/* RT-Thread config file */ #ifndef __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ #define __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ // <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> // <h>Basic Configuration // <o>Maximal level of thread priority <8-256> // <i>Default: 32 #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 8 // <o>OS tick per second // <i>Default: 1000 (1ms) #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 100 // <o>Alignment size for CPU architecture data access // <i>Default: 4 #define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 4 // <o>the max length of object name<2-16> // <i>Default: 8 #define RT_NAME_MAX 8 // <c1>Using RT-Thread components initialization // <i>Using RT-Thread components initialization #define RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT // </c> // <c1>Using user main // <i>Using user main //#define RT_USING_USER_MAIN // </c> // <o>the size of main thread<1-4086> // <i>Default: 512 #define RT_MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 256 // </h> // <h>Debug Configuration // <c1>enable kernel debug configuration // <i>Default: enable kernel debug configuration //#define RT_DEBUG // </c> // <o>enable components initialization debug configuration<0-1> // <i>Default: 0 #define RT_DEBUG_INIT 0 // <c1>thread stack over flow detect // <i> Diable Thread stack over flow detect //#define RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK // </c> // </h> // <h>Hook Configuration // <c1>using hook // <i>using hook //#define RT_USING_HOOK // </c> // <c1>using idle hook // <i>using idle hook //#define RT_USING_IDLE_HOOK // </c> // </h> // <e>Software timers Configuration // <i> Enables user timers #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT 0 #if RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT == 0 #undef RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT #endif // <o>The priority level of timer thread <0-31> // <i>Default: 4 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO 4 // <o>The stack size of timer thread <0-8192> // <i>Default: 512 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 // <o>The soft-timer tick per second <0-1000> // <i>Default: 100 #define RT_TIMER_TICK_PER_SECOND 100 // </e> // <h>IPC(Inter-process communication) Configuration // <c1>Using Semaphore // <i>Using Semaphore #define RT_USING_SEMAPHORE // </c> // <c1>Using Mutex // <i>Using Mutex #define RT_USING_MUTEX // </c> // <c1>Using Event // <i>Using Event //#define RT_USING_EVENT // </c> // <c1>Using MailBox // <i>Using MailBox #define RT_USING_MAILBOX // </c> // <c1>Using Message Queue // <i>Using Message Queue //#define RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE // </c> // </h> // <h>Memory Management Configuration // <c1>Using Memory Pool Management // <i>Using Memory Pool Management //#define RT_USING_MEMPOOL // </c> // <c1>Dynamic Heap Management // <i>Dynamic Heap Management #define RT_USING_HEAP // </c> // <c1>using small memory // <i>using small memory #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM // </c> // <c1>using tiny size of memory // <i>using tiny size of memory #define RT_USING_TINY_SIZE // </c> // </h> // <h>Device System Configuration // <c1>Using Device System // <i>Using Device System #define RT_USING_DEVICE // </c> // <c1>Using device communication // <i>Using device communication #define RT_USING_DEVICE_IPC // </c> // <c1>Using Serial // <i>Using Serial //#define RT_USING_SERIAL #define RT_SERIAL_USING_DMA // </c> // </h> // <h>Console Configuration // <c1>Using console // <i>Using console #define RT_USING_CONSOLE // </c> // <o>the buffer size of console <1-1024> // <i>the buffer size of console // <i>Default: 128 (128Byte) #define RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE 128 // <s>The device name for console // <i>The device name for console // <i>Default: uart1 #define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "uart1" // </h> // <h>Finsh Configuration // <c1>Using finsh as shell, which is a C-Express shell // <i>Using finsh as shell, which is a C-Express shell #define RT_USING_FINSH // </c> // <o>the priority of finsh thread <1-7> // <i>the priority of finsh thread // <i>Default: 6 #define FINSH_THREAD_PRIORITY (RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX / 8 * 5 + 1) // <o>the stack of finsh thread <1-4096> // <i>the stack of finsh thread // <i>Default: 4096 (4096Byte) #define FINSH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 // <o>the history lines of finsh thread <1-32> // <i>the history lines of finsh thread // <i>Default: 5 #define FINSH_HISTORY_LINES 1 // <c1>Using symbol table in finsh shell // <i>Using symbol table in finsh shell #define FINSH_USING_SYMTAB // </c> // <c1>Using module shell in finsh // <i>Using module shell in finsh #define FINSH_USING_MSH // </c> // <c1>Only using module shell in finsh // <i>Only using module shell in finsh #define FINSH_USING_MSH_ONLY // </c> // </h> // <<< end of configuration section >>> #define RT_USING_UART #define RT_USING_UART1 #endif