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synced 2025-03-03 21:25:28 +08:00
* add bsp of tae32f5300 * [tae32f5300]Modify the format of the bsp of tae32f5300 * [tae32f5300]Remove the compilation scripts of gcc and iar * [tae32f5300]Resolve conflicts of action.yml secondly
71 lines
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71 lines
2.0 KiB
md build\keil\Execute
@echo off
:: enter .bat folder
cd %~dp0
:: 批处理所在路径
set bat_path=%0
:: MDK $J 这里传入的是KEIL 编译器头文件路径,利用这个路径找到编译器相关工具链地址
set tool_chain_inc=%1
:: MDK #L 这里传入的是KEIL生成的axf文件的完整路径
set axf_full_path=%2
:: 获取axf文件的名字,不含后缀
set axf_name=%~n2
if %tool_chain_inc:~-1,1% == \ (
:: 删除路径最后的\
set tool_chain_inc=%tool_chain_inc:~,-1%
:: call .bin generate function
call :binGenerate %tool_chain_inc% %axf_full_path%
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
echo Failed 1: fromelf generate .bin failed!
goto :EOF
:: call 文件复制
call :doFileCopy %axf_full_path%
:: 对hex文件进行Patch并生成patch后的.bin和.hex
call :doFilePatch %axf_name%
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
echo Failed 2: Patch failed!
goto :EOF
exit /b %errorlevel%
:: Function Definiations ------------------------------------------------
:: .bin generate function
:: 通过头文件路径,获取工具链的根目录
set tool_chain_root=%~dp1
:: 获取axf的路径
set axf_path=%~dp2
:: 获取axf的名字
set axf_name=%~n2
:: echo %axf_path%
:: echo %axf_name%
:: echo %tool_chain_root%
:: 执行fromelf 生成bin文件
%tool_chain_root%bin\fromelf --bin %2 --output %axf_path%\%axf_name%.bin
exit /b %errorlevel%
:: 将axf/hex/bin文件复制到Execute文件夹下
:: 获取axf的名字
set axf_name=%~n1
copy /Y .\build\keil\Obj\%axf_name%.axf .\build\keil\Execute\%axf_name%.axf
copy /Y .\build\keil\Obj\%axf_name%.hex .\build\keil\Execute\%axf_name%.hex
copy /Y .\build\keil\Obj\%axf_name%.bin .\build\keil\Execute\%axf_name%.bin
:: 根据用户的配置,可能hex不生成,不管这个,直接返回成功
exit /b 0
:: 对文件进行Patch
set target_name=%1
Patcher.exe .\build\keil\Execute\%target_name%.hex
exit /b %errorlevel%