/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2022-05-26 xiangxistu first version */ /* Do NOT include sys/time.h in this file */ #include <WinSock2.h> #include <WS2tcpip.h> #include <rtthread.h> #include <stdint.h> #define DBG_TAG "sal.winsock" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include <rtdbg.h> #include "rtt_winsock.h" static struct sal_type_hostent sal_hostent; static sal_type_ip_addr_t hostent_addr = { 0 }; static sal_type_ip_addr_t* hostent_addr_p = RT_NULL; /* Important, must reserve */ #pragma comment( lib, "ws2_32.lib" ) /* * reserve for select / poll * * #define WINDOWS_STACK_SIZE 2048 * #define WINDOWS_PRIORITY 2048 * #define WINDOWS_TICK 10 * * struct poll_thread_list * { * int socket; * rt_slist_t slist; * }; * static rt_slist_t poll_pending_list = RT_SLIST_OBJECT_INIT(poll_pending_list); * **/ #define WINDOWS_PERVIOS_COMAMND \ do \ { \ int iResult; \ WSADATA wsa_data; \ \ iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data); \ if (iResult != 0) \ { \ LOG_E("WSAStartup failed: %d\n", iResult); \ return -RT_ERROR; \ } \ }while(0) static void data_sync_sockaddr(struct sal_type_sockaddr* sal, struct sockaddr** window) { /* * ws2def.h * typedef struct sockaddr { * * #if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600) * u_short sa_family; * #else * ADDRESS_FAMILY sa_family; // Address family. * #endif //(_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600) * * CHAR sa_data[14]; // Up to 14 bytes of direct address. * } SOCKADDR, *PSOCKADDR, FAR *LPSOCKADDR; * *********************************** * sal_socket.h * struct sockaddr * { * uint8_t sa_len; * sa_family_t sa_family; * char sa_data[14]; * }; */ ADDRESS_FAMILY family = 0; family = sal->sa_family; *window = sal; (* window)->sa_family = family; } int win_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) { WINDOWS_PERVIOS_COMAMND; return (int)socket(domain, type, protocol); } int win_closesocket(int s) { return (int)closesocket(s); } int win_bind(int s, const struct sal_type_sockaddr *name, sal_type_socklen_t namelen) { return (int)bind(s, name, namelen); } int win_listen(int s, int backlog) { return (int)listen(s, backlog); } int win_connect(int s, const struct sal_type_sockaddr *name, sal_type_socklen_t namelen) { struct sockaddr *windows_addr = RT_NULL; data_sync_sockaddr(name, &windows_addr); return (int)connect(s, windows_addr, namelen); } int win_accept(int s, struct sal_type_sockaddr *addr, sal_type_socklen_t *addrlen) { WINDOWS_PERVIOS_COMAMND; return (int)accept(s, addr, addrlen); } int win_sendto(int s, const void *data, size_t size, int flags, const struct sal_type_sockaddr *to, sal_type_socklen_t tolen) { return (int)sendto(s, data, size, flags, to, tolen); } int win_recvfrom(int s, void *mem, size_t len, int flags, struct sal_type_sockaddr *from, sal_type_socklen_t *fromlen) { return (int)recvfrom(s, mem, len, flags, from, fromlen); } int win_getsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, void *optval, sal_type_socklen_t *optlen) { return (int)getsockopt(s, level, optname, optval, optlen); } int win_setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, const void *optval, sal_type_socklen_t optlen) { return (int)setsockopt(s, level, optname, optval, optlen); } int win_shutdown(int s, int how) { return (int)shutdown(s, how); } int win_getpeername(int s, struct sal_type_sockaddr *name, sal_type_socklen_t *namelen) { return (int)getpeername(s, name, namelen); } int win_getsockname(int s, struct sal_type_sockaddr *name, sal_type_socklen_t *namelen) { return (int)getsockname(s, name, namelen); } int win_ioctlsocket(int s, long cmd, void *arg) { return (int)ioctlsocket(s, cmd, arg); } #ifdef SAL_USING_POSIX /* use windows poll, but not wait */ int inet_poll(struct dfs_fd* file, struct rt_pollreq* req) { /*WSAPOLLFD winpoll; struct sal_socket* sal_sock; int mask = 0; int poll_event = 0; sal_sock = sal_get_socket((int)file->data); if (!sal_sock) { return -1; } winpoll.fd = sal_sock->socket; poll_event &= POLLERR | POLLHUP; winpoll.events = req->_key & (~poll_event); poll_event = 0; mask = WSAPoll(&winpoll, 1, 0); if (mask == 0) return 0; return winpoll.revents;*/ } #endif /* SAL_USING_POSIX */ struct sal_type_hostent* win_gethostbyname(const char* name) { struct hostent *windows_hostent; char** h_addr_list; WINDOWS_PERVIOS_COMAMND; windows_hostent = gethostbyname(name); sal_hostent.h_name = windows_hostent->h_name; sal_hostent.h_aliases = windows_hostent->h_aliases; sal_hostent.h_addrtype = windows_hostent->h_addrtype; sal_hostent.h_length = windows_hostent->h_length; sal_hostent.h_addr_list = windows_hostent->h_addr_list; hostent_addr.addr = ((struct in_addr*)windows_hostent->h_addr)->s_addr; hostent_addr_p = &hostent_addr; sal_hostent.h_addr_list = &hostent_addr_p; return &sal_hostent; } int win_getaddrinfo(const char* nodename, const char* servname, const struct sal_type_addrinfo* hints, struct sal_type_addrinfo** res) { int port_nr = 0; sal_type_ip_addr_t addr = { 0 }; struct sal_type_addrinfo* ai; struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage* sa; size_t total_size = 0; size_t namelen = 0; char* change_point; if (res == RT_NULL) return EAI_FAIL; *res = RT_NULL; if ((nodename == RT_NULL) && (servname == RT_NULL)) return EAI_NONAME; if ((hints != RT_NULL) && (hints->ai_family != AF_INET && hints->ai_family != AF_UNSPEC)) return EAI_FAMILY; if (servname != RT_NULL) { /* service name specified: convert to port number */ port_nr = atoi(servname); if ((port_nr <= 0) || (port_nr > 0xffff)) { return EAI_SERVICE; } } if (nodename != RT_NULL) { WINDOWS_PERVIOS_COMAMND; struct hostent* hostent = gethostbyname(nodename); if (hostent == RT_NULL) return EAI_FAIL; addr.addr = ((struct in_addr*)hostent->h_addr)->s_addr; } total_size = sizeof(struct sal_type_addrinfo) + sizeof(struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage); if (nodename != RT_NULL) { namelen = strlen(nodename); if (namelen > DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { /* invalid name length */ return EAI_FAIL; } RT_ASSERT(total_size + namelen + 1 > total_size); total_size += namelen + 1; } RT_ASSERT(total_size <= sizeof(struct sal_type_addrinfo) + sizeof(struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage) + DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1); ai = (struct sal_type_addrinfo*)rt_malloc(total_size); if (ai == RT_NULL) { return EAI_MEMORY; } rt_memset(ai, 0, total_size); /* cast through void* to get rid of alignment warnings */ sa = (struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage*)(void*)((uint8_t*)ai + sizeof(struct sal_type_addrinfo)); struct sal_type_sockaddr_in* sa4 = (struct sal_type_sockaddr_in*)sa; sa4->sin_family = AF_INET; sa4->sin_addr.sal_type_s_addr = addr.addr; sa4->sin_port = htons((uint16_t)port_nr); /* set up addrinfo */ if (hints != RT_NULL) { /* copy socktype & protocol from hints if specified */ ai->ai_socktype = hints->ai_socktype; ai->ai_protocol = hints->ai_protocol; } if (nodename != RT_NULL) { /* copy nodename to canonname if specified */ ai->ai_canonname = ((char*)ai + sizeof(struct sal_type_addrinfo) + sizeof(struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage)); rt_memcpy(ai->ai_canonname, nodename, namelen); ai->ai_canonname[namelen] = 0; } ai->ai_addrlen = sizeof(struct sal_type_sockaddr_storage); ai->ai_addr = (struct sal_type_sockaddr*)sa; ai->ai_family = sa4->sin_family; *res = ai; return 0; } void win_freeaddrinfo(struct sal_type_addrinfo* ai) { struct sal_type_addrinfo* next; while (ai != NULL) { next = ai->ai_next; rt_free(ai); ai = next; } }