/* * File : drv_mmc.c * This file is part of gkipc BSP for RT-Thread distribution. * * Copyright (c) 2017 chengdu goke Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * All rights reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Visit http://www.goke.com to get contact with goke. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes */ #include "platform.h" #include <rtdef.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include <drivers/mmcsd_core.h> #include <dfs_fs.h> #include "gd_sdio.h" #include "drv_mmc.h" //#define GK_MMC_DEBUG #if defined(GK_MMC_DEBUG) && defined(RT_DEBUG) #define PRINT_MMC_DBG(fmt, args...) \ do \ { \ rt_kprintf("FH_MMC_DEBUG: tick-%d, ", rt_tick_get()); \ rt_kprintf(fmt, ##args); \ } while (0) #else #define PRINT_MMC_DBG(fmt, args...) \ do \ { \ } while (0) #endif #define RT_SDIO_MAX_BLOCK_LEN 512 /*block size*/ /*GLOBAL SD DEVICE PONITER*/ static gk_mmc_driver_s sd_driver; fs_sdio_notify_func_t notifyFunc = NULL; static rt_err_t rt_sdcard_init(rt_device_t dev) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_sdcard_open(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; if (mmc_drv->handle.inUse == 0) { mmc_drv->openParams.isUseDmaWay = 0; retVal = GD_SDIO_Open((GD_SDIO_OpenParamsT *)&mmc_drv->openParams,(sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]GD_SDIO_Open failed!\n",__func__,__LINE__); return-RT_ENOMEM; } } else { PRINT_MMC_DBG("----ALREADY_OPEN SDIO_%d----\n",index); } return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t rt_sdcard_close(rt_device_t dev) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; retVal = GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d] failed!,retVal = %d\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,retVal); return-RT_ENOMEM; } rt_device_unregister(mmc_drv->deviceP[index]); if (mmc_drv->deviceP[index] != NULL){ rt_free(mmc_drv->deviceP[index]); mmc_drv->deviceP[index] = NULL; } if (mmc_drv->partP[index] != NULL) { rt_free(mmc_drv->partP[index]); mmc_drv->partP[index] = NULL; } return RT_EOK; } static rt_size_t rt_sdcard_read(rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void* buffer, rt_size_t size) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; struct dfs_partition *part = (struct dfs_partition *)mmc_drv->partP[index]; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; rt_sem_take(part->lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); retVal = GD_SDIO_ReadSector((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle, pos, buffer, size); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d]error!,retVal = %d\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,retVal); rt_sem_release(part->lock); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_sem_release(part->lock); return size; } static rt_size_t rt_sdcard_write (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void* buffer, rt_size_t size) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; struct dfs_partition *part = (struct dfs_partition *)mmc_drv->partP[index]; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; rt_sem_take(part->lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); retVal = GD_SDIO_WriteSector((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,pos,(void*)buffer,size); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d]GD_SDIO_WriteSector failed!\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__); rt_sem_release(part->lock); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_sem_release(part->lock); return size; } static rt_err_t rt_sdcard_control(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = (gk_mmc_driver_s *)dev->user_data; rt_uint32_t index = mmc_drv->handle.index; struct dfs_partition *part = (struct dfs_partition *)mmc_drv->partP[index]; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; switch(cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_GETGEOME: { struct rt_device_blk_geometry *geometry; GD_SDIO_VolumeInfoT sdInfo; rt_memset(&sdInfo,0,sizeof(sdInfo)); geometry = (struct rt_device_blk_geometry *)args; retVal = GD_SDIO_GetCardInfo((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,&sdInfo,index); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]GD_SDIO_GetCardInfo failed!\n",__func__,__LINE__); return-RT_ENOMEM; } geometry->block_size = sdInfo.sectorSize; geometry->sector_count = sdInfo.sectorCount; geometry->bytes_per_sector = sdInfo.sectorSize; PRINT_MMC_DBG("[%s:%d]sd card block_size:%d,sector_count:%d!\n",__func__,__LINE__, geometry->block_size,geometry->sector_count); break; } case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_ERASE: { unsigned int eraseAdress = 0x00; unsigned short blkcnt = *(unsigned short *)args; retVal = GD_SDIO_EraseSector((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,eraseAdress,blkcnt); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d]GD_SDIO_EraseSector failed!\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__); return-RT_ENOMEM; } break; } default:break; } return RT_EOK; } int rt_hw_mmc_init(gk_mmc_driver_s *pMmcParams) { gk_mmc_driver_s *mmc_drv = &sd_driver; rt_uint32_t index = pMmcParams->handle.index; rt_uint32_t retVal = RT_EOK; rt_uint8_t *sector = NULL; rt_uint8_t sname[8] = {0}; rt_uint8_t sdDeviceName[4] = {0}; if (pMmcParams == NULL) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d] sdio init params is error!\n",__func__,__LINE__); return -RT_ENOMEM; } mmc_drv->openParams.isUseDmaWay = pMmcParams->openParams.isUseDmaWay; mmc_drv->openParams.notifyFunc = pMmcParams->openParams.notifyFunc; mmc_drv->openParams.notifyFuncOptPtr = pMmcParams->openParams.notifyFuncOptPtr; retVal = GD_SDIO_Open((GD_SDIO_OpenParamsT *)&mmc_drv->openParams,(sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]GD_SDIO_Open failed!\n",__func__,__LINE__); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* get the first sector to read partition table */ sector = (rt_uint8_t*) rt_malloc (RT_SDIO_MAX_BLOCK_LEN); if (sector == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("allocate partition sector buffer failed\n"); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /*alloc device buffer*/ mmc_drv->deviceP[index] = (struct rt_device*)rt_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_device)); if(mmc_drv->deviceP[index] == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]allocate device failed\n",__func__,__LINE__); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); return -RT_ENOMEM; } mmc_drv->partP[index] = (struct dfs_partition*)rt_malloc(sizeof(struct dfs_partition)); if(mmc_drv->partP[index] == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]allocate partP failed\n",__func__,__LINE__); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); return -RT_ENOMEM; } retVal = GD_SDIO_ReadSector((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle, 0, sector, 1); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d]GD_SDIO_ReadSector failed!\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); goto err; } /* get the first partition */ retVal = dfs_filesystem_get_partition(mmc_drv->partP[index], sector, 0); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s-%s:%d] failed!,retVal = %d\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,retVal); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); goto err; } rt_snprintf(sname, 8, "sem_sd%d", index); mmc_drv->partP[index]->lock = rt_sem_create(sname, 1, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); /* sdcard hardware init */ rt_memset(mmc_drv->deviceP[index],0,sizeof(struct rt_device)); mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->type = RT_Device_Class_Block; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->init = rt_sdcard_init; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->open = rt_sdcard_open; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->close = rt_sdcard_close; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->read = rt_sdcard_read; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->write = rt_sdcard_write; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->control = rt_sdcard_control; mmc_drv->deviceP[index]->user_data = (void *)mmc_drv; rt_snprintf(sdDeviceName, 4, "sd%d",index); retVal = rt_device_register(mmc_drv->deviceP[index], sdDeviceName, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_REMOVABLE | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STANDALONE); if (retVal != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("[%s:%d]rt_device_register name :%s failed!\n",__func__,__LINE__,sdDeviceName); GD_SDIO_Close((sdioHandleT *)&mmc_drv->handle,index); goto err; } /* release sector buffer */ if (sector != NULL){ rt_free(sector); sector = NULL; } return RT_EOK; err: if (mmc_drv->deviceP[index] != NULL){ rt_free(mmc_drv->deviceP[index]); mmc_drv->deviceP[index] = NULL; } if (mmc_drv->partP[index] != NULL) { rt_free(mmc_drv->partP[index]); mmc_drv->partP[index] = NULL; } if (sector != NULL){ rt_free(sector); sector = NULL; } return -RT_ETIMEOUT; }