1436 lines
54 KiB
1436 lines
54 KiB
* @file at32f415_usb.h
* @version v2.0.4
* @date 2022-04-02
* @brief at32f415 usb header file
* Copyright notice & Disclaimer
* The software Board Support Package (BSP) that is made available to
* download from Artery official website is the copyrighted work of Artery.
* Artery authorizes customers to use, copy, and distribute the BSP
* software and its related documentation for the purpose of design and
* development in conjunction with Artery microcontrollers. Use of the
* software is governed by this copyright notice and the following disclaimer.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __AT32F415_USB_H
#define __AT32F415_USB_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "at32f415.h"
/** @addtogroup AT32F415_periph_driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup USB
* @{
/** @defgroup USB_global_interrupts_definition
* @brief usb global interrupt mask
* @{
#define USB_OTG_MODEMIS_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb otg mode mismatch interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_OTGINT_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< usb otg interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_SOF_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb otg sof interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_RXFLVL_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< usb otg receive fifo non-empty interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_NPTXFEMP_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< usb otg non-periodic tx fifo empty interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_GINNAKEFF_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< usb otg global non-periodic in nak effective interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_GOUTNAKEFF_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< usb otg global out nak effective interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_ERLYSUSP_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< usb otg early suspend interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_USBSUSP_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000800) /*!< usb otg suspend interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_USBRST_INT ((uint32_t)0x00001000) /*!< usb otg reset interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_ENUMDONE_INT ((uint32_t)0x00002000) /*!< usb otg enumeration done interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_ISOOUTDROP_INT ((uint32_t)0x00004000) /*!< usb otg isochronous out packet dropped interrut */
#define USB_OTG_EOPF_INT ((uint32_t)0x00008000) /*!< usb otg eop interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_IEPT_INT ((uint32_t)0x00040000) /*!< usb otg in endpoint interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_OEPT_INT ((uint32_t)0x00080000) /*!< usb otg out endpoint interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_INCOMISOIN_INT ((uint32_t)0x00100000) /*!< usb otg incomplete isochronous in transfer interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_INCOMPIP_INCOMPISOOUT_INT ((uint32_t)0x00200000) /*!< usb otg incomplete periodic transfer/isochronous out interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_PRT_INT ((uint32_t)0x01000000) /*!< usb otg host port interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HCH_INT ((uint32_t)0x02000000) /*!< usb otg host channel interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_PTXFEMP_INT ((uint32_t)0x04000000) /*!< usb otg periodic txfifo empty interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_CONIDSCHG_INT ((uint32_t)0x10000000) /*!< usb otg connector id status change interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_DISCON_INT ((uint32_t)0x20000000) /*!< usb otg disconnect detected interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_WKUP_INT ((uint32_t)0x80000000) /*!< usb otg wakeup interrupt */
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_global_interrupt_flags_definition
* @brief usb global interrupt flag
* @{
#define USB_OTG_CURMODE ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< usb otg current mode */
#define USB_OTG_MODEMIS_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb otg mode mismatch flag */
#define USB_OTG_OTGINT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< usb otg flag */
#define USB_OTG_SOF_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb otg sof flag */
#define USB_OTG_RXFLVL_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< usb otg receive fifo non-empty flag */
#define USB_OTG_NPTXFEMP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< usb otg non-periodic tx fifo empty flag */
#define USB_OTG_GINNAKEFF_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< usb otg global non-periodic in nak effective flag */
#define USB_OTG_GOUTNAKEFF_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< usb otg global out nak effective flag */
#define USB_OTG_ERLYSUSP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< usb otg early suspend flag */
#define USB_OTG_USBSUSP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000800) /*!< usb otg suspend flag */
#define USB_OTG_USBRST_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00001000) /*!< usb otg reset flag */
#define USB_OTG_ENUMDONE_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00002000) /*!< usb otg enumeration done flag */
#define USB_OTG_ISOOUTDROP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00004000) /*!< usb otg isochronous out packet dropped flag */
#define USB_OTG_EOPF_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00008000) /*!< usb otg eop flag */
#define USB_OTG_IEPT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00040000) /*!< usb otg in endpoint flag */
#define USB_OTG_OEPT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00080000) /*!< usb otg out endpoint flag */
#define USB_OTG_INCOMISOIN_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00100000) /*!< usb otg incomplete isochronous in transfer flag */
#define USB_OTG_INCOMPIP_INCOMPISOOUT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00200000) /*!< usb otg incomplete periodic transfer/isochronous out flag */
#define USB_OTG_PRT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x01000000) /*!< usb otg host port flag */
#define USB_OTG_HCH_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x02000000) /*!< usb otg host channel flag */
#define USB_OTG_PTXFEMP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x04000000) /*!< usb otg periodic txfifo empty flag */
#define USB_OTG_CONIDSCHG_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x10000000) /*!< usb otg connector id status change flag */
#define USB_OTG_DISCON_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x20000000) /*!< usb otg disconnect detected flag */
#define USB_OTG_WKUP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x80000000) /*!< usb otg wakeup flag */
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_global_setting_definition
* @brief usb global setting
* @{
* @brief usb turnaround time
#define USB_TRDTIM_8 0x9 /*!< usb turn around time 8 */
#define USB_TRDTIM_16 0x5 /*!< usb turn around time 16 */
* @brief usb receive status
#define USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPTNUM ((uint32_t)0x0000000F) /*!< usb device receive packet endpoint number*/
#define USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_CHNUM ((uint32_t)0x0000000F) /*!< usb host receive packet channel number*/
#define USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT ((uint32_t)0x00007FF0) /*!< usb receive packet byte count */
#define USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_DPID ((uint32_t)0x00018000) /*!< usb receive packet pid */
#define USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS ((uint32_t)0x001E0000) /*!< usb receive packet status */
* @brief usb host packet status
#define PKTSTS_IN_DATA_PACKET_RECV 0x2 /*!< usb host in data packet received */
#define PKTSTS_IN_TRANSFER_COMPLETE 0x3 /*!< usb host in transfer completed */
#define PKTSTS_DATA_BIT_ERROR 0x5 /*!< usb host data toggle error */
#define PKTSTS_CHANNEL_STOP 0x7 /*!< usb host channel halted */
* @brief usb device packet status
#define USB_OUT_STS_NAK 0x1 /*!< usb device global out nak */
#define USB_OUT_STS_DATA 0x2 /*!< usb device out data packet received */
#define USB_OUT_STS_COMP 0x3 /*!< usb device out transfer completed */
#define USB_SETUP_STS_COMP 0x4 /*!< usb device setup transcation completed */
#define USB_SETUP_STS_DATA 0x6 /*!< usb device setup data packet received */
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_host_config_definition
* @{
* @brief usb host phy clock
#define USB_HCFG_CLK_60M 0 /*!< usb host phy clock 60mhz */
#define USB_HCFG_CLK_48M 1 /*!< usb host phy clock 48mhz */
#define USB_HCFG_CLK_6M 2 /*!< usb host phy clock 6mhz */
* @brief usb host port status
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTCONSTS ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< usb host port connect status */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTCONDET ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb host port connect detected */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTENA ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< usb host port enable */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTENCHNG ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb host port enable/disable change */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTOVRCACT ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< usb host port overcurrent active */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTOVRCCHNG ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< usb host port overcurrent change */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTRES ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< usb host port resume */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTSUSP ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< usb host port suspend */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTRST ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< usb host port reset */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTLNSTS ((uint32_t)0x00000C00) /*!< usb host port line status */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTPWR ((uint32_t)0x00001000) /*!< usb host port power */
#define USB_OTG_HPRT_PRTSPD ((uint32_t)0x00060000) /*!< usb host port speed */
* @brief usb port speed
#define USB_PRTSPD_HIGH_SPEED 0 /*!< usb host port high speed */
#define USB_PRTSPD_FULL_SPEED 1 /*!< usb host port full speed */
#define USB_PRTSPD_LOW_SPEED 2 /*!< usb host port low speed */
* @brief usb host register hcchar bit define
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_MPS ((uint32_t)0x000007FF) /*!< channel maximum packet size */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_EPTNUM ((uint32_t)0x00007800) /*!< endpoint number */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_EPTDIR ((uint32_t)0x00008000) /*!< endpoint direction */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_LSPDDEV ((uint32_t)0x00020000) /*!< low speed device */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_EPTYPE ((uint32_t)0x000C0000) /*!< endpoint type */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_MC ((uint32_t)0x00300000) /*!< multi count */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_DEVADDR ((uint32_t)0x1FC00000) /*!< device address */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_ODDFRM ((uint32_t)0x20000000) /*!< odd frame */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_CHDIS ((uint32_t)0x40000000) /*!< channel disable */
#define USB_OTG_HCCHAR_CHENA ((uint32_t)0x80000000) /*!< channel enable */
* @brief usb host register hctsiz bit define
#define USB_OTG_HCTSIZ_XFERSIZE ((uint32_t)0x0007FFFF) /*!< channel transfer size */
#define USB_OTG_HCTSIZ_PKTCNT ((uint32_t)0x1FF80000) /*!< channel packet count */
#define USB_OTG_HCTSIZ_PID ((uint32_t)0x60000000) /*!< channel pid */
* @brief usb host channel interrupt mask
#define USB_OTG_HC_XFERCM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< channel transfer complete interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_CHHLTDM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< channel halted interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_STALLM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< channel stall interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_NAKM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< channel nak interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_ACKM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< channel ack interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_NYETM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< channel nyet interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_XACTERRM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< channel transaction error interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_BBLERRM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< channel babble error interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_FRMOVRRUN_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /*!< channel frame overrun interrupt */
#define USB_OTG_HC_DTGLERRM_INT ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< channel data toggle interrupt */
* @brief usb host channel interrupt flag
#define USB_OTG_HC_XFERC_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< channel transfer complete flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_CHHLTD_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< channel halted flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_STALL_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< channel stall flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_NAK_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< channel nak flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_ACK_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< channel ack flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_NYET_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< channel nyet flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_XACTERR_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< channel transaction error flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_BBLERR_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< channel babble error flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_FRMOVRRUN_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /*!< channel frame overrun flag */
#define USB_OTG_HC_DTGLERR_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< channel data toggle flag */
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_device_config_definition
* @{
* @brief usb device periodic frame interval
typedef enum
DCFG_PERFRINT_80 = 0x00, /*!< periodic frame interval 80% */
DCFG_PERFRINT_85 = 0x01, /*!< periodic frame interval 85% */
DCFG_PERFRINT_90 = 0x02, /*!< periodic frame interval 90% */
DCFG_PERFRINT_95 = 0x03 /*!< periodic frame interval 95% */
} dcfg_perfrint_type;
* @brief usb device full speed
#define USB_DCFG_FULL_SPEED 3 /*!< device full speed */
* @brief usb device ctrl define
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_RWKUPSIG ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< usb device remote wakeup signaling */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_SFTDISCON ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb device soft disconnect */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_GNPINNAKSTS ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< usb device global non-periodic in nak status */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_GOUTNAKSTS ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb device global out nak status */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_SGNPINNAK ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< usb device set global non-periodic in nak */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_CGNPINNAK ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< usb device clear global non-periodic in nak */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_SGOUTNAK ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /*!< usb device set global out nak status */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_CGOUTNAK ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< usb device clear global out nak status */
#define USB_OTG_DCTL_PWROPRGDNE ((uint32_t)0x00000800) /*!< usb device power on programming done */
* @brief usb device in endpoint flag
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_XFERC_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< usb device in transfer completed flag */
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_EPTDISD_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb device endpoint disable flag */
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TIMEOUT_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb device in timeout */
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_INTKNTXFEMP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< usb device in token received when tx fifo is empty flag */
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_INEPTNAK_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< usb device in endpoint nak effective flag */
#define USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TXFEMP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< usb device transmit fifo empty flag */
* @brief usb device out endpoint flag
#define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_XFERC_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< usb device out transfer completed flag */
#define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_EPTDISD_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< usb device endpoint disable flag */
#define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_SETUP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< usb device setup flag */
#define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_OUTTEPD_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< usb device out token recevied when endpoint disable flag */
#define USB_OTG_DOEPINT_B2BSTUP_FLAG ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< back-to-back setup packets received */
* @brief usb device in endpoint fifo space mask
#define USB_OTG_DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) /*!< usb device in endpoint tx fifo space avail */
* @brief endpoint0 maximum packet size
#define USB_EPT0_MPS_64 0 /*!< usb device endpoint 0 maximum packet size 64byte */
#define USB_EPT0_MPS_32 1 /*!< usb device endpoint 0 maximum packet size 32byte */
#define USB_EPT0_MPS_16 2 /*!< usb device endpoint 0 maximum packet size 16byte */
#define USB_EPT0_MPS_8 3 /*!< usb device endpoint 0 maximum packet size 8byte */
* @}
* @brief otg fifo size (word)
#define OTG_FIFO_SIZE 320 /*!< otg usb total fifo size */
* @brief otg host max buffer length (byte)
#define USB_MAX_DATA_LENGTH 0x200 /*!< usb host maximum buffer size */
/** @defgroup USB_exported_enum_types
* @{
* @brief usb mode define(device, host, drd)
typedef enum
OTG_DEVICE_MODE, /*!< usb device mode */
OTG_HOST_MODE, /*!< usb host mode */
OTG_DRD_MODE /*!< usb drd mode */
} otg_mode_type;
* @brief endpoint type define
typedef enum
EPT_CONTROL_TYPE = 0x00, /*!< usb endpoint type control */
EPT_ISO_TYPE = 0x01, /*!< usb endpoint type iso */
EPT_BULK_TYPE = 0x02, /*!< usb endpoint type bulk */
EPT_INT_TYPE = 0x03 /*!< usb endpoint type interrupt */
} endpoint_trans_type;
* @brief usb endpoint number define type
typedef enum
USB_EPT0 = 0x00, /*!< usb endpoint 0 */
USB_EPT1 = 0x01, /*!< usb endpoint 1 */
USB_EPT2 = 0x02, /*!< usb endpoint 2 */
USB_EPT3 = 0x03, /*!< usb endpoint 3 */
USB_EPT4 = 0x04, /*!< usb endpoint 4 */
USB_EPT5 = 0x05, /*!< usb endpoint 5 */
USB_EPT6 = 0x06, /*!< usb endpoint 6 */
USB_EPT7 = 0x07 /*!< usb endpoint 7 */
} usb_endpoint_number_type;
* @brief usb endpoint max num define
#define USB_EPT_MAX_NUM 4 /*!< usb device support endpoint number */
* @brief usb channel max num define
#define USB_HOST_CHANNEL_NUM 8 /*!< usb host support channel number */
* @brief endpoint trans dir type
typedef enum
EPT_DIR_IN = 0x00, /*!< usb transfer direction in */
EPT_DIR_OUT = 0x01 /*!< usb transfer direction out */
} endpoint_dir_type;
* @brief otgfs1 and otgfs2 select type
typedef enum
USB_OTG1_ID, /*!< usb otg 1 id */
USB_OTG2_ID /*!< usb otg 2 id */
} otg_id_type;
* @brief usb clock select
typedef enum
USB_CLK_HICK, /*!< usb clock use hick */
USB_CLK_HEXT /*!< usb clock use hext */
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_exported_types
* @{
* @brief usb endpoint infomation structure definition
typedef struct
uint8_t eptn; /*!< endpoint register number (0~7) */
uint8_t ept_address; /*!< endpoint address */
uint8_t inout; /*!< endpoint dir EPT_DIR_IN or EPT_DIR_OUT */
uint8_t trans_type; /*!< endpoint type:
uint16_t tx_addr; /*!< endpoint tx buffer offset address */
uint16_t rx_addr; /*!< endpoint rx buffer offset address */
uint32_t maxpacket; /*!< endpoint max packet*/
uint8_t is_double_buffer; /*!< endpoint double buffer flag */
uint8_t stall; /*!< endpoint is stall state */
uint32_t status;
/* transmission buffer and count */
uint8_t *trans_buf; /*!< endpoint transmission buffer */
uint32_t total_len; /*!< endpoint transmission lengtg */
uint32_t trans_len; /*!< endpoint transmission length*/
uint32_t last_len; /*!< last transfer length */
uint32_t rem0_len; /*!< rem transfer length */
uint32_t ept0_slen; /*!< endpoint 0 transfer sum length */
} usb_ept_info;
* @brief usb host channel infomation structure definition
typedef struct
uint8_t ch_num; /*!< host channel number */
uint8_t address; /*!< device address */
uint8_t dir; /*!< transmission direction */
uint8_t ept_num; /*!< device endpoint number */
uint8_t ept_type; /*!< channel transmission type */
uint32_t maxpacket; /*!< support max packet size */
uint8_t data_pid; /*!< data pid */
uint8_t speed; /*!< usb speed */
uint8_t stall; /*!< channel stall flag */
uint32_t status; /*!< channel status */
uint32_t state; /*!< channel state */
uint32_t urb_sts; /*!< usb channel request block state */
uint8_t toggle_in; /*!< channel in transfer toggle */
uint8_t toggle_out; /*!< channel out transfer toggle */
/* transmission buffer and count */
uint8_t *trans_buf; /* host channel buffer */
uint32_t trans_len; /* host channel transmission len */
uint32_t trans_count; /* host channel transmission count*/
} usb_hch_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs control and status register, offset:0x00
__IO uint32_t gotgctrl;
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t cidsts : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 4; /* [20:17] */
__IO uint32_t curmod : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 10; /* [31:22] */
} gotgctrl_bit;
* @brief otgfs interrupt register, offset:0x04
__IO uint32_t gotgint;
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 2; /* [1:0] */
__IO uint32_t sesenddet : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 29; /* [31:3] */
} gotgint_bit;
* @brief otgfs gahbcfg configuration register, offset:0x08
__IO uint32_t gahbcfg;
__IO uint32_t glbintmsk : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 6; /* [6:1] */
__IO uint32_t nptxfemplvl : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t ptxfemplvl : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 23; /* [31:9] */
} gahbcfg_bit;
* @brief otgfs usb configuration register, offset:0x0C
__IO uint32_t gusbcfg;
__IO uint32_t toutcal : 3; /* [2:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 7; /* [9:3] */
__IO uint32_t usbtrdtim : 4; /* [13:10] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 15; /* [28:14] */
__IO uint32_t fhstmode : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t fdevmode : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t cotxpkt : 1; /* [31] */
} gusbcfg_bit;
* @brief otgfs reset register, offset:0x10
__IO uint32_t grstctl;
__IO uint32_t csftrst : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t piusftrst : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t frmcntrst : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t rxfflsh : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t txfflsh : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t txfnum : 5; /* [10:6] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 20; /* [30:11] */
__IO uint32_t ahbidle : 1; /* [31] */
} grstctl_bit;
* @brief otgfs core interrupt register, offset:0x14
__IO uint32_t gintsts;
__IO uint32_t curmode : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t modemis : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t otgint : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t sof : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t rxflvl : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t nptxfemp : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t ginnakeff : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t goutnakeff : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 2; /* [9:8]] */
__IO uint32_t erlysusp : 1; /* [10] */
__IO uint32_t usbsusp : 1; /* [11] */
__IO uint32_t usbrst : 1; /* [12] */
__IO uint32_t enumdone : 1; /* [13] */
__IO uint32_t isooutdrop : 1; /* [14] */
__IO uint32_t eopf : 1; /* [15] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 2; /* [17:16]] */
__IO uint32_t ieptint : 1; /* [18] */
__IO uint32_t oeptint : 1; /* [19] */
__IO uint32_t incompisoin : 1; /* [20] */
__IO uint32_t incompip_incompisoout : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 2; /* [23:22] */
__IO uint32_t prtint : 1; /* [24] */
__IO uint32_t hchint : 1; /* [25] */
__IO uint32_t ptxfemp : 1; /* [26] */
__IO uint32_t reserved4 : 1; /* [27] */
__IO uint32_t conidschg : 1; /* [28] */
__IO uint32_t disconint : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t reserved5 : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t wkupint : 1; /* [31] */
} gintsts_bit;
* @brief otgfs interrupt mask register, offset:0x18
__IO uint32_t gintmsk;
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t modemismsk : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t otgintmsk : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t sofmsk : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t rxflvlmsk : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t nptxfempmsk : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t ginnakeffmsk : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t goutnakeffmsk : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 2; /* [9:8]] */
__IO uint32_t erlysuspmsk : 1; /* [10] */
__IO uint32_t usbsuspmsk : 1; /* [11] */
__IO uint32_t usbrstmsk : 1; /* [12] */
__IO uint32_t enumdonemsk : 1; /* [13] */
__IO uint32_t isooutdropmsk : 1; /* [14] */
__IO uint32_t eopfmsk : 1; /* [15] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 2; /* [17:16]] */
__IO uint32_t ieptintmsk : 1; /* [18] */
__IO uint32_t oeptintmsk : 1; /* [19] */
__IO uint32_t incompisoinmsk : 1; /* [20] */
__IO uint32_t incompip_incompisooutmsk : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved4 : 2; /* [23:22] */
__IO uint32_t prtintmsk : 1; /* [24] */
__IO uint32_t hchintmsk : 1; /* [25] */
__IO uint32_t ptxfempmsk : 1; /* [26] */
__IO uint32_t reserved5 : 1; /* [27] */
__IO uint32_t conidschgmsk : 1; /* [28] */
__IO uint32_t disconintmsk : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t reserved6 : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t wkupintmsk : 1; /* [31] */
} gintmsk_bit;
* @brief otgfs rx status debug read register, offset:0x1C
__IO uint32_t grxstsr;
__IO uint32_t eptnum : 4; /* [3:0] */
__IO uint32_t bcnt : 11; /* [14:4] */
__IO uint32_t dpid : 2; /* [16:15] */
__IO uint32_t pktsts : 4; /* [20:17] */
__IO uint32_t fn : 4; /* [24:21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 7; /* [31:25] */
} grxstsr_bit;
* @brief otgfs rx status read and pop register, offset:0x20
__IO uint32_t grxstsp;
__IO uint32_t chnum : 4; /* [3:0] */
__IO uint32_t bcnt : 11; /* [14:4] */
__IO uint32_t dpid : 2; /* [16:15] */
__IO uint32_t pktsts : 4; /* [20:17] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 11; /* [31:21] */
} grxstsp_bit;
* @brief otgfs rx fifo size register, offset:0x24
__IO uint32_t grxfsiz;
__IO uint32_t rxfdep : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [31:16] */
} grxfsiz_bit;
* @brief otgfs non-periodic and ept0 tx fifo size register, offset:0x28
__IO uint32_t gnptxfsiz_ept0tx;
__IO uint32_t nptxfstaddr : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t nptxfdep : 16; /* [31:16] */
} gnptxfsiz_ept0tx_bit;
* @brief otgfs non-periodic tx fifo request queue status register, offset:0x2C
__IO uint32_t gnptxsts;
__IO uint32_t nptxfspcavail : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t nptxqspcavail : 8; /* [23:16] */
__IO uint32_t nptxqtop : 7; /* [30:24] */
} gnptxsts_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved2[2];
* @brief otgfs general core configuration register, offset:0x38
__IO uint32_t gccfg;
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t pwrdown : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [17] */
__IO uint32_t avalidsesen : 1; /* [18] */
__IO uint32_t bvalidsesen : 1; /* [19] */
__IO uint32_t sofouten : 1; /* [20] */
* @brief ignore vbus detection, only available in at32f415xx revision C.
* at32f415xx revision B: (not support)
* the vbus detection pin (pa9) can not be used for other functionality.
* vbus pin must kept at VBUS or VDD.
* at32f415xx revision C: (support)
* ignore vbus detection, the internal vbus is always valid.
* the vbus pin (pa9) can be used for other functionality.
__IO uint32_t vbusig : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 10; /* [31:22] */
} gccfg_bit;
* @brief otgfs core id register, offset:0x3C
__IO uint32_t guid;
__IO uint32_t userid : 32; /* [31:0] */
} guid_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved3[48];
* @brief otgfs host periodic tx fifo size register, offset:0x100
__IO uint32_t hptxfsiz;
__IO uint32_t ptxfstaddr : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t ptxfsize : 16; /* [31:16] */
} hptxfsiz_bit;
* @brief otgfs host periodic tx fifo size register, offset:0x100
__IO uint32_t dieptxfn[7];
__IO uint32_t ineptxfstaddr : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t ineptxfdep : 16; /* [31:16] */
} dieptxfn_bit[7];
} otg_global_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs host mode configuration register, offset:0x400
__IO uint32_t hcfg;
__IO uint32_t fslspclksel : 2; /* [1:0] */
__IO uint32_t fslssupp : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 29; /* [31:3] */
} hcfg_bit;
* @brief otgfs host frame interval register, offset:0x404
__IO uint32_t hfir;
__IO uint32_t frint : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [31:15] */
} hfir_bit;
* @brief otgfs host frame number and time remaining register, offset:0x408
__IO uint32_t hfnum;
__IO uint32_t frnum : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t ftrem : 16; /* [31:15] */
} hfnum_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved1;
* @brief otgfs host periodic tx fifo request queue register, offset:0x410
__IO uint32_t hptxsts;
__IO uint32_t ptxfspcavil : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t ptxqspcavil : 8; /* [23:16] */
__IO uint32_t ptxqtop : 8; /* [31:24] */
} hptxsts_bit;
* @brief otgfs host all channel interrupt register, offset:0x414
__IO uint32_t haint;
__IO uint32_t haint : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [32:16] */
} haint_bit;
* @brief otgfs host all channel interrupt mask register, offset:0x418
__IO uint32_t haintmsk;
__IO uint32_t haintmsk : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [32:16] */
} haintmsk_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved2[9];
* @brief otgfs host port control and status register, offset:0x440
__IO uint32_t hprt;
__IO uint32_t prtconsts : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t prtcondet : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t prtena : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t prtenchng : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t prtovrcact : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t prtovrcchng : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t prtres : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t prtsusp : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t prtrst : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t prtlnsts : 2; /* [11:10] */
__IO uint32_t prtpwr : 1; /* [12] */
__IO uint32_t prttsctl : 4; /* [16:13] */
__IO uint32_t prtspd : 2; /* [18:17] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 13; /* [31:19] */
} hprt_bit;
} otg_host_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs host channel x characterisic register, offset:0x500
__IO uint32_t hcchar;
__IO uint32_t mps : 11; /* [10:0] */
__IO uint32_t eptnum : 4; /* [14:11] */
__IO uint32_t eptdir : 1; /* [15] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t lspddev : 1; /* [17] */
__IO uint32_t eptype : 2; /* [19:18] */
__IO uint32_t mc : 2; /* [21:20] */
__IO uint32_t devaddr : 7; /* [28:22] */
__IO uint32_t oddfrm : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t chdis : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t chena : 1; /* [31] */
} hcchar_bit;
* @brief otgfs host channel split control register, offset:0x504
__IO uint32_t hcsplt;
__IO uint32_t prtaddr : 7; /* [6:0] */
__IO uint32_t hubaddr : 7; /* [13:7] */
__IO uint32_t xactpos : 2; /* [15:14] */
__IO uint32_t compsplt : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 14; /* [30:17] */
__IO uint32_t spltena : 1; /* [31] */
} hcsplt_bit;
* @brief otgfs host channel interrupt register, offset:0x508
__IO uint32_t hcint;
__IO uint32_t xferc : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t chhltd : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t stall : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t nak : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t ack : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t xacterr : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t bblerr : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t frmovrun : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t dtglerr : 1; /* [10] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 21; /* [31:11] */
} hcint_bit;
* @brief otgfs host channel interrupt mask register, offset:0x50C
__IO uint32_t hcintmsk;
__IO uint32_t xfercmsk : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t chhltdmsk : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t stallmsk : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t nakmsk : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t ackmsk : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t xacterrmsk : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t bblerrmsk : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t frmovrunmsk : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t dtglerrmsk : 1; /* [10] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 21; /* [31:11] */
} hcintmsk_bit;
* @brief otgfs host channel transfer size register, offset:0x510
__IO uint32_t hctsiz;
__IO uint32_t xfersize : 19; /* [18:0] */
__IO uint32_t pktcnt : 10; /* [28:19] */
__IO uint32_t pid : 2; /* [30:29] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [31] */
} hctsiz_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved3[3];
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs device configuration register, offset:0x800
__IO uint32_t dcfg;
__IO uint32_t devspd : 2; /* [1:0] */
__IO uint32_t nzstsouthshk : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t devaddr : 7; /* [10:4] */
__IO uint32_t perfrint : 2; /* [12:11] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 19; /* [31:13] */
} dcfg_bit;
* @brief otgfs device controls register, offset:0x804
__IO uint32_t dctl;
__IO uint32_t rwkupsig : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t sftdiscon : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t gnpinnaksts : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t goutnaksts : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t tstctl : 3; /* [6:4] */
__IO uint32_t sgnpinak : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t cgnpinak : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t sgoutnak : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t cgoutnak : 1; /* [10] */
__IO uint32_t pwroprgdne : 1; /* [11] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 20; /* [31:12] */
} dctl_bit;
* @brief otgfs device status register, offset:0x80C
__IO uint32_t dsts;
__IO uint32_t suspsts : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t enumspd : 2; /* [2:1] */
__IO uint32_t eticerr : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 4; /* [7:4] */
__IO uint32_t soffn : 14; /* [21:8] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 10; /* [31:22] */
} dsts_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved1;
* @brief otgfs device in endpoint general interrupt mask register, offset:0x810
__IO uint32_t diepmsk;
__IO uint32_t xfercmsk : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t eptdismsk : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t timeoutmsk : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t intkntxfempmsk : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t intkneptmismsk : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t ineptnakmsk : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t txfifoudrmsk : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t bnainmsk : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 22; /* [31:10] */
} diepmsk_bit;
* @brief otgfs device out endpoint general interrupt mask register, offset:0x814
__IO uint32_t doepmsk;
__IO uint32_t xfercmsk : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t eptdismsk : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t setupmsk : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t outtepdmsk : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t b2bsetupmsk : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t outperrmsk : 1; /* [8] */
__IO uint32_t bnaoutmsk : 1; /* [9] */
__IO uint32_t reserved4 : 22; /* [31:10] */
} doepmsk_bit;
* @brief otgfs device all endpoint interrupt register, offset:0x818
__IO uint32_t daint;
__IO uint32_t ineptint : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t outeptint : 16; /* [31:16] */
} daint_bit;
* @brief otgfs device all endpoint interrupt mask register, offset:0x81C
__IO uint32_t daintmsk;
__IO uint32_t ineptmsk : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t outeptmsk : 16; /* [31:16] */
} daintmsk_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved2[5];
* @brief otgfs device in endpoint fifo empty interrupt mask register, offset:0x834
__IO uint32_t diepempmsk;
__IO uint32_t ineptxfemsk : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [31:16] */
} diepempmsk_bit;
} otg_device_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs device out endpoint control register, offset:0x900
__IO uint32_t diepctl;
__IO uint32_t mps : 11; /* [10:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 4; /* [14:11] */
__IO uint32_t usbacept : 1; /* [15] */
__IO uint32_t dpid : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t naksts : 1; /* [17] */
__IO uint32_t eptype : 2; /* [19:18] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [20] */
__IO uint32_t stall : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t txfnum : 4; /* [25:22] */
__IO uint32_t cnak : 1; /* [26] */
__IO uint32_t snak : 1; /* [27] */
__IO uint32_t setd0pid : 1; /* [28] */
__IO uint32_t setd1pid : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t eptdis : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t eptena : 1; /* [31] */
} diepctl_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved1;
* @brief otgfs device in endpoint interrupt register, offset:0x908
__IO uint32_t diepint;
__IO uint32_t xferc : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t epdisd : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t timeout : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t intkntxfemp : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t ineptnak : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t txfemp : 1; /* [7] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 24; /* [31:8] */
} diepint_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved2;
* @brief otgfs device in endpoint transfer size register, offset:0x910 + endpoint number * 0x20
__IO uint32_t dieptsiz;
__IO uint32_t xfersize : 19; /* [18:0] */
__IO uint32_t pktcnt : 10; /* [28:19] */
__IO uint32_t mc : 2; /* [30:29] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [31] */
} dieptsiz_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved3;
* @brief otgfs device in endpoint tx fifo status register, offset:0x918 + endpoint number * 0x20
__IO uint32_t dtxfsts;
__IO uint32_t ineptxfsav : 16; /* [15:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 16; /* [31:16] */
} dtxfsts_bit;
} otg_eptin_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs device out endpoint control register, offset:0xb00 + endpoint number * 0x20
__IO uint32_t doepctl;
__IO uint32_t mps : 11; /* [10:0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 4; /* [14:11] */
__IO uint32_t usbacept : 1; /* [15] */
__IO uint32_t dpid : 1; /* [16] */
__IO uint32_t naksts : 1; /* [17] */
__IO uint32_t eptype : 2; /* [19:18] */
__IO uint32_t snpm : 1; /* [20] */
__IO uint32_t stall : 1; /* [21] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 4; /* [25:22] */
__IO uint32_t cnak : 1; /* [26] */
__IO uint32_t snak : 1; /* [27] */
__IO uint32_t setd0pid : 1; /* [28] */
__IO uint32_t setd1pid : 1; /* [29] */
__IO uint32_t eptdis : 1; /* [30] */
__IO uint32_t eptena : 1; /* [31] */
} doepctl_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved1;
* @brief otgfs device out endpoint interrupt register, offset:0xb08 + endpoint number * 0x20
__IO uint32_t doepint;
__IO uint32_t xferc : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t epdisd : 1; /* [1] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [2] */
__IO uint32_t setup : 1; /* [3] */
__IO uint32_t outtepd : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 1; /* [5] */
__IO uint32_t b2pstup : 1; /* [6] */
__IO uint32_t reserved3 : 25; /* [31:7] */
} doepint_bit;
__IO uint32_t reserved2;
* @brief otgfs device out endpoint transfer size register, offset:0xb10 + endpoint number * 0x20
__IO uint32_t doeptsiz;
__IO uint32_t xfersize : 19; /* [18:0] */
__IO uint32_t pktcnt : 10; /* [28:19] */
__IO uint32_t rxdpid_setupcnt : 2; /* [30:29] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 1; /* [31] */
} doeptsiz_bit;
} otg_eptout_type;
typedef struct
* @brief otgfs power and clock gating control registers, offset:0xe00
__IO uint32_t pcgcctl;
__IO uint32_t stoppclk : 1; /* [0] */
__IO uint32_t reserved1 : 3; /* [3:1] */
__IO uint32_t suspendm : 1; /* [4] */
__IO uint32_t reserved2 : 27; /* [31:5] */
} pcgcctl_bit;
} otg_pcgcctl_type;
* @}
/** @defgroup USB_exported_functions
* @{
* @brief usb host and device offset address
#define OTG_HOST_ADDR_OFFSET 0x400 /*!< usb host register offset address */
#define OTG_HOST_CHANNEL_ADDR_OFFSET 0x500 /*!< usb host channel register offset address */
#define OTG_DEVICE_ADDR_OFFSET 0x800 /*!< usb device register offset address */
#define OTG_DEVICE_EPTIN_ADDR_OFFSET 0x900 /*!< usb device endpoint in register offset address */
#define OTG_DEVICE_EPTOUT_ADDR_OFFSET 0xB00 /*!< usb device endpoint out register offset address */
#define OTG_PCGCCTL_ADDR_OFFSET 0xE00 /*!< usb power and clock control register offset address */
#define OTG_FIFO_ADDR_OFFSET 0x1000 /*!< usb fifo offset address */
* @brief usb host and device register define
#define OTG1_GLOBAL ((otg_global_type *)(OTGFS1_BASE)) /*!< usb otg1 global register */
//#define OTG2_GLOBAL ((otg_global_type *)(OTGFS2_BASE)) /*!< usb otg2 global register */
#define OTG_PCGCCTL(usbx) ((otg_pcgcctl_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_PCGCCTL_ADDR_OFFSET)) /*!< usb power and clock control register */
#define OTG_DEVICE(usbx) ((otg_device_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_DEVICE_ADDR_OFFSET)) /*!< usb device register */
#define OTG_HOST(usbx) ((otg_host_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_HOST_ADDR_OFFSET)) /*!< usb host register */
#define USB_CHL(usbx, n) ((otg_hchannel_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_HOST_CHANNEL_ADDR_OFFSET + n * 0x20)) /*!< usb channel n register */
#define USB_INEPT(usbx, eptn) ((otg_eptin_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_DEVICE_EPTIN_ADDR_OFFSET + eptn * 0x20)) /*!< usb device endpoint in register */
#define USB_OUTEPT(usbx, eptn) ((otg_eptout_type *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_DEVICE_EPTOUT_ADDR_OFFSET + eptn * 0x20)) /*!< usb device endpoint out register */
#define USB_FIFO(usbx, eptn) *(__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)usbx + OTG_FIFO_ADDR_OFFSET + eptn * 0x1000) /*!< usb fifo address */
typedef otg_global_type usb_reg_type;
/** @defgroup USB_exported_functions
* @{
error_status usb_global_reset(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_global_init(otg_global_type *usbx);
otg_global_type *usb_global_select_core(uint8_t usb_id);
void usb_flush_tx_fifo(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t fifo_num);
void usb_flush_rx_fifo(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_global_interrupt_enable(otg_global_type *usbx, uint16_t interrupt, confirm_state new_state);
uint32_t usb_global_get_all_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_global_clear_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t flag);
void usb_interrupt_enable(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_interrupt_disable(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_set_rx_fifo(otg_global_type *usbx, uint16_t size);
void usb_set_tx_fifo(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t txfifo, uint16_t size);
void usb_global_set_mode(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t mode);
void usb_global_power_on(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_write_packet(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t *pusr_buf, uint16_t num, uint16_t nbytes);
void usb_read_packet(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t *pusr_buf, uint16_t num, uint16_t nbytes);
void usb_stop_phy_clk(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_open_phy_clk(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_ept_open(otg_global_type *usbx, usb_ept_info *ept_info);
void usb_ept_close(otg_global_type *usbx, usb_ept_info *ept_info);
void usb_ept_stall(otg_global_type *usbx, usb_ept_info *ept_info);
void usb_ept_clear_stall(otg_global_type *usbx, usb_ept_info *ept_info);
uint32_t usb_get_all_out_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx);
uint32_t usb_get_all_in_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx);
uint32_t usb_ept_out_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t eptn);
uint32_t usb_ept_in_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t eptn);
void usb_ept_out_clear(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t eptn, uint32_t flag);
void usb_ept_in_clear(otg_global_type *usbx, uint32_t eptn, uint32_t flag);
void usb_set_address(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t address);
void usb_ept0_start(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_ept0_setup(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_connect(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_disconnect(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_remote_wkup_set(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_remote_wkup_clear(otg_global_type *usbx);
uint8_t usb_suspend_status_get(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_port_power_on(otg_global_type *usbx, confirm_state state);
uint32_t usbh_get_frame(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_hc_enable(otg_global_type *usbx,
uint8_t chn,
uint8_t ept_num,
uint8_t dev_address,
uint8_t type,
uint16_t maxpacket,
uint8_t speed);
uint32_t usb_hch_read_interrupt(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_host_disable(otg_global_type *usbx);
void usb_hch_halt(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t chn);
void usbh_fsls_clksel(otg_global_type *usbx, uint8_t clk);
* @}
* @}
* @}
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus