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2017-08-22 15:52:57 +08:00
\file gd32f4xx_i2c.h
\brief definitions for the I2C
Copyright (C) 2016 GigaDevice
2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx
#ifndef GD32F4XX_I2C_H
#define GD32F4XX_I2C_H
#include "gd32f4xx.h"
/* I2Cx(x=0,1,2) definitions */
#define I2C0 I2C_BASE
#define I2C1 (I2C_BASE+0x400U)
#define I2C2 (I2C_BASE+0x800U)
/* registers definitions */
#define I2C_CTL0(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x00U) /*!< I2C control register 0 */
#define I2C_CTL1(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x04U) /*!< I2C control register 1 */
#define I2C_SADDR0(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x08U) /*!< I2C slave address register 0*/
#define I2C_SADDR1(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x0CU) /*!< I2C slave address register */
#define I2C_DATA(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x10U) /*!< I2C transfer buffer register */
#define I2C_STAT0(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x14U) /*!< I2C transfer status register 0 */
#define I2C_STAT1(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x18U) /*!< I2C transfer status register */
#define I2C_CKCFG(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x1CU) /*!< I2C clock configure register */
#define I2C_RT(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x20U) /*!< I2C rise time register */
#define I2C_FCTL(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x24U) /*!< I2C filter control register */
#define I2C_SAMCS(i2cx) REG32((i2cx) + 0x80U) /*!< I2C SAM control and status register */
/* bits definitions */
/* I2Cx_CTL0 */
#define I2C_CTL0_I2CEN BIT(0) /*!< peripheral enable */
#define I2C_CTL0_SMBEN BIT(1) /*!< SMBus mode */
#define I2C_CTL0_SMBSEL BIT(3) /*!< SMBus type */
#define I2C_CTL0_ARPEN BIT(4) /*!< ARP enable */
#define I2C_CTL0_PECEN BIT(5) /*!< PEC enable */
#define I2C_CTL0_GCEN BIT(6) /*!< general call enable */
#define I2C_CTL0_DISSTRC BIT(7) /*!< clock stretching disable (slave mode) */
#define I2C_CTL0_START BIT(8) /*!< start generation */
#define I2C_CTL0_STOP BIT(9) /*!< stop generation */
#define I2C_CTL0_ACKEN BIT(10) /*!< acknowledge enable */
#define I2C_CTL0_POAP BIT(11) /*!< acknowledge/PEC position (for data reception) */
#define I2C_CTL0_PECTRANS BIT(12) /*!< packet error checking */
#define I2C_CTL0_SALT BIT(13) /*!< SMBus alert */
#define I2C_CTL0_SRESET BIT(15) /*!< software reset */
/* I2Cx_CTL1 */
#define I2C_CTL1_I2CCLK BITS(0,5) /*!< I2CCLK[5:0] bits (peripheral clock frequency) */
#define I2C_CTL1_ERRIE BIT(8) /*!< error interrupt inable */
#define I2C_CTL1_EVIE BIT(9) /*!< event interrupt enable */
#define I2C_CTL1_BUFIE BIT(10) /*!< buffer interrupt enable */
#define I2C_CTL1_DMAON BIT(11) /*!< DMA requests enable */
#define I2C_CTL1_DMALST BIT(12) /*!< DMA last transfer */
/* I2Cx_SADDR0 */
#define I2C_SADDR0_ADDRESS0 BIT(0) /*!< bit 0 of a 10-bit address */
#define I2C_SADDR0_ADDRESS BITS(1,7) /*!< 7-bit address or bits 7:1 of a 10-bit address */
#define I2C_SADDR0_ADDRESS_H BITS(8,9) /*!< highest two bits of a 10-bit address */
#define I2C_SADDR0_ADDFORMAT BIT(15) /*!< address mode for the I2C slave */
/* I2Cx_SADDR1 */
#define I2C_SADDR1_DUADEN BIT(0) /*!< aual-address mode switch */
#define I2C_SADDR1_ADDRESS2 BITS(1,7) /*!< second I2C address for the slave in dual-address mode */
/* I2Cx_DATA */
#define I2C_DATA_TRB BITS(0,7) /*!< 8-bit data register */
/* I2Cx_STAT0 */
#define I2C_STAT0_SBSEND BIT(0) /*!< start bit (master mode) */
#define I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND BIT(1) /*!< address sent (master mode)/matched (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT0_BTC BIT(2) /*!< byte transfer finished */
#define I2C_STAT0_ADD10SEND BIT(3) /*!< 10-bit header sent (master mode) */
#define I2C_STAT0_STPDET BIT(4) /*!< stop detection (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT0_RBNE BIT(6) /*!< data register not empty (receivers) */
#define I2C_STAT0_TBE BIT(7) /*!< data register empty (transmitters) */
#define I2C_STAT0_BERR BIT(8) /*!< bus error */
#define I2C_STAT0_LOSTARB BIT(9) /*!< arbitration lost (master mode) */
#define I2C_STAT0_AERR BIT(10) /*!< acknowledge failure */
#define I2C_STAT0_OUERR BIT(11) /*!< overrun/underrun */
#define I2C_STAT0_PECERR BIT(12) /*!< PEC error in reception */
#define I2C_STAT0_SMBTO BIT(14) /*!< timeout signal in SMBus mode */
#define I2C_STAT0_SMBALT BIT(15) /*!< SMBus alert status */
/* I2Cx_STAT1 */
#define I2C_STAT1_MASTER BIT(0) /*!< master/slave */
#define I2C_STAT1_I2CBSY BIT(1) /*!< bus busy */
#define I2C_STAT1_TRS BIT(2) /*!< transmitter/receiver */
#define I2C_STAT1_RXGC BIT(4) /*!< general call address (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT1_DEFSMB BIT(5) /*!< SMBus device default address (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT1_HSTSMB BIT(6) /*!< SMBus host header (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT1_DUMODF BIT(7) /*!< dual flag (slave mode) */
#define I2C_STAT1_ECV BITS(8,15) /*!< packet error checking register */
/* I2Cx_CKCFG */
#define I2C_CKCFG_CLKC BITS(0,11) /*!< clock control register in fast/standard mode (master mode) */
#define I2C_CKCFG_DTCY BIT(14) /*!< fast mode duty cycle */
#define I2C_CKCFG_FAST BIT(15) /*!< I2C speed selection in master mode */
/* I2Cx_RT */
#define I2C_RT_RISETIME BITS(0,5) /*!< maximum rise time in fast/standard mode (Master mode) */
/* I2Cx_FCTL */
#define I2C_FCTL_DF BITS(0,3) /*!< digital noise filter */
#define I2C_FCTL_AFD BIT(4) /*!< analog noise filter disable */
/* I2Cx_SAMCS */
#define I2C_SAMCS_SAMEN BIT(0) /*!< SAM_V interface enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_STOEN BIT(1) /*!< SAM_V interface timeout detect enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_TFFIE BIT(4) /*!< txframe fall interrupt enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_TFRIE BIT(5) /*!< txframe rise interrupt enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_RFFIE BIT(6) /*!< rxframe fall interrupt enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_RFRIE BIT(7) /*!< rxframe rise interrupt enable */
#define I2C_SAMCS_TXF BIT(8) /*!< level of txframe signal */
#define I2C_SAMCS_RXF BIT(9) /*!< level of rxframe signal */
#define I2C_SAMCS_TFF BIT(12) /*!< txframe fall flag, cleared by software write 0 */
#define I2C_SAMCS_TFR BIT(13) /*!< txframe rise flag, cleared by software write 0 */
#define I2C_SAMCS_RFF BIT(14) /*!< rxframe fall flag, cleared by software write 0 */
#define I2C_SAMCS_RFR BIT(15) /*!< rxframe rise flag, cleared by software write 0 */
/* constants definitions */
/* the digital noise filter can filter spikes's length */
typedef enum {
I2C_DF_DISABLE, /*!< disable digital noise filter */
I2C_DF_1PCLK, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 1 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_2PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 2 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_3PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 3 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_4PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 4 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_5PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 5 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_6PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 6 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_7PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 7 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_8PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 8 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_9PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 9 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_10PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 10 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_11PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 11 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_12PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 12 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_13PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 13 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_14PCLKS, /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 14 PCLK1 */
I2C_DF_15PCLKS /*!< enable digital noise filter and the maximum filtered spiker's length 15 PCLK1 */
/* SMBus/I2C mode switch and SMBus type selection */
#define I2C_I2CMODE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< I2C mode */
#define I2C_SMBUSMODE_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_SMBEN /*!< SMBus mode */
/* SMBus/I2C mode switch and SMBus type selection */
#define I2C_SMBUS_DEVICE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SMBus mode device type */
#define I2C_SMBUS_HOST I2C_CTL0_SMBSEL /*!< SMBus mode host type */
/* I2C transfer direction */
#define I2C_TRANSMITTER (~BIT(0)) /*!< transmitter */
#define I2C_RECEIVER BIT(0) /*!< receiver */
/* whether or not to send an ACK */
#define I2C_ACK_ENABLE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< ACK will be sent */
#define I2C_ACK_DISABLE ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< ACK will be not sent */
/* I2C POAP position*/
#define I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< ACKEN bit decides whether to send ACK or not for the current */
#define I2C_ACKPOS_NEXT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< ACKEN bit decides whether to send ACK or not for the next byte */
/* I2C dual-address mode switch */
#define I2C_DUADEN_DISABLE ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< dual-address mode disabled */
#define I2C_DUADEN_ENABLE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< dual-address mode enabled */
/* whether or not to stretch SCL low */
#define I2C_SCLSTRETCH_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SCL stretching is enabled */
#define I2C_SCLSTRETCH_DISABLE I2C_CTL0_DISSTRC /*!< SCL stretching is disabled */
/* whether or not to response to a General Call */
#define I2C_GCEN_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_GCEN /*!< slave will response to a general call */
#define I2C_GCEN_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< slave will not response to a general call */
/* software reset I2C */
#define I2C_SRESET_SET I2C_CTL0_SRESET /*!< I2C is under reset */
#define I2C_SRESET_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< I2C is not under reset */
/* I2C DMA mode configure */
/* DMA mode switch */
#define I2C_DMA_ON I2C_CTL1_DMAON /*!< DMA mode enabled */
#define I2C_DMA_OFF ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< DMA mode disabled */
/* flag indicating DMA last transfer */
#define I2C_DMALST_ON I2C_CTL1_DMALST /*!< next DMA EOT is the last transfer */
#define I2C_DMALST_OFF ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< next DMA EOT is not the last transfer */
/* I2C PEC configure */
/* PEC enable */
#define I2C_PEC_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_PECEN /*!< PEC calculation on */
#define I2C_PEC_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< PEC calculation off */
/* PEC transfer */
#define I2C_PECTRANS_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_PECTRANS /*!< transfer PEC */
#define I2C_PECTRANS_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< not transfer PEC value */
/* I2C SMBus configure */
/* issue or not alert through SMBA pin */
#define I2C_SALTSEND_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_SALT /*!< issue alert through SMBA pin */
#define I2C_SALTSEND_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< not issue alert through SMBA */
/* ARP protocol in SMBus switch */
#define I2C_ARP_ENABLE I2C_CTL0_ARPEN /*!< ARP is enabled */
#define I2C_ARP_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< ARP is disabled */
/* I2C state */
/* I2C bit state */
#define I2C_SBSEND BIT(0) /*!< start condition sent out in master mode */
#define I2C_ADDSEND BIT(1) /*!< address is sent in master mode or received and matches in slave mode */
#define I2C_BTC BIT(2) /*!< byte transmission finishes */
#define I2C_ADD10SEND BIT(3) /*!< header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode */
#define I2C_STPDET BIT(4) /*!< etop condition detected in slave mode */
#define I2C_RBNE BIT(6) /*!< I2C_DATA is not Empty during receiving */
#define I2C_TBE BIT(7) /*!< I2C_DATA is empty during transmitting */
#define I2C_BERR BIT(8) /*!< a bus error occurs indication a unexpected start or stop condition on I2C bus */
#define I2C_LOSTARB BIT(9) /*!< arbitration lost in master mode */
#define I2C_AERR BIT(10) /*!< acknowledge error */
#define I2C_OUERR BIT(11) /*!< over-run or under-run situation occurs in slave mode */
#define I2C_PECERR BIT(12) /*!< PEC error when receiving data */
#define I2C_SMBTO BIT(14) /*!< timeout signal in SMBus mode */
#define I2C_SMBALT BIT(15) /*!< SMBus alert status */
#define I2C_MASTER (BIT(0)|BIT(31)) /*!< a flag indicating whether I2C block is in master or slave mode */
#define I2C_I2CBSY (BIT(1)|BIT(31)) /*!< busy flag */
#define I2C_TRS (BIT(2)|BIT(31)) /*!< whether the I2C is a transmitter or a receiver */
#define I2C_RXGC (BIT(4)|BIT(31)) /*!< general call address (00h) received */
#define I2C_DEFSMB (BIT(5)|BIT(31)) /*!< default address of SMBus device */
#define I2C_HSTSMB (BIT(6)|BIT(31)) /*!< SMBus host header detected in slave mode */
#define I2C_DUMODF (BIT(7)|BIT(31)) /*!< dual flag in slave mode indicating which address is matched in dual-address mode */
/* I2C duty cycle in fast mode */
#define CKCFG_DTCY(regval) (BIT(14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 14))
#define I2C_DTCY_2 CKCFG_DTCY(0) /*!< I2C fast mode Tlow/Thigh = 2 */
#define I2C_DTCY_16_9 CKCFG_DTCY(1) /*!< I2C fast mode Tlow/Thigh = 16/9 */
/* address mode for the I2C slave */
#define SADDR0_ADDFORMAT(regval) (BIT(15) & ((regval) << 15))
#define I2C_ADDFORMAT_7BITS SADDR0_ADDFORMAT(0) /*!< address:7 bits */
#define I2C_ADDFORMAT_10BITS SADDR0_ADDFORMAT(1) /*!< address:10 bits */
/* function declarations */
/* reset I2C */
void i2c_deinit(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* I2C clock configure */
void i2c_clock_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t clkspeed,uint32_t dutycyc);
/* I2C address configure */
void i2c_mode_addr_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t i2cmod,uint32_t addformat,uint32_t addr);
/* SMBus type selection */
void i2c_smbus_type_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t type);
/* whether or not to send an ACK */
void i2c_ack_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint8_t ack);
/* I2C POAP position configure */
void i2c_ackpos_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint8_t pos);
/* master send slave address */
void i2c_master_addressing(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint8_t addr,uint32_t trandirection);
/* dual-address mode switch */
void i2c_dualaddr_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph, uint8_t dualaddr);
/* enable i2c */
void i2c_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* disable i2c */
void i2c_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* generate a START condition on I2C bus */
void i2c_start_on_bus(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* generate a STOP condition on I2C bus */
void i2c_stop_on_bus(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* i2c transmit data function */
void i2c_transmit_data(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint8_t data);
/* i2c receive data function */
uint8_t i2c_receive_data(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* I2C DMA mode enable */
void i2c_dma_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t dmastste);
/* flag indicating DMA last transfer */
void i2c_dma_last_transfer_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t dmalast);
/* whether to stretch SCL low when data is not ready in slave mode */
void i2c_stretch_scl_low_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t stretchpara );
/* whether or not to response to a general call */
void i2c_slave_response_to_gcall_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t gcallpara);
/* software reset I2C */
void i2c_software_reset_config(uint32_t i2c_periph, uint32_t sreset);
/* check i2c state */
FlagStatus i2c_flag_get(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t state);
/* clear i2c state */
void i2c_flag_clear(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t state);
/* enable i2c interrupt */
void i2c_interrupt_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t inttype);
/* disable i2c interrupt */
void i2c_interrupt_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t inttype);
/* I2C PEC calculation on or off */
void i2c_pec_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t pecstate);
/* I2C whether to transfer PEC value */
void i2c_pec_transfer_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t pecpara);
/* packet error checking value */
uint8_t i2c_pec_value(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* I2C issue alert through SMBA pin */
void i2c_smbus_alert_issue(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t smbuspara);
/* I2C ARP protocol in SMBus switch */
void i2c_smbus_arp_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t arpstate);
/* I2C analog noise filter disable */
void i2c_analog_noise_filter_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* I2C analog noise filter enable */
void i2c_analog_noise_filter_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* digital noise filter */
void i2c_digital_noise_filter_config(uint32_t i2c_periph,i2c_digital_filter_enum dfilterpara);
/* enable SAM_V interface */
void i2c_sam_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* disable SAM_V interface */
void i2c_sam_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* enable SAM_V interface timeout detect */
void i2c_sam_timeout_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* disable SAM_V interface timeout detect */
void i2c_sam_timeout_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph);
/* enable the specified I2C SAM interrupt */
void i2c_sam_interrupt_enable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t inttype);
/* disable the specified I2C SAM interrupt */
void i2c_sam_interrupt_disable(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t inttype);
/* check i2c SAM state */
FlagStatus i2c_sam_flag_get(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t samstate);
/* clear i2c SAM state */
void i2c_sam_flag_clear(uint32_t i2c_periph,uint32_t samstate);
#endif /* GD32F4XX_I2C_H */