#ifndef __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ #define __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ // <RDTConfigurator URL="http://www.rt-thread.com/eclipse"> // <integer name="RT_NAME_MAX" description="Maximal size of kernel object name length" default="6" /> #define RT_NAME_MAX 6 // <integer name="RT_ALIGN_SIZE" description="Alignment size for CPU architecture data access" default="8" /> #define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 8 // <integer name="RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX" description="Maximal level of thread priority" default="32"> // <item description="8">8</item> // <item description="32">32</item> // <item description="256">256</item> // </integer> #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 32 // <integer name="RT_TICK_PER_SECOND" description="OS tick per second" default="100" /> #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 100 // <section name="RT_DEBUG" description="Kernel Debug Configuration" default="true" > #define RT_DEBUG #define RT_DEBUG_COLOR // <bool name="RT_THREAD_DEBUG" description="Thread debug enable" default="false" /> // #define RT_THREAD_DEBUG // <bool name="RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK" description="Thread stack over flow detect" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK // </section> // <bool name="RT_USING_HOOK" description="Using hook functions" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_HOOK // <section name="RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT" description="Using software timer which will start a thread to handle soft-timer" default="true" > // #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT // <integer name="RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO" description="The priority level of timer thread" default="4" /> #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO 4 // <integer name="RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE" description="The stack size of timer thread" default="512" /> #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 // <integer name="RT_TIMER_TICK_PER_SECOND" description="The soft-timer tick per second" default="10" /> #define RT_TIMER_TICK_PER_SECOND 10 // </section> // <section name="IPC" description="Inter-Thread communication" default="always" > // <bool name="RT_USING_SEMAPHORE" description="Using semaphore in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_SEMAPHORE // <bool name="RT_USING_MUTEX" description="Using mutex in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_MUTEX // <bool name="RT_USING_EVENT" description="Using event group in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_EVENT // <bool name="RT_USING_MAILBOX" description="Using mailbox in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_MAILBOX // <bool name="RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE" description="Using message queue in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE // </section> // <section name="MM" description="Memory Management" default="always" > // <bool name="RT_USING_MEMPOOL" description="Using Memory Pool Management in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_MEMPOOL // <bool name="RT_USING_MEMHEAP" description="Using Memory Heap Object in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_MEMHEAP // <bool name="RT_USING_HEAP" description="Using Dynamic Heap Management in the system" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_HEAP // <bool name="RT_USING_SMALL_MEM" description="Optimizing for small memory" default="false" /> #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM // <bool name="RT_USING_SLAB" description="Using SLAB memory management for large memory" default="false" /> // #define RT_USING_SLAB // </section> // <section name="RT_USING_DEVICE" description="Using Device Driver Framework" default="true" > #define RT_USING_DEVICE #define RT_USING_DEVICE_IPC // <bool name="RT_USING_UART0" description="Using UART0" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_UART0 // <integer name="RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE" description="The buffer size for UART reception" default="64" /> #define RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 // </section> // <section name="RT_USING_CONSOLE" description="Using console" default="true" > #define RT_USING_CONSOLE // <integer name="RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE" description="The buffer size for console output" default="128" /> #define RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE 128 // <string name="RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME" description="The device name for console" default="uart" /> #define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "uart0" // </section> // <bool name="RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT" description="Using RT-Thread components initialization" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT // <section name="RT_USING_FINSH" description="Using finsh as shell, which is a C-Express shell" default="true" > #define RT_USING_FINSH // <bool name="FINSH_USING_SYMTAB" description="Using symbol table in finsh shell" default="true" /> #define FINSH_USING_SYMTAB // <bool name="FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION" description="Keeping description in symbol table" default="true" /> #define FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION // <integer name="FINSH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE" description="The stack size for finsh thread" default="4096" /> #define FINSH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096 // </section> // <section name="LIBC" description="C Runtime library setting" default="always" > // <bool name="RT_USING_LIBC" description="Using C library" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_LIBC // <bool name="RT_USING_PTHREADS" description="Using POSIX threads library" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_PTHREADS // </section> // <section name="RT_USING_DFS" description="Device file system" default="true" > // #define RT_USING_DFS // <bool name="DFS_USING_WORKDIR" description="Using working directory" default="true" /> #define DFS_USING_WORKDIR // <integer name="DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX" description="The maximal number of mounted file system" default="4" /> #define DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX 2 // <integer name="DFS_FD_MAX" description="The maximal number of opened files" default="4" /> #define DFS_FD_MAX 4 // <bool name="RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT" description="Using ELM FatFs" default="true" /> #define RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT // <integer name="RT_DFS_ELM_USE_LFN" description="Support long file name" default="0"> // <item description="LFN1">1</item> // <item description="LFN1">2</item> // </integer> #define RT_DFS_ELM_USE_LFN 1 // <integer name="RT_DFS_ELM_CODE_PAGE" description="specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system" default="936"> // <item description="Japanese Shift-JIS (DBCS, OEM, Windows)">932</item> // <item description="Simplified Chinese GBK (DBCS, OEM, Windows)">936</item> // <item description="Korean (DBCS, OEM, Windows)">949</item> // <item description="Traditional Chinese Big5 (DBCS, OEM, Windows)">950</item> // <item description="Central Europe (Windows)">1250</item> // <item description="Cyrillic (Windows)">1251</item> // <item description="Latin 1 (Windows)">1252</item> // <item description="Greek (Windows)">1253</item> // <item description="Turkish (Windows)">1254</item> // <item description="Hebrew (Windows)">1255</item> // <item description="Arabic (Windows)">1256</item> // <item description="Baltic (Windows)">1257</item> // <item description="Vietnam (OEM, Windows)">1258</item> // <item description="U.S. (OEM)">437</item> // <item description="Arabic (OEM)">720</item> // <item description="Greek (OEM)">737</item> // <item description="Baltic (OEM)">775</item> // <item description="Multilingual Latin 1 (OEM)">850</item> // <item description="Multilingual Latin 1 + Euro (OEM)">858</item> // <item description="Latin 2 (OEM)">852</item> // <item description="Cyrillic (OEM)">855</item> // <item description="Russian (OEM)">866</item> // <item description="Turkish (OEM)">857</item> // <item description="Hebrew (OEM)">862</item> // <item description="Thai (OEM, Windows)">874</item> // <item description="ASCII only (Valid for non LFN cfg.)">1</item> // </integer> #define RT_DFS_ELM_CODE_PAGE 437 // <integer name="RT_DFS_ELM_MAX_LFN" description="Maximal size of file name length" default="255" /> #define RT_DFS_ELM_MAX_LFN 64 // <bool name="RT_USING_DFS_YAFFS2" description="Using YAFFS2" default="false" /> // #define RT_USING_DFS_YAFFS2 // <bool name="RT_USING_DFS_UFFS" description="Using UFFS" default="false" /> // #define RT_USING_DFS_UFFS // <bool name="RT_USING_DFS_DEVFS" description="Using devfs for device objects" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_DFS_DEVFS // <bool name="RT_USING_DFS_NFS" description="Using NFS v3 client file system" default="false" /> // #define RT_USING_DFS_NFS // <string name="RT_NFS_HOST_EXPORT" description="NFSv3 host export" default="" /> #define RT_NFS_HOST_EXPORT "" // </section> // <section name="RT_USING_LWIP" description="lwip, a lightweight TCP/IP protocol stack" default="true" > #define RT_USING_LWIP #define RT_USING_LWIP203 // <bool name="RT_LWIP_ICMP" description="Enable ICMP protocol" default="true" /> #define RT_LWIP_ICMP // <bool name="RT_LWIP_IGMP" description="Enable IGMP protocol" default="false" /> // #define RT_LWIP_IGMP // <bool name="RT_LWIP_UDP" description="Enable UDP protocol" default="true" /> #define RT_LWIP_UDP // <bool name="RT_LWIP_TCP" description="Enable TCP protocol" default="true" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCP // <bool name="RT_LWIP_DNS" description="Enable DNS protocol" default="true" /> #define RT_LWIP_DNS // <integer name="RT_LWIP_PBUF_NUM" description="Maximal number of buffers in the pbuf pool" default="4" /> #define RT_LWIP_PBUF_NUM 4 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCP_PCB_NUM" description="Maximal number of simultaneously active TCP connections" default="5" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCP_PCB_NUM 3 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCP_SND_BUF" description="TCP sender buffer size" default="8192" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCP_SND_BUF (2 * TCP_MSS) // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCP_WND" description="TCP receive window" default="8192" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCP_WND 2048 // <bool name="RT_LWIP_SNMP" description="Enable SNMP protocol" default="false" /> // #define RT_LWIP_SNMP // <bool name="RT_LWIP_DHCP" description="Enable DHCP client to get IP address" default="false" /> // #define RT_LWIP_DHCP // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_PRIORITY" description="the thread priority of TCP thread" default="128" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_PRIORITY 12 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE" description="the mail box size of TCP thread to wait for" default="32" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE 8 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_STACKSIZE" description="the thread stack size of TCP thread" default="4096" /> #define RT_LWIP_TCPTHREAD_STACKSIZE 4096 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_PRIORITY" description="the thread priority of ethnetif thread" default="144" /> #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_PRIORITY 14 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE" description="the mail box size of ethnetif thread to wait for" default="8" /> #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_MBOX_SIZE 8 // <integer name="RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_STACKSIZE" description="the stack size of ethnetif thread" default="512" /> #define RT_LWIP_ETHTHREAD_STACKSIZE 512 // <ipaddr name="RT_LWIP_IPADDR" description="IP address of device" default="" /> #define RT_LWIP_IPADDR "" // <ipaddr name="RT_LWIP_GWADDR" description="Gateway address of device" default="" /> #define RT_LWIP_GWADDR "" // <ipaddr name="RT_LWIP_MSKADDR" description="Mask address of device" default="" /> #define RT_LWIP_MSKADDR "" // </section> // <bool name="RT_USING_CMSIS_OS" description="Using CMSIS OS API" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_CMSIS_OS // <bool name="RT_USING_BSP_CMSIS" description="Using CMSIS in BSP" default="true" /> // #define RT_USING_BSP_CMSIS // </RDTConfigurator> #endif