/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "fsl_enc.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /* Component ID definition, used by tools. */ #ifndef FSL_COMPONENT_ID #define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.enc" #endif #define ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS (ENC_CTRL_HIRQ_MASK | ENC_CTRL_XIRQ_MASK | ENC_CTRL_DIRQ_MASK | ENC_CTRL_CMPIRQ_MASK) #define ENC_CTRL2_W1C_FLAGS (ENC_CTRL2_SABIRQ_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_ROIRQ_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_RUIRQ_MASK) /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /*! * @brief Get instance number for ENC module. * * @param base ENC peripheral base address */ static uint32_t ENC_GetInstance(ENC_Type *base); /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Pointers to ENC bases for each instance. */ static ENC_Type *const s_encBases[] = ENC_BASE_PTRS; #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /*! @brief Pointers to ENC clocks for each instance. */ static const clock_ip_name_t s_encClocks[] = ENC_CLOCKS; #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ static uint32_t ENC_GetInstance(ENC_Type *base) { uint32_t instance; /* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */ for (instance = 0; instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_encBases); instance++) { if (s_encBases[instance] == base) { break; } } assert(instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_encBases)); return instance; } /*! * brief Initialization for the ENC module. * * This function is to make the initialization for the ENC module. It should be called firstly before any operation to * the ENC with the operations like: * - Enable the clock for ENC module. * - Configure the ENC's working attributes. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * param config Pointer to configuration structure. See to "enc_config_t". */ void ENC_Init(ENC_Type *base, const enc_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); uint32_t tmp16; #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* Enable the clock. */ CLOCK_EnableClock(s_encClocks[ENC_GetInstance(base)]); #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /* ENC_CTRL. */ tmp16 = base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~(ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS | ENC_CTRL_HIP_MASK | ENC_CTRL_HNE_MASK | ENC_CTRL_REV_MASK | ENC_CTRL_PH1_MASK | ENC_CTRL_XIP_MASK | ENC_CTRL_XNE_MASK | ENC_CTRL_WDE_MASK)); /* For HOME trigger. */ if (kENC_HOMETriggerDisabled != config->HOMETriggerMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_HIP_MASK; if (kENC_HOMETriggerOnFallingEdge == config->HOMETriggerMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_HNE_MASK; } } /* For encoder work mode. */ if (config->enableReverseDirection) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_REV_MASK; } if (kENC_DecoderWorkAsSignalPhaseCountMode == config->decoderWorkMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_PH1_MASK; } /* For INDEX trigger. */ if (kENC_INDEXTriggerDisabled != config->INDEXTriggerMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_XIP_MASK; if (kENC_INDEXTriggerOnFallingEdge == config->INDEXTriggerMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_XNE_MASK; } } /* Watchdog. */ if (config->enableWatchdog) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_WDE_MASK; base->WTR = config->watchdogTimeoutValue; /* WDOG can be only available when the feature is enabled. */ } base->CTRL = tmp16; /* ENC_FILT. */ base->FILT = ENC_FILT_FILT_CNT(config->filterCount) | ENC_FILT_FILT_PER(config->filterSamplePeriod); /* ENC_CTRL2. */ tmp16 = base->CTRL2 & (uint16_t)(~(ENC_CTRL2_W1C_FLAGS | ENC_CTRL2_OUTCTL_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_REVMOD_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_MOD_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_UPDPOS_MASK | ENC_CTRL2_UPDHLD_MASK)); if (kENC_POSMATCHOnReadingAnyPositionCounter == config->positionMatchMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_OUTCTL_MASK; } if (kENC_RevolutionCountOnRollOverModulus == config->revolutionCountCondition) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_REVMOD_MASK; } if (config->enableModuloCountMode) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_MOD_MASK; /* Set modulus value. */ base->UMOD = (uint16_t)(config->positionModulusValue >> 16U); /* Upper 16 bits. */ base->LMOD = (uint16_t)(config->positionModulusValue); /* Lower 16 bits. */ } if (config->enableTRIGGERClearPositionCounter) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_UPDPOS_MASK; } if (config->enableTRIGGERClearHoldPositionCounter) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_UPDHLD_MASK; } base->CTRL2 = tmp16; /* ENC_UCOMP & ENC_LCOMP. */ base->UCOMP = (uint16_t)(config->positionCompareValue >> 16U); /* Upper 16 bits. */ base->LCOMP = (uint16_t)(config->positionCompareValue); /* Lower 16 bits. */ /* ENC_UINIT & ENC_LINIT. */ base->UINIT = (uint16_t)(config->positionInitialValue >> 16U); /* Upper 16 bits. */ base->LINIT = (uint16_t)(config->positionInitialValue); /* Lower 16 bits. */ } /*! * brief De-initialization for the ENC module. * * This function is to make the de-initialization for the ENC module. It could be called when ENC is no longer used with * the operations like: * - Disable the clock for ENC module. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. */ void ENC_Deinit(ENC_Type *base) { #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* Disable the clock. */ CLOCK_DisableClock(s_encClocks[ENC_GetInstance(base)]); #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ } /*! * brief Get an available pre-defined settings for ENC's configuration. * * This function initializes the ENC configuration structure with an available settings, the default value are: * code * config->enableReverseDirection = false; * config->decoderWorkMode = kENC_DecoderWorkAsNormalMode; * config->HOMETriggerMode = kENC_HOMETriggerDisabled; * config->INDEXTriggerMode = kENC_INDEXTriggerDisabled; * config->enableTRIGGERClearPositionCounter = false; * config->enableTRIGGERClearHoldPositionCounter = false; * config->enableWatchdog = false; * config->watchdogTimeoutValue = 0U; * config->filterCount = 0U; * config->filterSamplePeriod = 0U; * config->positionMatchMode = kENC_POSMATCHOnPositionCounterEqualToComapreValue; * config->positionCompareValue = 0xFFFFFFFFU; * config->revolutionCountCondition = kENC_RevolutionCountOnINDEXPulse; * config->enableModuloCountMode = false; * config->positionModulusValue = 0U; * config->positionInitialValue = 0U; * endcode * param config Pointer to a variable of configuration structure. See to "enc_config_t". */ void ENC_GetDefaultConfig(enc_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); /* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */ memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); config->enableReverseDirection = false; config->decoderWorkMode = kENC_DecoderWorkAsNormalMode; config->HOMETriggerMode = kENC_HOMETriggerDisabled; config->INDEXTriggerMode = kENC_INDEXTriggerDisabled; config->enableTRIGGERClearPositionCounter = false; config->enableTRIGGERClearHoldPositionCounter = false; config->enableWatchdog = false; config->watchdogTimeoutValue = 0U; config->filterCount = 0U; config->filterSamplePeriod = 0U; config->positionMatchMode = kENC_POSMATCHOnPositionCounterEqualToComapreValue; config->positionCompareValue = 0xFFFFFFFFU; config->revolutionCountCondition = kENC_RevolutionCountOnINDEXPulse; config->enableModuloCountMode = false; config->positionModulusValue = 0U; config->positionInitialValue = 0U; } /*! * brief Load the initial position value to position counter. * * This function is to transfer the initial position value (UINIT and LINIT) contents to position counter (UPOS and * LPOS), so that to provide the consistent operation the position counter registers. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. */ void ENC_DoSoftwareLoadInitialPositionValue(ENC_Type *base) { uint16_t tmp16 = base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS); tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_SWIP_MASK; /* Write 1 to trigger the command for loading initial position value. */ base->CTRL = tmp16; } /*! * brief Enable and configure the self test function. * * This function is to enable and configuration the self test function. It controls and sets the frequency of a * quadrature signal generator. It provides a quadrature test signal to the inputs of the quadrature decoder module. * It is a factory test feature; however, it may be useful to customers' software development and testing. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * param config Pointer to configuration structure. See to "enc_self_test_config_t". Pass "NULL" to disable. */ void ENC_SetSelfTestConfig(ENC_Type *base, const enc_self_test_config_t *config) { uint16_t tmp16 = 0U; if (NULL == config) /* Pass "NULL" to disable the feature. */ { base->TST = 0U; return; } tmp16 = ENC_TST_TEN_MASK | ENC_TST_TCE_MASK | ENC_TST_TEST_PERIOD(config->signalPeriod) | ENC_TST_TEST_COUNT(config->signalCount); if (kENC_SelfTestDirectionNegative == config->signalDirection) { tmp16 |= ENC_TST_QDN_MASK; } base->TST = tmp16; } /*! * brief Enable watchdog for ENC module. * * param base ENC peripheral base address * param enable Enables or disables the watchdog */ void ENC_EnableWatchdog(ENC_Type *base, bool enable) { uint16_t tmp16 = base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~(ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS | ENC_CTRL_WDE_MASK)); if (enable) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_WDE_MASK; } base->CTRL = tmp16; } /*! * brief Get the status flags. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * * return Mask value of status flags. For available mask, see to "_enc_status_flags". */ uint32_t ENC_GetStatusFlags(ENC_Type *base) { uint32_t ret32 = 0U; /* ENC_CTRL. */ if (ENC_CTRL_HIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_HIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_HOMETransitionFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL_XIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_XIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_INDEXPulseFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL_DIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_DIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_WatchdogTimeoutFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL_CMPIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_CMPIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionCompareFlag; } /* ENC_CTRL2. */ if (ENC_CTRL2_SABIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_SABIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL2_ROIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_ROIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionRollOverFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL2_RUIRQ_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_RUIRQ_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionRollUnderFlag; } if (ENC_CTRL2_DIR_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_DIR_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_LastCountDirectionFlag; } return ret32; } /*! * brief Clear the status flags. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * param mask Mask value of status flags to be cleared. For available mask, see to "_enc_status_flags". */ void ENC_ClearStatusFlags(ENC_Type *base, uint32_t mask) { uint32_t tmp16 = 0U; /* ENC_CTRL. */ if (kENC_HOMETransitionFlag == (kENC_HOMETransitionFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_HIRQ_MASK; } if (kENC_INDEXPulseFlag == (kENC_INDEXPulseFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_XIRQ_MASK; } if (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutFlag == (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_DIRQ_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionCompareFlag == (kENC_PositionCompareFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_CMPIRQ_MASK; } if (0U != tmp16) { base->CTRL = (base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS)) | tmp16; } /* ENC_CTRL2. */ tmp16 = 0U; if (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeFlag == (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_SABIRQ_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollOverFlag == (kENC_PositionRollOverFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_ROIRQ_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollUnderFlag == (kENC_PositionRollUnderFlag & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_RUIRQ_MASK; } if (0U != tmp16) { base->CTRL2 = (base->CTRL2 & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL2_W1C_FLAGS)) | tmp16; } } /*! * brief Enable the interrupts. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * param mask Mask value of interrupts to be enabled. For available mask, see to "_enc_interrupt_enable". */ void ENC_EnableInterrupts(ENC_Type *base, uint32_t mask) { uint32_t tmp16 = 0U; /* ENC_CTRL. */ if (kENC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable == (kENC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_HIE_MASK; } if (kENC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable == (kENC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_XIE_MASK; } if (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable == (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_DIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable == (kENC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_CMPIE_MASK; } if (tmp16 != 0U) { base->CTRL = (base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS)) | tmp16; } /* ENC_CTRL2. */ tmp16 = 0U; if (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeInterruptEnable == (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_SABIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable == (kENC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_ROIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable == (kENC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_RUIE_MASK; } if (tmp16 != 0U) { base->CTRL2 = (base->CTRL2 & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL2_W1C_FLAGS)) | tmp16; } } /*! * brief Disable the interrupts. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * param mask Mask value of interrupts to be disabled. For available mask, see to "_enc_interrupt_enable". */ void ENC_DisableInterrupts(ENC_Type *base, uint32_t mask) { uint16_t tmp16 = 0U; /* ENC_CTRL. */ if (kENC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable == (kENC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_HIE_MASK; } if (kENC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable == (kENC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_XIE_MASK; } if (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable == (kENC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_DIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable == (kENC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL_CMPIE_MASK; } if (0U != tmp16) { base->CTRL = (uint16_t)(base->CTRL & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL_W1C_FLAGS)) & (uint16_t)(~tmp16); } /* ENC_CTRL2. */ tmp16 = 0U; if (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeInterruptEnable == (kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_SABIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable == (kENC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_ROIE_MASK; } if (kENC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable == (kENC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable & mask)) { tmp16 |= ENC_CTRL2_RUIE_MASK; } if (tmp16 != 0U) { base->CTRL2 = (uint16_t)(base->CTRL2 & (uint16_t)(~ENC_CTRL2_W1C_FLAGS)) & (uint16_t)(~tmp16); } } /*! * brief Get the enabled interrupts' flags. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * * return Mask value of enabled interrupts. */ uint32_t ENC_GetEnabledInterrupts(ENC_Type *base) { uint32_t ret32 = 0U; /* ENC_CTRL. */ if (ENC_CTRL_HIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_HIE_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable; } if (ENC_CTRL_XIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_XIE_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable; } if (ENC_CTRL_DIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_DIE_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable; } if (ENC_CTRL_CMPIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL_CMPIE_MASK & base->CTRL)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable; } /* ENC_CTRL2. */ if (ENC_CTRL2_SABIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_SABIE_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_SimultBothPhaseChangeInterruptEnable; } if (ENC_CTRL2_ROIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_ROIE_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable; } if (ENC_CTRL2_RUIE_MASK == (ENC_CTRL2_RUIE_MASK & base->CTRL2)) { ret32 |= kENC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable; } return ret32; } /*! * brief Set initial position value for ENC module. * * param base ENC peripheral base address * param value Positive initial value */ void ENC_SetInitialPositionValue(ENC_Type *base, uint32_t value) { base->UINIT = (uint16_t)(value >> 16U); /* Set upper 16 bits. */ base->LINIT = (uint16_t)(value); /* Set lower 16 bits. */ } /*! * brief Get the current position counter's value. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * * return Current position counter's value. */ uint32_t ENC_GetPositionValue(ENC_Type *base) { uint32_t ret32; ret32 = base->UPOS; /* Get upper 16 bits and make a snapshot. */ ret32 <<= 16U; ret32 |= base->LPOSH; /* Get lower 16 bits from hold register. */ return ret32; } /*! * brief Get the hold position counter's value. * * When any of the counter registers is read, the contents of each counter register is written to the corresponding hold * register. Taking a snapshot of the counters' values provides a consistent view of a system position and a velocity to * be attained. * * param base ENC peripheral base address. * * return Hold position counter's value. */ uint32_t ENC_GetHoldPositionValue(ENC_Type *base) { uint32_t ret32; ret32 = base->UPOSH; /* Get upper 16 bits and make a snapshot. */ ret32 <<= 16U; ret32 |= base->LPOSH; /* Get lower 16 bits from hold register. */ return ret32; }