//***************************************************************************** // // hw_qei.h - Macros used when accessing the QEI hardware. // // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __HW_QEI_H__ #define __HW_QEI_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the QEI register offsets. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_O_CTL 0x00000000 // QEI Control #define QEI_O_STAT 0x00000004 // QEI Status #define QEI_O_POS 0x00000008 // QEI Position #define QEI_O_MAXPOS 0x0000000C // QEI Maximum Position #define QEI_O_LOAD 0x00000010 // QEI Timer Load #define QEI_O_TIME 0x00000014 // QEI Timer #define QEI_O_COUNT 0x00000018 // QEI Velocity Counter #define QEI_O_SPEED 0x0000001C // QEI Velocity #define QEI_O_INTEN 0x00000020 // QEI Interrupt Enable #define QEI_O_RIS 0x00000024 // QEI Raw Interrupt Status #define QEI_O_ISC 0x00000028 // QEI Interrupt Status and Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_CTL register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_CTL_FILTCNT_M 0x000F0000 // Input Filter Prescale Count #define QEI_CTL_FILTEN 0x00002000 // Enable Input Filter #define QEI_CTL_STALLEN 0x00001000 // Stall QEI #define QEI_CTL_INVI 0x00000800 // Invert Index Pulse #define QEI_CTL_INVB 0x00000400 // Invert PhB #define QEI_CTL_INVA 0x00000200 // Invert PhA #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_M 0x000001C0 // Predivide Velocity #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_1 0x00000000 // QEI clock /1 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_2 0x00000040 // QEI clock /2 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_4 0x00000080 // QEI clock /4 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_8 0x000000C0 // QEI clock /8 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_16 0x00000100 // QEI clock /16 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_32 0x00000140 // QEI clock /32 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_64 0x00000180 // QEI clock /64 #define QEI_CTL_VELDIV_128 0x000001C0 // QEI clock /128 #define QEI_CTL_VELEN 0x00000020 // Capture Velocity #define QEI_CTL_RESMODE 0x00000010 // Reset Mode #define QEI_CTL_CAPMODE 0x00000008 // Capture Mode #define QEI_CTL_SIGMODE 0x00000004 // Signal Mode #define QEI_CTL_SWAP 0x00000002 // Swap Signals #define QEI_CTL_ENABLE 0x00000001 // Enable QEI #define QEI_CTL_FILTCNT_S 16 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_STAT register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_STAT_DIRECTION 0x00000002 // Direction of Rotation #define QEI_STAT_ERROR 0x00000001 // Error Detected //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_POS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_POS_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Current Position Integrator // Value #define QEI_POS_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_MAXPOS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_MAXPOS_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Maximum Position Integrator // Value #define QEI_MAXPOS_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_LOAD register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_LOAD_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Velocity Timer Load Value #define QEI_LOAD_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_TIME register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_TIME_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Velocity Timer Current Value #define QEI_TIME_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_COUNT register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_COUNT_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Velocity Pulse Count #define QEI_COUNT_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_SPEED register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_SPEED_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Velocity #define QEI_SPEED_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_INTEN register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_INTEN_ERROR 0x00000008 // Phase Error Interrupt Enable #define QEI_INTEN_DIR 0x00000004 // Direction Change Interrupt // Enable #define QEI_INTEN_TIMER 0x00000002 // Timer Expires Interrupt Enable #define QEI_INTEN_INDEX 0x00000001 // Index Pulse Detected Interrupt // Enable //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_RIS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_RIS_ERROR 0x00000008 // Phase Error Detected #define QEI_RIS_DIR 0x00000004 // Direction Change Detected #define QEI_RIS_TIMER 0x00000002 // Velocity Timer Expired #define QEI_RIS_INDEX 0x00000001 // Index Pulse Asserted //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the QEI_O_ISC register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_ISC_ERROR 0x00000008 // Phase Error Interrupt #define QEI_ISC_DIR 0x00000004 // Direction Change Interrupt #define QEI_ISC_TIMER 0x00000002 // Velocity Timer Expired Interrupt #define QEI_ISC_INDEX 0x00000001 // Index Pulse Interrupt //***************************************************************************** // // The following definitions are deprecated. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef DEPRECATED //***************************************************************************** // // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the QEI_ISC // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_INT_ERROR 0x00000008 // Phase error detected #define QEI_INT_DIR 0x00000004 // Direction change #define QEI_INT_TIMER 0x00000002 // Velocity timer expired #define QEI_INT_INDEX 0x00000001 // Index pulse detected //***************************************************************************** // // The following are deprecated defines for the reset values for the QEI // registers. // //***************************************************************************** #define QEI_RV_POS 0x00000000 // Current position register #define QEI_RV_LOAD 0x00000000 // Velocity timer load register #define QEI_RV_CTL 0x00000000 // Configuration and control reg #define QEI_RV_RIS 0x00000000 // Raw interrupt status register #define QEI_RV_ISC 0x00000000 // Interrupt status register #define QEI_RV_SPEED 0x00000000 // Velocity speed register #define QEI_RV_INTEN 0x00000000 // Interrupt enable register #define QEI_RV_STAT 0x00000000 // Status register #define QEI_RV_COUNT 0x00000000 // Velocity pulse count register #define QEI_RV_MAXPOS 0x00000000 // Maximum position register #define QEI_RV_TIME 0x00000000 // Velocity timer register #endif #endif // __HW_QEI_H__