/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2013-03-30 Bernard the first verion for finsh * 2014-01-03 Bernard msh can execute module. * 2017-07-19 Aubr.Cool limit argc to RT_FINSH_ARG_MAX */ #include #include #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH #ifndef FINSH_ARG_MAX #define FINSH_ARG_MAX 8 #endif /* FINSH_ARG_MAX */ #include "msh.h" #include "shell.h" #ifdef DFS_USING_POSIX #include #include #include #endif /* DFS_USING_POSIX */ #ifdef RT_USING_MODULE #include #endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */ typedef int (*cmd_function_t)(int argc, char **argv); int msh_help(int argc, char **argv) { rt_kprintf("RT-Thread shell commands:\n"); { struct finsh_syscall *index; for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { #if defined(FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION) && defined(FINSH_USING_SYMTAB) rt_kprintf("%-16s - %s\n", index->name, index->desc); #else rt_kprintf("%s ", index->name); #endif } } rt_kprintf("\n"); return 0; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(msh_help, help, RT-Thread shell help.); #ifdef MSH_USING_BUILT_IN_COMMANDS int cmd_ps(int argc, char **argv) { extern long list_thread(void); extern int list_module(void); #ifdef RT_USING_MODULE if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-m") == 0)) list_module(); else #endif list_thread(); return 0; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(cmd_ps, ps, List threads in the system.); #ifdef RT_USING_HEAP int cmd_free(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef RT_USING_MEMHEAP_AS_HEAP extern void list_memheap(void); list_memheap(); #else rt_size_t total = 0, used = 0, max_used = 0; rt_memory_info(&total, &used, &max_used); rt_kprintf("total : %d\n", total); rt_kprintf("used : %d\n", used); rt_kprintf("maximum : %d\n", max_used); rt_kprintf("available: %d\n", total - used); #endif return 0; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(cmd_free, free, Show the memory usage in the system.); #endif /* RT_USING_HEAP */ #endif /* MSH_USING_BUILT_IN_COMMANDS */ static int msh_split(char *cmd, rt_size_t length, char *argv[FINSH_ARG_MAX]) { char *ptr; rt_size_t position; rt_size_t argc; rt_size_t i; ptr = cmd; position = 0; argc = 0; while (position < length) { /* strip bank and tab */ while ((*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') && position < length) { *ptr = '\0'; ptr ++; position ++; } if (argc >= FINSH_ARG_MAX) { rt_kprintf("Too many args ! We only Use:\n"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { rt_kprintf("%s ", argv[i]); } rt_kprintf("\n"); break; } if (position >= length) break; /* handle string */ if (*ptr == '"') { ptr ++; position ++; argv[argc] = ptr; argc ++; /* skip this string */ while (*ptr != '"' && position < length) { if (*ptr == '\\') { if (*(ptr + 1) == '"') { ptr ++; position ++; } } ptr ++; position ++; } if (position >= length) break; /* skip '"' */ *ptr = '\0'; ptr ++; position ++; } else { argv[argc] = ptr; argc ++; while ((*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t') && position < length) { ptr ++; position ++; } if (position >= length) break; } } return argc; } static cmd_function_t msh_get_cmd(char *cmd, int size) { struct finsh_syscall *index; cmd_function_t cmd_func = RT_NULL; for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { if (strncmp(index->name, cmd, size) == 0 && index->name[size] == '\0') { cmd_func = (cmd_function_t)index->func; break; } } return cmd_func; } #if defined(RT_USING_MODULE) && defined(DFS_USING_POSIX) /* Return 0 on module executed. Other value indicate error. */ int msh_exec_module(const char *cmd_line, int size) { int ret; int fd = -1; char *pg_name; int length, cmd_length = 0; if (size == 0) return -RT_ERROR; /* get the length of command0 */ while ((cmd_line[cmd_length] != ' ' && cmd_line[cmd_length] != '\t') && cmd_length < size) cmd_length ++; /* get name length */ length = cmd_length + 32; /* allocate program name memory */ pg_name = (char *) rt_malloc(length); if (pg_name == RT_NULL) return -RT_ENOMEM; /* copy command0 */ rt_memcpy(pg_name, cmd_line, cmd_length); pg_name[cmd_length] = '\0'; if (strstr(pg_name, ".mo") != RT_NULL || strstr(pg_name, ".MO") != RT_NULL) { /* try to open program */ fd = open(pg_name, O_RDONLY, 0); /* search in /bin path */ if (fd < 0) { rt_snprintf(pg_name, length - 1, "/bin/%.*s", cmd_length, cmd_line); fd = open(pg_name, O_RDONLY, 0); } } else { /* add .mo and open program */ /* try to open program */ strcat(pg_name, ".mo"); fd = open(pg_name, O_RDONLY, 0); /* search in /bin path */ if (fd < 0) { rt_snprintf(pg_name, length - 1, "/bin/%.*s.mo", cmd_length, cmd_line); fd = open(pg_name, O_RDONLY, 0); } } if (fd >= 0) { /* found program */ close(fd); dlmodule_exec(pg_name, cmd_line, size); ret = 0; } else { ret = -1; } rt_free(pg_name); return ret; } #endif /* defined(RT_USING_MODULE) && defined(DFS_USING_POSIX) */ static int _msh_exec_cmd(char *cmd, rt_size_t length, int *retp) { int argc; rt_size_t cmd0_size = 0; cmd_function_t cmd_func; char *argv[FINSH_ARG_MAX]; RT_ASSERT(cmd); RT_ASSERT(retp); /* find the size of first command */ while ((cmd[cmd0_size] != ' ' && cmd[cmd0_size] != '\t') && cmd0_size < length) cmd0_size ++; if (cmd0_size == 0) return -RT_ERROR; cmd_func = msh_get_cmd(cmd, cmd0_size); if (cmd_func == RT_NULL) return -RT_ERROR; /* split arguments */ rt_memset(argv, 0x00, sizeof(argv)); argc = msh_split(cmd, length, argv); if (argc == 0) return -RT_ERROR; /* exec this command */ *retp = cmd_func(argc, argv); return 0; } #if defined(RT_USING_LWP) && defined(DFS_USING_POSIX) static int _msh_exec_lwp(char *cmd, rt_size_t length) { int argc; int cmd0_size = 0; char *argv[FINSH_ARG_MAX]; int fd = -1; char *pg_name; extern int exec(char *, int, char **); /* find the size of first command */ while ((cmd[cmd0_size] != ' ' && cmd[cmd0_size] != '\t') && cmd0_size < length) cmd0_size ++; if (cmd0_size == 0) return -1; /* split arguments */ rt_memset(argv, 0x00, sizeof(argv)); argc = msh_split(cmd, length, argv); if (argc == 0) return -1; pg_name = argv[0]; /* try to open program */ fd = open(pg_name, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd < 0) return -1; /* found program */ close(fd); exec(pg_name, argc, argv); return 0; } #endif /* defined(RT_USING_LWP) && defined(DFS_USING_POSIX) */ int msh_exec(char *cmd, rt_size_t length) { int cmd_ret; /* strim the beginning of command */ while ((length > 0) && (*cmd == ' ' || *cmd == '\t')) { cmd++; length--; } if (length == 0) return 0; /* Exec sequence: * 1. built-in command * 2. module(if enabled) */ if (_msh_exec_cmd(cmd, length, &cmd_ret) == 0) { return cmd_ret; } #ifdef DFS_USING_POSIX #ifdef DFS_USING_WORKDIR if (msh_exec_script(cmd, length) == 0) { return 0; } #endif #ifdef RT_USING_MODULE if (msh_exec_module(cmd, length) == 0) { return 0; } #endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */ #ifdef RT_USING_LWP if (_msh_exec_lwp(cmd, length) == 0) { return 0; } #endif /* RT_USING_LWP */ #endif /* DFS_USING_POSIX */ /* truncate the cmd at the first space. */ { char *tcmd; tcmd = cmd; while (*tcmd != ' ' && *tcmd != '\0') { tcmd++; } *tcmd = '\0'; } rt_kprintf("%s: command not found.\n", cmd); return -1; } static int str_common(const char *str1, const char *str2) { const char *str = str1; while ((*str != 0) && (*str2 != 0) && (*str == *str2)) { str ++; str2 ++; } return (str - str1); } #ifdef DFS_USING_POSIX void msh_auto_complete_path(char *path) { DIR *dir = RT_NULL; struct dirent *dirent = RT_NULL; char *full_path, *ptr, *index; if (!path) return; full_path = (char *)rt_malloc(256); if (full_path == RT_NULL) return; /* out of memory */ if (*path != '/') { getcwd(full_path, 256); if (full_path[rt_strlen(full_path) - 1] != '/') strcat(full_path, "/"); } else *full_path = '\0'; index = RT_NULL; ptr = path; for (;;) { if (*ptr == '/') index = ptr + 1; if (!*ptr) break; ptr ++; } if (index == RT_NULL) index = path; if (index != RT_NULL) { char *dest = index; /* fill the parent path */ ptr = full_path; while (*ptr) ptr ++; for (index = path; index != dest;) *ptr++ = *index++; *ptr = '\0'; dir = opendir(full_path); if (dir == RT_NULL) /* open directory failed! */ { rt_free(full_path); return; } /* restore the index position */ index = dest; } /* auto complete the file or directory name */ if (*index == '\0') /* display all of files and directories */ { for (;;) { dirent = readdir(dir); if (dirent == RT_NULL) break; rt_kprintf("%s\n", dirent->d_name); } } else { rt_size_t length, min_length; min_length = 0; for (;;) { dirent = readdir(dir); if (dirent == RT_NULL) break; /* matched the prefix string */ if (strncmp(index, dirent->d_name, rt_strlen(index)) == 0) { if (min_length == 0) { min_length = rt_strlen(dirent->d_name); /* save dirent name */ strcpy(full_path, dirent->d_name); } length = str_common(dirent->d_name, full_path); if (length < min_length) { min_length = length; } } } if (min_length) { if (min_length < rt_strlen(full_path)) { /* list the candidate */ rewinddir(dir); for (;;) { dirent = readdir(dir); if (dirent == RT_NULL) break; if (strncmp(index, dirent->d_name, rt_strlen(index)) == 0) rt_kprintf("%s\n", dirent->d_name); } } length = index - path; rt_memcpy(index, full_path, min_length); path[length + min_length] = '\0'; } } closedir(dir); rt_free(full_path); } #endif /* DFS_USING_POSIX */ void msh_auto_complete(char *prefix) { int length, min_length; const char *name_ptr, *cmd_name; struct finsh_syscall *index; min_length = 0; name_ptr = RT_NULL; if (*prefix == '\0') { msh_help(0, RT_NULL); return; } #ifdef DFS_USING_POSIX /* check whether a spare in the command */ { char *ptr; ptr = prefix + rt_strlen(prefix); while (ptr != prefix) { if (*ptr == ' ') { msh_auto_complete_path(ptr + 1); break; } ptr --; } #ifdef RT_USING_MODULE /* There is a chance that the user want to run the module directly. So * try to complete the file names. If the completed path is not a * module, the system won't crash anyway. */ if (ptr == prefix) { msh_auto_complete_path(ptr); } #endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */ } #endif /* DFS_USING_POSIX */ /* checks in internal command */ { for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { /* skip finsh shell function */ cmd_name = (const char *) index->name; if (strncmp(prefix, cmd_name, strlen(prefix)) == 0) { if (min_length == 0) { /* set name_ptr */ name_ptr = cmd_name; /* set initial length */ min_length = strlen(name_ptr); } length = str_common(name_ptr, cmd_name); if (length < min_length) min_length = length; rt_kprintf("%s\n", cmd_name); } } } /* auto complete string */ if (name_ptr != NULL) { rt_strncpy(prefix, name_ptr, min_length); } return ; } #endif /* RT_USING_FINSH */