
1171 lines
45 KiB

* @brief LPC8XX SPI common functions and definitions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __SPI_8XX_H__
#define __SPI_8XX_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup SPI_COMMON_8XX CHIP: LPC8XX SPI common functions and definitions
* @ingroup CHIP_8XX_Drivers
* @{
* @brief SPI register block structure
typedef struct { /*!< SPI Structure */
__IO uint32_t CFG; /*!< SPI Configuration register */
__IO uint32_t DLY; /*!< SPI Delay register */
__IO uint32_t STAT; /*!< SPI Status register */
__IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< SPI Interrupt Enable Set register */
__O uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< SPI Interrupt Enable Clear register */
__I uint32_t RXDAT; /*!< SPI Receive Data register */
__IO uint32_t TXDATCTL; /*!< SPI Transmit Data with Control register */
__IO uint32_t TXDAT; /*!< SPI Transmit Data register */
__IO uint32_t TXCTRL; /*!< SPI Transmit Control register */
__IO uint32_t DIV; /*!< SPI clock Divider register */
__I uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< SPI Interrupt Status register */
/* Reserved bits masks for registers */
#define SPI_CFG_RESERVED ((1<<1)|(1<<6)|0xfffffe00)
#define SPI_DLY_RESERVED 0xffff0000
#define SPI_STAT_RESERVED (~0x1ff)
#define SPI_RXDAT_RESERVED ((7<<17)|(0x7ffu<<21))
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_RESERVED ((7<<17)|(1<<23)|(0xfu<<28))
#define SPI_TXDAT_RESERVED 0xffff0000
#define SPI_TXCTRL_RESERVED (0xffff|(7<<17)|(1<<23)|(0xfu<<28))
#define SPI_DIV_RESERVED 0xffff0000
#define SPI_INTSTAT_RESERVED (~0x3f)
* Macro defines for SPI Configuration register
#define SPI_CFG_BITMASK (0x1BD) /** SPI register bit mask */
#define SPI_CFG_SPI_EN (1 << 0) /** SPI Slave Mode Select */
#define SPI_CFG_SLAVE_EN (0 << 0) /** SPI Master Mode Select */
#define SPI_CFG_MASTER_EN (1 << 2) /** SPI MSB First mode enable */
#define SPI_CFG_MSB_FIRST_EN (0 << 3) /** SPI LSB First mode enable */
#define SPI_CFG_LSB_FIRST_EN (1 << 3) /** SPI Clock Phase Select */
#define SPI_CFG_CPHA_FIRST (0 << 4) /** Capture data on the first edge, Change data on the following edge */
#define SPI_CFG_CPHA_SECOND (1 << 4) /** SPI Clock Polarity Select */
#define SPI_CFG_CPOL_LO (0 << 5) /** The rest state of the clock (between frames) is low. */
#define SPI_CFG_CPOL_HI (1 << 5) /** The rest state of the clock (between frames) is high. */
#define SPI_CFG_LBM_EN (1 << 7) /** SPI control 1 loopback mode enable */
#define SPI_CFG_SPOL_LO (0 << 8) /** SPI SSEL0 Polarity Select */
#define SPI_CFG_SPOL_HI (1 << 8) /** SSEL0 is active High */
#define SPI_CFG_SPOLNUM_HI(n) (1 << ((n) + 8)) /** SSELN is active High, selects 0 - 3 */
* Macro defines for SPI Delay register
#define SPI_DLY_BITMASK (0xFFFF) /** SPI DLY Register Mask */
#define SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY(n) (((n) & 0x0F) << 0) /** Time in SPI clocks between SSEL assertion and the beginning of a data frame */
#define SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY(n) (((n) & 0x0F) << 4) /** Time in SPI clocks between the end of a data frame and SSEL deassertion. */
#define SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY(n) (((n) & 0x0F) << 8) /** Minimum time in SPI clocks between adjacent data frames. */
#define SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY(n) (((n) & 0x0F) << 12) /** Minimum time in SPI clocks that the SSEL is deasserted between transfers. */
* Macro defines for SPI Status register
#define SPI_STAT_BITMASK (0x1FF) /** SPI STAT Register BitMask */
#define SPI_STAT_RXRDY (1 << 0) /** Receiver Ready Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_TXRDY (1 << 1) /** Transmitter Ready Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_RXOV (1 << 2) /** Receiver Overrun interrupt flag */
#define SPI_STAT_TXUR (1 << 3) /** Transmitter Underrun interrupt flag (In Slave Mode only) */
#define SPI_STAT_SSA (1 << 4) /** Slave Select Assert */
#define SPI_STAT_SSD (1 << 5) /** Slave Select Deassert */
#define SPI_STAT_STALLED (1 << 6) /** Stalled status flag */
#define SPI_STAT_EOT (1 << 7) /** End Transfer flag */
#define SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE (1 << 8) /** Idle status flag */
* Macro defines for SPI Interrupt Enable read and Set register
#define SPI_INTENSET_BITMASK (0x3F) /** SPI INTENSET Register BitMask */
#define SPI_INTENSET_RXDYEN (1 << 0) /** Enable Interrupt when receiver data is available */
#define SPI_INTENSET_TXDYEN (1 << 1) /** Enable Interrupt when the transmitter holding register is available. */
#define SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN (1 << 2) /** Enable Interrupt when a receiver overrun occurs */
#define SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN (1 << 3) /** Enable Interrupt when a transmitter underrun occurs (In Slave Mode Only)*/
#define SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN (1 << 4) /** Enable Interrupt when the Slave Select is asserted.*/
#define SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN (1 << 5) /** Enable Interrupt when the Slave Select is deasserted..*/
* Macro defines for SPI Interrupt Enable Clear register
#define SPI_INTENCLR_BITMASK (0x3F) /** SPI INTENCLR Register BitMask */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_RXDYEN (1 << 0) /** Disable Interrupt when receiver data is available */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_TXDYEN (1 << 1) /** Disable Interrupt when the transmitter holding register is available. */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN (1 << 2) /** Disable Interrupt when a receiver overrun occurs */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN (1 << 3) /** Disable Interrupt when a transmitter underrun occurs (In Slave Mode Only) */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN (1 << 4) /** Disable Interrupt when the Slave Select is asserted. */
#define SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN (1 << 5) /** Disable Interrupt when the Slave Select is deasserted.. */
* Macro defines for SPI Receiver Data register
#define SPI_RXDAT_BITMASK (0x1FFFFF) /** SPI RXDAT Register BitMask */
#define SPI_RXDAT_DATA(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) /** Receiver Data */
#define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSELN_ACTIVE (0 << 16) /** The state of SSEL pin is active */
#define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSELN_INACTIVE ((1 << 16) /** The state of SSEL pin is inactive */
#define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSELNUM_INACTIVE(n) (1 << ((n) + 16)) /** The state of SSELN pin is inactive */
#define SPI_RXDAT_SOT (1 << 20) /** Start of Transfer flag */
* Macro defines for SPI Transmitter Data and Control register
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_BITMASK (0xF71FFFF) /** SPI TXDATCTL Register BitMask */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_DATA(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) /** SPI Transmit Data */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_CTRLMASK (0xF710000) /** SPI TXDATCTL Register BitMask for control bits only */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_ASSERT_SSEL (0 << 16) /** Assert SSEL0 pin */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_DEASSERT_SSEL (1 << 16) /** Deassert SSEL0 pin */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(n) (1 << ((n) + 16)) /** Deassert SSELN pin */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_DEASSERT_ALL (0xF << 16) /** Deassert all SSEL pins */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT (1 << 20) /** End of Transfer flag (TRANSFER_DELAY is applied after sending the current frame) */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF (1 << 21) /** End of Frame flag (FRAME_DELAY is applied after sending the current part) */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE (1 << 22) /** Receive Ignore Flag */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_FLEN(n) (((n) & 0x0F) << 24) /** Frame length - 1 */
* Macro defines for SPI Transmitter Data Register
#define SPI_TXDAT_DATA(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) /** SPI Transmit Data */
* Macro defines for SPI Transmitter Control register
#define SPI_TXCTL_BITMASK (0xF7F0000) /** SPI TXDATCTL Register BitMask */
#define SPI_TXCTL_ASSERT_SSEL (0 << 16) /** Assert SSEL0 pin */
#define SPI_TXCTL_DEASSERT_SSEL (1 << 16) /** Deassert SSEL0 pin */
#define SPI_TXCTL_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(n) (1 << ((n) + 16)) /** Deassert SSELN pin */
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_DEASSERT_ALL (0xF << 16) /** Deassert all SSEL pins */
#define SPI_TXCTL_EOT (1 << 20) /** End of Transfer flag (TRANSFER_DELAY is applied after sending the current frame) */
#define SPI_TXCTL_EOF (1 << 21) /** End of Frame flag (FRAME_DELAY is applied after sending the current part) */
#define SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE (1 << 22) /** Receive Ignore Flag */
#define SPI_TXCTL_FLEN(n) ((((n) - 1) & 0x0F) << 24) /** Frame length, 0 - 16 */
#define SPI_TXCTL_FLENMASK (0xF << 24) /** Frame length mask */
* Macro defines for SPI Divider register
#define SPI_DIV_VAL(n) ((n) & 0xFFFF) /** Rate divider value mask (In Master Mode only)*/
* Macro defines for SPI Interrupt Status register
#define SPI_INTSTAT_BITMASK (0x3F) /** SPI INTSTAT Register Bitmask */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY (1 << 0) /** Receiver Ready Flag */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY (1 << 1) /** Transmitter Ready Flag */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV (1 << 2) /** Receiver Overrun interrupt flag */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR (1 << 3) /** Transmitter Underrun interrupt flag (In Slave Mode only) */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_SSA (1 << 4) /** Slave Select Assert */
#define SPI_INTSTAT_SSD (1 << 5) /** Slave Select Deassert */
/** @brief SPI Clock Mode*/
#define SPI_CLOCK_MODE0 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL0 /**< Alias for CPHA = 0, CPOL = 0 */
#define SPI_CLOCK_MODE1 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL0 /**< Alias for CPHA = 0, CPOL = 1 */
#define SPI_CLOCK_MODE2 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL1 /**< Alias for CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0 */
#define SPI_CLOCK_MODE3 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL1 /**< Alias for CPHA = 1, CPOL = 1 */
* @brief Set SPI CFG register values
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param bits : CFG register bits to set, amd OR'ed value of SPI_CFG_* definitions
* @return Nothing
* @note This function safely sets only the selected bits in the SPI CFG register.
* It can be used to enable multiple bits at once.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetCFGRegBits(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t bits)
/* Update CFG register with only selected bits disabled */
* @brief Clear SPI CFG register values
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param bits : CFG register bits to clear, amd OR'ed value of SPI_CFG_* definitions
* @return Nothing
* @note This function safely clears only the selected bits in the SPI CFG register.
* It can be used to disable multiple bits at once.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_ClearCFGRegBits(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t bits)
/* Update CFG register with only selected bits disabled */
pSPI->CFG = ~bits & (pSPI->CFG & SPI_CFG_BITMASK);
* @brief Initialize the SPI
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
/* Enable SPI clock and reset IP */
if (pSPI == LPC_SPI1) {
} else {
* @brief Disable SPI peripheral
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Disable SPI operation
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note The SPI controller is disabled.
if (pSPI == LPC_SPI1) {
} else {
* @brief Enable SPI peripheral
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Enable SPI master mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note SPI slave mode will be disabled with this call. All SPI SSEL
* lines will also be deasserted.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_EnableMasterMode(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
/* Deassert all chip selects, only in master mode */
* @brief Enable SPI slave mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note SPI master mode will be disabled with this call.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_EnableSlaveMode(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Enable LSB First transfers
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Enable MSB First transfers
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Set SPI mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param mode : SPI mode to set the SPI interface to
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetSPIMode(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t mode)
Chip_SPI_SetCFGRegBits(pSPI, (uint32_t) mode);
* @brief Set polarity on the SPI chip select high
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param csNum : Chip select number, 0 - 3
* @return Nothing
* @note SPI chip select polarity is active high.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetCSPolHigh(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint8_t csNum)
* @brief Set polarity on the SPI chip select low
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param csNum : Chip select number, 0 - 3
* @return Nothing
* @note SPI chip select polarity is active low.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetCSPolLow(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint8_t csNum)
Chip_SPI_ClearCFGRegBits(pSPI, SPI_CFG_SPOLNUM_HI(csNum));
* @brief Setup SPI configuration
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param config : ORed spi configuration flags
* @return Nothing
* @note Possible values that can be ORed in @a config are
* SPI_CLOCK_* (example: #SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL0) along with
* SPI_CFG_* (example: #SPI_CFG_SPI_EN).
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_ConfigureSPI(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t config)
Chip_SPI_SetCFGRegBits(pSPI, config);
/* Deassert all chip selects, only in master mode */
* @brief Get the current status of SPI controller
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return SPI Status (Or-ed bit value of SPI_STAT_*)
* @note Mask the return value with a value of type SPI_STAT_* to determine
* if that status is active.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SPI_GetStatus(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Clear SPI status
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Flag : Clear Flag (Or-ed bit value of SPI_STAT_*)
* @return Nothing
* SPI_STAT_SSD statuses can be cleared.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_ClearStatus(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t Flag)
pSPI->STAT = Flag;
* @brief Enable a SPI interrupt
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Flag : Or'ed value of SPI_INTENSET_* values to enable
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_EnableInts(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t Flag)
* @brief Disable a SPI interrupt
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Flag : Or'ed value of SPI_INTENCLR_* values to disable
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_DisableInts(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t Flag)
* @brief Return enabled SPI interrupts
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return An Or'ed value of SPI_INTENSET_* values
* @note Mask the return value with a SPI_INTENSET_* value to determine
* if the interrupt is enabled.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SPI_GetEnabledInts(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Return pending SPI interrupts
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return An Or'ed value of SPI_INTSTAT_* values
* @note Mask the return value with a SPI_INTSTAT_* value to determine
* if the interrupt is pending.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SPI_GetPendingInts(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Flush FIFOs
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Read raw data from receive FIFO with status bits
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Current value in receive data FIFO plus status bits
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SPI_ReadRawRXFifo(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Read data from receive FIFO masking off status bits
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Current value in receive data FIFO
* @note The return value is masked with 0xFFFF to not exceed 16-bits. All
* other status bits are thrown away. This register should only be read if it
* has data in it. This function is useful for systems that don't need SPI
* select (SSEL) monitoring.
return pSPI->RXDAT & 0xFFFF;
* @brief Write data to transmit FIFO
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param data : Data to write
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_WriteTXData(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t data)
pSPI->TXDAT = (uint32_t) data;
* @brief Set SPI TXCTRL register control options
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param bits : TXCTRL register bits to set, amd OR'ed value of SPI_TXDATCTL_* definitions
* @return Nothing
* @note This function safely sets only the selected bits in the SPI TXCTRL register.
* It can be used to enable multiple bits at once.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetTXCTRLRegBits(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t bits)
* @brief Clear SPI TXCTRL register control options
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param bits : TXCTRL register bits to clear, amd OR'ed value of SPI_TXDATCTL_* definitions
* @return Nothing
* @note This function safely clears only the selected bits in the SPI TXCTRL register.
* It can be used to disable multiple bits at once.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_ClearTXCTRLRegBits(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t bits)
* @brief Set TX control options (safe)
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param ctrlBits : Or'ed control bits to set
* @return Nothing
* @note Selectable control states include SPI_TXCTL_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(0/1/2/3),
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetTXCtl(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t ctrlBits)
Chip_SPI_SetTXCTRLRegBits(pSPI, ctrlBits);
* @brief Clear TX control options (safe)
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param ctrlBits : Or'ed control bits to clear
* @return Nothing
* @note Selectable control states include SPI_TXCTL_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(0/1/2/3),
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_ClearTXCtl(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t ctrlBits)
Chip_SPI_ClearTXCTRLRegBits(pSPI, ctrlBits);
* @brief Set TX data transfer size in bits
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param ctrlBits : Number of bits to transmit and receive, must be 1 to 16
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetXferSize(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t ctrlBits)
Chip_SPI_SetTXCTRLRegBits(pSPI, SPI_TXCTL_FLEN(ctrlBits));
* @}
/** @defgroup SPI_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx SPI driver
* @ingroup CHIP_8XX_Drivers
* @{
/** @brief SPI Mode*/
typedef enum {
/** @brief SPI Data Order Mode*/
typedef enum IP_SPI_DATA_ORDER {
/** @brief SPI SSEL Polarity definition*/
typedef enum IP_SPI_SSEL_POL {
* @brief SPI Configure Struct
typedef struct {
SPI_MODE_T Mode; /* Mode Select */
uint32_t ClockMode; /* CPHA CPOL Select */
SPI_DATA_ORDER_T DataOrder; /* MSB/LSB First */
SPI_SSEL_POL_T SSELPol; /* SSEL Polarity Select */
uint16_t ClkDiv; /* SPI Clock Divider Value */
* @brief SPI Delay Configure Struct
typedef struct {
uint8_t PreDelay; /* Pre-delay value in SPI clock time */
uint8_t PostDelay; /* Post-delay value in SPI clock time */
uint8_t FrameDelay; /* Delay value between frames of a transfer in SPI clock time */
uint8_t TransferDelay; /* Delay value between transfers in SPI clock time */
* @brief SPI data setup structure
typedef struct {
uint16_t *pTx; /**< Pointer to data buffer*/
uint32_t TxCnt;/* Transmit Counter */
uint16_t *pRx; /**< Pointer to data buffer*/
uint32_t RxCnt;/* Transmit Counter */
uint32_t Length; /**< Data Length*/
uint16_t DataSize; /** < The size of a frame (1-16)*/
* @brief Calculate the divider for SPI clock
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param bitRate : Expected clock rate
* @return Divider value
uint32_t Chip_SPI_CalClkRateDivider(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t bitRate);
* @brief Config SPI Delay parameters
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param pConfig : SPI Delay Configure Struct
* @return Nothing
* @note The SPI controller is disabled
void Chip_SPI_DelayConfig(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPI_DELAY_CONFIG_T *pConfig);
* @brief Enable/Disable SPI interrupt
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param IntMask : Interrupt mask
* @param NewState : ENABLE or DISABLE interrupt
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SPI_Int_Cmd(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t IntMask, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Enable SPI peripheral
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @brief Enable loopback mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note Serial input is taken from the serial output (MOSI or MISO) rather
* than the serial input pin
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_EnableLoopBack(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Disable loopback mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note Serial input is taken from the serial output (MOSI or MISO) rather
* than the serial input pin
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_DisableLoopBack(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Set control information including SSEL, EOT, EOF RXIGNORE and FLEN
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Flen : Data size (1-16)
* @param Flag : Flag control (Or-ed values of SPI_TXCTL_*)
* @note The control information has no effect unless data is later written to TXDAT
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SetControlInfo(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint8_t Flen, uint32_t Flag)
* @brief Send the first Frame of a transfer (Rx Ignore)
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Data : Transmit data
* @param DataSize : Data Size (1-16)
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SendFirstFrame_RxIgnore(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t Data, uint8_t DataSize)
DataSize - 1) | SPI_TXDATCTL_DATA(Data);
* @brief Send the first Frame of a transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Data : Transmit data
* @param DataSize : Data Size (1-16)
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SendFirstFrame(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t Data, uint8_t DataSize)
* @brief Send the middle Frame of a transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Data : Transmit data
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SendMidFrame(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t Data)
* @brief Send the last Frame of a transfer (Rx Ignore)
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Data : Transmit data
* @param DataSize : Data Size (1-16)
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SendLastFrame_RxIgnore(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t Data, uint8_t DataSize)
* @brief Send the last Frame of a transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param Data : Transmit data
* @param DataSize : Data Size (1-16)
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPI_SendLastFrame(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint16_t Data, uint8_t DataSize)
* @brief Read data received
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Receive data
STATIC INLINE uint16_t Chip_SPI_ReceiveFrame(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief SPI Interrupt Read/Write
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xf_setup : Pointer to a SPI_DATA_SETUP_T structure that contains specified
* information about transmit/receive data configuration
* @return SUCCESS or ERROR
Status Chip_SPI_Int_RWFrames(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPI_DATA_SETUP_T *xf_setup);
* @brief SPI Polling Read/Write in blocking mode
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param pXfSetup : Pointer to a SPI_DATA_SETUP_T structure that contains specified
* information about transmit/receive data configuration
* @return Actual data length has been transferred
* @note
* This function can be used in both master and slave mode. It starts with writing phase and after that,
* a reading phase is generated to read any data available in RX_FIFO. All needed information is prepared
* through xf_setup param.
uint32_t Chip_SPI_RWFrames_Blocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPI_DATA_SETUP_T *pXfSetup);
* @brief SPI Polling Write in blocking mode
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param pXfSetup :Pointer to a SPI_DATA_SETUP_T structure that contains specified
* information about transmit/receive data configuration
* @return Actual data length has been transferred
* @note
* This function can be used in both master and slave mode. First, a writing operation will send
* the needed data. After that, a dummy reading operation is generated to clear data buffer
uint32_t Chip_SPI_WriteFrames_Blocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPI_DATA_SETUP_T *pXfSetup);
* @brief SPI Polling Read in blocking mode
* @param pSPI : The base SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param pXfSetup :Pointer to a SPI_DATA_SETUP_T structure that contains specified
* information about transmit/receive data configuration
* @return Actual data length has been read
* @note
* This function can be used in both master and slave mode. First, a writing operation will send
* the needed data. After that, a dummy reading operation is generated to clear data buffer
uint32_t Chip_SPI_ReadFrames_Blocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPI_DATA_SETUP_T *pXfSetup);
* @}
/** @defgroup SPI_MASTER_8XX CHIP: LPC8XX SPI master driver
* @ingroup SPI_COMMON_8XX
* @{
* @brief Get SPI master bit rate
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return The actual SPI clock bit rate
uint32_t Chip_SPIM_GetClockRate(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI);
* @brief Set SPI master bit rate
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param rate : Desired clock bit rate for the SPI interface
* @return The actual SPI clock bit rate
* @note This function will set the SPI clock divider to get closest
* to the desired rate as possible.
uint32_t Chip_SPIM_SetClockRate(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint32_t rate);
* @brief SPI Delay Configure Struct
typedef struct {
uint8_t PreDelay; /** Pre-delay value in SPI clocks, 0 - 15 */
uint8_t PostDelay; /** Post-delay value in SPI clocks, 0 - 15 */
uint8_t FrameDelay; /** Delay value between frames of a transfer in SPI clocks, 0 - 15 */
uint8_t TransferDelay; /** Delay value between transfers in SPI clocks, 1 - 16 */
* @brief Config SPI Delay parameters
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param pConfig : SPI Delay Configure Struct
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SPIM_DelayConfig(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIM_DELAY_CONFIG_T *pConfig);
* @brief Forces an end of transfer for the current master transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note Use this function to perform an immediate end of trasnfer for the
* current master operation. If the master is currently transferring data started
* with the Chip_SPIM_Xfer function, this terminates the transfer after the
* current byte completes and completes the transfer.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPIM_ForceEndOfTransfer(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Assert a SPI select
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param sselNum : SPI select to assert, 0 - 3
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SPIM_AssertSSEL(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint8_t sselNum);
* @brief Deassert a SPI select
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param sselNum : SPI select to deassert, 0 - 3
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SPIM_DeAssertSSEL(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, uint8_t sselNum);
* @brief Enable loopback mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* @note Serial input is taken from the serial output (MOSI or MISO) rather
* than the serial input pin.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPIM_EnableLoopBack(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
* @brief Disable loopback mode
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SPIM_DisableLoopBack(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI)
struct SPIM_XFER;
/** @brief SPI master select assert callback
* This callback is called from the SPI master handler when the SPI master
* selects the slave (asserts SSEL).
typedef void (*SPIMasterXferCSAssert)(struct SPIM_XFER *pMasterXfer);
/** @brief SPI master send data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI master handler when the SPI master
* needs a data buffer to send.
typedef void (*SPIMasterXferSend)(struct SPIM_XFER *pMasterXfer);
/** @brief SPI master receive data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI master handler when the SPI master
* needs a buffer to place data into.
typedef void (*SPIMasterXferRecv)(struct SPIM_XFER *pMasterXfer);
/** @brief SPI master transfer select deassert data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI master handler when the SPI master
* deasserts the slave select.
typedef void (*SPIMMasterXferCSDeAssert)(struct SPIM_XFER *pMasterXfer);
/** @brief SPI master transfer done data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI master handler when the SPI master
* has completed the transfer and becomes idle.
typedef void (*SPIMMasterXferDone)(struct SPIM_XFER *pMasterXfer);
/** SPI slave callback functions */
typedef struct {
SPIMasterXferCSAssert masterXferCSAssert; /** SPI transfer CS assert, called when a slave select is asserted */
SPIMasterXferSend masterXferSend; /** SPI transfer data receive buffer callback, called when a send buffer is needed */
SPIMasterXferRecv masterXferRecv; /** SPI transfer send buffer callback, called when send buffer is needed (and SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE option is not set) */
SPIMMasterXferCSDeAssert mMasterXferCSDeAssert; /** SPI transfer CS deassert, called when a slave select is deasserted */
SPIMMasterXferDone mMasterXferDone; /** SPI transfer done callback, called when transfer is complete */
/** Slave transfer data context */
typedef struct SPIM_XFER {
const SPIM_CALLBACKS_T *pCB; /** Pointer to SPI master data callback functions */
union { /** Pointer to receive buffer, set to NULL to toss receeive data */
uint8_t *pRXData8; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pRXData16; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
union { /** Pointer to transmit buffer, set to NULL to transmit 0x0 */
uint8_t *pTXData8; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pTXData16; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint32_t options; /** Master transfer options, an OR'ed value of SPI_TXCTL_EOT, SPI_TXCTL_EOF, SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE, and SPI_TXCTL_FLEN(bits) */
uint16_t rxCount; /** Size of the pRXData buffer in items (not bytes), modified by driver */
uint16_t txCount; /** Number of items (not bytes) to send in pTXData buffer, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataRXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) received, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataTXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) transmitted, modified by driver */
uint8_t sselNum; /** Slave number assigned to this transfer, 0 - 3, used by driver to select slave */
bool terminate; /** Transfer will terminate when txCount goes to 0 and master goes idle, must be set before last byte is sent */
* @brief SPI master transfer state change handler
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIM_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return Nothing
* @note See @ref SPIM_XFER_T for more information on this function. When using
* this function, the SPI master interrupts should be enabled and setup in the SPI
* interrupt handler to call this function when they fire. This function is meant
* to be called from the interrupt handler.
void Chip_SPIM_XferHandler(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIM_XFER_T *xfer);
* @brief Start non-blocking SPI master transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIM_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return Nothing
* @note This function starts a non-blocking SPI master transfer with the
* parameters setup in the passed @ref SPIM_XFER_T structure. Once the transfer is
* started, the interrupt handler must call Chip_SPIM_XferHandler to keep the
* transfer going and fed with data. This function should only be called when
* the master is idle.<br>
* This function must be called with the options and sselNum fields correctly
* setup. Initial data buffers and the callback pointer must also be setup. No
* sanity checks are performed on the passed data.<br>
* Example call:<br>
* SPIM_XFER_T mxfer;
* mxfer.pCB = &masterCallbacks;
* mxfer.sselNum = 2; // Use chip select 2
* mxfer.options = SPI_TXCTL_FLEN(8); // 8 data bits, supports 1 - 16 bits
* mxfer.options |= SPI_TXCTL_EOT | SPI_TXCTL_EOF; // Apply frame and transfer delays to master transfer
* mxfer.options |= SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE; // Ignore RX data, will toss receive data regardless of pRXData8 or pRXData16 buffer
* mxfer.pTXData8 = SendBuffer;
* mxfer.txCount = 16; // Number of bytes to send before SPIMasterXferSend callback is called
* mxfer.pRXData8 = RecvBuffer; // Will not receive data if pRXData8/pRXData16 is NULL or SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE option is set
* mxfer.rxCount = 16; // Number of bytes to receive before SPIMasterXferRecv callback is called
* Chip_SPIM_Xfer(LPC_SPI0, &mxfer); // Start transfer
* Note that the transfer, once started, needs to be constantly fed by the callbacks.
* The txCount and rxCount field only indicate the buffer size before the callbacks are called.
* To terminate the transfer, the SPIMasterXferSend callback must set the terminate field.
void Chip_SPIM_Xfer(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIM_XFER_T *xfer);
* @brief Perform blocking SPI master transfer
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIM_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return Nothing
* @note This function starts a blocking SPI master transfer with the
* parameters setup in the passed @ref SPIM_XFER_T structure. Once the transfer is
* started, the callbacks in Chip_SPIM_XferHandler may be called to keep the
* transfer going and fed with data. SPI interrupts must be disabled prior to
* calling this function. It is not recommended to use this function.<br>
void Chip_SPIM_XferBlocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIM_XFER_T *xfer);
* @}
/** @defgroup SPI_SLAVE_8XX CHIP: LPC8XX SPI slave driver
* @ingroup SPI_COMMON_8XX
* @{
* Macro defines for SPI Status register
/* Clear RXOV Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_RXOV ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
/* Clear TXUR Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_TXUR ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
/* Clear SSA Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_SSA ((uint32_t) (1 << 4))
/* Clear SSD Flag */
#define SPI_STAT_CLR_SSD ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
struct SPIS_XFER;
/** @brief SPI slave select assertion callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* is initially asserted. It is used to indicate the start of a slave transfer that
* will happen on the bus.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferCSAssert)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave send data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* needs a data buffer to send.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferSend)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave receive data callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* needs a buffer to place data.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferRecv)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** @brief SPI slave select de-assertion callback
* This callback is called from the SPI slave handler when an SPI slave select (SSEL)
* is de-asserted. It can be used to indicate the end of a transfer.
typedef void (*SPISlaveXferCSDeAssert)(struct SPIS_XFER *pSlaveXfer);
/** SPI slave callback functions */
typedef struct {
SPISlaveXferCSAssert slaveXferCSAssert; /** SPI transfer start callback, called on SPI CS assertion */
SPISlaveXferSend slaveXferSend; /** SPI transfer data receive buffer callback, called when a receive buffer is needed */
SPISlaveXferRecv slaveXferRecv; /** SPI transfer send buffer callback, called when data is needed */
SPISlaveXferCSDeAssert slaveXferCSDeAssert; /** SPI transfer completion callback, called on SPI CS deassertion */
/** Slave transfer data context */
typedef struct SPIS_XFER {
const SPIS_CALLBACKS_T *pCB; /** Pointer to SPI slave callback functions */
union { /** Pointer to receive buffer, set to NULL to toss receeive data */
uint8_t *pRXData8; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pRXData16; /** Receive buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
union { /** Pointer to transmit buffer, set to NULL to transmit 0x0 */
uint8_t *pTXData8; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size <= 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t *pTXData16; /** Send buffer used with data transfer size > 8-bits, modified by driver */
uint16_t rxCount; /** Size of the pRXData buffer in items (not bytes), modified by driver */
uint16_t txCount; /** Number of items (not bytes) to send in pTXData buffer, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataRXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) received, modified by driver */
uint16_t dataTXferred; /** Total items (not bytes) transmitted, modified by driver */
uint8_t sselNum; /** Slave number assigned to this transfer, 0 - 3, modified by driver */
* @brief SPI slave transfer state change handler
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return returns 0 on success, or SPI_STAT_RXOV and/or SPI_STAT_TXUR on an error
* @note See @ref SPIS_XFER_T for more information on this function. When using
* this function, the SPI slave interrupts should be enabled and setup in the SPI
* interrupt handler to call this function when they fire. This function is meant
* to be called from the interrupt handler. The @ref SPIS_XFER_T data does not need
* to be setup prior to the call and should be setup by the callbacks instead.<br>
* The callbacks are handled in the interrupt handler. If you are getting overflow
* or underflow errors, you might need to lower the speed of the master clock or
* extend the master's select assetion time.<br>
uint32_t Chip_SPIS_XferHandler(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIS_XFER_T *xfer);
* @brief Pre-buffers slave transmit data
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure see notes below
* @return Nothing
* @note Pre-buffering allows the slave to prime the transmit FIFO with data prior to
* the master starting a transfer. If data is not pre-buffered, the initial slave
* transmit data will always be 0x0 with a slave transmit underflow status.
* Pre-buffering is best used when only a single slave select is used by an
* application.
Chip_SPIS_XferHandler(pSPI, xfer);
* @brief SPI slave transfer blocking function
* @param pSPI : The base of SPI peripheral on the chip
* @param xfer : Pointer to a SPIS_XFER_T structure
* @return returns 0 on success, or SPI_STAT_RXOV and/or SPI_STAT_TXUR on an error
* @note This function performs a blocking transfer on the SPI slave interface.
* It is not recommended to use this function. Once this function is called, it
* will block forever until a slave transfer consisting of a slave SSEL assertion,
* and de-assertion occur. The callbacks are still used for slave data buffer
* management. SPI interrupts must be disabled prior to calling this function.
uint32_t Chip_SPIS_XferBlocking(LPC_SPI_T *pSPI, SPIS_XFER_T *xfer);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __SPI_8XX_H__ */