#include /* days per month -- nonleap! */ const short __spm[13] = { 0, (31), (31+28), (31+28+31), (31+28+31+30), (31+28+31+30+31), (31+28+31+30+31+30), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30+31), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30+31+30), (31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30+31+30+31), }; static long int timezone; static const char days[] = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat "; static const char months[] = "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec "; /* seconds per day */ #define SPD 24*60*60 int __isleap(int year) { /* every fourth year is a leap year except for century years that are * not divisible by 400. */ /* return (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)); */ return (!(year%4) && ((year%100) || !(year%400))); } struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *r) { time_t i; register time_t work=*timep%(SPD); r->tm_sec=work%60; work/=60; r->tm_min=work%60; r->tm_hour=work/60; work=*timep/(SPD); r->tm_wday=(4+work)%7; for (i=1970; ; ++i) { register time_t k=__isleap(i)?366:365; if (work>=k) work-=k; else break; } r->tm_year=i-1900; r->tm_yday=work; r->tm_mday=1; if (__isleap(i) && (work>58)) { if (work==59) r->tm_mday=2; /* 29.2. */ work-=1; } for (i=11; i && (__spm[i]>work); --i) ; r->tm_mon=i; r->tm_mday+=work-__spm[i]; return r; } struct tm* localtime_r(const time_t* t, struct tm* r) { time_t tmp; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(0, &tz); timezone=tz.tz_minuteswest*60L; tmp=*t+timezone; return gmtime_r(&tmp,r); } struct tm* localtime(const time_t* t) { static struct tm tmp; return localtime_r(t,&tmp); } time_t timegm(struct tm *const t) { register time_t day; register time_t i; register time_t years = t->tm_year - 70; if (t->tm_sec>60) { t->tm_min += t->tm_sec/60; t->tm_sec%=60; } if (t->tm_min>60) { t->tm_hour += t->tm_min/60; t->tm_min%=60; } if (t->tm_hour>60) { t->tm_mday += t->tm_hour/60; t->tm_hour%=60; } if (t->tm_mon>12) { t->tm_year += t->tm_mon/12; t->tm_mon%=12; } while (t->tm_mday>__spm[1+t->tm_mon]) { if (t->tm_mon==1 && __isleap(t->tm_year+1900)) { if (t->tm_mon==31+29) break; --t->tm_mday; } t->tm_mday-=__spm[t->tm_mon]; ++t->tm_mon; if (t->tm_mon>11) { t->tm_mon=0; ++t->tm_year; } } if (t->tm_year < 70) return (time_t) -1; /* Days since 1970 is 365 * number of years + number of leap years since 1970 */ day = years * 365 + (years + 1) / 4; /* After 2100 we have to substract 3 leap years for every 400 years This is not intuitive. Most mktime implementations do not support dates after 2059, anyway, so we might leave this out for it's bloat. */ if ((years -= 131) >= 0) { years /= 100; day -= (years >> 2) * 3 + 1; if ((years &= 3) == 3) years--; day -= years; } day += t->tm_yday = __spm [t->tm_mon] + t->tm_mday-1 + ( __isleap (t->tm_year+1900) & (t->tm_mon > 1) ); /* day is now the number of days since 'Jan 1 1970' */ i = 7; t->tm_wday = (day + 4) % i; /* Sunday=0, Monday=1, ..., Saturday=6 */ i = 24; day *= i; i = 60; return ((day + t->tm_hour) * i + t->tm_min) * i + t->tm_sec; } time_t mktime(register struct tm* const t) { time_t x=timegm(t); struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(0, &tz); timezone=tz.tz_minuteswest*60L; x+=timezone; return x; } static void num2str(char *c,int i) { c[0]=i/10+'0'; c[1]=i%10+'0'; } char *asctime_r(const struct tm *t, char *buf) { /* "Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993\n" */ *(int*)buf=*(int*)(days+(t->tm_wday<<2)); *(int*)(buf+4)=*(int*)(months+(t->tm_mon<<2)); num2str(buf+8,t->tm_mday); if (buf[8]=='0') buf[8]=' '; buf[10]=' '; num2str(buf+11,t->tm_hour); buf[13]=':'; num2str(buf+14,t->tm_min); buf[16]=':'; num2str(buf+17,t->tm_sec); buf[19]=' '; num2str(buf+20,(t->tm_year+1900)/100); num2str(buf+22,(t->tm_year+1900)%100); buf[24]='\n'; return buf; } char *asctime(const struct tm *timeptr) { static char buf[25]; return asctime_r(timeptr,buf); } char *ctime(const time_t *timep) { return asctime(localtime(timep)); } int gettimeofday (struct timeval *tp, void *ignore) { time_t t; t = time(NULL); tp->tv_sec = t; tp->tv_usec = 0; return 0; }