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1; for(i = 0; i <= 10000; i++); /* Get Data into Buffer */ for(; index < size; index++) { pBuffer[index]= *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA); } numpageread++; NumPageToRead--; /* Calculate page address */ addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address); } status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(); return (status | addressstatus); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_WriteSpareArea * Description : This routine write the spare area information for the specified * pages addresses. * Input : - pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer containing data to be written * - Address: First page address * - NumSpareAreaTowrite: Number of Spare Area to write * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation * And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be: * - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address * - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_WriteSpareArea(u8 *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, u32 NumSpareAreaTowrite) { u32 index = 0x00, numsparesreawritten = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS; u32 status = NAND_READY, size = 0x00; while((NumSpareAreaTowrite != 0x00) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS) && (status == NAND_READY)) { /* Page write Spare area command and address */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_C; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE0; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_5fh_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); /* Calculate the size */ size = NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE + (NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE * numsparesreawritten); /* Write the data */ for(; index < size; index++) { *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA) = pBuffer[index]; } *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE_TRUE1; /* Check status for successful operation */ status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(); if(status == NAND_READY) { numsparesreawritten++; NumSpareAreaTowrite--; /* Calculate Next page Address */ addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address); } } return (status | addressstatus); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_ReadSpareArea * Description : This routine read the spare area information from the specified * pages addresses. * Input : - pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer to fill * - Address: First page address * - NumSpareAreaToRead: Number of Spare Area to read * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation * And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be: * - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address * - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_ReadSpareArea(u8 *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, u32 NumSpareAreaToRead) { u32 numsparearearead = 0x00, index = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS; u32 status = NAND_READY, size = 0x00; while((NumSpareAreaToRead != 0x0) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS)) { /* Page Read command and page address */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_C; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_5fh_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1; /* Data Read */ size = NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE + (NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE * numsparearearead); /* Get Data into Buffer */ for ( ; index < size; index++) { pBuffer[index] = *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA); } numsparearearead++; NumSpareAreaToRead--; /* Calculate page address */ addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address); } status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(); return (status | addressstatus); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock * Description : This routine erase complete block from NAND FLASH * Input : - Address: Any address into block to be erased * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(NAND_ADDRESS Address) { *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_ERASE0; *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_5fh_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_ERASE1; return (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus()); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_Reset * Description : This routine reset the NAND FLASH * Input : None * Output : None * Return : NAND_READY *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_Reset(void) { *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_RESET; return (NAND_READY); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_GetStatus * Description : Get the NAND operation status * Input : None * Output : None * Return : New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be: * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate * a Timeout error * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(void) { u32 timeout = 0x1000000, status = NAND_READY; status = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(); /* Wait for a NAND operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while ((status != NAND_READY) &&( timeout != 0x00)) { status = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(); timeout --; } if(timeout == 0x00) { status = NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR; } /* Return the operation status */ return (status); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus * Description : Reads the NAND memory status using the Read status command * Input : None * Output : None * Return : The status of the NAND memory. This parameter can be: * - NAND_BUSY: when memory is busy * - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation * - NAND_ERROR: when the previous operation gererates error *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(void) { u32 data = 0x00, status = NAND_BUSY; /* Read status operation ------------------------------------ */ *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_STATUS; data = *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR); if((data & NAND_ERROR) == NAND_ERROR) { status = NAND_ERROR; } else if((data & NAND_READY) == NAND_READY) { status = NAND_READY; } else { status = NAND_BUSY; } return (status); } /****************************************************************************** * Function Name : NAND_AddressIncrement * Description : Increment the NAND memory address * Input : - Address: address to be incremented. * Output : None * Return : The new status of the increment address operation. It can be: * - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address * - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address *******************************************************************************/ u32 FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(NAND_ADDRESS* Address) { u32 status = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS; Address->Page++; if(Address->Page == NAND_BLOCK_SIZE) { Address->Page = 0; Address->Block++; if(Address->Block == NAND_ZONE_SIZE) { Address->Block = 0; Address->Zone++; if(Address->Zone == NAND_MAX_ZONE) { status = NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS; } } } return (status); } /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/