diff --git a/components/drivers/core/SConscript b/components/drivers/core/SConscript
index 717af9ae78..0f345fbea7 100644
--- a/components/drivers/core/SConscript
+++ b/components/drivers/core/SConscript
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ cwd = GetCurrentDir()
 src = ['device.c']
 CPPPATH = [cwd + '/../include']
-if GetDepend(['RT_USING_DEV_BUS']):
+if GetDepend(['RT_USING_DEV_BUS']) or GetDepend(['RT_USING_DM']):
     src = src + ['bus.c']
 if GetDepend(['RT_USING_DM']):
-    src = src + ['dm.c', 'driver.c']
+    src = src + ['dm.c', 'driver.c', 'platform.c']
+if GetDepend(['RT_USING_OFW']):
+    src += ['platform_ofw.c']
 group = DefineGroup('DeviceDrivers', src, depend = ['RT_USING_DEVICE'], CPPPATH = CPPPATH)
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/bus.c b/components/drivers/core/bus.c
index fd2fbb8e3e..0717d48649 100644
--- a/components/drivers/core/bus.c
+++ b/components/drivers/core/bus.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
  * Change Logs:
  * Date           Author       Notes
  * 2022-10-13     flybreak     the first version
+ * 2023-04-12     ErikChan     support rt_bus
 #include <rtthread.h>
@@ -18,6 +19,18 @@
 #include <rtdbg.h>
+#ifdef RT_USING_DM
+#include <drivers/core/bus.h>
+static struct rt_bus bus_root =
+    .name = "root",
+    .children = RT_LIST_OBJECT_INIT(bus_root.children),
 #if defined(RT_USING_POSIX_DEVIO)
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
@@ -78,3 +91,320 @@ rt_err_t rt_device_bus_destroy(rt_device_t dev)
     LOG_D("bus destroy");
     return RT_EOK;
+#ifdef RT_USING_DM
+ * @brief This function get the root bus
+ */
+rt_bus_t rt_bus_root(void)
+    return &bus_root;
+ *  @brief This function loop the dev_list of the bus, and call fn in each loop
+ *
+ *  @param bus the target bus
+ *
+ *  @param drv the target drv to be matched
+ *
+ *  @param fn  the function callback in each loop
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_for_each_dev(rt_bus_t bus, rt_driver_t drv, int (*fn)(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev))
+    rt_base_t level;
+    rt_device_t dev;
+    RT_ASSERT(bus != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(drv != RT_NULL);
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->spinlock);
+    rt_list_for_each_entry(dev, &bus->dev_list, node)
+    {
+        fn(drv, dev);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->spinlock, level);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function loop the drv_list of the bus, and call fn in each loop
+ *
+ *  @param bus the target bus
+ *
+ *  @param dev the target dev to be matched
+ *
+ *  @param fn  the function callback in each loop
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_for_each_drv(rt_bus_t bus, rt_device_t dev, int (*fn)(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev))
+    rt_err_t err;
+    rt_base_t level;
+    rt_driver_t drv;
+    RT_ASSERT(bus != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(dev != RT_NULL);
+    if (rt_list_isempty(&bus->drv_list))
+    {
+        return RT_EOK;
+    }
+    err = -RT_ERROR;
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->spinlock);
+    rt_list_for_each_entry(drv, &bus->drv_list, node)
+    {
+        if (fn(drv, dev))
+        {
+            err = -RT_EOK;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->spinlock, level);
+    return err;
+ *  @brief This function add a bus to the root
+ *
+ *  @param bus_node the bus to be added
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add(rt_bus_t bus_node)
+    rt_base_t level;
+    RT_ASSERT(bus_node != RT_NULL);
+    bus_node->bus = &bus_root;
+    rt_list_init(&bus_node->list);
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&bus_node->spinlock);
+    rt_list_insert_before(&bus_root.children, &bus_node->list);
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus_node->spinlock, level);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function match the device and driver, probe them if match successed
+ *
+ *  @param drv the drv to match/probe
+ *
+ *  @param dev the dev to match/probe
+ *
+ *  @return the result of probe, 1 on added successfully.
+ */
+static int rt_bus_probe(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev)
+    int ret = 0;
+    rt_bus_t bus = drv->bus;
+    if (!bus)
+    {
+        bus = dev->bus;
+    }
+    RT_ASSERT(bus != RT_NULL);
+    if (!dev->drv && bus->match(drv, dev))
+    {
+        dev->drv = drv;
+        ret = bus->probe(dev);
+        if (ret)
+        {
+            dev->drv = RT_NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+ *  @brief This function add a driver to the drv_list of a specific bus
+ *
+ *  @param bus the bus to add
+ *
+ *  @param drv the driver to be added
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add_driver(rt_bus_t bus, rt_driver_t drv)
+    rt_base_t level;
+    RT_ASSERT(bus != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(drv != RT_NULL);
+    drv->bus = bus;
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->spinlock);
+    rt_list_insert_before(&bus->drv_list, &drv->node);
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->spinlock, level);
+    rt_bus_for_each_dev(drv->bus, drv, rt_bus_probe);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function add a device to the dev_list of a specific bus
+ *
+ *  @param bus the bus to add
+ *
+ *  @param dev the device to be added
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add_device(rt_bus_t bus, rt_device_t dev)
+    rt_base_t level;
+    RT_ASSERT(bus != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(dev != RT_NULL);
+    dev->bus = bus;
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->spinlock);
+    rt_list_insert_before(&bus->dev_list, &dev->node);
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->spinlock, level);
+    rt_bus_for_each_drv(dev->bus, dev, rt_bus_probe);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function remove a driver from bus
+ *
+ *  @param drv the driver to be removed
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_remove_driver(rt_driver_t drv)
+    RT_ASSERT(drv->bus != RT_NULL);
+    LOG_D("Bus(%s) remove driver %s", drv->bus->name, drv->name);
+    rt_list_remove(&drv->node);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function remove a device from bus
+ *
+ *  @param dev the device to be removed
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_remove_device(rt_device_t dev)
+    RT_ASSERT(dev->bus != RT_NULL);
+    LOG_D("Bus(%s) remove device %s", dev->bus->name, dev->name);
+    rt_list_remove(&dev->node);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function find a bus by name
+ *  @param bus the name to be finded
+ *
+ *  @return the bus finded by name.
+ */
+rt_bus_t rt_bus_find_by_name(char *name)
+    rt_bus_t bus = RT_NULL;
+    struct rt_list_node *node = RT_NULL;
+    if (!rt_list_isempty(&bus_root.children))
+    {
+        rt_list_for_each(node, &bus_root.children)
+        {
+            bus = rt_list_entry(node, struct rt_bus, list);
+            if (!rt_strncmp(bus->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX))
+            {
+                return bus;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return bus;
+ *  @brief This function transfer dev_list and drv_list to the other bus
+ *
+ *  @param new_bus the bus to transfer
+ *
+ *  @param dev the target device
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on added successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_reload_driver_device(rt_bus_t new_bus, rt_device_t dev)
+    rt_base_t level;
+    RT_ASSERT(new_bus != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(dev != RT_NULL);
+    level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&new_bus->spinlock);
+    rt_list_remove(&dev->node);
+    rt_list_insert_before(&new_bus->dev_list, &dev->node);
+    rt_list_remove(&dev->drv->node);
+    rt_list_insert_before(&new_bus->drv_list, &dev->drv->node);
+    rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&new_bus->spinlock, level);
+    return RT_EOK;
+ *  @brief This function register a bus
+ *  @param bus the bus to be registered
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on registeration successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_bus_register(rt_bus_t bus)
+    rt_list_init(&bus->children);
+    rt_list_init(&bus->dev_list);
+    rt_list_init(&bus->drv_list);
+    rt_spin_lock_init(&bus->spinlock);
+    rt_bus_add(bus);
+    return RT_EOK;
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/device.c b/components/drivers/core/device.c
index c588789fec..e59b769733 100644
--- a/components/drivers/core/device.c
+++ b/components/drivers/core/device.c
@@ -470,87 +470,4 @@ rt_err_t rt_device_set_tx_complete(rt_device_t dev,
-#ifdef RT_USING_DM
- * This function  bind drvier and device
- *
- * @param device the pointer of device structure
- * @param driver the pointer of driver structure
- * @param node the pointer of fdt node structure
- *
- * @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
- */
-rt_err_t rt_device_bind_driver(rt_device_t device, rt_driver_t driver, void *node)
-    if((!driver) || (!device))
-    {
-        return -RT_EINVAL;
-    }
-    device->drv = driver;
-    device->ops = driver->dev_ops;
-    device->dtb_node = node;
-    return RT_EOK;
- * This function  create rt_device according to driver infomation
- *
- * @param drv the pointer of driver structure
- * @param device_id specify the ID of the rt_device
- *
- * @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
- */
-rt_device_t rt_device_create_since_driver(rt_driver_t drv,int device_id)
-    rt_device_t device;
-    if (!drv)
-    {
-        return RT_NULL;
-    }
-    device = (rt_device_t)rt_calloc(1,drv->device_size);
-    if(device == RT_NULL)
-    {
-        return RT_NULL;
-    }
-    device->device_id = device_id;
-    rt_snprintf(device->parent.name, sizeof(device->parent.name), "%s%d", drv->name, device_id);
-    return device;
- * This function  rt_device probe and init
- *
- * @param device the pointer of rt_device structure
- * @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
- */
-rt_err_t rt_device_probe_and_init(rt_device_t device)
-    int ret = -RT_ERROR;
-    if (!device)
-    {
-        return -RT_EINVAL;
-    }
-    if(!device->drv)
-    {
-        return -RT_ERROR;
-    }
-    if(device->drv->probe)
-    {
-        ret = device->drv->probe((rt_device_t)device);
-    }
-    if(device->drv->probe_init)
-    {
-        ret = device->drv->probe_init((rt_device_t)device);
-    }
-    return ret;
-#endif /* RT_USING_DM */
 #endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE */
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/dm.c b/components/drivers/core/dm.c
index dfba2a0b24..cf5465b89c 100644
--- a/components/drivers/core/dm.c
+++ b/components/drivers/core/dm.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include <rtthread.h>
-#include <drivers/core/rtdm.h>
+#include <drivers/core/dm.h>
 #ifdef RT_USING_SMP
 static int rti_secondary_cpu_start(void)
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/driver.c b/components/drivers/core/driver.c
index fb7b08c4e4..64b9d5610c 100644
--- a/components/drivers/core/driver.c
+++ b/components/drivers/core/driver.c
@@ -5,109 +5,49 @@
 #include <rtthread.h>
+#include <drivers/core/bus.h>
-#ifdef RT_USING_DM
-#ifdef RT_USING_FDT
-#include <dtb_node.h>
+#if defined(RT_USING_POSIX_DEVIO)
+#include <rtdevice.h> /* for wqueue_init */
- * This function driver device match with id
+ * This function attach a driver to bus
- * @param drv the pointer of driver structure
- * @param device_id the id of the device
- *
- * @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
+ * @param drv the driver to be attached
-rt_err_t rt_driver_match_with_id(const rt_driver_t drv,int device_id)
+rt_err_t rt_driver_register(rt_driver_t drv)
-    rt_device_t device;
-    int ret;
-    if (!drv)
+    rt_err_t ret;
+    struct rt_bus *bus = RT_NULL;
+    RT_ASSERT(drv != RT_NULL);
+    if (drv->bus)
-        return -RT_EINVAL;
+        bus = drv->bus;
+        ret = rt_bus_add_driver(bus, drv);
-    device = rt_device_create_since_driver(drv,device_id);
-    if(!device)
+    else
-        return -RT_ERROR;
-    }
-    ret = rt_device_bind_driver(device,drv,RT_NULL);
-    if(ret != 0)
-    {
-        return -RT_ERROR;
-    }
-    ret = rt_device_probe_and_init(device);
-    if(ret != 0)
-    {
-        return -RT_ERROR;
+        ret = -RT_EINVAL;
     return ret;
-#ifdef RT_USING_FDT
- * This function driver device match with dtb_node
+ * This function remove driver from system.
- * @param drv the pointer of driver structure
- * @param from_node dtb node entry 
- * @param max_dev_num the max device support 
- * 
- * @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
+ * @param drv the driver to be removed
-rt_err_t rt_driver_match_with_dtb(const rt_driver_t drv,void *from_node,int max_dev_num)
+rt_err_t rt_driver_unregister(rt_driver_t drv)
-    struct dtb_node** node_list; 
-    rt_device_t device;
-    int ret,i;
-    int total_dev_num = 0;
-    if ((!drv)||(!drv->dev_match)||(!drv->dev_match->compatible)||(!from_node)||(!drv->device_size))
-    {
-        return -RT_EINVAL;
-    }
+    rt_err_t ret;
-    node_list = rt_calloc(max_dev_num,sizeof(void *));
-    if(!node_list)
-    {
-        return -RT_ERROR;
-    }
+    ret = rt_bus_remove_driver(drv);
-    ret = dtb_node_find_all_compatible_node(from_node,drv->dev_match->compatible,node_list,max_dev_num,&total_dev_num);
-    if((ret != 0) || (!total_dev_num))
-    {
-        return -RT_ERROR;
-    }
-    for(i = 0; i < total_dev_num; i ++)
-    {
-        if (!dtb_node_device_is_available(node_list[i]))
-        {
-            continue;
-        }
-        device = rt_device_create_since_driver(drv,i);
-        if(!device)
-        {
-            continue;
-        }
-        ret = rt_device_bind_driver(device,drv,node_list[i]);
-        if(ret != 0)
-        {
-            continue;
-        }
-        ret = rt_device_probe_and_init(device);
-        if(ret != 0)
-        {
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    rt_free(node_list);
     return ret;
-#endif /* RT_USING_FDT */ 
-#endif /* RT_USING_DM */
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/platform.c b/components/drivers/core/platform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cbae718ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/core/platform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-04-12     ErikChan      the first version
+ */
+#include <rtthread.h>
+#include <drivers/platform.h>
+#include <drivers/core/bus.h>
+#include <drivers/core/dm.h>
+static struct rt_bus platform_bus;
+ *  @brief This function create a platform device.
+ *
+ *  @param name is name of the platform device.
+ *
+ *  @return a new platform device.
+ */
+struct rt_platform_device *rt_platform_device_alloc(const char *name)
+    struct rt_platform_device *pdev = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(*pdev));
+    pdev->parent.bus = &platform_bus;
+    pdev->name = name;
+    return pdev;
+ *  @brief This function register a rt_driver to platform bus.
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_platform_driver_register(struct rt_platform_driver *pdrv)
+    RT_ASSERT(pdrv != RT_NULL);
+    pdrv->parent.bus = &platform_bus;
+    return rt_driver_register(&pdrv->parent);
+ *  @brief This function register a rt_device to platform bus.
+ *
+ *  @return the error code, RT_EOK on successfully.
+ */
+rt_err_t rt_platform_device_register(struct rt_platform_device *pdev)
+    RT_ASSERT(pdev != RT_NULL);
+    return rt_bus_add_device(&platform_bus, &pdev->parent);
+static rt_bool_t platform_match(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev)
+    struct rt_ofw_node *np = dev->ofw_node;
+    struct rt_platform_driver *pdrv = rt_container_of(drv, struct rt_platform_driver, parent);
+    struct rt_platform_device *pdev = rt_container_of(dev, struct rt_platform_device, parent);
+    if (np)
+    {
+        /* 1、match with ofw node */
+        pdev->id = rt_ofw_node_match(np, pdrv->ids);
+        return !!pdev->id;
+    }
+    else if (pdev->name && pdrv->name)
+    {
+        /* 2、match with name */
+        if (pdev->name == pdrv->name)
+        {
+            return RT_TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return !rt_strcmp(pdrv->name, pdev->name);
+        }
+    }
+    return RT_FALSE;
+static rt_err_t platform_probe(rt_device_t dev)
+    rt_err_t err;
+    struct rt_ofw_node *np = dev->ofw_node;
+    struct rt_platform_driver *pdrv = rt_container_of(dev->drv, struct rt_platform_driver, parent);
+    struct rt_platform_device *pdev = rt_container_of(dev, struct rt_platform_device, parent);
+    err = pdrv->probe(pdev);
+    if (!err)
+    {
+        if (np)
+        {
+            rt_ofw_node_set_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_READLY);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (np)
+        {
+            rt_ofw_data(np) = &pdev->parent;
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+static struct rt_bus platform_bus =
+    .name = "platform",
+    .match = platform_match,
+    .probe = platform_probe,
+static int platform_bus_init(void)
+    rt_bus_register(&platform_bus);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/components/drivers/core/platform_ofw.c b/components/drivers/core/platform_ofw.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4496f2370e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/core/platform_ofw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-06-04     GuEe-GUI     the first version
+ */
+#include <rtthread.h>
+#define DBG_TAG "drv.platform"
+#include <rtdbg.h>
+#include <drivers/platform.h>
+#include <drivers/core/dm.h>
+static const struct rt_ofw_node_id platform_ofw_ids[] =
+    { .compatible = "simple-bus", },
+#ifdef RT_USING_MFD
+    { .compatible = "simple-mfd", },
+#ifdef RT_USING_ISA
+    { .compatible = "isa", },
+    /*
+     * Maybe ARM has replaced it with compatible: "arm,primecell" and will not
+     * used anymore in the future.
+     */
+    { .compatible = "arm,amba-bus", },
+    { /* sentinel */ }
+static rt_err_t platform_ofw_device_probe_once(struct rt_ofw_node *parent_np)
+    rt_err_t err = RT_EOK;
+    struct rt_ofw_node *np, *child;
+    struct rt_platform_device *pdev;
+    rt_ofw_foreach_available_child_node(parent_np, np)
+    {
+        const char *name;
+        struct rt_ofw_node_id *id;
+        struct rt_ofw_prop *compat_prop = RT_NULL;
+        /* Is system node or have driver */
+        if (rt_ofw_node_test_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_SYSTEM) ||
+            rt_ofw_node_test_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_READLY))
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        compat_prop = rt_ofw_get_prop(np, "compatible", RT_NULL);
+        name = rt_ofw_node_name(np);
+        /* Not have name and compatible */
+        if (!compat_prop && (name == (const char *)"<NULL>" || !rt_strcmp(name, "<NULL>")))
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        id = rt_ofw_prop_match(compat_prop, platform_ofw_ids);
+        if (id && (child = rt_ofw_get_next_child(np, RT_NULL)))
+        {
+            /* scan next level */
+            err = platform_ofw_device_probe_once(child);
+            rt_ofw_node_put(child);
+            if (err)
+            {
+                LOG_E("%s bus probe fail", np->full_name);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        pdev = rt_platform_device_alloc(np->name);
+        if (!pdev)
+        {
+            err = -RT_ENOMEM;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* inc reference of dt-node */
+        rt_ofw_node_get(np);
+        rt_ofw_node_set_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_PLATFORM);
+        pdev->parent.ofw_node = np;
+        rt_platform_device_register(pdev);
+    }
+    return err;
+static int platform_ofw_device_probe(void)
+    rt_err_t err = RT_EOK;
+    struct rt_ofw_node *root_np;
+    root_np = rt_ofw_find_node_by_path("/");
+    if (root_np)
+    {
+        err = platform_ofw_device_probe_once(root_np);
+        rt_ofw_node_put(root_np);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        err = -RT_ENOSYS;
+    }
+    return (int)err;
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/core/bus.h b/components/drivers/include/core/bus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10e7fa10ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/include/core/bus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-04-12     ErikChan      the first version
+ */
+#ifndef __BUS_H__
+#define __BUS_H__
+#include <rthw.h>
+#include <drivers/core/device.h>
+#include <drivers/core/driver.h>
+typedef struct rt_bus *rt_bus_t;
+struct rt_bus
+    struct rt_object parent;    /**< inherit from rt_object */
+    char *name;
+    struct rt_bus *bus;
+    rt_list_t list;
+    rt_list_t children;
+    rt_list_t dev_list;
+    rt_list_t drv_list;
+    struct rt_spinlock spinlock;
+    rt_bool_t (*match)(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_err_t  (*probe)(rt_device_t dev);
+rt_bus_t rt_bus_root(void);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_for_each_dev(rt_bus_t bus, rt_driver_t drv, int (*fn)(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev));
+rt_err_t rt_bus_for_each_drv(rt_bus_t bus, rt_device_t dev, int (*fn)(rt_driver_t drv, rt_device_t dev));
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add(rt_bus_t bus);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add_driver(rt_bus_t bus, rt_driver_t drv);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_add_device(rt_bus_t bus, rt_device_t dev);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_remove_driver(rt_driver_t drv);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_remove_device(rt_device_t dev);
+rt_bus_t rt_bus_find_by_name(char *name);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_reload_driver_device(rt_bus_t new_bus, rt_device_t dev);
+rt_err_t rt_bus_register(rt_bus_t bus);
+#endif /* __BUS_H__ */
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/core/device.h b/components/drivers/include/core/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87019a3797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/include/core/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-04-12     ErikChan      the first version
+ */
+#ifndef __DEVICE_H__
+#define __DEVICE_H__
+#include <rtdef.h>
+typedef struct rt_driver *rt_driver_t;
+typedef struct rt_device *rt_device_t;
+ * Notify structure
+ */
+struct rt_device_notify
+    void (*notify)(rt_device_t dev);
+    struct rt_device *dev;
+ * Device structure
+ */
+struct rt_device
+    struct rt_object          parent;                   /**< inherit from rt_object */
+    rt_list_t node;
+    struct rt_bus *bus;
+    void   *priv;
+#ifdef RT_USING_DM
+    rt_driver_t drv;
+    void *ofw_node;
+    enum rt_device_class_type type;                     /**< device type */
+    rt_uint16_t               flag;                     /**< device flag */
+    rt_uint16_t               open_flag;                /**< device open flag */
+    rt_uint8_t                ref_count;                /**< reference count */
+    rt_uint8_t                device_id;                /**< 0 - 255 */
+    /* device call back */
+    rt_err_t (*rx_indicate)(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_err_t (*tx_complete)(rt_device_t dev, void *buffer);
+    const struct rt_device_ops *ops;
+    /* common device interface */
+    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
+    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
+#endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS */
+    const struct dfs_file_ops *fops;
+    struct rt_wqueue wait_queue;
+#endif /* RT_USING_POSIX_DEVIO */
+    void                     *user_data;                /**< device private data */
+ * operations set for device object
+ */
+struct rt_device_ops
+    /* common device interface */
+    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
+    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
+#endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS */
+#endif /* __DEVICE_H__ */
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/core/dm.h b/components/drivers/include/core/dm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc7d0d3a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/include/core/dm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-04-20     ErikChan     the first version
+ */
+#ifndef __RT_DM_H__
+#define __RT_DM_H__
+#include <rthw.h>
+#include <rtdef.h>
+#include <drivers/misc.h>
+#include <drivers/byteorder.h>
+#ifndef RT_CPUS_NR
+#define RT_CPUS_NR 1
+#ifndef RT_USING_SMP
+extern int rt_hw_cpu_id(void);
+void rt_dm_secondary_cpu_init(void);
+int rt_dm_set_dev_name_auto(rt_device_t dev, const char *prefix);
+int rt_dm_get_dev_name_id(rt_device_t dev);
+int rt_dm_set_dev_name(rt_device_t dev, const char *format, ...);
+const char *rt_dm_get_dev_name(rt_device_t dev);
+#endif /* __RT_DM_H__ */
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/core/driver.h b/components/drivers/include/core/driver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60661a2cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drivers/include/core/driver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Change Logs:
+ * Date           Author       Notes
+ * 2023-04-12     ErikChan      the first version
+ */
+#ifndef __DRIVER_H__
+#define __DRIVER_H__
+#include <drivers/core/device.h>
+struct rt_driver
+    struct rt_bus *bus;
+    rt_list_t node;
+    const struct rt_device_ops *dev_ops;
+    /* common device interface */
+    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
+    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
+    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
+    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
+    const struct filesystem_ops *fops;
+    const char *name;
+    int (*probe)(struct rt_device *dev);
+    int (*remove)(struct rt_device *dev);
+    void *priv;
+int rt_driver_probe_device(struct rt_driver *drv, struct rt_device *dev);
+rt_err_t rt_driver_register(rt_driver_t drv);
+rt_err_t rt_driver_unregister(rt_driver_t drv);
+#define RT_DRIVER_EXPORT(driver, bus_name, mode)    \
+static int ___##driver##_register(void)             \
+{                                                   \
+    rt_##bus_name##_driver_register(&driver);       \
+    return 0;                                       \
+}                                                   \
+INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(___##driver##_register);         \
+#endif /* __DRIVER_H__ */
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/drivers/pic.h b/components/drivers/include/drivers/pic.h
index 5c6ac24c50..a01b22d5b3 100755
--- a/components/drivers/include/drivers/pic.h
+++ b/components/drivers/include/drivers/pic.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include <bitmap.h>
 #include <drivers/ofw.h>
-#include <drivers/core/rtdm.h>
+#include <drivers/core/dm.h>
 struct rt_pci_msi_desc;
 struct rt_pci_msi_msg;
diff --git a/components/drivers/include/rtdevice.h b/components/drivers/include/rtdevice.h
index 06e5c7158a..ebcbbe15bd 100644
--- a/components/drivers/include/rtdevice.h
+++ b/components/drivers/include/rtdevice.h
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #ifdef RT_USING_DM
-#include "drivers/core/rtdm.h"
+#include "drivers/core/dm.h"
 #ifdef RT_USING_OFW
 #include "drivers/ofw.h"
diff --git a/components/drivers/ofw/fdt.c b/components/drivers/ofw/fdt.c
index 69eb332bee..1d3388e79d 100755
--- a/components/drivers/ofw/fdt.c
+++ b/components/drivers/ofw/fdt.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <drivers/ofw_fdt.h>
 #include <drivers/ofw_raw.h>
-#include <drivers/core/rtdm.h>
+#include <drivers/core/dm.h>
 #define DBG_TAG "rtdm.ofw"
@@ -79,14 +79,13 @@ rt_uint64_t rt_fdt_translate_address(void *fdt, int nodeoffset, rt_uint64_t addr
             int addr_cells;
             int size_cells;
         } local, cpu;
-        int parent, length, group_len;
+        int parent, length = 0, group_len;
         const fdt32_t *ranges = RT_NULL;
         parent = fdt_parent_offset(fdt, nodeoffset);
         if (parent >= 0)
-            length = 0;
             ranges = fdt_getprop(fdt, nodeoffset, "ranges", &length);
diff --git a/components/drivers/pic/pic.c b/components/drivers/pic/pic.c
index e5bc0fed7c..8065b0e65f 100644
--- a/components/drivers/pic/pic.c
+++ b/components/drivers/pic/pic.c
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ static rt_list_t _traps_nodes = RT_LIST_OBJECT_INIT(_traps_nodes);
 static struct rt_pic_irq *irq2pirq(int irq)
-    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq;
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = RT_NULL;
-    if (irq >= 0 && irq < MAX_HANDLERS)
+    if ((irq >= 0) && (irq < MAX_HANDLERS))
         pirq = &_pirq_hash[irq];
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ rt_err_t rt_pic_do_traps(void)
 rt_err_t rt_pic_handle_isr(struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    rt_err_t err;
+    rt_err_t err = RT_EOK;
     rt_list_t *handler_nodes;
     struct rt_irq_desc *action;
@@ -547,49 +547,101 @@ rt_err_t rt_pic_irq_finit(void)
     return err;
-#define _irq_call_helper(irq, fn)       \
-({                                      \
-    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq;            \
-    if ((pirq = irq2pirq(irq)))         \
-    {                                   \
-        rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);   \
-        if (pirq->pic->ops->fn)         \
-            pirq->pic->ops->fn(pirq);   \
-        rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock); \
-    }                                   \
 void rt_pic_irq_enable(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_enable);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_enable)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_enable(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_disable(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_disable);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_disable)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_disable(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_ack(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_ack);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_ack)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_ack(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_mask(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_mask);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_mask)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_mask(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_unmask(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_unmask);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_unmask)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_unmask(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_eoi(int irq)
-    _irq_call_helper(irq, irq_eoi);
+    struct rt_pic_irq *pirq = irq2pirq(irq);
-#undef _irq_call_helper
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (pirq->pic->ops->irq_eoi)
+    {
+        pirq->pic->ops->irq_eoi(pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 rt_err_t rt_pic_irq_set_priority(int irq, rt_uint32_t priority)
@@ -747,58 +799,145 @@ void rt_pic_irq_send_ipi(int irq, rt_bitmap_t *cpumask)
-#define _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, fn, ret,...) \
-({                                                  \
-    if (ppic && pirq)                               \
-    {                                               \
-        rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);               \
-        if (ppic->ops->fn)                          \
-        {                                           \
-            struct rt_pic *cpic;                    \
-            cpic = pirq->pic; /* push old pic */    \
-            pirq->pic = ppic;                       \
-            ret ppic->ops->fn(pirq __VA_ARGS__);    \
-            pirq->pic = cpic; /* pop old pic */     \
-        }                                           \
-        rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);             \
-    }                                               \
+#define _pic_push(stack, pirq, ppic)    struct rt_pic *(stack) = (pirq)->pic; (pirq)->pic = ppic;
+#define _pic_pop(stack, pirq)           (pirq)->pic = (stack)
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_enable(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_enable,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_enable)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_enable(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_disable(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_disable,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_disable)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_disable(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_ack(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_ack,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_ack)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_ack(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_mask(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_mask,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_mask)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_mask(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_unmask(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_unmask,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_unmask)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_unmask(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 void rt_pic_irq_parent_eoi(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq)
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_eoi,,);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_eoi)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        ppic->ops->irq_eoi(pirq);
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
 rt_err_t rt_pic_irq_parent_set_priority(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *pirq, rt_uint32_t priority)
     rt_err_t err = -RT_ENOSYS;
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_set_priority, err = , ,priority);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_set_priority)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        if (!(err = ppic->ops->irq_set_priority(pirq, priority)))
+        {
+            pirq->priority = priority;
+        }
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
     return err;
@@ -807,7 +946,24 @@ rt_err_t rt_pic_irq_parent_set_affinity(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_irq *
     rt_err_t err = -RT_ENOSYS;
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_set_affinity, err = , ,affinity);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_set_affinity)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        if (!(err = ppic->ops->irq_set_affinity(pirq, affinity)))
+        {
+            rt_memcpy(pirq->affinity, affinity, sizeof(pirq->affinity));
+        }
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
     return err;
@@ -816,12 +972,30 @@ rt_err_t rt_pic_irq_parent_set_triger_mode(struct rt_pic *ppic, struct rt_pic_ir
     rt_err_t err = -RT_ENOSYS;
-    _pirq_parent_call_helper(ppic, pirq, irq_set_triger_mode, err = , ,mode);
+    RT_ASSERT(ppic != RT_NULL);
+    RT_ASSERT(pirq != RT_NULL);
+    rt_spin_lock(&pirq->rw_lock);
+    if (ppic->ops->irq_set_triger_mode)
+    {
+        _pic_push(pic_stack, pirq, ppic);
+        if (!(err = ppic->ops->irq_set_triger_mode(pirq, mode)))
+        {
+            pirq->mode = mode;
+        }
+        _pic_pop(pic_stack, pirq);
+    }
+    rt_spin_unlock(&pirq->rw_lock);
     return err;
-#undef _pirq_parent_call_helper
+#undef _pic_push
+#undef _pic_pop
 #ifdef RT_USING_OFW
 RT_OFW_STUB_RANGE_EXPORT(pic, _pic_ofw_start, _pic_ofw_end);
diff --git a/include/rtdef.h b/include/rtdef.h
index cf94da1e8b..d12c929d9a 100644
--- a/include/rtdef.h
+++ b/include/rtdef.h
@@ -318,6 +318,17 @@ typedef int (*init_fn_t)(void);
 /* board init routines will be called in board_init() function */
 #define INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(fn)           INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1")
+/* init cpu, memory, interrupt-controller, bus... */
+#define INIT_CORE_EXPORT(fn)            INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.0")
+/* init pci/pcie, usb platform driver... */
+#define INIT_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT(fn)       INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.1")
+/* init platform, user code... */
+#define INIT_PLATFORM_EXPORT(fn)        INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.2")
+/* init sys-timer, clk, pinctrl... */
+#define INIT_SUBSYS_EXPORT(fn)          INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.3")
+/* init early drivers */
+#define INIT_DRIVER_EARLY_EXPORT(fn)    INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.4")
 /* pre/device/component/env/app init routines will be called in init_thread */
 /* components pre-initialization (pure software initialization) */
 #define INIT_PREV_EXPORT(fn)            INIT_EXPORT(fn, "2")
@@ -330,6 +341,11 @@ typedef int (*init_fn_t)(void);
 /* application initialization (rtgui application etc ...) */
 #define INIT_APP_EXPORT(fn)             INIT_EXPORT(fn, "6")
+/* init after mount fs */
+#define INIT_FS_EXPORT(fn)              INIT_EXPORT(fn, "6.0")
+/* init in secondary_cpu_c_start */
 #if !defined(RT_USING_FINSH)
 /* define these to empty, even if not include finsh.h file */
 #define FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(name, desc)
diff --git a/include/rtthread.h b/include/rtthread.h
index fdb67a4d06..4c0de6a511 100644
--- a/include/rtthread.h
+++ b/include/rtthread.h
@@ -602,14 +602,7 @@ rt_ssize_t rt_device_write(rt_device_t dev,
                           const void *buffer,
                           rt_size_t   size);
 rt_err_t  rt_device_control(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *arg);
-#ifdef RT_USING_DM
-rt_err_t rt_device_bind_driver(rt_device_t device, rt_driver_t driver, void *node);
-rt_device_t rt_device_create_since_driver(rt_driver_t drv,int device_id);
-rt_err_t rt_device_probe_and_init(rt_device_t device);
-rt_err_t rt_driver_match_with_id(const rt_driver_t drv,int device_id);
-rt_err_t rt_driver_match_with_dtb(const rt_driver_t drv,void *from_node,int max_dev_num);