/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, YICHIP Technology Co.,Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-09-09 WSY first version */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include <rtdbg.h> /* defined the LED pin: PA12 */ #define LED_PIN (51) #define FS_PARTITION_NAME "filesystem" #ifdef BSP_USING_INTER_FLASH #include <dfs_elm.h> #include <dfs_file.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dfs_fs.h> #include <fal.h> static void elmfs_sample(void) { fal_init(); struct rt_device *flash_dev = fal_blk_device_create(FS_PARTITION_NAME); if (flash_dev == NULL) { LOG_E("Can't create a block device on '%s' partition.", FS_PARTITION_NAME); } else { LOG_I("Create a block device on the %s partition of flash successful...", FS_PARTITION_NAME); } if (dfs_mkfs("elm", flash_dev->parent.name) == 0) { LOG_I("dfs_mkfs ok!\n"); } else { LOG_E("dfs_mkfs err!\n"); } if (dfs_mount(flash_dev->parent.name, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { LOG_I("Filesystem initialized!"); } else { LOG_E("Failed to initialize filesystem!"); LOG_D("You should create a filesystem on the block device first!"); } struct statfs elm_stat; if (statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0) { LOG_I("elmfat filesystem block size:0x%x,total blocks:0x%x,free blocks:0x%x\n", elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree); } if (mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0) { LOG_I("make a directory: '/user'.\n"); } LOG_I("open file\n"); int fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); LOG_I("open file ok\n"); char str[] = "elmfat mount"; if (fd >= 0) { LOG_I("write file\n"); if (write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str)) LOG_I("write data done.\n"); close(fd); } int size; char buf[20]; fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { LOG_I("read file\n"); size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(fd); if (size == sizeof(str)) { LOG_I("Read data from file test.txt(size:%d):%s\n", size, buf); } } else { LOG_E("open err\n"); } if (statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0) { LOG_I("elmfat filesystem block size:0x%x,total blocks:0x%x,free blocks:0x%x\n", elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree); } } #endif int main(void) { #ifdef BSP_USING_INTER_FLASH elmfs_sample(); #endif int count = 1; /* set LED4 pin mode to output */ rt_pin_mode(LED_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); while (count++) { rt_pin_write(LED_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_thread_mdelay(500); rt_pin_write(LED_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_mdelay(500); } return RT_EOK; }