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* @file cap.h
* @version V1.00
* $Revision: 2 $
* $Date: 15/06/12 8:48a $
* @brief N9H30 CAP driver header file
* @note
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright (C) 2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __NU_CAP_H__
#define __NU_CAP_H__
// #include header file
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** @addtogroup N9H30_Device_Driver N9H30 Device Driver
/** @addtogroup N9H30_CAP_Driver CAP Driver
/** @addtogroup N9H30_CAP_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS CAP Exported Constants
/* Define data type (struct, union? */
// #define Constant
#include "N9H30.h"
#include "nu_sys.h"
/* CAP_CTL constant definitions */
#define CAPEN BIT0 /*!< Interrupt enable for VPE operations */
#define ADDRSW BIT3 /*!< Packet Buffer Address Switch */
#define PLNEN BIT5 /*!< Planar Output Enable */
#define PKTEN BIT6 /*!< Packet Output Enable */
#define SHUTTER BIT16 /*!< Image Capture Interface Automatically Disable The Capture Inteface After A Frame Had Been Captured */
#define UPDATE BIT20 /*!< Update Register At New Frame */
#define VPRST BIT24 /*!< Capture Interface Reset */
/* CAP_PAR constant definitions */
#define INFMT BIT0 /*!< Sensor Input Data Format */
#define SENTYPE BIT1 /*!< Sensor Input Type */
#define INDATORD (BIT2|BIT3) /*!< Sensor Input Data Order */
#define OUTFMT (BIT4|BIT5) /*!< Image Data Format Output To System Memory */
#define RANGE BIT6 /*!< Scale Input YUV CCIR601 Color Range To Full Range */
#define PLNFMT BIT7 /*!< Planar Output YUV Format */
#define PCLKP BIT8 /*!< Sensor Pixel Clock Polarity */
#define HSP BIT9 /*!< Sensor Hsync Polarity */
#define VSP BIT10 /*!< Sensor Vsync Polarity */
#define COLORCTL (BIT11|BIT12) /*!< Special COLORCTL Processing */
#define FBB BIT18 /*!< Field By Blank */
/* CAP_INT constant definitions */
#define MDIEN BIT20 /*!< Motion Detection Output Finish Interrupt Enable */
#define ADDRMIEN BIT19 /*!< Address Match Interrupt Enable */
#define MEIEN BIT17 /*!< System Memory Error Interrupt Enable */
#define VIEN BIT16 /*!< Video Frame End Interrupt Enable */
#define MDINTF BIT4 /*!< Motion Detection Output Finish Interrupt */
#define ADDRMINTF BIT3 /*!< Memory Address Match Interrupt */
#define MEINTF BIT1 /*!< Bus Master Transfer Error Interrupt */
#define VINTF BIT0 /*!< Video Frame End Interrupt */
/* CAP_MD constant definitions */
#define MDEN BIT0 /*!< Motion Detection Enable */
#define MDBS BIT8 /*!< Motion Detection Block Size */
#define MDSM BIT9 /*!< Motion Detection Save Mode */
#define MDDF (BIT10|BIT11) /*!< Motion Detection Detect Frequency */
#define MDTHR (BIT16|BIT17|BIT18|BIT19|BIT20) /*!< Motion Detection Differential Threshold */
/* CAP_CWSP constant definitions */
#define CWSADDRH (0xFFF<<0) /*!<Cropping Window Horizontal Starting Address */
#define CWSADDRV (0xFFF<<16) /*!<Cropping Window Vertical Starting Address */
/* CAP_CWS constant definitions */
#define CWW (0xFFF<<0) /*!< Cropping Window Horizontal Starting Address */
#define CWH (0xFFF<<16) /*!< Cropping Window Vertical Starting Address */
/* CAP_PKTSL constant definitions */
#define PKTSHML (0xFFul<< 0) /*!< Packet Scaling Horizontal Factor M (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSHNL (0xFFul<< 8) /*!< Packet Scaling Horizontal Factor N (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSVML (0xFFul<<16) /*!< Packet Scaling Vertical Factor M (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSVNL (0xFFul<<24) /*!< Packet Scaling Vertical Factor N (Lower 8-Bit) */
/* CAP_PLNSL constant definitions */
#define PLNSHML (0xFFul<< 0) /*!< Planar Scaling Horizontal Factor M (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSHNL (0xFFul<< 8) /*!< Planar Scaling Horizontal Factor N (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSVML (0xFFul<<16) /*!< Planar Scaling Vertical Factor M (Lower 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSVNL (0xFFul<<24) /*!< Planar Scaling Vertical Factor N (Lower 8-Bit) */
/* CAP_PKTSM constant definitions */
#define PKTSHMH (0xFFul<< 0) /*!< Packet Scaling Horizontal Factor M (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSHNH (0xFFul<< 8) /*!< Packet Scaling Horizontal Factor N (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSVMH (0xFFul<<16) /*!< Packet Scaling Vertical Factor M (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PKTSVNH (0xFFul<<24) /*!< Packet Scaling Vertical Factor N (Higher 8-Bit) */
/* CAP_PLNSM constant definitions */
#define PLNSHMH (0xFFul<< 0) /*!< Planar Scaling Horizontal Factor M (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSHNH (0xFFul<< 8) /*!< Planar Scaling Horizontal Factor N (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSVMH (0xFFul<<16) /*!< Planar Scaling Vertical Factor M (Higher 8-Bit) */
#define PLNSVNH (0xFFul<<24) /*!< Planar Scaling Vertical Factor N (Higher 8-Bit) */
/* CAP_FRCTL constant definitions */
#define FRM (0x3Ful<<0) /*!< Scaling Frame Rate Factor M */
#define FRN (0x3Ful<<8) /*!< Scaling Frame Rate Factor N */
/* CAP_STRIDE constant definitions */
#define PKTSTRIDE (0x3FFFul<<0) /*!< Packet Frame Output Pixel Stride Width */
#define PLNSTRIDE (0x3FFFul<<16) /*!< Planar Frame Output Pixel Stride Width */
#define VIN_ERR_ID 0xFFFF1000 /*!< CAP library ID */
//Error message
// E_CAP_INVALID_INT Invalid interrupt
// E_CAP_INVALID_BUF Invalid buffer
// E_CAP_INVALID_PIPE Invalid pipe
// E_CAP_INVALID_COLOR_MODE Invalid color mode
#define E_CAP_INVALID_INT (VIN_ERR_ID | 0x01) /*!< CAP invalid interrupt */
#define E_CAP_INVALID_BUF (VIN_ERR_ID | 0x02) /*!< CAP invalid buffer */
#define E_CAP_INVALID_PIPE (VIN_ERR_ID | 0x03) /*!< CAP invalid pipe */
#define E_CAP_INVALID_COLOR_MODE (VIN_ERR_ID | 0x04) /*!< CAP invalid color mode */
#define E_CAP_WRONG_COLOR_PARAMETER (VIN_ERR_ID | 0x05) /*!< CAP worng color parameter */
typedef void (*PFN_CAP_CALLBACK)(UINT8 u8PacketBufID, UINT8 u8PlanarBufID, UINT8 u8FrameRate);
/// @endcond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_INT_TYPE
typedef enum
eCAP_MDINTF = 0x100000, /*!< Motion detection output finish interrupt */
eCAP_ADDRMINTF = 0x80000, /*!< Memory address match interrupt */
eCAP_MEINTF = 0x20000, /*!< Bus master transfer error interrupt */
eCAP_VINTF = 0x10000 /*!< Video frame end interrupt */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_PIPE
typedef enum
eCAP_BOTH_PIPE_DISABLE = 0, /*!< Planar output disable and planar output disable */
eCAP_PLANAR = 1, /*!< Planar output enable */
eCAP_PACKET = 2, /*!< Packet output enable */
eCAP_BOTH_PIPE_ENABLE = 3 /*!< Planar output enable and planar output enable */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_BUFFER
typedef enum
eCAP_BUF0 = 0, /*!< System memory packet/planar base Address 0/Y */
eCAP_BUF1, /*!< System memory packet/planar base Address 1/U */
eCAP_BUF2 /*!< System memory packet/planar base Address 2/V */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_ORDER
typedef enum
eCAP_IN_YUYV = 0, /*!< Sensor input data (Byte 0 1 2 3) is Y0 U0 Y1 V0 */
eCAP_IN_YVYU, /*!< Sensor input data (Byte 0 1 2 3) is Y0 V0 Y1 U0 */
eCAP_IN_UYVY, /*!< Sensor input data (Byte 0 1 2 3) is U0 Y0 V0 Y1 */
eCAP_IN_VYUY, /*!< Sensor input data (Byte 0 1 2 3) is V0 Y0 U0 Y1 */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_IN_FORMAT
typedef enum
eCAP_IN_YUV422 = 0, /*!< Sensor input data format is YUV222 */
eCAP_IN_RGB565 /*!< Sensor input data format is RGB565 */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_OUT_FORMAT
typedef enum
eCAP_OUT_YUV422 = 0, /*!< Image data format is YUV422 */
eCAP_OUT_ONLY_Y, /*!< Image data format is Only output Y */
eCAP_OUT_RGB555, /*!< Image data format is RGB555 */
eCAP_OUT_RGB565 /*!< Image data format is RGB565 */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_PLANAR_FORMAT
typedef enum
eCAP_PLANAR_YUV422 = 0, /*!< Planar output YUV format is YUV422 */
eCAP_PLANAR_YUV420, /*!< Planar output YUV format is YUV420 */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_TYPE
typedef enum
eCAP_TYPE_CCIR601 = 0, /*!< Sensor input type is CCIR601 */
eCAP_TYPE_CCIR656 /*!< Sensor input type is CCIR656 */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_SNR_SRC
typedef enum
eCAP_SNR_APLL = 2, /*!< CAP clock source is APLL */
eCAP_SNR_UPLL = 3 /*!< CAP clock source is UPLL */
/** \brief Structure type of E_CAP_CEF
typedef enum
eCAP_CEF_NORMAL = 0, /*!< Image Processing is normal color */
eCAP_CEF_SEPIA = 1, /*!< Image Processing is sepia effect */
eCAP_CEF_NEGATIVE = 2, /*!< Image Processing is negative picture. */
eCAP_CEF_POSTERIZE = 3 /*!< Image Processing is posterize image */
/*@}*/ /* end of group N9H30_CAP_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup N9H30_CAP_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS CAP Exported Functions
typedef struct
void (*Init)(BOOL bIsEnableSnrClock, E_CAP_SNR_SRC eSnrSrc, UINT32 u32SensorFreqKHz);
INT32(*Open)(UINT32 u32SensorFreqKHz);
void (*Close)(void);
void (*SetPipeEnable)(BOOL bEngEnable, E_CAP_PIPE ePipeEnable);
void (*SetPlanarFormat)(E_CAP_PLANAR_FORMAT ePlanarFmt);
void (*SetCropWinSize)(UINT32 u32height, UINT32 u32width);
void (*SetCropWinStartAddr)(UINT32 u32VerticalStart, UINT32 u32HorizontalStart);
void (*SetStride)(UINT32 u16packetstride, UINT32 u32planarstride);
void (*GetStride)(PUINT32 pu32PacketStride, PUINT32 pu32PlanarStride);
INT32(*EnableInt)(E_CAP_INT_TYPE eIntType);
INT32(*DisableInt)(E_CAP_INT_TYPE eIntType);
INT32(*InstallCallback)(E_CAP_INT_TYPE eIntType, PFN_CAP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PFN_CAP_CALLBACK *pfnOldCallback);
INT32(*SetBaseStartAddress)(E_CAP_PIPE ePipe, E_CAP_BUFFER eBuf, UINT32 u32BaseStartAddr);
void (*SetOperationMode)(BOOL bIsOneSutterMode);
BOOL (*GetOperationMode)(void);
void (*SetPacketFrameBufferControl)(BOOL bFrameSwitch);
void (*SetSensorPolarity)(BOOL bVsync, BOOL bHsync, BOOL bPixelClk);
INT32(*SetColorEffectParameter)(UINT8 u8YComp, UINT8 u8UComp, UINT8 u8VComp);
void (*SetDataFormatAndOrder)(E_CAP_ORDER eInputOrder, E_CAP_IN_FORMAT eInputFormat, E_CAP_OUT_FORMAT eOutputFormat);
void (*SetMotionDet)(BOOL bEnable, BOOL bBlockSize, BOOL bSaveMode);
void (*SetMotionDetEx)(UINT32 u32DetFreq, UINT32 u32Threshold, UINT32 u32OutBuffer, UINT32 u32LumBuffer);
void (*SetStandardCCIR656)(BOOL);
void (*SetShadowRegister)(void);
/// @endcond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
/*@}*/ /* end of group N9H30_CAP_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group N9H30_CAP_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group N9H30_Device_Driver */
#ifdef __cplusplus