We tested 2 development boards, it all works, but due to the different LED pins of the two development boards, so we'll need to select the corresponding development board in the menuconfig.
tar xf riscv32-esp-elf-gcc11_2_0-esp-2022r1-RC1-linux-amd64.tar.xz
2. Configure the path of the toolchain:
Add the local path of the `RISC-V` toolchain to the `EXEC_PATH` variable in the `rtconfig.py` file, or specify the path by setting the `RTT_EXEC_PATH` environment variable, for example:
export RTT_EXEC_PATH=/opt/riscv32-esp-elf/bin
3. Compile
Install esptool to convert ELF files to binary flash files:
pip install esptool
Execute the following command on the Linux platform to configure:
scons --menuconfig
It will automatically download env-related scripts to the `~/.env` directory, and then execute:
source ~/.env/env.sh
cd bsp/ESP32_C3/
pkgs --update
It will automatically download `RT-Thread-packages/esp-idf` and `RT-Thread-packages/FreeRTOS-Wrapper`, after updating the software packages, execute `scons` to compile the board support package.
If the compilation is successful, `rtthread.elf`, `rtthread.bin` files will be generated.
## Download and program
1. Programming tool download
The current bsp test uses the `flash_download_tool_3.9.4` tool to program without errors.
Configure the binary file and offset address as follows:
| binary file | offset address |
| ------------------- | -------- |
| bootloader.bin | 0x0 |
| partition-table.bin | 0x8000 |
| rtthread.bin | 0x10000 |
Among them, `bootloader.bin` and `partition-table.bin` can be found in the `bsp/ESP32_C3/builtin_imgs` folder. After the configuration is completed, the screenshot is as follows, and then click `START` to download.