diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/libraries/tms320f28379d/common/source/F2837xD_usDelay.asm b/bsp/ti/c28x/libraries/tms320f28379d/common/source/F2837xD_usDelay.asm index 71d3606fd0..f306769ebe 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/libraries/tms320f28379d/common/source/F2837xD_usDelay.asm +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/libraries/tms320f28379d/common/source/F2837xD_usDelay.asm @@ -71,12 +71,21 @@ ;// $ ;//########################################################################### - .def _F28x_usDelay - .cdecls LIST ;;Used to populate __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ macro %{ + #ifdef __TI_EABI__ + #define __EABI__ 1 + #else + #define __EABI__ 0 + #endif %} + .if __EABI__ + .def F28x_usDelay + .else + .def _F28x_usDelay + .endif + .if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ .if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000 .sect ".TI.ramfunc" ;;Used with compiler v15.9.0 and newer @@ -86,9 +95,20 @@ .endif .global __F28x_usDelay + + .if __EABI__ +F28x_usDelay: + .else _F28x_usDelay: + .endif + SUB ACC,#1 + .if __EABI__ + BF F28x_usDelay,GEQ ;; Loop if ACC >= 0 + .else BF _F28x_usDelay,GEQ ;; Loop if ACC >= 0 + .endif + LRETR ;There is a 9/10 cycle overhead and each loop diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.config b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.config index 670b11aaff..47742f867e 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.config +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.config @@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ CONFIG_RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_8=y CONFIG_RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX=8 CONFIG_RT_TICK_PER_SECOND=100 # CONFIG_RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK is not set -CONFIG_RT_USING_HOOK=y -CONFIG_RT_HOOK_USING_FUNC_PTR=y +# CONFIG_RT_USING_HOOK is not set CONFIG_RT_USING_IDLE_HOOK=y CONFIG_RT_IDLE_HOOK_LIST_SIZE=4 CONFIG_IDLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=1024 @@ -209,19 +208,19 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # # IoT - internet of things # -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWIP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORAWAN_DRIVER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PAHOMQTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UMQTT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WEBCLIENT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WEBNET is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_MONGOOSE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_MYMQTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KAWAII_MQTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BC28_MQTT is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MQTTCLIENT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WEBTERMINAL is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CJSON is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_JSMN is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBMODBUS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_FREEMODBUS is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LJSON is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EZXML is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NANOPB is not set # @@ -241,12 +240,10 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_COAP is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NOPOLL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NETUTILS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMUX is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PPP_DEVICE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AT_DEVICE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ATSRV_SOCKET is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WIZNET is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ZB_COORDINATOR is not set # # IoT Cloud @@ -255,14 +252,10 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_GAGENT_CLOUD is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ALI_IOTKIT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AZURE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TENCENT_IOT_EXPLORER is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TENCENT_IOTHUB is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_JIOT-C-SDK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_UCLOUD_IOT_SDK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_JOYLINK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EZ_IOT_OS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_IOTSHARP_SDK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NIMBLE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LLSYNC_SDK_ADAPTER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_OTA_DOWNLOADER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_IPMSG is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LSSDP is not set @@ -270,110 +263,40 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBRWS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_TCPSERVER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PROTOBUF_C is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ONNX_PARSER is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ONNX_BACKEND is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_DLT645 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_QXWZ is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SMTP_CLIENT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ABUP_FOTA is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBCURL2RTT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_CAPNP is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_CJSON_TOOLS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_TELNET is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NMEALIB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PDULIB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BTSTACK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORAWAN_ED_STACK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_WAYZ_IOTKIT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MAVLINK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BSAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_MODBUS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_FTP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EMBEDDEDPROTO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_LINK_HW is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORA_PKT_FWD is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORA_GW_DRIVER_LIB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORA_PKT_SNIFFER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_HM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SMALL_MODBUS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NET_SERVER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ZFTP is not set # # security packages # # CONFIG_PKG_USING_MBEDTLS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBSODIUM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBHYDROGEN is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_libsodium is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_TINYCRYPT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_TFM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_YD_CRYPTO is not set # # language packages # - -# -# JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CJSON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LJSON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_CJSON_TOOLS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RAPIDJSON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_JSMN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_JSMN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PARSON is not set - -# -# XML: Extensible Markup Language -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SIMPLE_XML is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EZXML is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LUATOS_SOC is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LUA is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_JERRYSCRIPT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_MICROPYTHON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PIKASCRIPT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RTT_RUST is not set # # multimedia packages # - -# -# LVGL: powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LVGL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LITTLEVGL2RTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LV_MUSIC_DEMO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GUI_GUIDER_DEMO is not set - -# -# u8g2: a monochrome graphic library -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_U8G2_OFFICIAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_U8G2 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_OPENMV is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_MUPDF is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_STEMWIN is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WAVPLAYER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_TJPGD is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PDFGEN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_HELIX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AZUREGUIX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TOUCHGFX2RTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NUEMWIN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MP3PLAYER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TINYJPEG is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UGUI is not set - -# -# PainterEngine: A cross-platform graphics application framework written in C language -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PAINTERENGINE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PAINTERENGINE_AUX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MCURSES is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TERMBOX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_VT100 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QRCODE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GUIENGINE is not set # # tools packages @@ -382,115 +305,36 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_EASYFLASH is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_EASYLOGGER is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SYSTEMVIEW is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SEGGER_RTT is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_RDB is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QRCODE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ULOG_EASYFLASH is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ULOG_FILE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LOGMGR is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ADBD is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_COREMARK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_DHRYSTONE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MEMORYPERF is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NR_MICRO_SHELL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_CHINESE_FONT_LIBRARY is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LUNAR_CALENDAR is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_BS8116A is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GPS_RMC is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_URLENCODE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UMCN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWRB2RTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CPU_USAGE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GBK2UTF8 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_VCONSOLE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KDB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_WAMR is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MICRO_XRCE_DDS_CLIENT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWLOG is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ANV_TRACE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ANV_MEMLEAK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ANV_TESTSUIT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ANV_BENCH is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DEVMEM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_REGEX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MEM_SANDBOX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SOLAR_TERMS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GAN_ZHI is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FDT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CBOX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SNOWFLAKE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_HASH_MATCH is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FIRE_PID_CURVE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ARMV7M_DWT_TOOL is not set # # system packages # - -# -# enhanced kernel services -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_MEMCPY_CM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_KPRINTF_THREADSAFE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RT_VSNPRINTF_FULL is not set - -# -# acceleration: Assembly language or algorithmic acceleration packages -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QFPLIB_M0_FULL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QFPLIB_M0_TINY is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QFPLIB_M3 is not set - -# -# CMSIS: ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMSIS_5 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMSIS_RTOS1 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMSIS_RTOS2 is not set - -# -# Micrium: Micrium software products porting for RT-Thread -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UCOSIII_WRAPPER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UCOSII_WRAPPER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UC_CRC is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UC_CLK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UC_COMMON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UC_MODBUS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RTDUINO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FREERTOS_WRAPPER is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_GUIENGINE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_CAIRO is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PIXMAN is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWEXT4 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PARTITION is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PERF_COUNTER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FLASHDB is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FAL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SQLITE is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_RTI is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LITTLEVGL2RTT is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMSIS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_DFS_YAFFS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LITTLEFS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DFS_JFFS2 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DFS_UFFS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWEXT4 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_THREAD_POOL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ROBOTS is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_EV is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SYSWATCH is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SYS_LOAD_MONITOR is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PLCCORE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RAMDISK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MININI is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QBOOT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PPOOL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_OPENAMP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LPM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TLSF is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EVENT_RECORDER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ARM_2D is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MCUBOOT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TINYUSB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CHERRYUSB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KMULTI_RTIMER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TFDB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QPC is not set # # peripheral libraries and drivers @@ -499,29 +343,19 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_REALTEK_AMEBA is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SHT2X is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SHT3X is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ADT74XX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AS7341 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_STM32_SDIO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RTT_ESP_IDF is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ICM20608 is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_U8G2 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_BUTTON is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PCF8574 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SX12XX is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_SIGNAL_LED is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LEDBLINK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_LITTLED is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LKDGUI is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NRF5X_SDK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NRFX is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_WM_LIBRARIES is not set - -# -# Kendryte SDK -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_K210_SDK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_KENDRYTE_SDK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_INFRARED is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MULTI_INFRARED is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ROSSERIAL is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_BUTTON is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_LED is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AT24CXX is not set @@ -535,72 +369,26 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_RPLIDAR is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_AS608 is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_RC522 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_WS2812B is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_EMBARC_BSP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EXTERN_RTC_DRIVERS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MULTI_RTIMER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MAX7219 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BEEP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_EASYBLINK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PMS_SERIES is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CAN_YMODEM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORA_RADIO_DRIVER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QLED is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PAJ7620 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_AGILE_CONSOLE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LD3320 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_WK2124 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LY68L6400 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DM9051 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SSD1306 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QKEY is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RS485 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RS232 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NES is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_VIRTUAL_SENSOR is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_VDEVICE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SGM706 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_STM32WB55_SDK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RDA58XX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBNFC is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MFOC is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TMC51XX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TCA9534 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KOBUKI is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ROSSERIAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MICRO_ROS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MCP23008 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BLUETRUM_SDK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MISAKA_AT24CXX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MISAKA_RGB_BLING is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LORA_MODEM_DRIVER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_BL_MCU_SDK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SOFT_SERIAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MB85RS16 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CW2015 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_RFM300 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_IO_INPUT_FILTER is not set - -# -# AI packages -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBANN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NNOM is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ONNX_BACKEND is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ONNX_PARSER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TENSORFLOWLITEMICRO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ELAPACK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ULAPACK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QUEST is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NAXOS is not set # # miscellaneous packages # - -# -# project laboratory -# +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBCSV is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_OPTPARSE is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FASTLZ is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MINILZO is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QUICKLZ is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MULTIBUTTON is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FLEXIBLE_BUTTON is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CANFESTIVAL is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ZLIB is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DSTR is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TINYFRAME is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KENDRYTE_DEMO is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DIGITALCTRL is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UPACKER is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UPARAM is not set # # samples: kernel and components samples @@ -609,52 +397,15 @@ CONFIG_RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=8 # CONFIG_PKG_USING_FILESYSTEM_SAMPLES is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_NETWORK_SAMPLES is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_PERIPHERAL_SAMPLES is not set - -# -# entertainment: terminal games and other interesting software packages -# -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CMATRIX is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ACLOCK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_THREES is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_2048 is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SNAKE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TETRIS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DONUT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_COWSAY is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBCSV is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_OPTPARSE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FASTLZ is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MINILZO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_QUICKLZ is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LZMA is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MULTIBUTTON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_FLEXIBLE_BUTTON is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CANFESTIVAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ZLIB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MINIZIP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_HEATSHRINK is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DSTR is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_TINYFRAME is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KENDRYTE_DEMO is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DIGITALCTRL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UPACKER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_UPARAM is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_HELLO is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_VI is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_KI is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_NNOM is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LIBANN is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ELAPACK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_ARMv7M_DWT is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_VT100 is not set +# CONFIG_PKG_USING_ULAPACK is not set # CONFIG_PKG_USING_UKAL is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CRCLIB is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_LWGPS is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_STATE_MACHINE is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_DESIGN_PATTERN is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_CONTROLLER is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_PHASE_LOCKED_LOOP is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_MFBD is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SLCAN2RTT is not set -# CONFIG_PKG_USING_SOEM is not set # # Hardware Drivers Config diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.cproject b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.cproject index d3421753e2..10ca7c720c 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.cproject +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/.cproject @@ -15,31 +15,31 @@ - - @@ -116,31 +116,31 @@ - - diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_FLASH_lnk_cpu1.cmd b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_FLASH_lnk_cpu1.cmd index 9787987d30..3e880bc24b 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_FLASH_lnk_cpu1.cmd +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_FLASH_lnk_cpu1.cmd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -___heap_end = 0x010000; +__heap_end = 0x010000; MEMORY { PAGE 0 : /* Program Memory */ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ PAGE 0 : /* Program Memory */ BEGIN : origin = 0x080000, length = 0x000002 RESET : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002 - RAMGS8_15 : origin = 0x013000, length = 0x009000 + RAMGS8_15 : origin = 0x013000, length = 0x009000 /* Flash sectors */ FLASHA : origin = 0x080002, length = 0x001FFE /* on-chip Flash */ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ PAGE 1 : /* Data Memory */ BOOT_RSVD : origin = 0x000002, length = 0x000120 /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */ RAMM0 : origin = 0x000122, length = 0x0002DE RAMM1 : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400 /* on-chip RAM block M1 */ - EBSS : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x008000 /* RAMLS0-4, 5*0x0800 */ + EBSS : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x008000 /* RAMLS0-4, 5*0x0800 */ CPU2TOCPU1RAM : origin = 0x03F800, length = 0x000400 CPU1TOCPU2RAM : origin = 0x03FC00, length = 0x000400 } @@ -40,37 +40,37 @@ SECTIONS { /* Allocate program areas: */ .cinit : > FLASHF PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) - .pinit : > FLASHF, PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) - .text : >> FLASHE PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) + .init_array : > FLASHF, PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) + .text : > FLASHE PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) codestart : > BEGIN PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) #ifdef __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ #if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000 .TI.ramfunc : {} LOAD = FLASHF, RUN = RAMGS8_15, - LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart), - LOAD_SIZE(_RamfuncsLoadSize), - LOAD_END(_RamfuncsLoadEnd), - RUN_START(_RamfuncsRunStart), - RUN_SIZE(_RamfuncsRunSize), - RUN_END(_RamfuncsRunEnd), + LOAD_START(RamfuncsLoadStart), + LOAD_SIZE(RamfuncsLoadSize), + LOAD_END(RamfuncsLoadEnd), + RUN_START(RamfuncsRunStart), + RUN_SIZE(RamfuncsRunSize), + RUN_END(RamfuncsRunEnd), PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) #else ramfuncs : LOAD = FLASHF, RUN = RAMGS8_15, - LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart), - LOAD_SIZE(_RamfuncsLoadSize), - LOAD_END(_RamfuncsLoadEnd), - RUN_START(_RamfuncsRunStart), - RUN_SIZE(_RamfuncsRunSize), - RUN_END(_RamfuncsRunEnd), + LOAD_START(RamfuncsLoadStart), + LOAD_SIZE(RamfuncsLoadSize), + LOAD_END(RamfuncsLoadEnd), + RUN_START(RamfuncsRunStart), + RUN_SIZE(RamfuncsRunSize), + RUN_END(RamfuncsRunEnd), PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) #endif #endif - FSymTab : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1, ALIGN(4) - LOAD_START(___fsymtab_start) - LOAD_END(___fsymtab_end) + FSymTab : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 + LOAD_START(__fsymtab_start) + LOAD_END(__fsymtab_end) .rti_fn.0.end : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .rti_fn.0 : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .rti_fn.1 : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 @@ -81,19 +81,19 @@ SECTIONS .rti_fn.1.end : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .rti_fn.6.end : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .rti_fn.6 : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 + /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */ - .stack : > RAMM1 PAGE = 1 - .ebss : > EBSS, - LOAD_START(___ebss_start), - LOAD_END(___ebss_end), - PAGE = 1 - .esysmem : >> RAMM1 PAGE = 1 + .stack : > RAMM1 PAGE = 1 + .sysmem : > RAMM1 PAGE = 1 + .bss : > EBSS, PAGE = 1 + .data : > EBSS, + LOAD_END(__ebss_end), + PAGE = 1 /* Initalized sections go in Flash */ - .econst : >> FLASHF PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) + .const : > FLASHF PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) .switch : > FLASHF PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4) - - .reset : > RESET, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used, */ + .reset : > RESET, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used, */ /* The following section definitions are required when using the IPC API Drivers */ GROUP : > CPU1TOCPU2RAM, PAGE = 1 diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd index 5eae476e44..e8f30706cd 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/2837x_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -___heap_end = 0x00F000; +__heap_end = 0x00F000; MEMORY { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SECTIONS #endif .text : > RAMGS8_15, PAGE = 0 .cinit : > RAMM0, PAGE = 0 - .pinit : > RAMM0, PAGE = 0 + .init_array : > RAMM0, PAGE = 0 .switch : > RAMM0, PAGE = 0 .reset : > RESET, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used, */ .rti_fn.0.end : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 @@ -46,19 +46,17 @@ SECTIONS .rti_fn.6.end : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .rti_fn.6 : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 .stack : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 - .esysmem : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 - - .ebss : > EBSS, - LOAD_START(___ebss_start), - LOAD_END(___ebss_end), - PAGE = 1 - - .econst : > ECONST, PAGE = 1 + .sysmem : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 + .bss : > EBSS, PAGE = 1 + .data : > EBSS, + LOAD_END(__ebss_end), + PAGE = 1 + .const : > ECONST, PAGE = 1 /* finsh symbol table */ - FSymTab : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1, ALIGN(4) - LOAD_START(___fsymtab_start) - LOAD_END(___fsymtab_end) + FSymTab : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1 + LOAD_START(__fsymtab_start) + LOAD_END(__fsymtab_end) /* The following section definitions are required when using the IPC API Drivers */ GROUP : > CPU1TOCPU2RAM, PAGE = 1 diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/board/board.c b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/board/board.c index c391a2589e..18f5b213bf 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/board/board.c +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/board/board.c @@ -22,25 +22,7 @@ extern volatile rt_uint8_t rt_interrupt_nest; extern rt_uint32_t rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag; -extern interrupt void RTOSINT_Handler(); -void trap_rtosint() -{ - if(rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag) - { - /* only do pendsv at the end of the last level of interrupt nesting, - * so that threads do not preempt any isrs. */ - if(rt_interrupt_nest == 1) - { - /* rt_interrupt_leave_hook is called before rt_interrupt_nest -- - * in rt_interrupt_leave. We need to do this manually here to indicate - * that all isrs have been cleared before we switch to thread. */ - rt_interrupt_nest --; - asm(" trap #16"); - /* increment rt_interrupt_nest to compensate for the previous decrement. */ - rt_interrupt_nest ++; - } - } -} +extern interrupt void rtosint_handler(); /** * This is the timer interrupt service routine. @@ -50,13 +32,10 @@ interrupt void cpu_timer2_isr(void) { CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.all = 0xC000; - ALLOW_ISR_PREEMPT(); - - /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); - /* leave interrupt */ + rt_interrupt_leave(); } @@ -84,7 +63,7 @@ void rt_hw_board_init() #endif EALLOW; // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers PieVectTable.TIMER2_INT = &cpu_timer2_isr; - PieVectTable.RTOS_INT = &RTOSINT_Handler; + PieVectTable.RTOS_INT = &rtosint_handler; #ifdef BSP_USING_XINT1 PieVectTable.XINT1_INT = &XINT1_Handler; @@ -127,8 +106,6 @@ void rt_hw_board_init() #if defined(RT_USING_CONSOLE) && defined(RT_USING_DEVICE) rt_console_set_device(RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME); #endif - - rt_interrupt_leave_sethook((void (*)(void))trap_rtosint); } int _args_main() diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig.h b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig.h index 12617588d5..9b79b43fa4 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig.h +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig.h @@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_8 #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 8 #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 100 -#define RT_USING_HOOK -#define RT_HOOK_USING_FUNC_PTR #define RT_USING_IDLE_HOOK #define RT_IDLE_HOOK_LIST_SIZE 4 #define IDLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 1024 @@ -126,59 +124,25 @@ /* language packages */ -/* JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format */ - - -/* XML: Extensible Markup Language */ - /* multimedia packages */ -/* LVGL: powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library */ - - -/* u8g2: a monochrome graphic library */ - - -/* PainterEngine: A cross-platform graphics application framework written in C language */ - /* tools packages */ /* system packages */ -/* enhanced kernel services */ - - -/* acceleration: Assembly language or algorithmic acceleration packages */ - - -/* CMSIS: ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard */ - - -/* Micrium: Micrium software products porting for RT-Thread */ - /* peripheral libraries and drivers */ -/* Kendryte SDK */ - - -/* AI packages */ - - /* miscellaneous packages */ -/* project laboratory */ /* samples: kernel and components samples */ -/* entertainment: terminal games and other interesting software packages */ - - /* Hardware Drivers Config */ /* Onboard Peripheral Drivers */ diff --git a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig_project.h b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig_project.h index fb6a3dffbb..2e811726a4 100644 --- a/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig_project.h +++ b/bsp/ti/c28x/tms320f28379d/rtconfig_project.h @@ -24,4 +24,7 @@ typedef unsigned char uint8_t; /**< 8bit unsigned integer type */ * this macro at the start of preemptible interrupt service routines*/ #define ALLOW_ISR_PREEMPT() __asm(" CLRC INTM") +#define RT_USING_ZERO_LATENCY +#define ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK 0x0000 + #endif diff --git a/components/finsh/finsh.h b/components/finsh/finsh.h index a26b26fb7e..73c12b3c34 100644 --- a/components/finsh/finsh.h +++ b/components/finsh/finsh.h @@ -36,17 +36,21 @@ typedef long (*syscall_func)(void); #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:FSymTab=mytext") #elif defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) +#ifdef __TMS320C28XX__ +#define RT_NOBLOCKED __attribute__((noblocked)) +#else +#define RT_NOBLOCKED +#endif #define MSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_CMD(name, cmd, desc) \ __TI_FINSH_EXPORT_FUNCTION(__fsym_##cmd); \ const char __fsym_##cmd##_name[] = #cmd; \ const char __fsym_##cmd##_desc[] = #desc; \ - const struct finsh_syscall __fsym_##cmd = \ + RT_USED RT_NOBLOCKED const struct finsh_syscall __fsym_##cmd = \ { \ __fsym_##cmd##_name, \ __fsym_##cmd##_desc, \ (syscall_func)&name \ }; - #else #define MSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_CMD(name, cmd, desc) \ const char __fsym_##cmd##_name[] RT_SECTION(".rodata.name") = #cmd; \ diff --git a/include/rtdef.h b/include/rtdef.h index 89ac9edf6e..4a13c554a5 100644 --- a/include/rtdef.h +++ b/include/rtdef.h @@ -210,10 +210,18 @@ typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list; * GCC and MDK) compilers. See ARM Optimizing C/C++ Compiler 5.9.3 for more * details. */ #define RT_SECTION(x) __attribute__((section(x))) +#ifdef __TI_EABI__ +#define RT_USED __attribute__((retain)) __attribute__((used)) +#else #define RT_USED __attribute__((used)) +#endif #define PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x) #define ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n))) +#ifdef __TI_EABI__ #define RT_WEAK __attribute__((weak)) +#else +#define RT_WEAK +#endif #define rt_inline static inline #define RTT_API #elif defined (__TASKING__) diff --git a/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/context.s b/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/context.s index 297b3b2119..82207bce1b 100644 --- a/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/context.s +++ b/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/context.s @@ -11,37 +11,208 @@ ; 2019-12-05 xiaolifan add support for hardware fpu32 ; 2022-06-21 guyunjie trim pendsv (RTOSINT_Handler) ; 2022-08-24 guyunjie fix bugs in context switching +; 2022-10-15 guyunjie add zero-latency interrupt - .ref _rt_interrupt_to_thread - .ref _rt_interrupt_from_thread - .ref _rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + .ref rt_interrupt_to_thread + .ref rt_interrupt_from_thread + .ref rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - .def _RTOSINT_Handler - .def _rt_hw_get_st0 - .def _rt_hw_get_st1 - .def _rt_hw_calc_csb - .def _rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt - .def _rt_hw_context_switch - .def _rt_hw_context_switch_to - .def _rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch - .def _rt_hw_interrupt_disable - .def _rt_hw_interrupt_enable + .def rtosint_handler + .def rt_hw_get_st0 + .def rt_hw_get_st1 + .def rt_hw_calc_csb + .def rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt + .def rt_hw_context_switch + .def rt_hw_context_switch_to + .def rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch + .def rt_hw_interrupt_disable + .def rt_hw_interrupt_enable -;workaround for importing fpu settings from the compiler + ;importing settings from compiler and config .cdecls C,NOLIST %{ + #include + #ifdef __TMS320C28XX_FPU32__ #define __FPU32__ 1 #else #define __FPU32__ 0 #endif + + #ifdef __TMS320C28XX_FPU64__ + #define __FPU64__ 1 + #else + #define __FPU64__ 0 + #endif + + #ifdef __TMS320C28XX_VCRC__ + #define __VCRC__ 1 + #else + #define __VCRC__ 0 + #endif + + #ifdef RT_USING_ZERO_LATENCY + #define ZERO_LATENCY 1 + #ifndef ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK + #error ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK must be defined for zero latency interrupt + #elif ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK & 0x8000 + #error RTOS bit (0x8000) must not be set in ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK + #endif + #else + #define ZERO_LATENCY 0 + #endif %} -RT_CTX_SAVE .macro +.text + .newblock + +; +; rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); +; + .asmfunc +rt_hw_interrupt_disable: + .if ZERO_LATENCY + MOV AL, IER + AND IER, #ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK + .else + PUSH ST1 + SETC INTM + POP AL + .endif + MOV AH, #0 + LRETR + .endasmfunc + +; +; void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level); +; + .asmfunc +rt_hw_interrupt_enable: + .if ZERO_LATENCY + MOV IER, AL + .else + PUSH AL + POP ST1 + .endif + LRETR + .endasmfunc + +; +; void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32 from, rt_uint32 to); +; ACC --> from +; SP[4] --> to +; + .asmfunc +rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt: + +; ACC, XAR4-7 are "save on call" following TI C28x C/C++ compiler convention +; and therefore can be used in a function without being saved on stack first +; (the compiler has already saved it before the call). +; Reference: TMS320C28x Optimizing CC++ Compiler +; note this convention is only applicable to normal functions not to isrs + + MOVL XAR6, ACC + MOVL XAR4, *-SP[4] + ; set rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 1 + MOVL XAR5, #rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + MOVL ACC, *XAR5 + BF reswitch2, NEQ ; ACC!=0 + MOVB ACC, #1 + MOVL *XAR5, ACC + + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_from_thread ; set rt_interrupt_from_thread + MOVL *XAR5, XAR6 + +reswitch2: + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_to_thread ; set rt_interrupt_to_thread + MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 + LRETR + .endasmfunc + +; +; void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32 from, rt_uint32 to); +; ACC --> from +; SP[4] --> to +; + .asmfunc +rt_hw_context_switch: + + MOVL XAR6, ACC + MOVL XAR4, *-SP[4] + ; set rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 1 + MOVL XAR5, #rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + MOVL ACC, *XAR5 + BF reswitch1, NEQ ; ACC!=0 + MOVB ACC, #1 + MOVL *XAR5, ACC + + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_from_thread ; set rt_interrupt_from_thread + MOVL *XAR5, XAR6 + +reswitch1: + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_to_thread ; set rt_interrupt_to_thread + MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 + OR IFR, #0x8000 + LRETR + .endasmfunc +; +; * void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_uint32 to); +; * ACC --> to +; + .asmfunc +rt_hw_context_switch_to: + ; get to thread + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_to_thread + MOVL *XAR5, ACC + + ; set from thread to 0 + MOVL XAR5, #rt_interrupt_from_thread + MOVL XAR4, #0 + MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 + + ; set interrupt flag to 1 + MOVL XAR5, #rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + MOVL XAR4, #1 + MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 + + ; trigger rtos interrupt + OR IFR, #0x8000 + OR IER, #0x8000 + CLRC INTM + + ; never reach here! + .endasmfunc + + .asmfunc +rtosint_handler: + + .if ZERO_LATENCY + ; mask out non-critical interrupts and enable global interrupt + ; so rtosint_handler won't block critical interrupts + AND IER, #ZERO_LATENCY_INT_MASK + CLRC INTM + .endif + + MOVL ACC, *-SP[4] + MOV AR0, AL ; save original IER PUSH AR1H:AR0H PUSH XAR2 + + ; get rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + MOVL XAR1, #rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag + MOVL ACC, *XAR1 + BF rtosint_exit, EQ ; rtos_int already handled + + ; clear rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 0 + MOVL XAR2, #0 + MOVL *XAR1, XAR2 + + MOVL XAR1, #rt_interrupt_from_thread + MOVL ACC, *XAR1 + BF switch_to_thread, EQ ; skip register save at the first time + PUSH XAR3 PUSH XAR4 PUSH XAR5 @@ -63,20 +234,63 @@ RT_CTX_SAVE .macro MOV32 *SP++, R7H .endif - .endm + .if __FPU64__ + MOV32 *SP++, R0L + MOV32 *SP++, R1L + MOV32 *SP++, R2L + MOV32 *SP++, R3L + MOV32 *SP++, R4L + MOV32 *SP++, R5L + MOV32 *SP++, R6L + MOV32 *SP++, R7L + .endif + .if __VCRC__ + VMOV32 *SP++, VCRC + VMOV32 *SP++, VSTATUS + VMOV32 *SP++, VCRCPOLY + VMOV32 *SP++, VCRCSIZE + .endif -RT_CTX_RESTORE .macro + MOVL ACC, *XAR1 + MOVL XAR1, ACC + MOVZ AR2, @SP ; get from thread stack pointer + MOVL *XAR1, XAR2 ; update from thread stack pointer + +switch_to_thread: + MOVL XAR1, #rt_interrupt_to_thread + MOVL ACC, *XAR1 + MOVL XAR1, ACC + MOVL ACC, *XAR1 + MOV @SP, AL ; load thread stack pointer + + .if __VCRC__ + VMOV32 VCRCSIZE, *--SP + VMOV32 VCRCPOLY, *--SP + VMOV32 VSTATUS, *--SP + VMOV32 VCRC, *--SP + .endif + + .if __FPU64__ + MOV32 R7L, *--SP + MOV32 R6L, *--SP + MOV32 R5L, *--SP + MOV32 R4L, *--SP + MOV32 R3L, *--SP + MOV32 R2L, *--SP + MOV32 R1L, *--SP + MOV32 R0L, *--SP + .endif .if __FPU32__ - MOV32 R7H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R6H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R5H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R4H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R3H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R2H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R1H, *--SP, UNCF - MOV32 R0H, *--SP, UNCF + MOV32 R7H, *--SP + MOV32 R6H, *--SP + MOV32 R5H, *--SP + MOV32 R4H, *--SP + MOV32 R3H, *--SP + MOV32 R2H, *--SP + MOV32 R1H, *--SP + MOV32 R0H, *--SP MOV32 STF, *--SP POP RB .endif @@ -88,172 +302,30 @@ RT_CTX_RESTORE .macro POP XAR5 POP XAR4 POP XAR3 - POP XAR2 - - MOVZ AR0 , @SP - SUBB XAR0, #6 - MOVL ACC , *XAR0 - AND ACC, #0xFFFF << 16 - MOV AL, IER - MOVL *XAR0, ACC - - POP AR1H:AR0H - - .endm - - -.text - .newblock - -; -; rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); -; - .asmfunc -_rt_hw_interrupt_disable: - PUSH ST1 - SETC INTM,DBGM - MOV AL, *--SP - LRETR - .endasmfunc - -; -; void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level); -; - .asmfunc -_rt_hw_interrupt_enable: - MOV *SP++, AL - POP ST1 - LRETR - .endasmfunc - -; -; void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32 from, rt_uint32 to); -; ACC --> from -; SP[4] --> to -; - .asmfunc -_rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt: - MOVL XAR0, ACC - MOVL XAR4, *-SP[4] - ; set rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 1 - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - MOVL ACC, *XAR5 - BF _reswitch, NEQ ; ACC!=0 - MOVB ACC, #1 - MOVL *XAR5, ACC - - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_interrupt_from_thread ; set rt_interrupt_from_thread - MOVL *XAR5, XAR0 - -_reswitch: - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_interrupt_to_thread ; set rt_interrupt_to_thread - MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 - - LRETR - .endasmfunc - -; -; void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32 from, rt_uint32 to); -; ACC --> from -; SP[4] --> to -; - .asmfunc -_rt_hw_context_switch: - MOVL XAR0, ACC - MOVL XAR4, *-SP[4] - ; set rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 1 - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - MOVL ACC, *XAR5 - BF _reswitch2, NEQ ; ACC!=0 - MOVB ACC, #1 - MOVL *XAR5, ACC - - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_interrupt_from_thread ; set rt_interrupt_from_thread - MOVL *XAR5, XAR0 - -_reswitch2: - MOVL XAR5, #_rt_interrupt_to_thread ; set rt_interrupt_to_thread - MOVL *XAR5, XAR4 - - TRAP #16 - LRETR - .endasmfunc - -; -; * void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_uint32 to); -; * ACC --> to -; - .asmfunc -_rt_hw_context_switch_to: - ; get to thread - MOVL XAR1, #_rt_interrupt_to_thread - MOVL *XAR1, ACC - - ; set from thread to 0 - MOVL XAR1, #_rt_interrupt_from_thread - MOVL XAR0, #0 - MOVL *XAR1, XAR0 - - ; set interrupt flag to 1 - MOVL XAR1, #_rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - MOVL XAR0, #1 - MOVL *XAR1, XAR0 - - TRAP #16 - - ; never reach here! - .endasmfunc - - .asmfunc -_RTOSINT_Handler: - ; disable interrupt to protect context switch - ; DINT ;this is done by hardware so not needed - - ; get rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - MOVL XAR0, #_rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag - MOVL ACC, *XAR0 - BF rtosint_exit, EQ ; pendsv already handled - - ; clear rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag to 0 - MOVL XAR1, #0 - MOVL *XAR0, XAR1 - - MOVL XAR0, #_rt_interrupt_from_thread - MOVL ACC, *XAR0 - BF switch_to_thread, EQ ; skip register save at the first time - - RT_CTX_SAVE ; push cpu registers - - MOVL ACC, *XAR0 - MOVL XAR0, ACC - MOVZ AR1, @SP ; get from thread stack pointer - MOVL *XAR0, XAR1 ; update from thread stack pointer - -switch_to_thread: - MOVL XAR1, #_rt_interrupt_to_thread - MOVL ACC, *XAR1 - MOVL XAR1, ACC - MOVL ACC, *XAR1 - MOV @SP, AL ; load thread stack pointer - - RT_CTX_RESTORE ; pop cpu registers rtosint_exit: ; do not restore interrupt here: to be restored according to the ; switched-to context during IRET (automaticlly by hardware) + POP XAR2 + POP AR1H:AR0H + + MOVL ACC , *-SP[4] + MOV AL, AR0 + MOVL *-SP[4], ACC + IRET .endasmfunc .asmfunc -_rt_hw_get_st0: +rt_hw_get_st0: PUSH ST0 POP AL LRETR .endasmfunc .asmfunc -_rt_hw_get_st1: +rt_hw_get_st1: PUSH ST1 POP AL LRETR @@ -269,18 +341,18 @@ _rt_hw_get_st1: ; 0x000001FF 22 8 ; 0x000001F0 22 8 .asmfunc -_rt_hw_calc_csb: +rt_hw_calc_csb: MOV AH, #0 CSB ACC ; T = no. of sign bits - 1 MOVU ACC, T ; ACC = no. of sign bits - 1 SUBB ACC, #30 ; ACC = ACC - 30 ABS ACC ; ACC = |ACC| - lretr + LRETR .endasmfunc ; compatible with old version .asmfunc -_rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch: +rt_hw_interrupt_thread_switch: LRETR NOP .endasmfunc diff --git a/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/cpuport.c b/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/cpuport.c index 9ffd96d4f7..e5ffbd3cc3 100644 --- a/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/cpuport.c +++ b/libcpu/ti-dsp/c28x/cpuport.c @@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ * 2018-09-01 xuzhuoyi the first version. * 2019-07-03 zhaoxiaowei add support for __rt_ffs. * 2019-12-05 xiaolifan add support for hardware fpu32 + * 2022-10-17 guyunjie add support for hardware fpu64 and vcrc */ -#include +#include + +extern volatile rt_uint8_t rt_interrupt_nest; /* exception and interrupt handler table */ rt_uint32_t rt_interrupt_from_thread; @@ -64,6 +67,24 @@ struct stack_frame rt_uint32_t r7h; #endif +#ifdef __TMS320C28XX_FPU64__ + rt_uint32_t r0l; + rt_uint32_t r1l; + rt_uint32_t r2l; + rt_uint32_t r3l; + rt_uint32_t r4l; + rt_uint32_t r5l; + rt_uint32_t r6l; + rt_uint32_t r7l; +#endif + +#ifdef __TMS320C28XX_VCRC__ + rt_uint32_t vcrc; + rt_uint32_t vstatus; + rt_uint32_t vcrcpoly; + rt_uint32_t vcrcsize; +#endif + }; rt_uint8_t *rt_hw_stack_init(void *tentry, @@ -81,20 +102,17 @@ rt_uint8_t *rt_hw_stack_init(void *tentry, stack_frame = (struct stack_frame *)stk; - /* init all register */ + /* zero all registers */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct stack_frame) / sizeof(rt_uint32_t); i ++) { - ((rt_uint32_t *)stack_frame)[i] = 0xdeadbeef; + ((rt_uint32_t *)stack_frame)[i] = 0; } - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.t_st0 = 0x11110000 | rt_hw_get_st0(); - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.acc = 0x33332222; - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.ar1_ar0 = 0x00001111 & (unsigned long)parameter; /* ar0 : argument */ - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.p = 0x55554444; /* p */ - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.dp_st1 = (0x00000000) | rt_hw_get_st1() & 0xFFFFFFFE; /* dp_st1 */ - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.dbgstat_ier = 0; /* dbgstat_ier */ - stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.return_address = (unsigned long)tentry; /* return_address */ - stack_frame->rpc = (unsigned long)texit; + /* configure special registers*/ + stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.dp_st1 = 0x00000A08; + stack_frame->xar4 = (rt_uint32_t)parameter; + stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.return_address = (rt_uint32_t)tentry; + stack_frame->rpc = (rt_uint32_t)texit; #ifdef __TMS320C28XX_FPU32__ stack_frame->stf = 0x00000200; @@ -145,3 +163,32 @@ RT_WEAK void rt_hw_cpu_shutdown(void) RT_ASSERT(0); } + +void rt_interrupt_enter(void) +{ + rt_base_t level; + + __asm(" EINT"); + level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); + rt_interrupt_nest ++; + RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_interrupt_enter_hook,()); + rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); + + RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_IRQ, ("irq has come..., irq current nest:%d\n", + (rt_int32_t)rt_interrupt_nest)); +} + +void rt_interrupt_leave(void) +{ + RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_IRQ, ("irq is going to leave, irq current nest:%d\n", + (rt_int32_t)rt_interrupt_nest)); + + rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); + RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_interrupt_leave_hook,()); + rt_interrupt_nest --; + if(rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag && !rt_interrupt_nest) + { + __asm(" OR IFR, #0x8000"); /* trigger rtos int */ + } + /* rt_hw_interrupt_enable auto done by hardware on IRET */ +} diff --git a/src/irq.c b/src/irq.c index c417f253a6..e7465da305 100644 --- a/src/irq.c +++ b/src/irq.c @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ volatile rt_uint8_t rt_interrupt_nest = 0; * * @see rt_interrupt_leave */ -void rt_interrupt_enter(void) +RT_WEAK void rt_interrupt_enter(void) { rt_base_t level; @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ RTM_EXPORT(rt_interrupt_enter); * * @see rt_interrupt_enter */ -void rt_interrupt_leave(void) +RT_WEAK void rt_interrupt_leave(void) { rt_base_t level;