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xinyigao 53be4393aa
add rt1170/rt1020 bsp (#5927)
* add rt1170 bsp
* add rt1020 bsp
2022-05-19 14:06:35 +08:00

1053 lines
39 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "fsl_lpspi_edma.h"
* Definitions
/* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
#define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.lpspi_edma"
* @brief Structure definition for dspi_master_edma_private_handle_t. The structure is private.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_edma_private_handle
LPSPI_Type *base; /*!< LPSPI peripheral base address. */
lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle; /*!< lpspi_master_edma_handle_t handle */
} lpspi_master_edma_private_handle_t;
* @brief Structure definition for dspi_slave_edma_private_handle_t. The structure is private.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_edma_private_handle
LPSPI_Type *base; /*!< LPSPI peripheral base address. */
lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle; /*!< lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t handle */
} lpspi_slave_edma_private_handle_t;
* Prototypes
* @brief EDMA_LpspiMasterCallback after the LPSPI master transfer completed by using EDMA.
* This is not a public API.
static void EDMA_LpspiMasterCallback(edma_handle_t *edmaHandle,
void *g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle,
bool transferDone,
uint32_t tcds);
* @brief EDMA_LpspiSlaveCallback after the LPSPI slave transfer completed by using EDMA.
* This is not a public API.
static void EDMA_LpspiSlaveCallback(edma_handle_t *edmaHandle,
void *g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle,
bool transferDone,
uint32_t tcds);
static void LPSPI_SeparateEdmaReadData(uint8_t *rxData, uint32_t readData, uint32_t bytesEachRead, bool isByteSwap);
* Variables
/*! @brief Pointers to lpspi bases for each instance. */
static LPSPI_Type *const s_lpspiBases[] = LPSPI_BASE_PTRS;
/*! @brief Pointers to lpspi edma handles for each instance. */
static lpspi_master_edma_private_handle_t s_lpspiMasterEdmaPrivateHandle[ARRAY_SIZE(s_lpspiBases)];
static lpspi_slave_edma_private_handle_t s_lpspiSlaveEdmaPrivateHandle[ARRAY_SIZE(s_lpspiBases)];
* Code
static void LPSPI_SeparateEdmaReadData(uint8_t *rxData, uint32_t readData, uint32_t bytesEachRead, bool isByteSwap)
assert(rxData != NULL);
switch (bytesEachRead)
case 1:
if (!isByteSwap)
*rxData = (uint8_t)readData;
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 24);
case 2:
if (!isByteSwap)
*rxData = (uint8_t)readData;
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 8);
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 16);
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 24);
case 4:
*rxData = (uint8_t)readData;
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 8);
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 16);
*rxData = (uint8_t)(readData >> 24);
* brief Initializes the LPSPI master eDMA handle.
* This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a
* specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* Note that the LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Rx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx are the same source) DMA
* request source.
* (1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and
* Tx DMAMUX source for edmaIntermediaryToTxRegHandle.
* (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t.
* param callback LPSPI callback.
* param userData callback function parameter.
* param edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
* param edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base,
lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle,
lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback,
void *userData,
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle,
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
assert(handle != NULL);
assert(edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle != NULL);
assert(edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle != NULL);
/* Zero the handle. */
(void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
uint32_t instance = LPSPI_GetInstance(base);
s_lpspiMasterEdmaPrivateHandle[instance].base = base;
s_lpspiMasterEdmaPrivateHandle[instance].handle = handle;
handle->callback = callback;
handle->userData = userData;
handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle = edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle;
handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle = edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle;
static void LPSPI_PrepareTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base)
/* Flush FIFO, clear status, disable all the inerrupts and DMA requests. */
LPSPI_FlushFifo(base, true, true);
LPSPI_ClearStatusFlags(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_AllStatusFlag);
LPSPI_DisableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_AllInterruptEnable);
LPSPI_DisableDMA(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable);
* brief LPSPI master transfer data using eDMA.
* This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data
* is transferred, the callback function is called.
* Note:
* The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4.
* For bytesPerFrame greater than 4:
* The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4.
* Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* param transfer pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
* return status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
assert(handle != NULL);
assert(transfer != NULL);
/* Check that we're not busy.*/
if (handle->state == (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy)
return kStatus_LPSPI_Busy;
/* Disable module before configuration */
LPSPI_Enable(base, false);
/* Check arguements */
if (!LPSPI_CheckTransferArgument(base, transfer, true))
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Variables */
bool isThereExtraTxBytes = false;
bool isByteSwap = ((transfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap) != 0U);
bool isPcsContinuous = ((transfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kLPSPI_MasterPcsContinuous) != 0U);
uint32_t instance = LPSPI_GetInstance(base);
uint8_t dummyData = g_lpspiDummyData[instance];
uint8_t bytesLastWrite = 0;
/*Used for byte swap*/
uint32_t addrOffset = 0;
uint32_t rxAddr = LPSPI_GetRxRegisterAddress(base);
uint32_t txAddr = LPSPI_GetTxRegisterAddress(base);
uint32_t whichPcs = (transfer->configFlags & LPSPI_MASTER_PCS_MASK) >> LPSPI_MASTER_PCS_SHIFT;
uint32_t bytesPerFrame = ((base->TCR & LPSPI_TCR_FRAMESZ_MASK) >> LPSPI_TCR_FRAMESZ_SHIFT) / 8U + 1U;
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigRx;
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigTx;
edma_tcd_t *softwareTCD_pcsContinuous = (edma_tcd_t *)((uint32_t)(&handle->lpspiSoftwareTCD[2]) & (~0x1FU));
edma_tcd_t *softwareTCD_extraBytes = (edma_tcd_t *)((uint32_t)(&handle->lpspiSoftwareTCD[1]) & (~0x1FU));
handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy;
handle->txData = transfer->txData;
handle->rxData = transfer->rxData;
handle->txRemainingByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->rxRemainingByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->totalByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->writeRegRemainingTimes = (transfer->dataSize / bytesPerFrame) * ((bytesPerFrame + 3U) / 4U);
handle->readRegRemainingTimes = handle->writeRegRemainingTimes;
handle->txBuffIfNull =
((uint32_t)dummyData) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 8) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 16) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 24);
/*The TX and RX FIFO sizes are always the same*/
handle->fifoSize = LPSPI_GetRxFifoSize(base);
handle->isPcsContinuous = isPcsContinuous;
handle->isByteSwap = isByteSwap;
handle->isThereExtraRxBytes = false;
/*Because DMA is fast enough , so set the RX and TX watermarks to 0 .*/
LPSPI_SetFifoWatermarks(base, 0U, 0U);
/* Transfers will stall when transmit FIFO is empty or receive FIFO is full. */
/* Enable module for following configuration of TCR to take effect. */
LPSPI_Enable(base, true);
/* For DMA transfer , we'd better not masked the transmit data and receive data in TCR since the transfer flow is
* hard to controlled by software. */
LPSPI_TCR_CONT(isPcsContinuous) | LPSPI_TCR_BYSW(isByteSwap) | LPSPI_TCR_PCS(whichPcs);
/*Calculate the bytes for write/read the TX/RX register each time*/
if (bytesPerFrame <= 4U)
handle->bytesEachWrite = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesEachRead = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesLastRead = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesEachWrite = 4U;
handle->bytesEachRead = 4U;
handle->bytesLastRead = 4U;
if ((transfer->dataSize % 4U) != 0U)
bytesLastWrite = (uint8_t)(transfer->dataSize % 4U);
handle->bytesLastRead = bytesLastWrite;
isThereExtraTxBytes = true;
handle->isThereExtraRxBytes = true;
EDMA_SetCallback(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, EDMA_LpspiMasterCallback,
/* Configure rx EDMA transfer */
EDMA_ResetChannel(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel);
if (handle->rxData != NULL)
transferConfigRx.destAddr = (uint32_t) & (handle->rxData[0]);
transferConfigRx.destOffset = 1;
transferConfigRx.destAddr = (uint32_t) & (handle->rxBuffIfNull);
transferConfigRx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigRx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0;
switch (handle->bytesEachRead)
case (1U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
case (4U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 4;
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigRx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)rxAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigRx.srcOffset = 0;
transferConfigRx.majorLoopCounts = handle->readRegRemainingTimes;
/* Store the initially configured eDMA minor byte transfer count into the LPSPI handle */
handle->nbytes = (uint8_t)transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes;
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel,
&transferConfigRx, NULL);
EDMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel,
/* Configure tx EDMA transfer */
EDMA_ResetChannel(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel);
if (isThereExtraTxBytes)
if (handle->txData != NULL)
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t) & (transfer->txData[transfer->dataSize - bytesLastWrite]);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 1;
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)(&handle->txBuffIfNull);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0;
switch (bytesLastWrite)
case (1U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigTx.destAddr = (uint32_t)txAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigTx.majorLoopCounts = 1;
if (handle->isPcsContinuous)
EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(softwareTCD_extraBytes, &transferConfigTx, softwareTCD_pcsContinuous);
EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(softwareTCD_extraBytes, &transferConfigTx, NULL);
if (handle->isPcsContinuous)
handle->transmitCommand = base->TCR & ~(LPSPI_TCR_CONTC_MASK | LPSPI_TCR_CONT_MASK);
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t) & (handle->transmitCommand);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.destAddr = (uint32_t) & (base->TCR);
transferConfigTx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 4;
transferConfigTx.majorLoopCounts = 1;
EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(softwareTCD_pcsContinuous, &transferConfigTx, NULL);
if (handle->txData != NULL)
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)(handle->txData);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 1;
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)(&handle->txBuffIfNull);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0U;
switch (handle->bytesEachRead)
case (1U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
case (4U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 4;
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigTx.destAddr = (uint32_t)txAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigTx.majorLoopCounts = handle->writeRegRemainingTimes;
if (isThereExtraTxBytes)
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel,
&transferConfigTx, softwareTCD_extraBytes);
else if (handle->isPcsContinuous)
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel,
&transferConfigTx, softwareTCD_pcsContinuous);
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel,
&transferConfigTx, NULL);
LPSPI_EnableDMA(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable);
return kStatus_Success;
static void EDMA_LpspiMasterCallback(edma_handle_t *edmaHandle,
void *g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle,
bool transferDone,
uint32_t tcds)
assert(edmaHandle != NULL);
assert(g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle != NULL);
uint32_t readData;
lpspi_master_edma_private_handle_t *lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle;
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle = (lpspi_master_edma_private_handle_t *)g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle;
size_t rxRemainingByteCount = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxRemainingByteCount;
uint8_t bytesLastRead = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->bytesLastRead;
bool isByteSwap = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->isByteSwap;
LPSPI_DisableDMA(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->isThereExtraRxBytes)
while (LPSPI_GetRxFifoCount(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base) == 0U)
readData = LPSPI_ReadData(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base);
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxData != NULL)
LPSPI_SeparateEdmaReadData(&(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxData[rxRemainingByteCount - bytesLastRead]),
readData, bytesLastRead, isByteSwap);
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Idle;
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->callback != NULL)
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->callback(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base, lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle,
kStatus_Success, lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->userData);
* brief LPSPI master aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
* This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
assert(handle != NULL);
LPSPI_DisableDMA(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable);
handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Idle;
* brief Gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
* This function gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* param count Number of bytes transferred so far by the EDMA transaction.
* return status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
assert(handle != NULL);
if (NULL == count)
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Catch when there is not an active transfer. */
if (handle->state != (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy)
*count = 0;
return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress;
size_t remainingByte;
remainingByte =
(uint32_t)handle->nbytes * EDMA_GetRemainingMajorLoopCount(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base,
*count = handle->totalByteCount - remainingByte;
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Initializes the LPSPI slave eDMA handle.
* This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a
* specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* Note that LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Tx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx as the same source) DMA request
* source.
* (1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and
* Tx DMAMUX source for edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle.
* (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle .
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t.
* param callback LPSPI callback.
* param userData callback function parameter.
* param edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
* param edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base,
lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle,
lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback,
void *userData,
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle,
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
assert(handle != NULL);
assert(edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle != NULL);
assert(edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle != NULL);
/* Zero the handle. */
(void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
uint32_t instance = LPSPI_GetInstance(base);
s_lpspiSlaveEdmaPrivateHandle[instance].base = base;
s_lpspiSlaveEdmaPrivateHandle[instance].handle = handle;
handle->callback = callback;
handle->userData = userData;
handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle = edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle;
handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle = edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle;
* brief LPSPI slave transfers data using eDMA.
* This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which return right away. When all data
* is transferred, the callback function is called.
* Note:
* The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4.
* For bytesPerFrame greater than 4:
* The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4.
* Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* param transfer pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
* return status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
assert(handle != NULL);
assert(transfer != NULL);
/* Check that we're not busy.*/
if (handle->state == (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy)
return kStatus_LPSPI_Busy;
/* Disable module before configuration. */
LPSPI_Enable(base, false);
/* Check arguements, also dma transfer can not support 3 bytes */
if (!LPSPI_CheckTransferArgument(base, transfer, true))
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Variables */
bool isThereExtraTxBytes = false;
bool isByteSwap = ((transfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap) != 0U);
uint8_t bytesLastWrite = 0;
uint8_t dummyData = g_lpspiDummyData[LPSPI_GetInstance(base)];
uint32_t mask = (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable;
/* Used for byte swap */
uint32_t addrOffset = 0;
uint32_t instance = LPSPI_GetInstance(base);
uint32_t rxAddr = LPSPI_GetRxRegisterAddress(base);
uint32_t txAddr = LPSPI_GetTxRegisterAddress(base);
uint32_t whichPcs = (transfer->configFlags & LPSPI_MASTER_PCS_MASK) >> LPSPI_MASTER_PCS_SHIFT;
uint32_t bytesPerFrame = ((base->TCR & LPSPI_TCR_FRAMESZ_MASK) >> LPSPI_TCR_FRAMESZ_SHIFT) / 8U + 1U;
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigRx;
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigTx;
edma_tcd_t *softwareTCD_extraBytes = (edma_tcd_t *)((uint32_t)(&handle->lpspiSoftwareTCD[1]) & (~0x1FU));
/* Assign the original value for members of transfer handle. */
handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy;
handle->txData = transfer->txData;
handle->rxData = transfer->rxData;
handle->txRemainingByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->rxRemainingByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->totalByteCount = transfer->dataSize;
handle->writeRegRemainingTimes = (transfer->dataSize / bytesPerFrame) * ((bytesPerFrame + 3U) / 4U);
handle->readRegRemainingTimes = handle->writeRegRemainingTimes;
handle->txBuffIfNull =
((uint32_t)dummyData) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 8) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 16) | ((uint32_t)dummyData << 24);
/*The TX and RX FIFO sizes are always the same*/
handle->fifoSize = LPSPI_GetRxFifoSize(base);
handle->isByteSwap = isByteSwap;
handle->isThereExtraRxBytes = false;
/* Because DMA is fast enough, set the RX and TX watermarks to 0. */
LPSPI_SetFifoWatermarks(base, 0U, 0U);
/* Transfers will stall when transmit FIFO is empty or receive FIFO is full. */
/* Enable module for following configuration of TCR to take effect. */
LPSPI_Enable(base, true);
/* For DMA transfer, mask the transmit data if the tx data is null, for rx the receive data should not be masked at
any time since we use rx dma transfer finish cllback to indicate transfer finish. */
base->TCR =
LPSPI_TCR_TXMSK(transfer->txData == NULL) | LPSPI_TCR_BYSW(isByteSwap) | LPSPI_TCR_PCS(whichPcs);
/*Calculate the bytes for write/read the TX/RX register each time*/
if (bytesPerFrame <= 4U)
handle->bytesEachWrite = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesEachRead = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesLastRead = (uint8_t)bytesPerFrame;
handle->bytesEachWrite = 4U;
handle->bytesEachRead = 4U;
handle->bytesLastRead = 4U;
if ((transfer->dataSize % 4U) != 0U)
bytesLastWrite = (uint8_t)(transfer->dataSize % 4U);
handle->bytesLastRead = bytesLastWrite;
isThereExtraTxBytes = true;
handle->isThereExtraRxBytes = true;
EDMA_SetCallback(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, EDMA_LpspiSlaveCallback,
if (handle->readRegRemainingTimes > 0U)
EDMA_ResetChannel(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel);
if (handle->rxData != NULL)
transferConfigRx.destAddr = (uint32_t) & (handle->rxData[0]);
transferConfigRx.destOffset = 1;
transferConfigRx.destAddr = (uint32_t) & (handle->rxBuffIfNull);
transferConfigRx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigRx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0;
switch (handle->bytesEachRead)
case (1U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
case (4U):
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 4;
transferConfigRx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigRx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)rxAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigRx.srcOffset = 0;
transferConfigRx.majorLoopCounts = handle->readRegRemainingTimes;
/* Store the initially configured eDMA minor byte transfer count into the DSPI handle */
handle->nbytes = (uint8_t)transferConfigRx.minorLoopBytes;
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel,
&transferConfigRx, NULL);
EDMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base, handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->channel,
if (handle->txData != NULL)
EDMA_ResetChannel(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel);
if (isThereExtraTxBytes)
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t) & (transfer->txData[transfer->dataSize - bytesLastWrite]);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 1;
transferConfigTx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0;
switch (bytesLastWrite)
case (1U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigTx.destAddr = (uint32_t)txAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigTx.majorLoopCounts = 1;
EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(softwareTCD_extraBytes, &transferConfigTx, NULL);
transferConfigTx.srcAddr = (uint32_t)(handle->txData);
transferConfigTx.srcOffset = 1;
transferConfigTx.destOffset = 0;
transferConfigTx.srcTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
addrOffset = 0;
switch (handle->bytesEachRead)
case (1U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 3;
case (2U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 2;
if (handle->isByteSwap)
addrOffset = 2;
case (4U):
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 4;
transferConfigTx.destTransferSize = kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes;
transferConfigTx.minorLoopBytes = 1;
transferConfigTx.destAddr = (uint32_t)txAddr + addrOffset;
transferConfigTx.majorLoopCounts = handle->writeRegRemainingTimes;
if (isThereExtraTxBytes)
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel,
&transferConfigTx, softwareTCD_extraBytes);
EDMA_SetTransferConfig(handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->base, handle->edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle->channel,
&transferConfigTx, NULL);
mask |= (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable;
LPSPI_EnableDMA(base, mask);
return kStatus_Success;
static void EDMA_LpspiSlaveCallback(edma_handle_t *edmaHandle,
void *g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle,
bool transferDone,
uint32_t tcds)
assert(edmaHandle != NULL);
assert(g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle != NULL);
uint32_t readData;
lpspi_slave_edma_private_handle_t *lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle;
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle = (lpspi_slave_edma_private_handle_t *)g_lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle;
size_t rxRemainingByteCount = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxRemainingByteCount;
uint8_t bytesLastRead = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->bytesLastRead;
bool isByteSwap = lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->isByteSwap;
LPSPI_DisableDMA(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->isThereExtraRxBytes)
while (LPSPI_GetRxFifoCount(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base) == 0U)
readData = LPSPI_ReadData(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base);
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxData != NULL)
LPSPI_SeparateEdmaReadData(&(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->rxData[rxRemainingByteCount - bytesLastRead]),
readData, bytesLastRead, isByteSwap);
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Idle;
if (lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->callback != NULL)
lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->callback(lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->base, lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle,
kStatus_Success, lpspiEdmaPrivateHandle->handle->userData);
* brief LPSPI slave aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
* This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
assert(handle != NULL);
LPSPI_DisableDMA(base, (uint32_t)kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable | (uint32_t)kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable);
handle->state = (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Idle;
* brief Gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
* This function gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
* param base LPSPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* param count Number of bytes transferred so far by the eDMA transaction.
* return status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
assert(handle != NULL);
if (NULL == count)
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Catch when there is not an active transfer. */
if (handle->state != (uint8_t)kLPSPI_Busy)
*count = 0;
return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress;
size_t remainingByte;
remainingByte =
(uint32_t)handle->nbytes * EDMA_GetRemainingMajorLoopCount(handle->edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle->base,
*count = handle->totalByteCount - remainingByte;
return kStatus_Success;