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\file gd32f30x_wwdgt.h
\brief definitions for the WWDGT
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef GD32F30X_WWDGT_H
#define GD32F30X_WWDGT_H
#include "gd32f30x.h"
/* WWDGT definitions */
/* registers definitions */
#define WWDGT_CTL REG32((WWDGT) + 0x00U) /*!< WWDGT control register */
#define WWDGT_CFG REG32((WWDGT) + 0x04U) /*!< WWDGT configuration register */
#define WWDGT_STAT REG32((WWDGT) + 0x08U) /*!< WWDGT status register */
/* bits definitions */
#define WWDGT_CTL_CNT BITS(0,6) /*!< WWDGT counter value */
#define WWDGT_CTL_WDGTEN BIT(7) /*!< WWDGT counter enable */
#define WWDGT_CFG_WIN BITS(0,6) /*!< WWDGT counter window value */
#define WWDGT_CFG_PSC BITS(7,8) /*!< WWDGT prescaler divider value */
#define WWDGT_CFG_EWIE BIT(9) /*!< early wakeup interrupt enable */
#define WWDGT_STAT_EWIF BIT(0) /*!< early wakeup interrupt flag */
/* constants definitions */
#define CFG_PSC(regval) (BITS(7,8) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 7)) /*!< write value to WWDGT_CFG_PSC bit field */
#define WWDGT_CFG_PSC_DIV1 CFG_PSC(0) /*!< the time base of WWDGT = (PCLK1/4096)/1 */
#define WWDGT_CFG_PSC_DIV2 CFG_PSC(1) /*!< the time base of WWDGT = (PCLK1/4096)/2 */
#define WWDGT_CFG_PSC_DIV4 CFG_PSC(2) /*!< the time base of WWDGT = (PCLK1/4096)/4 */
#define WWDGT_CFG_PSC_DIV8 CFG_PSC(3) /*!< the time base of WWDGT = (PCLK1/4096)/8 */
/* function declarations */
/* reset the window watchdog timer configuration */
void wwdgt_deinit(void);
/* start the window watchdog timer counter */
void wwdgt_enable(void);
/* configure the window watchdog timer counter value */
void wwdgt_counter_update(uint16_t counter_value);
/* configure counter value, window value, and prescaler divider value */
void wwdgt_config(uint16_t counter, uint16_t window, uint32_t prescaler);
/* enable early wakeup interrupt of WWDGT */
void wwdgt_interrupt_enable(void);
/* check early wakeup interrupt state of WWDGT */
FlagStatus wwdgt_flag_get(void);
/* clear early wakeup interrupt state of WWDGT */
void wwdgt_flag_clear(void);
#endif /* GD32F30X_WWDGT_H */