2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
/**************************************************************************/ /**
* @ file nu_eadc . h
* @ version V0 .10
* @ brief M480 series EADC driver header file
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
* @ copyright ( C ) 2016 - 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp . All rights reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# ifndef __NU_EADC_H__
# define __NU_EADC_H__
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C "
# endif
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
@ {
/** @addtogroup EADC_Driver EADC Driver
@ {
/** @addtogroup EADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS EADC Exported Constants
@ {
/* EADC_CTL Constant Definitions */
# define EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_SINGLE_END (0UL<<EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_Pos) /*!< Single-end input mode \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_DIFFERENTIAL (1UL<<EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_Pos) /*!< Differential input mode \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CTL_DMOF_STRAIGHT_BINARY (0UL<<EADC_CTL_DMOF_Pos) /*!< Select the straight binary format as the output format of the conversion result \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CTL_DMOF_TWOS_COMPLEMENT (1UL<<EADC_CTL_DMOF_Pos) /*!< Select the 2's complement format as the output format of the conversion result \hideinitializer */
/* EADC_SCTL Constant Definitions */
# define EADC_SCTL_CHSEL(x) ((x) << EADC_SCTL_CHSEL_Pos) /*!< A/D sample module channel selection \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV(x) ((x) << EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos) /*!< A/D sample module start of conversion trigger delay clock divider selection \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYCNT(x) ((x) << EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYCNT_Pos) /*!< A/D sample module start of conversion trigger delay time \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER (0UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< Software trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER (EADC_SCTL_EXTFEN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)) /*!< STADC pin falling edge trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER (EADC_SCTL_EXTREN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)) /*!< STADC pin rising edge trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_FALLING_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER (EADC_SCTL_EXTFEN_Msk | EADC_SCTL_EXTREN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)) /*!< STADC pin both falling and rising edge trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_ADINT0_TRIGGER (2UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC ADINT0 interrupt EOC pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_ADINT1_TRIGGER (3UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC ADINT1 interrupt EOC pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_TIMER0_TRIGGER (4UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< Timer0 overflow pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_TIMER1_TRIGGER (5UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< Timer1 overflow pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_TIMER2_TRIGGER (6UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< Timer2 overflow pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_TIMER3_TRIGGER (7UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< Timer3 overflow pulse trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG0_TRIGGER (8UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG0 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG1_TRIGGER (9UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG1 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG2_TRIGGER (0xAUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG2 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG3_TRIGGER (0xBUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG3 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG4_TRIGGER (0xCUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG4 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM0TG5_TRIGGER (0xDUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM0TG5 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG0_TRIGGER (0xEUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG0 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG1_TRIGGER (0xFUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG1 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG2_TRIGGER (0x10UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG2 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG3_TRIGGER (0x11UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG3 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG4_TRIGGER (0x12UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG4 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_EPWM1TG5_TRIGGER (0x13UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< EPWM1TG5 trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_BPWM0TG_TRIGGER (0x14UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< BPWM0TG trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_BPWM1TG_TRIGGER (0x15UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos) /*!< BPWM1TG trigger \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_1 (0<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos) /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/1 \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_2 (0x1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos) /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/2 \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_4 (0x2UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos) /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/4 \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_16 (0x3UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos) /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/16 \hideinitializer */
/* EADC_CMP Constant Definitions */
# define EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN (0UL<<EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Pos) /*!< The compare condition is "less than" \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL (1UL<<EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Pos) /*!< The compare condition is "greater than or equal to" \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_ENABLE (EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk) /*!< Compare window mode enable \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_DISABLE (~EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk) /*!< Compare window mode disable \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_ENABLE (EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk) /*!< A/D result compare interrupt enable \hideinitializer */
# define EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_DISABLE (~EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk) /*!< A/D result compare interrupt disable \hideinitializer */
/*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS EADC Exported Functions
@ {
/* EADC Macro Definitions */
* @ brief A / D Converter Control Circuits Reset .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details ADCRST bit ( EADC_CT [ 1 ] ) remains 1 during ADC reset , when ADC reset end , the ADCRST bit is automatically cleared to 0.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_CONV_RESET(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL |= EADC_CTL_ADCRST_Msk)
* @ brief Enable PDMA transfer .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details When A / D conversion is completed , the converted data is loaded into EADC_DATn ( n : 0 ~ 18 ) register ,
* user can enable this bit to generate a PDMA data transfer request .
* @ note When set PDMAEN bit ( EADC_CTL [ 11 ] ) , user must set ADINTENn ( EADC_CTL [ 5 : 2 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) = 0 to disable interrupt .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_PDMA(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL |= EADC_CTL_PDMAEN_Msk)
* @ brief Disable PDMA transfer .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable PDMA transfer .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_PDMA(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL &= (~EADC_CTL_PDMAEN_Msk))
* @ brief Enable Sample Module PDMA transfer .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be disabled , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return None
* @ details When A / D conversion is completed , the converted data is loaded into EADC_DATn ( n : 0 ~ 18 ) register ,
* user can enable this bit to generate a PDMA data transfer request .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_PDMA(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->PDMACTL |= u32ModuleMask)
* @ brief Disable Sample Module PDMA transfer .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be disabled , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable sample module PDMA transfer .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_PDMA(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->PDMACTL &= (~u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Enable double buffer mode .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ return None
* @ details The ADC controller supports a double buffer mode in sample module 0 ~ 3.
* If user enable DBMEN ( EADC_SCTLn [ 23 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) , the double buffer mode will enable .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_DOUBLE_BUFFER(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] |= EADC_SCTL_DBMEN_Msk)
* @ brief Disable double buffer mode .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ return None
* @ details Sample has one sample result register .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_DOUBLE_BUFFER(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] &= ~EADC_SCTL_DBMEN_Msk)
* @ brief Set ADIFn at A / D end of conversion .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 15.
* @ return None
* @ details The A / D converter generates ADIFn ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 3 : 0 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) at the start of conversion .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_INT_POSITION(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] |= EADC_SCTL_INTPOS_Msk)
* @ brief Set ADIFn at A / D start of conversion .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 15.
* @ return None
* @ details The A / D converter generates ADIFn ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 3 : 0 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) at the end of conversion .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_INT_POSITION(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] &= ~EADC_SCTL_INTPOS_Msk)
* @ brief Enable the interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32Mask Decides the combination of interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which interrupts will be enabled . Bit 0 is ADCIEN0 , bit 1 is ADCIEN1 . . . , bit 3 is ADCIEN3 .
* @ return None
* @ details The A / D converter generates a conversion end ADIFn ( EADC_STATUS2 [ n ] ) upon the end of specific sample module A / D conversion .
* If ADCIENn bit ( EADC_CTL [ n + 2 ] ) is set then conversion end interrupt request ADINTn is generated ( n = 0 ~ 3 ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_INT(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->CTL |= ((u32Mask) << EADC_CTL_ADCIEN0_Pos))
* @ brief Disable the interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32Mask Decides the combination of interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which interrupts will be disabled . Bit 0 is ADCIEN0 , bit 1 is ADCIEN1 . . . , bit 3 is ADCIEN3 .
* @ return None
* @ details Specific sample module A / D ADINT0 interrupt function Disabled .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_INT(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->CTL &= ~((u32Mask) << EADC_CTL_ADCIEN0_Pos))
* @ brief Enable the sample module interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32IntSel Decides which interrupt source will be used , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be enabled , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return None
* @ details There are 4 ADC interrupts ADINT0 ~ 3 , and each of these interrupts has its own interrupt vector address .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_INT(eadc, u32IntSel, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->INTSRC[(u32IntSel)] |= (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Disable the sample module interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32IntSel Decides which interrupt source will be used , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status .
* This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be disabled , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return None
* @ details There are 4 ADC interrupts ADINT0 ~ 3 , and each of these interrupts has its own interrupt vector address .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_INT(eadc, u32IntSel, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->INTSRC[(u32IntSel)] &= ~(u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Set the input mode output format .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32Format Decides the output format . Valid values are :
* - EADC_CTL_DMOF_STRAIGHT_BINARY : Select the straight binary format as the output format of the conversion result .
* - EADC_CTL_DMOF_TWOS_COMPLEMENT : Select the 2 ' s complement format as the output format of the conversion result .
* @ return None
* @ details The macro is used to set A / D input mode output format .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_SET_DMOF(eadc, u32Format) ((eadc)->CTL = ((eadc)->CTL & ~EADC_CTL_DMOF_Msk) | (u32Format))
* @ brief Start the A / D conversion .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module . Each bit corresponds to a sample module .
* This parameter decides which sample module will be conversion , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* Bit 0 is sample module 0 , bit 1 is sample module 1. . . , bit 18 is sample module 18.
* @ return None
* @ details After write EADC_SWTRG register to start ADC conversion , the EADC_PENDSTS register will show which SAMPLE will conversion .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_START_CONV(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->SWTRG = (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Cancel the conversion for sample module .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module . Each bit corresponds to a sample module .
* This parameter decides which sample module will stop the conversion , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* Bit 0 is sample module 0 , bit 1 is sample module 1. . . , bit 18 is sample module18 .
* @ return None
* @ details If user want to disable the conversion of the sample module , user can write EADC_PENDSTS register to clear it .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_STOP_CONV(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->PENDSTS = (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Get the conversion pending flag .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return Return the conversion pending sample module .
* @ details This STPFn ( EADC_PENDSTS [ 18 : 0 ] ) bit remains 1 during pending state , when the respective ADC conversion is end ,
* the STPFn ( n = 0 ~ 18 ) bit is automatically cleared to 0.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_PENDING_CONV(eadc) ((eadc)->PENDSTS)
* @ brief Get the conversion data of the user - specified sample module .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ return Return the conversion data of the user - specified sample module .
* @ details This macro is used to read RESULT bit ( EADC_DATn [ 15 : 0 ] , n = 0 ~ 18 ) field to get conversion data .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_CONV_DATA(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->DAT[(u32ModuleNum)] & EADC_DAT_RESULT_Msk)
* @ brief Get the data overrun flag of the user - specified sample module .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of data overrun status bits . Each bit corresponds to a data overrun status , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return Return the data overrun flag of the user - specified sample module .
* @ details This macro is used to read OV bit ( EADC_STATUS0 [ 31 : 16 ] , EADC_STATUS1 [ 18 : 16 ] ) field to get data overrun status .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_DATA_OVERRUN_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((((eadc)->STATUS0 >> EADC_STATUS0_OV_Pos) | ((eadc)->STATUS1 & EADC_STATUS1_OV_Msk)) & (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Get the data valid flag of the user - specified sample module .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of data valid status bits . Each bit corresponds to a data valid status , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return Return the data valid flag of the user - specified sample module .
* @ details This macro is used to read VALID bit ( EADC_STATUS0 [ 15 : 0 ] , EADC_STATUS1 [ 2 : 0 ] ) field to get data valid status .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_DATA_VALID_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((((eadc)->STATUS0 & EADC_STATUS0_VALID_Msk) | (((eadc)->STATUS1 & EADC_STATUS1_VALID_Msk) << 16)) & (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Get the double data of the user - specified sample module .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ return Return the double data of the user - specified sample module .
* @ details This macro is used to read RESULT bit ( EADC_DDATn [ 15 : 0 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) field to get conversion data .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_DOUBLE_DATA(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->DDAT[(u32ModuleNum)] & EADC_DDAT0_RESULT_Msk)
* @ brief Get the user - specified interrupt flags .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32Mask The combination of interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status .
* Bit 0 is ADIF0 , bit 1 is ADIF1 . . . , bit 3 is ADIF3 .
* Bit 4 is ADCMPF0 , bit 5 is ADCMPF1 . . . , bit 7 is ADCMPF3 .
* @ return Return the user - specified interrupt flags .
* @ details This macro is used to get the user - specified interrupt flags .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_INT_FLAG(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->STATUS2 & (u32Mask))
* @ brief Get the user - specified sample module overrun flags .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module overrun status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module overrun status , valid range are between 1 ~ 0x7FFFF .
* @ return Return the user - specified sample module overrun flags .
* @ details This macro is used to get the user - specified sample module overrun flags .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_GET_SAMPLE_MODULE_OV_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->OVSTS & (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Clear the selected interrupt status bits .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32Mask The combination of compare interrupt status bits . Each bit corresponds to a compare interrupt status .
* Bit 0 is ADIF0 , bit 1 is ADIF1 . . . , bit 3 is ADIF3 .
* Bit 4 is ADCMPF0 , bit 5 is ADCMPF1 . . . , bit 7 is ADCMPF3 .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to clear clear the selected interrupt status bits .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_CLR_INT_FLAG(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->STATUS2 = (u32Mask))
* @ brief Clear the selected sample module overrun status bits .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module overrun status bits . Each bit corresponds to a sample module overrun status .
* Bit 0 is SPOVF0 , bit 1 is SPOVF1 . . . , bit 18 is SPOVF18 .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to clear the selected sample module overrun status bits .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_CLR_SAMPLE_MODULE_OV_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->OVSTS = (u32ModuleMask))
* @ brief Check all sample module A / D result data register overrun flags .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ retval 0 None of sample module data register overrun flag is set to 1.
* @ retval 1 Any one of sample module data register overrun flag is set to 1.
* @ details The AOV bit ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 27 ] ) will keep 1 when any one of sample module data register overrun flag OVn ( EADC_DATn [ 16 ] ) is set to 1.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_IS_DATA_OV(eadc) (((eadc)->STATUS2 & EADC_STATUS2_AOV_Msk) >> EADC_STATUS2_AOV_Pos)
* @ brief Check all sample module A / D result data register valid flags .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ retval 0 None of sample module data register valid flag is set to 1.
* @ retval 1 Any one of sample module data register valid flag is set to 1.
* @ details The AVALID bit ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 26 ] ) will keep 1 when any one of sample module data register valid flag VALIDn ( EADC_DATn [ 17 ] ) is set to 1.
* \ hideinitializer
* @ brief Check all A / D sample module start of conversion overrun flags .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ retval 0 None of sample module event overrun flag is set to 1.
* @ retval 1 Any one of sample module event overrun flag is set to 1.
* @ details The STOVF bit ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 25 ] ) will keep 1 when any one of sample module event overrun flag SPOVFn ( EADC_OVSTS [ n ] ) is set to 1.
* \ hideinitializer
* @ brief Check all A / D interrupt flag overrun bits .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ retval 0 None of ADINT interrupt flag is overwritten to 1.
* @ retval 1 Any one of ADINT interrupt flag is overwritten to 1.
* @ details The ADOVIF bit ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 24 ] ) will keep 1 when any one of ADINT interrupt flag ADOVIFn ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 11 : 8 ] ) is overwritten to 1.
* \ hideinitializer
* @ brief Get the busy state of EADC .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ retval 0 Idle state .
* @ retval 1 Busy state .
* @ details This macro is used to read BUSY bit ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 23 ] ) to get busy state .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_IS_BUSY(eadc) (((eadc)->STATUS2 & EADC_STATUS2_BUSY_Msk) >> EADC_STATUS2_BUSY_Pos)
* @ brief Configure the comparator 0 and enable it .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ param [ in ] u32Condition specifies the compare condition . Valid values are :
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN : The compare condition is " less than the compare value "
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL : The compare condition is " greater than or equal to the compare value
* @ param [ in ] u16CMPData specifies the compare value , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xFFF .
* @ param [ in ] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xF .
* @ return None
* Means EADC will assert comparator 0 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
* equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously , and a compare interrupt request is generated .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP0(eadc,\
u32ModuleNum , \
u32Condition , \
u16CMPData , \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
u32MatchCount ) ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 0 ] = ( ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 0 ] & ~ ( EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Msk ) ) | \
( ( ( u32ModuleNum ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos ) | \
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
( u32Condition ) | \
( ( u16CMPData ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos ) | \
( ( ( u32MatchCount ) - 1 ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos ) | \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
* @ brief Configure the comparator 1 and enable it .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ param [ in ] u32Condition specifies the compare condition . Valid values are :
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN : The compare condition is " less than the compare value "
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL : The compare condition is " greater than or equal to the compare value
* @ param [ in ] u16CMPData specifies the compare value , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xFFF .
* @ param [ in ] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xF .
* @ return None
* Means EADC will assert comparator 1 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
* equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously , and a compare interrupt request is generated .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP1(eadc,\
u32ModuleNum , \
u32Condition , \
u16CMPData , \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
u32MatchCount ) ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 1 ] = ( ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 1 ] & ~ ( EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Msk ) ) | \
( ( ( u32ModuleNum ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos ) | \
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
( u32Condition ) | \
( ( u16CMPData ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos ) | \
( ( ( u32MatchCount ) - 1 ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos ) | \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
* @ brief Configure the comparator 2 and enable it .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ param [ in ] u32Condition specifies the compare condition . Valid values are :
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN : The compare condition is " less than the compare value "
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL : The compare condition is " greater than or equal to the compare value
* @ param [ in ] u16CMPData specifies the compare value , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xFFF .
* @ param [ in ] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xF .
* @ return None
* Means EADC will assert comparator 2 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
* equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously , and a compare interrupt request is generated .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP2(eadc,\
u32ModuleNum , \
u32Condition , \
u16CMPData , \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
u32MatchCount ) ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 2 ] = ( ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 2 ] & ~ ( EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Msk ) ) | \
( ( ( u32ModuleNum ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos ) | \
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
( u32Condition ) | \
( ( u16CMPData ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos ) | \
( ( ( u32MatchCount ) - 1 ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos ) | \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
* @ brief Configure the comparator 3 and enable it .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module , valid value are from 0 to 18.
* @ param [ in ] u32Condition specifies the compare condition . Valid values are :
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN : The compare condition is " less than the compare value "
* - \ ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL : The compare condition is " greater than or equal to the compare value
* @ param [ in ] u16CMPData specifies the compare value , valid range are between 0 ~ 0xFFF .
* @ param [ in ] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting , valid range are between 1 ~ 0xF .
* @ return None
* Means EADC will assert comparator 3 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
* equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously , and a compare interrupt request is generated .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP3(eadc,\
u32ModuleNum , \
u32Condition , \
u16CMPData , \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
u32MatchCount ) ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 3 ] = ( ( ( eadc ) - > CMP [ 3 ] & ~ ( EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk | EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Msk ) ) | \
( ( ( u32ModuleNum ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos ) | \
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
( u32Condition ) | \
( ( u16CMPData ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos ) | \
( ( ( u32MatchCount ) - 1 ) < < EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos ) | \
2020-08-03 12:15:33 +08:00
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
* @ brief Enable the compare window mode .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32CMP Specifies the compare register , valid value are 0 and 2.
* @ return None
* @ details ADCMPF0 ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 4 ] ) will be set when both EADC_CMP0 and EADC_CMP1 compared condition matched .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP_WINDOW_MODE(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] |= EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)
* @ brief Disable the compare window mode .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32CMP Specifies the compare register , valid value are 0 and 2.
* @ return None
* @ details ADCMPF2 ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 6 ] ) will be set when both EADC_CMP2 and EADC_CMP3 compared condition matched .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP_WINDOW_MODE(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] &= ~EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)
* @ brief Enable the compare interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32CMP Specifies the compare register , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ return None
* @ details If the compare function is enabled and the compare condition matches the setting of CMPCOND ( EADC_CMPn [ 2 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 )
* and CMPMCNT ( EADC_CMPn [ 11 : 8 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) , ADCMPFn ( EADC_STATUS2 [ 7 : 4 ] , n = 0 ~ 3 ) will be asserted , in the meanwhile ,
* if ADCMPIE is set to 1 , a compare interrupt request is generated .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_ENABLE_CMP_INT(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] |= EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)
* @ brief Disable the compare interrupt .
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ param [ in ] u32CMP Specifies the compare register , valid value are from 0 to 3.
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable the compare interrupt .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP_INT(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] &= ~EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)
* @ brief Disable comparator 0.
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable comparator 0.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP0(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[0] = 0)
* @ brief Disable comparator 1.
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable comparator 1.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP1(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[1] = 0)
* @ brief Disable comparator 2.
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable comparator 2.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP2(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[2] = 0)
* @ brief Disable comparator 3.
* @ param [ in ] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable comparator 3.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EADC_DISABLE_CMP3(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[3] = 0)
/* Define EADC functions prototype */
void EADC_Open ( EADC_T * eadc , uint32_t u32InputMode ) ;
void EADC_Close ( EADC_T * eadc ) ;
void EADC_ConfigSampleModule ( EADC_T * eadc , uint32_t u32ModuleNum , uint32_t u32TriggerSrc , uint32_t u32Channel ) ;
void EADC_SetTriggerDelayTime ( EADC_T * eadc , uint32_t u32ModuleNum , uint32_t u32TriggerDelayTime , uint32_t u32DelayClockDivider ) ;
void EADC_SetExtendSampleTime ( EADC_T * eadc , uint32_t u32ModuleNum , uint32_t u32ExtendSampleTime ) ;
/*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
# endif /* __NU_EADC_H__ */
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/