//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @file hal_dac.c /// @author AE TEAM /// @brief THIS FILE PROVIDES ALL THE DAC FIRMWARE FUNCTIONS. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @attention /// /// THE EXISTING FIRMWARE IS ONLY FOR REFERENCE, WHICH IS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE /// CUSTOMERS WITH CODING INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR PRODUCTS SO THEY CAN SAVE /// TIME. THEREFORE, MINDMOTION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT OR /// CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ABOUT ANY CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE CONTENT OF SUCH /// HARDWARE AND/OR THE USE OF THE CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN /// CONNECTION WITH PRODUCTS MADE BY CUSTOMERS. /// /// <H2><CENTER>© COPYRIGHT MINDMOTION </CENTER></H2> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define to prevent recursive inclusion #define _HAL_DAC_C_ // Files includes #include "hal_dac.h" #include "hal_rcc.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup MM32_Hardware_Abstract_Layer /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup DAC_HAL /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @addtogroup DAC_Exported_Functions /// @{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Deinitializes the DAC peripheral registers to their default reset values. /// @param None. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_DeInit(void) { exRCC_APB1PeriphReset(RCC_APB1ENR_DAC); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Initializes the DAC peripheral according to the specified parameters in the DAC_InitStruct. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @param DAC_InitStruct: pointer to a DAC_InitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified /// DAC channel. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_Init(emDACCH_TypeDef channel, DAC_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { DAC->CR &= ~((DAC_CR_BOFF1 | DAC_CR_TEN1 | DAC_CR_TSEL1 | DAC_CR_WAVE1 | DAC_CR_MAMP1) << channel); DAC->CR |= (((u32)(init_struct->DAC_Trigger) | (u32)(init_struct->DAC_WaveGeneration) | (u32)(init_struct->DAC_LFSRUnmask_TriangleAmplitude) | (u32)(init_struct->DAC_OutputBuffer)) << channel); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Fills each DAC_InitStruct member with its default value. /// @param DAC_InitStruct : pointer to a DAC_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_StructInit(DAC_InitTypeDef* init_struct) { init_struct->DAC_Trigger = DAC_Trigger_None; init_struct->DAC_WaveGeneration = DAC_WaveGeneration_None; init_struct->DAC_LFSRUnmask_TriangleAmplitude = DAC_TriangleAmplitude_1; init_struct->DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OutputBuffer_Enable; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified DAC channel. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @param state: new state of the DAC channel. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_Cmd(emDACCH_TypeDef channel, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (DAC->CR |= DAC_CR_EN1 << channel) : (DAC->CR &= ~(DAC_CR_EN1 << channel)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the specified DAC channel DMA request. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @param state: new state of the selected DAC channel DMA request. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_DMACmd(emDACCH_TypeDef channel, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (DAC->CR |= DAC_CR_DMAEN1 << channel) : (DAC->CR &= ~(DAC_CR_DMAEN1 << channel)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the selected DAC channel software trigger. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @param state: new state of the selected DAC channel software trigger. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_SoftwareTriggerCmd(emDACCH_TypeDef channel, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (DAC->SWTRIGR |= (DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1 << (channel >> 4))) : (DAC->SWTRIGR &= ~(DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1 << (channel >> 4))); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables simultaneously the two DAC channels software triggers. /// @param state: new state of the DAC channels software triggers. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_DualSoftwareTriggerCmd(FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (DAC->SWTRIGR |= (DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1 | DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2)) : (DAC->SWTRIGR &= ~(DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1 | DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Enables or disables the selected DAC channel wave generation. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @param wave: Specifies the wave type to enable or disable. /// @param state: new state of the selected DAC channel wave generation. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_WaveGenerationCmd(emDACCH_TypeDef channel, emDACWAVE_TypeDef wave, FunctionalState state) { (state) ? (DAC->CR |= wave << channel) : (DAC->CR &= ~(wave << channel)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel1. /// @param alignement: Specifies the data alignement for DAC channel1. /// @param data : data to be loaded in the selected data holding register. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_SetChannel1Data(emDACALIGN_TypeDef alignement, u16 data) { *((u32*)(DAC_BASE + DHR12R1_Offset + alignement)) = data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel2. /// @param alignement: Specifies the data alignement for DAC channel2. /// @param data : data to be loaded in the selected data holding /// register. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_SetChannel2Data(emDACALIGN_TypeDef alignement, u16 data) { *((u32*)(DAC_BASE + DHR12R2_Offset + alignement)) = data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Set the specified data holding register value for dual channel DAC. /// @param alignement: Specifies the data alignement for dual channel DAC. /// @param data2: data for DAC Channel2 to be loaded in the selected data holding register. /// @param data1: data for DAC Channel1 to be loaded in the selected data holding register. /// @retval None. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAC_SetDualChannelData(emDACALIGN_TypeDef alignement, u16 data2, u16 data1) { u32 data = ((alignement == DAC_Align_8b_R) ? ((data2 << 8) | data1) : ((data2 << 16) | data1)); *((u32*)(DAC_BASE + DHR12RD_Offset + alignement)) = data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Returns the last data output value of the selected DAC cahnnel. /// @param channel: the selected DAC channel. /// @retval The selected DAC channel data output value. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u16 DAC_GetDataOutputValue(emDACCH_TypeDef channel) { return (*(vu32*)(DAC_BASE + DOR_Offset + (channel >> 2))); } /// @} /// @} /// @}