/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Email: opensource_embedded@phytium.com.cn * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2022-11-10 liqiaozhong first commit * 2023-03-08 liqiaozhong support 4 spis and qspi working together * */ #include #include #include "interrupt.h" #include #include "fdebug.h" #if defined(TARGET_E2000) #include "fparameters.h" #endif #include "fcpu_info.h" #include "fkernel.h" #include "ftypes.h" #include "fsleep.h" #ifdef RT_USING_SPI #include #include "fspim.h" #include "fspim_hw.h" /* include low-level header file for internal probe */ #include "drv_spi.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM0 static struct drv_spi _RTSpim0; #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM1 static struct drv_spi _RTSpim1; #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM2 static struct drv_spi _RTSpim2; #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM3 static struct drv_spi _RTSpim3; #endif static struct rt_spi_device *spi_device = RT_NULL; static struct rt_event rx_done_event; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ #define FSPIM_DEBUG_TAG "SPIM" #define FSPIM_ERROR(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_E(FSPIM_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FSPIM_WARN(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_W(FSPIM_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FSPIM_INFO(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_I(FSPIM_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FSPIM_DEBUG(format, ...) FT_DEBUG_PRINT_D(FSPIM_DEBUG_TAG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define EVENT_RX_DONE (1 << 1) /*******************************Api Functions*********************************/ static rt_err_t spim_configure(struct rt_spi_device* device, struct rt_spi_configuration* configuration); static rt_uint32_t spim_xfer(struct rt_spi_device* device, struct rt_spi_message* message); static FError FSpimSetupInterrupt(FSpim *instance_p) { FASSERT(instance_p); FSpimConfig *config_p = &instance_p->config; uintptr base_addr = config_p->base_addr; u32 cpu_id = 0; GetCpuId(&cpu_id); FSPIM_DEBUG("cpu_id is %d, irq_num is %d\n", cpu_id, config_p->irq_num); config_p->irq_prority = 0xd0; rt_hw_interrupt_set_target_cpus(config_p->irq_num, cpu_id); rt_hw_interrupt_set_priority(config_p->irq_num, config_p->irq_prority); /* register intr callback */ rt_hw_interrupt_install(config_p->irq_num, FSpimInterruptHandler, instance_p, NULL); /* enable tx fifo overflow / rx overflow / rx full */ FSpimMaskIrq(base_addr, FSPIM_IMR_ALL_BITS); /* enable irq */ rt_hw_interrupt_umask(config_p->irq_num); return FSPIM_SUCCESS; } static void rt_ft_send_event_done(void *instance_p, void *param) { FASSERT(instance_p); rt_event_send(&rx_done_event, EVENT_RX_DONE); return; } static const struct rt_spi_ops spim_ops = { .configure = spim_configure, .xfer = spim_xfer }; static rt_err_t spim_configure(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_configuration *configuration) { FError ret = FSPIM_SUCCESS; RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(configuration != RT_NULL); struct drv_spi *user_data_cfg = device->parent.user_data; FSpimConfig input_cfg = *FSpimLookupConfig(user_data_cfg->spi_id); FSpimConfig *set_input_cfg = &input_cfg; /* set fspim device according to configuration */ if (configuration->mode & RT_SPI_CPOL) { set_input_cfg->cpol = FSPIM_CPOL_HIGH; } else { set_input_cfg->cpol = FSPIM_CPOL_LOW; } if (configuration->mode & RT_SPI_CPHA) { set_input_cfg->cpha = FSPIM_CPHA_2_EDGE; } else { set_input_cfg->cpha = FSPIM_CPHA_1_EDGE; } if (configuration->data_width == 8) { set_input_cfg->n_bytes = FSPIM_1_BYTE; } else if (configuration->data_width == 16) { set_input_cfg->n_bytes = FSPIM_2_BYTE; } /* send spi_cfg to RT-Thread sys */ ret = FSpimCfgInitialize(&user_data_cfg->spim_instance, &input_cfg); if (FSPIM_SUCCESS != ret) return RT_ERROR; /* irq setting */ ret = FSpimSetupInterrupt(&user_data_cfg->spim_instance); if (FSPIM_SUCCESS != ret) return RT_ERROR; FSpimRegisterIntrruptHandler(&user_data_cfg->spim_instance, FSPIM_INTR_EVT_RX_DONE, rt_ft_send_event_done, NULL); return ret; } static rt_uint32_t spim_xfer(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_message *message) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(device->parent.user_data != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(message != RT_NULL); rt_size_t message_length; rt_uint8_t *recv_buf; const rt_uint8_t *send_buf; /* recv spi_cfg from RT-Thread sys */ struct drv_spi *user_data_xfer = device->parent.user_data; FSpim *xfer_spim_instance = &user_data_xfer->spim_instance; FError tx_rx_result = FSPIM_SUCCESS; message_length = message->length; recv_buf = message->recv_buf; send_buf = message->send_buf; if (message->cs_take) { FSpimSetChipSelection(xfer_spim_instance, TRUE); } if (message_length > 0) { if (send_buf == RT_NULL && recv_buf != RT_NULL) { /* receive message */ tx_rx_result = FSpimTransferByInterrupt(xfer_spim_instance, RT_NULL, recv_buf, message_length); } else if (send_buf != RT_NULL && recv_buf == RT_NULL) { /* send message */ tx_rx_result = FSpimTransferByInterrupt(xfer_spim_instance, send_buf, RT_NULL, message_length); } else if (send_buf != RT_NULL && recv_buf != RT_NULL) { /* not supported yet */ rt_kprintf("Do not support the situation that send_buf and recv_buf both not equal to 0."); } } if (FSPIM_SUCCESS != tx_rx_result) { rt_kprintf("FSpimTransferByInterrupt() fail!!!"); message_length = 0; } if (rt_event_recv(&rx_done_event, (EVENT_RX_DONE), (RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR | RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR), RT_WAITING_FOREVER, RT_NULL) != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("Wait rx timeout!!!\n"); message_length = 0; } if (message->cs_release) { FSpimSetChipSelection(xfer_spim_instance, FALSE); } return message_length; } int ft_spi_init(void) { rt_err_t result; static struct rt_spi_bus spim_bus; /* event creat */ if (RT_EOK != rt_event_init(&rx_done_event, "rx_done_event", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO)) { rt_kprintf("Create event failed.\n"); return RT_ERROR; } /* spi bus init */ result = rt_spi_bus_register(&spim_bus, "spi0", &spim_ops); RT_ASSERT((struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi0")); rt_kprintf("Spi bus spi0 init\n"); /* spi device init and attach to bus */ #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM0 _RTSpim0.spi_id = FSPI0_ID; result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&_RTSpim0.device, "spi00", "spi0", &_RTSpim0); spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi00"); if (RT_NULL == spi_device) { rt_kprintf("Spi init failed -> can't find spi00 device!\n"); return RT_ERROR; } rt_kprintf("Spi master device spi00 init.\n"); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM1 _RTSpim1.spi_id = FSPI1_ID; result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&_RTSpim1.device, "spi01", "spi0", &_RTSpim1); spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi01"); if (RT_NULL == spi_device) { rt_kprintf("Spi init failed -> can't find spi01 device!\n"); return RT_ERROR; } rt_kprintf("Spi master device spi01 init.\n"); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM2 _RTSpim2.spi_id = FSPI2_ID; result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&_RTSpim2.device, "spi02", "spi0", &_RTSpim2); spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi02"); if (RT_NULL == spi_device) { rt_kprintf("Spi init failed -> can't find spi02 device!\n"); return RT_ERROR; } rt_kprintf("Spi master device spi02 init.\n"); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SPIM3 _RTSpim3.spi_id = FSPI3_ID; result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&_RTSpim3.device, "spi03", "spi0", &_RTSpim3); spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi03"); if (RT_NULL == spi_device) { rt_kprintf("Spi init failed -> can't find spi03 device!\n"); return RT_ERROR; } rt_kprintf("Spi master device spi03 init.\n"); #endif return result; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(ft_spi_init); /* spi test example */ static void fspim_test_sample(int argc, char *argv[]) { rt_uint8_t send_to_flash_id = 0x9f; /* Flash cmd */ rt_uint8_t recv_from_falsh_id1[5] = {0}; rt_uint8_t recv_from_falsh_id2[5] = {0}; /* find the spi device to get the device handle */ spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find("spi02"); if (!spi_device) { rt_kprintf("fspim_test_sample run failed! can't find spi02 device!\n"); } else { static struct rt_spi_message msg1, msg2; msg1.send_buf = &send_to_flash_id; msg1.recv_buf = RT_NULL; msg1.length = 1; msg1.cs_take = 1; msg1.cs_release = 0; msg1.next = &msg2; msg2.send_buf = RT_NULL; msg2.recv_buf = recv_from_falsh_id2; msg2.length = 5; msg2.cs_take = 0; msg2.cs_release = 1; msg2.next = RT_NULL; /* send the command to read the ID using rt_spi_send_then_recv() */ rt_spi_send_then_recv(spi_device, &send_to_flash_id, 1, recv_from_falsh_id1, 5); rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_send_then_recv() read flash ID is:0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", recv_from_falsh_id1[0], recv_from_falsh_id1[1], recv_from_falsh_id1[2], recv_from_falsh_id1[3], recv_from_falsh_id1[4]); /* send the command to read the ID using rt_spi_transfer_message() */ rt_spi_transfer_message(spi_device, &msg1); rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_transfer_message() read flash ID is:0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", recv_from_falsh_id2[0], recv_from_falsh_id2[1], recv_from_falsh_id2[2], recv_from_falsh_id2[3], recv_from_falsh_id2[4]); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(fspim_test_sample, "fspim test sample"); #endif