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* @brief ADC functions of the firmware library.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "gd32f10x_adc.h"
#include "gd32f10x_rcc.h"
/** @addtogroup GD32F10x_Firmware
* @{
/** @defgroup ADC
* @brief ADC driver modules
* @{
/** @defgroup ADC_Private_Defines
* @{
/* ADC CTLR1_DISNUM mask */
#define CTLR1_DISNUM_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFF1FFF)
/* ADC CTLR1_DISRC mask */
#define CTLR1_DISRC_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000800)
/* ADC CTLR1_ICA mask */
#define CTLR1_ICA_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000400)
/* ADC CTLR1_DISIC mask */
#define CTLR1_DISIC_SET ((uint32_t)0x00001000)
/* ADC CTLR1_AWCS mask */
#define CTLR1_AWCS_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE0)
/* ADC CTLR1_AWDMode mask */
#define CTLR1_AWDMODE_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFF3FFDFF)
/* CTLR1 register mask */
#define CTLR1_BITS_CLEAR ((uint32_t)0xFFF0FEFF)
/* ADC CTLR2_ADCON mask */
#define CTLR2_ADCON_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
/* ADC CTLR2_DMA mask */
#define CTLR2_DMA_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000100)
/* ADC CTLR2_RSTCLB mask */
#define CTLR2_RSTCLB_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000008)
/* ADC CTLR2_CLB mask */
#define CTLR2_CLB_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
/* ADC CTLR2_SWRCST mask */
#define CTLR2_SWRCST_SET ((uint32_t)0x00400000)
/* ADC CTLR2_ETERC mask */
#define CTLR2_ETERC_SET ((uint32_t)0x00100000)
#define CTLR2_ETERC_SWRCST_SET ((uint32_t)0x00500000)
/* ADC CTLR2_ETSIC mask */
#define CTLR2_ETSIC_RESET ((uint32_t)0xFFFF8FFF)
/* ADC CTLR2_ETEIC mask */
#define CTLR2_ETEIC_SET ((uint32_t)0x00008000)
/* ADC CTLR2_SWICST mask */
#define CTLR2_SWICST_SET ((uint32_t)0x00200000)
#define CTLR2_ETEIC_SWICST_SET ((uint32_t)0x00208000)
/* ADC CTLR2_TSVREN mask */
#define CTLR2_TSVREN_SET ((uint32_t)0x00800000)
/* CTLR2 register mask */
#define CTLR2_BITS_CLEAR ((uint32_t)0xFFF1F7FD)
/* ADC RSQx mask */
#define RSQ3_RSQ_SET ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
#define RSQ2_RSQ_SET ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
#define RSQ1_RSQ_SET ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
/* RSQ1 register mask */
#define RSQ1_BITS_CLEAR ((uint32_t)0xFF0FFFFF)
/* ADC ISQx mask */
#define ISQ_ISQ_SET ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
/* ADC IL mask */
#define ISQ_IL_SET ((uint32_t)0x00300000)
/* ADC SPTx mask */
#define SPT1_SPT_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000007)
#define SPT2_SPT_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000007)
/* ADC IDTRx registers offset */
#define IDTR_OFFSET ((uint8_t)0x28)
/* ADC0 RDTR register base address */
#define RDTR_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x4001244C)
* @}
/** @defgroup ADC_Private_Functions
* @{
* @brief Reset the ADC interface and init the sturct ADC_InitPara.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_InitParaStruct : the sturct ADC_InitPara pointer.
* @retval None
void ADC_DeInit(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, ADC_InitPara *ADC_InitParaStruct)
if (ADCx == ADC0) {
/* Enable ADC0 reset state */
/* Release ADC0 from reset state */
} else if (ADCx == ADC1) {
/* Enable ADC1 reset state */
/* Release ADC1 from reset state */
/* Initialize the ADC_Mode member,independent mode */
/* Initialize the ADC_Mode_Scan member,disable scan mode */
ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Mode_Scan = DISABLE;
/* Initialize the ADC_Mode_Continuous member,disable continuous mode */
ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Mode_Continuous = DISABLE;
/* Initialize the ADC_Trig_External member,choose T1 CC1 as external trigger */
ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Trig_External = ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_MODE_T1_CC1;
/* Initialize the ADC_Data_Align member,specifies the ADC data alignment right */
ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Data_Align = ADC_DATAALIGN_RIGHT;
/* Initialize the ADC_Channel_Number member,only 1 channel */
ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Channel_Number = 1;
* @brief Initialize the ADCx interface parameters.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_InitParaStruct: the sturct ADC_InitPara pointer.
* @retval None
void ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, ADC_InitPara *ADC_InitParaStruct)
uint32_t temp1 = 0;
uint8_t temp2 = 0;
/* ADCx CTLR1 Configuration */
/* Get the ADCx CTLR1 previous value */
temp1 = ADCx->CTLR1;
/* Clear SM bits */
temp1 &= CTLR1_BITS_CLEAR;
/* Configure ADCx: Dual mode and scan conversion mode */
/* Set DUALMOD bits according to ADC_Mode value */
/* Configure SCAN bit according to ADC_Mode_Scan value */
temp1 |= (uint32_t)(ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Mode | ((uint32_t)ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Mode_Scan << 8));
/* Write new value to ADCx CTLR1 */
ADCx->CTLR1 = temp1;
/* ADCx CTLR2 Configuration */
/* Get the ADCx CTLR2 previous value */
temp1 = ADCx->CTLR2;
/* Clear CTN, DAL and ETSRC bits */
temp1 &= CTLR2_BITS_CLEAR;
/* Configure ADCx: select external trigger mode and continuous conversion mode */
/* Configure DAL bit according to ADC_Data_Align value */
/* Configure ETSRC bits according to ADC_Trig_External value */
/* Configure CTN bit according to ADC_Mode_Continuous value */
temp1 |= (uint32_t)(ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Data_Align | ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Trig_External |
((uint32_t)ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Mode_Continuous << 1));
/* Write new value to ADCx CTLR2 */
ADCx->CTLR2 = temp1;
/* ADCx RSQ1 Configuration */
/* Get the ADCx RSQ1 previous value */
temp1 = ADCx->RSQ1;
/* Clear RL bits */
temp1 &= RSQ1_BITS_CLEAR;
/* Configure ADCx: regular channel sequence length */
/* Configure RL bits according to ADC_Channel_Number value */
temp2 |= (uint8_t)(ADC_InitParaStruct->ADC_Channel_Number - (uint8_t)1);
temp1 |= (uint32_t)temp2 << 20;
/* Write new value to ADCx RSQ1 */
ADCx->RSQ1 = temp1;
* @brief Enable or disable the ADCx interface.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: New state of the ADCx interface.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable the ADCx interface */
} else {
/* Disable the ADCx interface */
* @brief Enable or disable the ADCx DMA request.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* Note: ADC1 doesn't support DMA function.
* @param NewValue: New state of ADCx DMA transfer.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_DMA_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable ADCx DMA request */
} else {
/* Disable ADCx DMA request */
* @brief Enable or disable ADCx interrupts.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_INT: ADCx interrupt sources.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg ADC_INT_EOC: Regular conversion over interrupt mask
* @arg ADC_INT_AWE: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
* @arg ADC_INT_EOIC: Inserted conversion over interrupt mask
* @param NewValue: ADCx interrupts state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_INTConfig(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_INT, TypeState NewValue)
uint8_t temp_it = 0;
/* ADCx INT old state */
temp_it = (uint8_t)ADC_INT;
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable the ADCx interrupt */
ADCx->CTLR1 |= temp_it;
} else {
/* Disable the ADCx interrupt */
ADCx->CTLR1 &= (~(uint32_t)temp_it);
* @brief ADCx calibration.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @retval None
void ADC_Calibration(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
/* Reset the selected ADCx calibration registers */
/* Check the RSTCLB bit state */
while ((ADCx->CTLR2 & CTLR2_RSTCLB_SET));
/* Enable ADCx calibration process */
/* Check the CLB bit state */
while ((ADCx->CTLR2 & CTLR2_CLB_SET) != (uint32_t)RESET);
* @brief Enable or disable ADCx software start conversion.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx software start conversion state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_SoftwareStartConv_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* ADCx software conversion start */
} else {
/* ADCx software conversion stop */
* @brief Get the bit state of ADCx software start conversion.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @retval ADCx software start conversion state(SET or RESET).
TypeState ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvBitState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
/* Check the SWRCST bit state*/
if ((ADCx->CTLR2 & CTLR2_SWRCST_SET) != (uint32_t)RESET) {
return SET;
} else {
return RESET;
* @brief Configure the ADCx channel discontinuous mode.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param Number: the count value of discontinuous mode regular channel.
* This number must be 1~8.
* @retval None
void ADC_DiscModeChannelCount_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t Number)
uint32_t temp1 = 0;
uint32_t temp2 = 0;
/* Get the old value of CTLR1 */
temp1 = ADCx->CTLR1;
/* Clear discontinuous mode channel count */
/* Set the discontinuous mode channel count */
temp2 = Number - 1;
temp1 |= temp2 << 13;
/* Write new value to CTLR1 */
ADCx->CTLR1 = temp1;
* @brief Enable or disable the discontinuous mode.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx discontinuous mode state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_DiscMode_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable ADCx regular discontinuous mode */
} else {
/* Disable ADCx regular discontinuous mode */
* @brief Configure array and sample time.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_Channel: the selected ADC channel.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_0: ADC Channel0
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_1: ADC Channel1
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_2: ADC Channel2
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_3: ADC Channel3
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_4: ADC Channel4
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_5: ADC Channel5
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_6: ADC Channel6
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_7: ADC Channel7
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_8: ADC Channel8
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_9: ADC Channel9
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_10: ADC Channel10
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_11: ADC Channel11
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_12: ADC Channel12
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_13: ADC Channel13
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_14: ADC Channel14
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_15: ADC Channel15
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_16: ADC Channel16
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_17: ADC Channel17
* @param Array: The regular group sequencer rank. This parameter must be between 1 to 16.
* @param ADC_SampleTime: The sample time value.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_1POINT5: 1.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_7POINT5: 7.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_13POINT5: 13.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_28POINT5: 28.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_41POINT5: 41.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_55POINT5: 55.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_71POINT5: 71.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_239POINT5: 239.5 cycles
* @retval None
void ADC_RegularChannel_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_Channel, uint8_t Array, uint8_t ADC_SampleTime)
uint32_t temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0;
/* if ADC_Channel is between 10 to 17 */
if (ADC_Channel > ADC_CHANNEL_9) {
/* Get SPT1 value */
temp1 = ADCx->SPT1;
/* Calculate the mask to clear */
temp2 = SPT1_SPT_SET << (3 * (ADC_Channel - 10));
/* Clear sample time */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the mask to set */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_SampleTime << (3 * (ADC_Channel - 10));
/* Configure sample time */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to SPT1 */
ADCx->SPT1 = temp1;
} else { /* ADC_Channel is between 0 to 9 */
/* Get SPT2 value */
temp1 = ADCx->SPT2;
/* Calculate the mask to clear */
temp2 = SPT2_SPT_SET << (3 * ADC_Channel);
/* Clear sample time */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the mask to set */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_SampleTime << (3 * ADC_Channel);
/* Set sample time */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to SPT2 */
ADCx->SPT2 = temp1;
/* For Array 1 to 6 */
if (Array < 7) {
/* Get RSQ3 value */
temp1 = ADCx->RSQ3;
/* Calculate the mask to clear */
temp2 = RSQ3_RSQ_SET << (5 * (Array - 1));
/* Clear RSQ3 bits */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the mask to set */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_Channel << (5 * (Array - 1));
/* Configure the RSQ3 bits */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to RSQ3 */
ADCx->RSQ3 = temp1;
/* For Array 7 to 12 */
else if (Array < 13) {
/* Get RSQ2 value */
temp1 = ADCx->RSQ2;
/* Calculate the mask to clear */
temp2 = RSQ2_RSQ_SET << (5 * (Array - 7));
/* Clear the old RSQ2 bits */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the mask to set */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_Channel << (5 * (Array - 7));
/* Set the RSQ2 bits */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to RSQ2 */
ADCx->RSQ2 = temp1;
/* For Array 13 to 16 */
else {
/* Get RSQ1 value */
temp1 = ADCx->RSQ1;
/* Calculate the mask to clear */
temp2 = RSQ1_RSQ_SET << (5 * (Array - 13));
/* Clear the old RSQ1 bits */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the mask to set */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_Channel << (5 * (Array - 13));
/* Set the RSQ1 bits */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to RSQ1 */
ADCx->RSQ1 = temp1;
* @brief Enable or disable the ADCx external conversion.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx external trigger state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_ExternalTrigConv_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable external trigger conversion */
} else {
/* Disable external trigger conversion */
* @brief Return the ADCx regular channel conversion data.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @retval conversion data.
uint16_t ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
/* Return ADCx conversion data */
return (uint16_t) ADCx->RDTR;
* @brief Return the last ADC0 and ADC1 conversion result data in dual mode.
* @retval The Data conversion value.
uint32_t ADC_GetDualModeConversionValue(void)
/* Return conversion value */
return (*(__IO uint32_t *) RDTR_ADDRESS);
* @brief Enable or disable ADCx automatic inserted conversion.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx auto inserted conversion state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_AutoInsertedConv_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable ADCx automatic inserted conversion */
} else {
/* Disable ADCx automatic inserted conversion */
* @brief Enable or disable the discontinuous mode for ADCx inserted group channel.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx discontinuous mode state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_InsertedDiscMode_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable the inserted discontinuous mode of the selected ADC channel */
} else {
/* Disable the inserted discontinuous mode of the selected ADC channel */
* @brief Configure the ADCx inserted channels external trigger conversion.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_ExternalTrigInsertConv: ADC inserted conversion trigger.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T1_TRGO: Timer1 TRIG event (used in ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T1_CC4: Timer1 capture compare4 (used in ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T2_TRGO: Timer2 TRIG event (used in ADC0 and ADC1)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T2_CC1: Timer2 capture compare1 (used in ADC0 and ADC1)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T3_CC4: Timer3 capture compare4 (used in ADC0 and ADC1)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T4_TRGO: Timer4 TRIG event (used in ADC0 and ADC1)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_EXT_IT15_T8_CC4: External interrupt line 15 or Timer8
* capture compare4 (used in ADC0 and ADC1)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T4_CC3: Timer4 capture compare3 (used in ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T8_CC2: Timer8 capture compare2 (used in ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T8_CC4: Timer8 capture compare4 (used in ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T5_TRGO: Timer5 TRIG event (used in ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_T5_CC4: Timer5 capture compare4 (used in ADC2)
* @arg ADC_EXTERNAL_TRIG_INSERTCONV_NONE: Inserted conversion started by software (used in ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2)
* @retval None
void ADC_ExternalTrigInsertedConv_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_ExternalTrigInsertConv)
uint32_t temp = 0;
/* Get CRLR2 value */
temp = ADCx->CTLR2;
/* Clear inserted external event */
/* Configure inserted external event */
temp |= ADC_ExternalTrigInsertConv;
/* Write to CTLR2 */
ADCx->CTLR2 = temp;
* @brief Enable or disable the ADCx inserted channels conversion through
* external trigger
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADCx external trigger start of inserted conversion state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_ExternalTrigInsertedConv_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable external event */
} else {
/* Disable external event */
* @brief Enable or disable ADCx inserted channels conversion start.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param NewValue: ADC software start inserted conversion state.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_SoftwareStartInsertedConv_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Start ADCx inserted conversion */
} else {
/* Stop ADCx inserted conversion */
* @brief Get ADC Software start inserted conversion State.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @retval ADC software start inserted conversion state(SET or RESET).
TypeState ADC_GetSoftwareStartInsertedConvCmdBitState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
/* Check SWICST bit */
if ((ADCx->CTLR2 & CTLR2_SWICST_SET) != (uint32_t)RESET) {
/* Set SWICST bit */
return SET;
} else {
/* Reset SWICST bit */
return RESET;
* @brief Configure Array and sample time for the selected ADC inserted channel.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_Channel: the selected ADC channel.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_0: ADC Channel0
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_1: ADC Channel1
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_2: ADC Channel2
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_3: ADC Channel3
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_4: ADC Channel4
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_5: ADC Channel5
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_6: ADC Channel6
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_7: ADC Channel7
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_8: ADC Channel8
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_9: ADC Channel9
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_10: ADC Channel10
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_11: ADC Channel11
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_12: ADC Channel12
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_13: ADC Channel13
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_14: ADC Channel14
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_15: ADC Channel15
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_16: ADC Channel16
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_17: ADC Channel17
* @param Array: The inserted group sequencer Array. This parameter must be between 1 and 4.
* @param ADC_SampleTime: The sample time of the selected channel.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_1POINT5: 1.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_7POINT5: 7.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_13POINT5: 13.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_28POINT5: 28.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_41POINT5: 41.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_55POINT5: 55.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_71POINT5: 71.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SAMPLETIME_239POINT5: 239.5 cycles
* @retval None
void ADC_InsertedChannel_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_Channel, uint8_t Array, uint8_t ADC_SampleTime)
uint32_t temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0, temp3 = 0;
/* if ADC_Channel is between 10 to 17 */
if (ADC_Channel > ADC_CHANNEL_9) {
/* Get SPT1 value */
temp1 = ADCx->SPT1;
/* Calculate the sample time mask */
temp2 = SPT1_SPT_SET << (3 * (ADC_Channel - 10));
/* Clear sample time */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the sample time mask */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_SampleTime << (3 * (ADC_Channel - 10));
/* Set sample time */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to SPT1 */
ADCx->SPT1 = temp1;
} else { /* ADC_Channel is between 0 to 9 */
/* Get SPT2 value */
temp1 = ADCx->SPT2;
/* Calculate the sample time mask */
temp2 = SPT2_SPT_SET << (3 * ADC_Channel);
/* Clear sample time */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the sample time mask */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_SampleTime << (3 * ADC_Channel);
/* Set sample time */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to SPT2 */
ADCx->SPT2 = temp1;
/* Array configuration */
/* Get ISQ value */
temp1 = ADCx->ISQ;
/* Get IL value: Number = IL+1 */
temp3 = (temp1 & ISQ_IL_SET) >> 20;
/* Calculate the ISQ mask : ((Array-1)+(4-IL-1)) */
temp2 = ISQ_ISQ_SET << (5 * (uint8_t)((Array + 3) - (temp3 + 1)));
/* Clear ISQx bits */
temp1 &= ~temp2;
/* Calculate the ISQ mask: ((Array-1)+(4-IL-1)) */
temp2 = (uint32_t)ADC_Channel << (5 * (uint8_t)((Array + 3) - (temp3 + 1)));
/* Set ISQx bits */
temp1 |= temp2;
/* Write to ISQ */
ADCx->ISQ = temp1;
* @brief Configure the sequencer length of inserted channels
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param Length: The sequencer length.
* This parameter must be a number between 1 to 4.
* @retval None
void ADC_InsertedSequencerLength_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t Length)
uint32_t temp1 = 0;
uint32_t temp2 = 0;
/* Get ISQ value */
temp1 = ADCx->ISQ;
/* Clear IL bits */
temp1 &= ~ISQ_IL_SET;
/* Set IL bits */
temp2 = Length - 1;
temp1 |= temp2 << 20;
/* Write to ISQ */
ADCx->ISQ = temp1;
* @brief Set the offset of the inserted channels conversion value.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_InsertedChannel: one of the four inserted channels to set its offset.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_1: Inserted Channel1
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_2: Inserted Channel2
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_3: Inserted Channel3
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_4: Inserted Channel4
* @param Offset: the offset value of the selected ADC inserted channel
* This parameter must be a 12bit value.
* @retval None
void ADC_SetInsertedOffset(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_InsertedChannel, uint16_t Offset)
__IO uint32_t temp = 0;
temp = (uint32_t)ADCx;
temp += ADC_InsertedChannel;
/* Set the offset of the selected inserted channel */
*(__IO uint32_t *) temp = (uint32_t)Offset;
* @brief Get the ADC inserted channel conversion result
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_InsertedChannel: ADC inserted channel.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_1: Inserted Channel1
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_2: Inserted Channel2
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_3: Inserted Channel3
* @arg ADC_INSERTEDCHANNEL_4: Inserted Channel4
* @retval The conversion value.
uint16_t ADC_GetInsertedConversionValue(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_InsertedChannel)
__IO uint32_t temp = 0;
temp = (uint32_t)ADCx;
temp += ADC_InsertedChannel + IDTR_OFFSET;
/* Return the result of the selected inserted channel conversion */
return (uint16_t)(*(__IO uint32_t *) temp);
* @brief Enable or disable the analog watchdog.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_AnalogWatchdog: the ADC analog watchdog configuration.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLEREGENABLE: single regular channel
* @arg ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLEREGORINSERTENABLE: single regular or inserted channel
* @arg ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALLREGENABLE: all regular channel
* @arg ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_ALLREGALLINSERTENABLE: all regular and inserted channels
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Enable(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_AnalogWatchdog)
uint32_t temp = 0;
/* Get CTLR1 value */
temp = ADCx->CTLR1;
/* Clear AWDEN, AWDENJ and AWDSGL bits */
/* Set the analog watchdog mode */
temp |= ADC_AnalogWatchdog;
/* Write to CTLR1 */
ADCx->CTLR1 = temp;
* @brief Configure the high and low thresholds of the analog watchdog.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param HighThreshold: the ADC analog watchdog High threshold value.
* This parameter must be a 12bit value.
* @param LowThreshold: the ADC analog watchdog Low threshold value.
* This parameter must be a 12bit value.
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholds_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t HighThreshold,
uint16_t LowThreshold)
/* Set the ADCx high threshold */
ADCx->AWHT = HighThreshold;
/* Set the ADCx low threshold */
ADCx->AWLT = LowThreshold;
* @brief Configure the analog watchdog on single channel mode.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_Channel: ADC channel.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_0: ADC Channel0
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_1: ADC Channel1
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_2: ADC Channel2
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_3: ADC Channel3
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_4: ADC Channel4
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_5: ADC Channel5
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_6: ADC Channel6
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_7: ADC Channel7
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_8: ADC Channel8
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_9: ADC Channel9
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_10: ADC Channel10
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_11: ADC Channel11
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_12: ADC Channel12
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_13: ADC Channel13
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_14: ADC Channel14
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_15: ADC Channel15
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_16: ADC Channel16
* @arg ADC_CHANNEL_17: ADC Channel17
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannel_Config(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_Channel)
uint32_t temp = 0;
/* Get CTLR1 value */
temp = ADCx->CTLR1;
/* Clear AWCS */
/* Set the Analog watchdog channel */
temp |= ADC_Channel;
/* Write to CTLR1 */
ADCx->CTLR1 = temp;
* @brief Enable or disable the temperature sensor and Vrefint channel.
* @param NewValue: the state of the temperature sensor.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_TempSensorVrefint_Enable(TypeState NewValue)
if (NewValue != DISABLE) {
/* Enable the temperature sensor and Vrefint channel*/
} else {
/* Disable the temperature sensor and Vrefint channel*/
* @brief Check the ADC flag.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_FLAG: the flag to check.
* This parameter can be as follows:
* @arg ADC_FLAG_AWE: The flag of the analog watchdog
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: The flag of the end of conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOIC: The flag of the end of inserted group conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_STIC: The flag of the start of inserted group conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_STRC: The flag of the start of regular group conversion
* @retval ADC_FLAG state(SET or RESET).
TypeState ADC_GetBitState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
/* Check the specified ADC flag state */
if ((ADCx->STR & ADC_FLAG) != (uint8_t)RESET) {
/* ADC_FLAG is set */
return SET;
} else {
/* ADC_FLAG is reset */
return RESET;
* @brief Clear the ADCx's pending flags.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_FLAG: the flag to clear.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg ADC_FLAG_AWE: The flag of the analog watchdog
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: The flag of the end of conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOIC: The flag of the end of inserted group conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_STIC: The flag of the start of inserted group conversion
* @arg ADC_FLAG_STRC: The flag of the start of regular group conversion
* @retval None
void ADC_ClearBitState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
/* Clear the selected ADC flags */
ADCx->STR = ~(uint32_t)ADC_FLAG;
* @brief Check the specified ADC interrupt.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_INT: ADC interrupt source.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_INT_EOC: The interrupt mask of the end of conversion
* @arg ADC_INT_AWE: The interrupt mask of the analog watchdog
* @arg ADC_INT_EOIC: The interrupt mask of the end of inserted conversion
* @retval The new value of ADC_INT (SET or RESET).
TypeState ADC_GetIntState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_INT)
uint32_t temp_it = 0, temp_enable = 0;
/* Get the ADC interrupt mask index */
temp_it = ADC_INT >> 8;
/* Get the ADC_INT enable bit state */
temp_enable = (ADCx->CTLR1 & (uint8_t)ADC_INT) ;
/* Check the state of the specified ADC interrupt */
if (((ADCx->STR & temp_it) != (uint32_t)RESET) && temp_enable) {
/* ADC_INT is set */
return SET;
} else {
/* ADC_INT is reset */
return RESET;
* @brief Clear the ADCx's interrupt pending bits.
* @param ADCx: the ADC interface where x can be 1..3.
* @param ADC_INT: the ADC interrupt pending bit.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg ADC_INT_EOC: The interrupt mask of the end of conversion
* @arg ADC_INT_AWE: The interrupt mask of the analog watchdog
* @arg ADC_INT_EOIC: The interrupt mask of the end of inserted conversion
* @retval None
void ADC_ClearIntBitState(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_INT)
uint8_t temp_it = 0;
/* Get the ADC interrupt mask index */
temp_it = (uint8_t)(ADC_INT >> 8);
/* Clear ADCx interrupt pending bits */
ADCx->STR = ~(uint32_t)temp_it;
* @}
* @}
* @}