/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2012-04-25 weety first version */ #include <rtdevice.h> #define DBG_TAG "I2C" #ifdef RT_I2C_BITOPS_DEBUG #define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG #else #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #endif #include <rtdbg.h> #define SET_SDA(ops, val) ops->set_sda(ops->data, val) #define SET_SCL(ops, val) ops->set_scl(ops->data, val) #define GET_SDA(ops) ops->get_sda(ops->data) #define GET_SCL(ops) ops->get_scl(ops->data) rt_inline void i2c_delay(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { ops->udelay((ops->delay_us + 1) >> 1); } rt_inline void i2c_delay2(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { ops->udelay(ops->delay_us); } #define SDA_L(ops) SET_SDA(ops, 0) #define SDA_H(ops) SET_SDA(ops, 1) #define SCL_L(ops) SET_SCL(ops, 0) /** * release scl line, and wait scl line to high. */ static rt_err_t SCL_H(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { rt_tick_t start; SET_SCL(ops, 1); if (!ops->get_scl) goto done; start = rt_tick_get(); while (!GET_SCL(ops)) { if ((rt_tick_get() - start) > ops->timeout) return -RT_ETIMEOUT; rt_thread_delay((ops->timeout + 1) >> 1); } #ifdef RT_I2C_BITOPS_DEBUG if (rt_tick_get() != start) { LOG_D("wait %ld tick for SCL line to go high", rt_tick_get() - start); } #endif done: i2c_delay(ops); return RT_EOK; } static void i2c_start(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { #ifdef RT_I2C_BITOPS_DEBUG if (ops->get_scl && !GET_SCL(ops)) { LOG_E("I2C bus error, SCL line low"); } if (ops->get_sda && !GET_SDA(ops)) { LOG_E("I2C bus error, SDA line low"); } #endif SDA_L(ops); i2c_delay(ops); SCL_L(ops); } static void i2c_restart(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { SDA_H(ops); SCL_H(ops); i2c_delay(ops); SDA_L(ops); i2c_delay(ops); SCL_L(ops); } static void i2c_stop(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { SDA_L(ops); i2c_delay(ops); SCL_H(ops); i2c_delay(ops); SDA_H(ops); i2c_delay2(ops); } rt_inline rt_bool_t i2c_waitack(struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops) { rt_bool_t ack; SDA_H(ops); i2c_delay(ops); if (SCL_H(ops) < 0) { LOG_W("wait ack timeout"); return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } ack = !GET_SDA(ops); /* ACK : SDA pin is pulled low */ LOG_D("%s", ack ? "ACK" : "NACK"); SCL_L(ops); return ack; } static rt_int32_t i2c_writeb(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, rt_uint8_t data) { rt_int32_t i; rt_uint8_t bit; struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { SCL_L(ops); bit = (data >> i) & 1; SET_SDA(ops, bit); i2c_delay(ops); if (SCL_H(ops) < 0) { LOG_D("i2c_writeb: 0x%02x, " "wait scl pin high timeout at bit %d", data, i); return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } } SCL_L(ops); i2c_delay(ops); return i2c_waitack(ops); } static rt_int32_t i2c_readb(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus) { rt_uint8_t i; rt_uint8_t data = 0; struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; SDA_H(ops); i2c_delay(ops); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { data <<= 1; if (SCL_H(ops) < 0) { LOG_D("i2c_readb: wait scl pin high " "timeout at bit %d", 7 - i); return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } if (GET_SDA(ops)) data |= 1; SCL_L(ops); i2c_delay2(ops); } return data; } static rt_size_t i2c_send_bytes(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, struct rt_i2c_msg *msg) { rt_int32_t ret; rt_size_t bytes = 0; const rt_uint8_t *ptr = msg->buf; rt_int32_t count = msg->len; rt_uint16_t ignore_nack = msg->flags & RT_I2C_IGNORE_NACK; while (count > 0) { ret = i2c_writeb(bus, *ptr); if ((ret > 0) || (ignore_nack && (ret == 0))) { count --; ptr ++; bytes ++; } else if (ret == 0) { LOG_D("send bytes: NACK."); return 0; } else { LOG_E("send bytes: error %d", ret); return ret; } } return bytes; } static rt_err_t i2c_send_ack_or_nack(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, int ack) { struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; if (ack) SET_SDA(ops, 0); i2c_delay(ops); if (SCL_H(ops) < 0) { LOG_E("ACK or NACK timeout."); return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } SCL_L(ops); return RT_EOK; } static rt_size_t i2c_recv_bytes(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, struct rt_i2c_msg *msg) { rt_int32_t val; rt_int32_t bytes = 0; /* actual bytes */ rt_uint8_t *ptr = msg->buf; rt_int32_t count = msg->len; const rt_uint32_t flags = msg->flags; while (count > 0) { val = i2c_readb(bus); if (val >= 0) { *ptr = val; bytes ++; } else { break; } ptr ++; count --; LOG_D("recieve bytes: 0x%02x, %s", val, (flags & RT_I2C_NO_READ_ACK) ? "(No ACK/NACK)" : (count ? "ACK" : "NACK")); if (!(flags & RT_I2C_NO_READ_ACK)) { val = i2c_send_ack_or_nack(bus, count); if (val < 0) return val; } } return bytes; } static rt_int32_t i2c_send_address(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, rt_uint8_t addr, rt_int32_t retries) { struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; rt_int32_t i; rt_err_t ret = 0; for (i = 0; i <= retries; i++) { ret = i2c_writeb(bus, addr); if (ret == 1 || i == retries) break; LOG_D("send stop condition"); i2c_stop(ops); i2c_delay2(ops); LOG_D("send start condition"); i2c_start(ops); } return ret; } static rt_err_t i2c_bit_send_address(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, struct rt_i2c_msg *msg) { rt_uint16_t flags = msg->flags; rt_uint16_t ignore_nack = msg->flags & RT_I2C_IGNORE_NACK; struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; rt_uint8_t addr1, addr2; rt_int32_t retries; rt_err_t ret; retries = ignore_nack ? 0 : bus->retries; if (flags & RT_I2C_ADDR_10BIT) { addr1 = 0xf0 | ((msg->addr >> 7) & 0x06); addr2 = msg->addr & 0xff; LOG_D("addr1: %d, addr2: %d", addr1, addr2); ret = i2c_send_address(bus, addr1, retries); if ((ret != 1) && !ignore_nack) { LOG_W("NACK: sending first addr"); return -RT_EIO; } ret = i2c_writeb(bus, addr2); if ((ret != 1) && !ignore_nack) { LOG_W("NACK: sending second addr"); return -RT_EIO; } if (flags & RT_I2C_RD) { LOG_D("send repeated start condition"); i2c_restart(ops); addr1 |= 0x01; ret = i2c_send_address(bus, addr1, retries); if ((ret != 1) && !ignore_nack) { LOG_E("NACK: sending repeated addr"); return -RT_EIO; } } } else { /* 7-bit addr */ addr1 = msg->addr << 1; if (flags & RT_I2C_RD) addr1 |= 1; ret = i2c_send_address(bus, addr1, retries); if ((ret != 1) && !ignore_nack) return -RT_EIO; } return RT_EOK; } static rt_size_t i2c_bit_xfer(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, struct rt_i2c_msg msgs[], rt_uint32_t num) { struct rt_i2c_msg *msg; struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *ops = (struct rt_i2c_bit_ops *)bus->priv; rt_int32_t i, ret; rt_uint16_t ignore_nack; if (num == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { msg = &msgs[i]; ignore_nack = msg->flags & RT_I2C_IGNORE_NACK; if (!(msg->flags & RT_I2C_NO_START)) { if (i) { i2c_restart(ops); } else { LOG_D("send start condition"); i2c_start(ops); } ret = i2c_bit_send_address(bus, msg); if ((ret != RT_EOK) && !ignore_nack) { LOG_D("receive NACK from device addr 0x%02x msg %d", msgs[i].addr, i); goto out; } } if (msg->flags & RT_I2C_RD) { ret = i2c_recv_bytes(bus, msg); if (ret >= 1) LOG_D("read %d byte%s", ret, ret == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (ret < msg->len) { if (ret >= 0) ret = -RT_EIO; goto out; } } else { ret = i2c_send_bytes(bus, msg); if (ret >= 1) LOG_D("write %d byte%s", ret, ret == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (ret < msg->len) { if (ret >= 0) ret = -RT_ERROR; goto out; } } } ret = i; out: if (!(msg->flags & RT_I2C_NO_STOP)) { LOG_D("send stop condition"); i2c_stop(ops); } return ret; } static const struct rt_i2c_bus_device_ops i2c_bit_bus_ops = { i2c_bit_xfer, RT_NULL, RT_NULL }; rt_err_t rt_i2c_bit_add_bus(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *bus, const char *bus_name) { bus->ops = &i2c_bit_bus_ops; return rt_i2c_bus_device_register(bus, bus_name); }