mirror of https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread.git synced 2025-03-03 09:05:30 +08:00
Man, Jianting (Meco) 2c10d5ad01
[rtc] use gmtime_r to replace gmtime (#6012)
* [rtc] use gmtime_r to replace gmtime
2022-06-22 13:41:06 +08:00

169 lines
5.4 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2019-12-04 Jiaxun Yang Initial version
#ifndef __RT_LS1C_SELFBOOT_H
#define __RT_LS1C_SELFBOOT_H
/* SDRAM PARAM macro */
#define ROW_1K 0x7
#define ROW_2K 0x0
#define ROW_4K 0x1
#define ROW_8K 0x2
#define ROW_16K 0x3
#define COL_256 0x7
#define COL_512 0x0
#define COL_1K 0x1
#define COL_2K 0x2
#define COL_4K 0x3
#define WIDTH_8 0x0
#define WIDTH_16 0x1
#define WIDTH_32 0x2
#define TRCD 3
#define TCL 3
#define TRP 3
#define TRFC 8
#define TRAS 6
#define TREF 0x818
#define TWR 2
#define DEF_SEL 0x1
#define DEF_SEL_N 0x0
#define HANG_UP 0x1
#define HANG_UP_N 0x0
#define CFG_VALID 0x1
#include "board.h"
#define SD_PARA0 (0x7f<<25 | \
(TRAS << 21) | \
(TRFC << 17) | (TRP << 14) | (TCL << 11) | \
(TRCD << 8) | (SDRAM_WIDTH << 6) | (SDRAM_COL << 3) | \
#define SD_PARA1 ((HANG_UP_N << 8) | (DEF_SEL_N << 7) | (TWR << 5) | (TREF >> 7))
#define SD_PARA1_EN ((CFG_VALID << 9) | (HANG_UP_N << 8) | \
(DEF_SEL_N << 7) | (TWR << 5) | (TREF >> 7))
#define LS1C_CBUS_FIRST1 0xBFE011C4
#define LS1C_UART2_BASE 0xBFE48000
/* UART register offset*/
#define LS1C_UART_DAT_OFFSET (0)
#define LS1C_UART_IER_OFFSET (1)
#define LS1C_UART_IIR_OFFSET (2)
#define LS1C_UART_FCR_OFFSET (2)
#define LS1C_UART_LCR_OFFSET (3)
#define LS1C_UART_MCR_OFFSET (4)
#define LS1C_UART_LSR_OFFSET (5)
#define LS1C_UART_MSR_OFFSET (6)
#define LS1C_UART_LSB_OFFSET (0)
#define LS1C_UART_MSB_OFFSET (1)
/* interrupt enable register */
#define IER_IRxE 0x1
#define IER_ITxE 0x2
#define IER_ILE 0x4
#define IER_IME 0x8
/* interrupt identification register */
#define IIR_IMASK 0xf /* mask */
#define IIR_RXTOUT 0xc /* receive timeout */
#define IIR_RLS 0x6 /* receive line status */
#define IIR_RXRDY 0x4 /* receive ready */
#define IIR_TXRDY 0x2 /* transmit ready */
#define IIR_NOPEND 0x1 /* nothing */
#define IIR_MLSC 0x0 /* modem status */
#define IIR_FIFO_MASK 0xc0 /* set if FIFOs are enabled */
/* fifo control register */
#define FIFO_ENABLE 0x01 /* enable fifo */
#define FIFO_RCV_RST 0x02 /* reset receive fifo */
#define FIFO_XMT_RST 0x04 /* reset transmit fifo */
#define FIFO_DMA_MODE 0x08 /* enable dma mode */
#define FIFO_TRIGGER_1 0x00 /* trigger at 1 char */
#define FIFO_TRIGGER_4 0x40 /* trigger at 4 chars */
#define FIFO_TRIGGER_8 0x80 /* trigger at 8 chars */
#define FIFO_TRIGGER_14 0xc0 /* trigger at 14 chars */
/* character format control register */
#define CFCR_DLAB 0x80 /* divisor latch */
#define CFCR_SBREAK 0x40 /* send break */
#define CFCR_PZERO 0x30 /* zero parity */
#define CFCR_PONE 0x20 /* one parity */
#define CFCR_PEVEN 0x10 /* even parity */
#define CFCR_PODD 0x00 /* odd parity */
#define CFCR_PENAB 0x08 /* parity enable */
#define CFCR_STOPB 0x04 /* 2 stop bits */
#define CFCR_8BITS 0x03 /* 8 data bits */
#define CFCR_7BITS 0x02 /* 7 data bits */
#define CFCR_6BITS 0x01 /* 6 data bits */
#define CFCR_5BITS 0x00 /* 5 data bits */
/* modem control register */
#define MCR_LOOPBACK 0x10 /* loopback */
#define MCR_IENABLE 0x08 /* output 2 = int enable */
#define MCR_DRS 0x04 /* output 1 = xxx */
#define MCR_RTS 0x02 /* enable RTS */
#define MCR_DTR 0x01 /* enable DTR */
/* line status register */
#define LSR_RCV_FIFO 0x80 /* error in receive fifo */
#define LSR_TSRE 0x40 /* transmitter empty */
#define LSR_TXRDY 0x20 /* transmitter ready */
#define LSR_BI 0x10 /* break detected */
#define LSR_FE 0x08 /* framing error */
#define LSR_PE 0x04 /* parity error */
#define LSR_OE 0x02 /* overrun error */
#define LSR_RXRDY 0x01 /* receiver ready */
#define LSR_RCV_MASK 0x1f
/* External clock frequency */
#define AHB_CLK (24000000)
#define APB_CLK (AHB_CLK)
/* START_FREQ register bits */
#define M_PLL_SHIFT (8)
#define M_PLL (0xff << M_PLL_SHIFT)
#define FRAC_N_SHIFT (16)
#define FRAC_N (0xff << FRAC_N_SHIFT)
#define DIV_SDRAM_SHIFT (0)
#define DIV_SDRAM (0x3 << DIV_SDRAM_SHIFT)
/* CLK_DIV_PARAM register bits */
#define DIV_PIX_EN (0x1 << 31)
#define DIV_PIX (0x7f << 24)
#define DIV_CAM_EN (0x1 << 23)
#define DIV_CAM (0x7f << 16)
#define DIV_CPU_EN (0x1 << 15)
#define DIV_CPU (0x7f << 8)
#define DIV_PIX_VALID (0x1 << 5)
#define DIV_PIX_SEL (0x1 << 4)
#define DIV_CAM_VALID (0x1 << 3)
#define DIV_CAM_SEL (0x1 << 2)
#define DIV_CPU_VALID (0x1 << 1)
#define DIV_CPU_SEL (0x1 << 0)
#define DIV_PIX_SHIFT (24)
#define DIV_CAM_SHIFT (16)
#define DIV_CPU_SHIFT (8)