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* @file hc32f4a0_eth.h
* @brief This file contains all the Macro Definitions of the ETH driver
* library.
Change Logs:
Date Author Notes
2020-06-12 Yangjp First version
2020-07-03 Yangjp Optimize stc_eth_mac_init_t structure
* Copyright (C) 2020, Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by HDSC under BSD 3-Clause license
* (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef __HC32F4A0_ETH_H__
#define __HC32F4A0_ETH_H__
/* C binding of definitions if building with C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* Include files
#include "hc32_common.h"
#include "ddl_config.h"
* @addtogroup HC32F4A0_DDL_Driver
* @{
* @addtogroup DDL_ETH
* @{
* Global type definitions ('typedef')
* @defgroup ETH_Global_Types ETH Global Types
* @{
* @brief ETH Common Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint16_t u16AutoNegotiation; /*!< Specifies the Auto Negotiation mode for the external PHY.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Auto_Negotiation */
uint16_t u16PHYAddress; /*!< Specifies the Ethernet PHY address.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 31 */
uint8_t au8MACAddr[6]; /*!< Specifies the MAC Address of used Hardware */
uint32_t u32MediaInterface; /*!< Specifies the media interface.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Media_Interface */
uint32_t u32Speed; /*!< Specifies the Ethernet speed.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Speed */
uint32_t u32DuplexMode; /*!< Specifies the MAC duplex mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Duplex_Mode */
uint32_t u32ChecksumMode; /*!< Specifies the checksum check by hardware or by software.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Mode */
uint32_t u32RxMode; /*!< Specifies the Ethernet Rx mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_Mode */
} stc_eth_comm_init_t;
* @brief ETH MAC Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32TxClkPolarity; /*!< Specifies the Tx clock polarity.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_TX_CLK_POLARITY */
uint32_t u32RxRefClkPolarity; /*!< Specifies the Rx/Ref clock polarity.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_RX_REF_CLK_POLARITY */
uint32_t u32SAInsertMode; /*!< Specifies the Source Address Insert or Replace Mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_SA_Insert_Mode */
uint32_t u32TypeFrameStripFCS; /*!< Specifies the validity of stripping FCS for type frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_TypeFrame_Strip_FCS */
uint32_t u32Watchdog; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Watchdog timer.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Watchdog */
uint32_t u32Jabber; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Jabber timer.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Jabber */
uint32_t u32InterFrameGap; /*!< Specifies the minimum gap between frames during transmission.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap */
uint32_t u32CarrierSense; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Carrier Sense (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Carrier_Sense */
uint32_t u32ReceiveOwn; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Receive Own (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Own */
uint32_t u32ChecksumOffload; /*!< Specifies the validity of the IPv4 checksum Offload.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Checksum_Offload */
uint32_t u32RetryTransmit; /*!< Specifies the validity of the MAC attempt to retry Transmit (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Retry_Transmit */
uint32_t u32AutoStripPadFCS; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Automatic Stripping Pad/FCS of MAC.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Auto_Strip_Pad_FCS */
uint32_t u32BackOffLimit; /*!< Specifies the BackOff limit value (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Back_Off_Limit */
uint32_t u32DeferralCheck; /*!< Specifies the validity of the deferral check (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Deferral_Check */
uint16_t u16PauseTime; /*!< Specifies the Pause Time in the transmit control frame.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
uint32_t u32ZeroQuantaPause; /*!< Specifies the validity of the automatic generation Zero-Quanta Pause Control frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause */
uint32_t u32PauseLowThreshold; /*!< Specifies the PAUSE Frame threshold.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold */
uint32_t u32UnicastPauseFrameDetect; /*!< Specifies the validity of the detection unicast Pause frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect */
uint32_t u32ReceiveFlowControl; /*!< Specifies the validity of the decoding function that receive Pause frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Flow_Control */
uint32_t u32TransmitFlowControl; /*!< Specifies the validity of the MAC transmit Pause frame (Full-Duplex mode) or the MAC back-pressure operation (Half-Duplex mode).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control */
uint32_t u32ReceiveAll; /*!< Specifies the validity of the all frames reception by the MAC (No filtering).
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_All */
uint32_t u32DropNotTcpUdp; /*!< Specifies the validity of Dropping all IP datagram without TCP/UDP field.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Drop_Not_TcpUdp */
uint32_t u32VlanTagFilter; /*!< Specifies the validity of the VLAN Tag Filter.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_VLAN_Tag_Filter */
uint32_t u32SAFilter; /*!< Specifies the Source Address Filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Source_Addr_Filter */
uint32_t u32PassControlFrame; /*!< Specifies the forwarding mode of the control frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Pass_Control_Frame */
uint32_t u32BroadcastFrameReception; /*!< Specifies the validity of the reception Broadcast Frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Broadcast_Frame_Reception */
uint32_t u32DAFilter; /*!< Specifies the destination filter mode for both unicast and multicast frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter */
uint32_t u32MulticastFrameFilter; /*!< Specifies the Multicast Frame filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Multicast_Frame_Filter */
uint32_t u32UnicastFrameFilter; /*!< Specifies the Unicast Frame filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Unicast_Frame_Filter */
uint32_t u32PromiscuousMode; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Promiscuous Mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Promiscuous_Mode */
uint32_t u32HashTableHigh; /*!< Specifies the higher 32 bits of Hash table.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t u32HashTableLow; /*!< Specifies the lower 32 bits of Hash table.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t u32TxVlanInsertMode; /*!< Specifies the VLAN insert mode in Transmit frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Tx_VLAN_Insert_Mode */
uint16_t u16TxVlanTag; /*!< Specifies the VLAN tag value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
uint32_t u32RxVlanFilter; /*!< Specifies the VLAN filter mode in Receive frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_VLAN_Filter */
uint32_t u32RxVlanComparison; /*!< Specifies the bits for comparison VLAN tag.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_VLAN_Comparison */
uint16_t u16RxVlanTag; /*!< Specifies the VLAN tag value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
uint16_t u16RxVlanHashTable; /*!< Specifies the lower 16 bits of VLAN Hash table.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
} stc_eth_mac_init_t;
* @brief ETH DMA Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32BurstMode; /*!< Specifies the AHB Master interface burst transmission Mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Burst_Mode */
uint32_t u32AddressAlign; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Address Align.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Address_Align */
uint32_t u32RxDMABurstLength; /*!< Specifies the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Rx DMA transaction.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length */
uint32_t u32TxDMABurstLength; /*!< Specifies the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Tx DMA transaction.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length */
uint32_t u32EnhanceDescriptor; /*!< Specifies the validity of the enhance descriptor format.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Enhance_Descriptor */
uint32_t u32DescriptorSkipLength; /*!< Specifies the number of word to skip between two unchain descriptors (Ring mode)
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 31 */
uint32_t u32DMAArbitration; /*!< Specifies the DMA Tx/Rx arbitration.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_DMA_Arbitration */
uint32_t u32DropChecksumErrorFrame; /*!< Specifies the validity of Dropping TCP/IP Checksum Error Frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Drop_TCPIP_Checksum_Error_Frame */
uint32_t u32ReceiveStoreForward; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Receive store and forward mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Store_Forward */
uint32_t u32FlushReceiveFrame; /*!< Specifies the validity of the flushing receive frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Flush_Receive_Frame */
uint32_t u32TransmitStoreForward; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Transmit store and forward mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward */
uint32_t u32TransmitThreshold; /*!< Specifies the Transmit Threshold.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Transmit_Threshold */
uint32_t u32ForwardErrorFrame; /*!< Specifies the validity of the forward erroneous frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Error_Frame */
uint32_t u32ForwardUndersizeGoodFrame; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Rx FIFO to forward Undersize frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Forward_Undersize_Good_Frame */
uint32_t u32DropJumboFrame; /*!< Specifies the validity of Dropping jumbo Frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Drop_Jumbo_Frame */
uint32_t u32ReceiveThreshold; /*!< Specifies the threshold level of the Receive FIFO.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Receive_Threshold */
uint32_t u32SecondFrameOperate; /*!< Specifies the validity of the Operate on second frame mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_Second_Frame_Operate */
} stc_eth_dma_init_t;
* @brief ETH MMC Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32PresetMode; /*!< Specifies the MMC Counter preset mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_MMC_Counter_Preset_Mode */
uint32_t u32ReadReset; /*!< Specifies the validity of the MMC Reset on read.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_MMC_Read_Reset */
uint32_t u32ReloadMode; /*!< Specifies the validity of the MMC Counter reload.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_MMC_Counter_Reload */
} stc_eth_mmc_init_t;
* @brief ETH PTP Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32DAFilter; /*!< Specifies the validity of the DA filter for the PTP frame.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PTP_Frame_DA_Filter */
uint32_t u32SnapDatagramType; /*!< Specifies the PTP snapshot datagram type.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PTP_Snapshot_Datagram_Type */
uint32_t u32SnapFrameType; /*!< Specifies the PTP snapshot frame type.
This parameter can be any combination of @ref ETH_PTP_Snapshot_Frame_Type */
uint32_t u32DatagramVersion; /*!< Specifies the PTP datagram version.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PTP_Datagram_Version */
uint32_t u32SubSecScale; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp subsecond scale.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PTP_Subsecond_Scale */
uint32_t u32CalibMode; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp calibration mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PTP_Calibration_Mode */
uint32_t u32IncValueBasic; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp Basic increase value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint8_t u8IncValueSubSec; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp Subsecond increase value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFF */
uint32_t u32InitValueSec; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp Second Initial value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t u32InitValueSubSec; /*!< Specifies the PTP Time Stamp Subsecond Initial value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0x7FFFFFFF */
} stc_eth_ptp_init_t;
* @brief ETH PPS Configuration Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32TargetTimeFunc; /*!< Specifies the arrival time trigger the function.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PPS_Target_Time_Function */
uint32_t u32OutputMode; /*!< Specifies the PPS output mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_PPS_Output_Mode */
uint32_t u32OutputFreq; /*!< Specifies the PPS outout frequency.
This parameter can be any combination of @ref ETH_PPS_Output_Frequency */
uint32_t u32TargetTimeSec; /*!< Specifies the PPS Target Time for Second.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t u32TargetTimeSubSec; /*!< Specifies the PPS Target Time for Subsecond.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0x7FFFFFFF */
} stc_eth_pps_config_t;
* @brief ETH DMA Descriptor Structure Definition
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t u32ControlStatus; /*!< Control and Status */
uint32_t u32ControlBufferSize; /*!< Control and Buffer1, Buffer2 lengths */
uint32_t u32Buffer1Addr; /*!< Buffer1 address pointer */
uint32_t u32Buffer2NextDescAddr; /*!< Buffer2 or next descriptor address pointer */
/*!< Enhance Ethernet DMA Descriptors */
__IO uint32_t u32ExtendStatus; /*!< Extend status */
uint32_t Reserved; /*!< Reserved */
uint32_t u32TimeStampLow; /*!< Time Stamp Low value for transmit and receive */
uint32_t u32TimeStampHigh; /*!< Time Stamp High value for transmit and receive */
} stc_eth_dma_desc_t;
* @brief ETH DMA Received Frame Structure Definition
typedef struct
stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcFSDesc; /*!< First Segment Rx Desc */
stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcLSDesc; /*!< Last Segment Rx Desc */
uint32_t u32SegCount; /*!< Segment count */
uint32_t u32Length; /*!< Frame length */
uint32_t u32Buffer; /*!< Frame buffer */
} stc_eth_dma_rx_frame_t;
* @brief ETH Initialization Structure Definition
typedef struct
stc_eth_mac_init_t stcMacInit; /*!< Ethernet MAC Initialization */
stc_eth_dma_init_t stcDmaInit; /*!< Ethernet DMA Initialization */
} stc_eth_init_t;
* @brief ETH Handle Structure Definition
typedef struct
stc_eth_comm_init_t stcCommInit; /*!< ETH Common Initialization */
stc_eth_dma_desc_t *stcRxDesc; /*!< Rx descriptor to Get */
stc_eth_dma_desc_t *stcTxDesc; /*!< Tx descriptor to Set */
stc_eth_dma_rx_frame_t stcRxFrame; /*!< last Rx frame */
} stc_eth_handle_t;
* @brief ETH MAC Address Configuration Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32MacAddrFilter; /*!< Specifies the MAC Address filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_MAC_Address_Filter */
uint32_t u32MacAddrMask; /*!< Specifies the MAC Address filter Mask.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_MAC_Address_Filter_Mask */
uint8_t au8MACAddr[6]; /*!< Specifies the MAC Address of used Hardware */
} stc_eth_mac_addr_config_t;
* @brief ETH L3L4 Filter Configuration Structure Definition
typedef struct
uint32_t u32L4DestPortFilter; /*!< Specifies the L4 Destination port filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L4_Dest_Port_Filter */
uint32_t u32L4SourcePortFilter; /*!< Specifies the L4 Source port filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L4_Source_Port_Filter */
uint32_t u32L4PortFilterProtocol; /*!< Specifies the L4 protocol for port filter operation.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L4_Port_Filter_Protocol */
uint32_t u32L3Ipv4DAFilterMask; /*!< Specifies the L3 Destination Address filter mask in IPv4.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_Dest_Addr_Filter_Mask */
uint32_t u32L3Ipv4SAFilterMask; /*!< Specifies the L3 Source Address filter Mask in IPv4.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_Source_Addr_Filter_Mask */
uint32_t u32L3Ipv6AddrFilterMask; /*!< Specifies the L3 Destination/Source Address filter Mask in IPv6.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_DA_SA_Filter_Mask */
uint32_t u32L3DAFilter; /*!< Specifies the L3 Destination Address filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_Dest_Addr_Filter */
uint32_t u32L3SAFilter; /*!< Specifies the L3 Source Address filter mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_Source_Addr_Filter */
uint32_t u32L3AddrFilterProtocol; /*!< Specifies the L3 protocol for address filter operation.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ETH_L3_Addr_Filter_Protocol */
uint16_t u16L4DestProtFilterValue; /*!< Specifies the L4 Destination port filter value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
uint16_t u16L4SourceProtFilterValue; /*!< Specifies the L4 Source port filter value.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFF */
uint32_t u32L3Ipv4DAFilterValue; /*!< Specifies the L3 Destination Address filter value in IPv4.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t u32L3Ipv4SAFilterValue; /*!< Specifies the L3 Source Address filter value in IPv4.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t au32L3Ipv6AddrFilterValue[4]; /*!< Specifies the L3 Destination/Source Address filter value in IPv6.
This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFFFF */
} stc_eth_l3l4_filter_config_t;
* @}
* Global pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')
* @defgroup ETH_Global_Macros ETH Global Macros
* @{
* @defgroup ETH_Buffer_Define ETH Buffer Define
* @{
#define ETH_HEADER (14U) /*!< 6 byte Dest addr, 6 byte Src addr, 2 byte length/type */
#define ETH_CRC (4U) /*!< Ethernet CRC */
#define ETH_EXTRA (2U) /*!< Extra bytes in some cases */
#define ETH_VLAN_TAG (4U) /*!< Optional 802.1Q VLAN Tag */
#define ETH_MIN_PAYLOAD (46U) /*!< Ethernet minimum payload size */
#define ETH_MAX_PAYLOAD (1500U) /*!< Ethernet maximum payload size */
#define ETH_JUMBO_FRAME_PAYLOAD (9000U) /*!< Jumbo frame payload size */
/* In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver transmit buffer ETH_TXBUF_SIZE
and the total count of the driver transmit buffers ETH_TXBUF_NUMBER.
The configured value for ETH_TXBUF_SIZE and ETH_TXBUF_NUMBER are only provided as
example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application
needs */
/* Configure the transmit buffer size for each Ethernet driver */
/* Configure the number of Ethernet driver transmit buffers (in a chained linked list)*/
#define ETH_TXBUF_NUMBER (5U) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TXBUF_SIZE */
/* In below are defined the size of one Ethernet driver receive buffer ETH_RXBUF_SIZE
and the total count of the driver receive buffers ETH_RXBUF_NUMBER.
The configured value for ETH_RXBUF_SIZE and ETH_RXBUF_NUMBER are only provided as
example, they can be reconfigured in the application layer to fit the application
needs */
/* Configure the receive buffer size for each Ethernet driver */
/* Configure the number of Ethernet drive receive buffers (in a chained linked list)*/
#define ETH_RXBUF_NUMBER (5U) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RXBUF_SIZE */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_TX_Descriptor ETH DMA TX Descriptor
* @{
Normal DMA Tx Descriptor
TDES0 | OWN(31) | CTRL[30:26] | TTSE(25) | CTRL[24:18] | TTSS(17) | Status[16:0] |
TDES1 | CTRL[31:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | Reserved[15:13] | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |
TDES2 | Buffer1 Address [31:0] |
TDES3 | Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0] |
* @brief Bit definition of TDES0 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN (0x80000000UL) /*!< OWN bit */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IOC (0x40000000UL) /*!< Interrupt on Completion */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TLS (0x20000000UL) /*!< Transmit Last Segment */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TFS (0x10000000UL) /*!< Transmit First Segment */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DCRC (0x08000000UL) /*!< Disable CRC */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DPAD (0x04000000UL) /*!< Disable Padding */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSE (0x02000000UL) /*!< Transmit Time Stamp Enable */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CRCR (0x01000000UL) /*!< CRC Replace Control */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC (0x00C00000UL) /*!< Checksum Insertion Control: 4 cases */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_BYPASS (0x00000000UL) /*!< Do Nothing: Checksum Engine is bypassed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_IPV4HEADER (0x00400000UL) /*!< IPV4 header Checksum Insertion */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_SEGMENT (0x00800000UL) /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion calculated over segment only */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_TCPUDPICMP_FULL (0x00C00000UL) /*!< TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Insertion fully calculated */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TER (0x00200000UL) /*!< Transmit End of Ring */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TSAC (0x00100000UL) /*!< Second Address Chained */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC (0x000C0000UL) /*!< VLAN Insertion Control: 4 cases */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_BYPASS (0x00000000UL) /*!< Do Nothing: VLAN Insertion is bypassed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_REMOVE_TAG (0x00040000UL) /*!< Remove Tag and Type fields in VLAN frame */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_INSERT_TAG (0x00080000UL) /*!< Insert VLAN Tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR Register into transmit frame */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_REPLACE_TAG (0x000C0000UL) /*!< Replace VLAN tag value in transmit frame with VLAN tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR register */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSS (0x00020000UL) /*!< Tx Time Stamp Status */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_IHE (0x00010000UL) /*!< IP Header Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ETSUM (0x00008000UL) /*!< Tx Error summary: OR of the following bits: IHE || JTE || FFF || TPCE || LOCE || NCE || TLCE || ECE || EDE || UDE */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_JTE (0x00004000UL) /*!< Jabber Timeout Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_FFF (0x00002000UL) /*!< Frame Flushed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TPCE (0x00001000UL) /*!< Payload Checksum Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_LOCE (0x00000800UL) /*!< Loss Carrier Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_NCE (0x00000400UL) /*!< No Carrier Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TLCE (0x00000200UL) /*!< Late Collision Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_ECE (0x00000100UL) /*!< Excessive Collision Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLF (0x00000080UL) /*!< VLAN Frame */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_COC (0x00000078UL) /*!< Collision Count */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_EDE (0x00000004UL) /*!< Excessive Deferral Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_UDE (0x00000002UL) /*!< Underflow Error */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_DEE (0x00000001UL) /*!< Deferred Error */
* @brief Bit definition of TDES1 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC (0xE0000000UL) /*!< Source Address Insertion or Replace Control: 5 cases */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_BYPASS (0x00000000UL) /*!< Do Nothing: Source Address Insertion or Replace Control is bypassed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_INSTER_MACADDR0 (0x20000000UL) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 0 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_REPLACE_MACADDR0 (0x40000000UL) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 0 */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_INSTER_MACADDR1 (0xA0000000UL) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 1 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_REPLACE_MACADDR1 (0xC0000000UL) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 1 */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS2 (0x1FFF0000UL) /*!< Transmit Buffer2 Size */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBS1 (0x00001FFFUL) /*!< Transmit Buffer1 Size */
* @brief Bit definition of TDES2 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBAP1 (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */
* @brief Bit definition of TDES3 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TBAP2 (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */
Enhance DMA Tx Descriptor
TDES4 | Reserved[31:0] |
TDES5 | Reserved[31:0] |
TDES6 | Transmit Time Stamp Low [31:0] |
TDES7 | Transmit Time Stamp High [31:0] |
* @brief Bit definition of TDES6 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSL (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Transmit Time Stamp Low */
* @brief Bit definition of TDES7 register
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_TTSH (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Transmit Time Stamp High */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_RX_Descriptor ETH DMA RX Descriptor
* @{
Normal DMA Rx Descriptor
RDES0 | OWN(31) | Status [30:0] |
RDES1 | CTRL(31) | Reserved[30:29] | Buffer2 ByteCount[28:16] | CTRL[15:14] | Reserved(13) | Buffer1 ByteCount[12:0] |
RDES2 | Buffer1 Address [31:0] |
RDES3 | Buffer2 Address [31:0] / Next Descriptor Address [31:0] |
* @brief Bit definition of RDES0 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN (0x80000000UL) /*!< OWN bit */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DAF (0x40000000UL) /*!< DA Filter Fail for the received frame */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAL (0x3FFF0000UL) /*!< Receive frame length */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_ERSUM (0x00008000UL) /*!< Rx Error summary: OR of the following bits: DPE || OVE || IPE_TSPA_GF || RLCE || WTE || REE || CRE in RDES0, or IPPE || IPHE in RDES4 */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DPE (0x00004000UL) /*!< Descriptor Error: no more descriptors for receive frame */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_SAF (0x00002000UL) /*!< SA Filter Fail for the received frame */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_LEE (0x00001000UL) /*!< Length Error: Frame size not matching with length field */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_OVE (0x00000800UL) /*!< Overflow Error: Frame was damaged due to buffer overflow */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_VLAT (0x00000400UL) /*!< VLAN Tag: received frame is a VLAN frame */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RFS (0x00000200UL) /*!< First descriptor */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RLS (0x00000100UL) /*!< Last descriptor */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPE_TSPA_GF (0x00000080UL) /*!< COE Error or Time stamp valid or jumbo frame */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RLCE (0x00000040UL) /*!< Late collision Error */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAT (0x00000020UL) /*!< Frame type: Ethernet or PTP */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_WTE (0x00000010UL) /*!< Receive Watchdog Timeout */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_REE (0x00000008UL) /*!< Receive error: error reported by PHY RX_ER */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DBE (0x00000004UL) /*!< Dribble bit error: frame contains non int multiple of 8 bits */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_CRE (0x00000002UL) /*!< CRC error */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DAS_ESA (0x00000001UL) /*!< MAC Address Filter/Status bit extension */
* @brief Bit definition of RDES1 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_DIC (0x80000000UL) /*!< Disable Interrupt on Completion */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS2 (0x1FFF0000UL) /*!< Receive Buffer2 Size */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RER (0x00008000UL) /*!< Receive End of Ring */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RSAC (0x00004000UL) /*!< Second Address Chained */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBS1 (0x00001FFFUL) /*!< Receive Buffer1 Size */
* @brief Bit definition of RDES2 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBAP1 (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Buffer1 Address Pointer */
* @brief Bit definition of RDES3 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RBAP2 (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Buffer2 Address Pointer */
Enhance DMA Rx Descriptor
RDES4 | Reserved[31:26] | Extend Status [25:24] | Reserved[23:15] | Extend Status [14:0] |
RDES5 | Reserved[31:0] |
RDES6 | Receive Time Stamp Low [31:0] |
RDES7 | Receive Time Stamp High [31:0] |
* @brief Bit definition of RDES4 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_L4FMS (0x02000000UL) /*!< L4 Port Filter Status */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_L3FMS (0x01000000UL) /*!< L3 Address Filter Status */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_TSPD (0x00004000UL) /*!< Discard Time Stamp */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_PTPV (0x00002000UL) /*!< PTP Version */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_PTPFT (0x00001000UL) /*!< PTP Frame Type */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP (0x00000F00UL) /*!< PTP Datagram Type */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_NONE (0x00000000UL) /*!< No PTP messages */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_SYNC (0x00000100UL) /*!< SYNC message (all clock types) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_FOLLOWUP (0x00000200UL) /*!< Follow_Up message (all clock types) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_DELAYREQ (0x00000300UL) /*!< Delay_Req message (all clock types) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_DELAYRESP (0x00000400UL) /*!< Delay_Resp message (all clock types) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_PDELAYREQ (0x00000500UL) /*!< Pdelay_Req message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_PDELAYRESP (0x00000600UL) /*!< Pdelay_Resp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_PDELAYRESP_FOLLOWUP (0x00000700UL) /*!< Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_ANNOUNCE (0x00000800UL) /*!< Announce message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_MANAGEMENT (0x00000900UL) /*!< Management message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_SIGNALING (0x00000A00UL) /*!< Signaling message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_MTP_DEFAULT (0x00000F00UL) /*!< Default Datagram Type */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV6DR (0x00000080UL) /*!< IPv6 Packet Received */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPV4DR (0x00000040UL) /*!< IPv4 Packet Received */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPCB (0x00000020UL) /*!< COE engine Bypassed */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPE (0x00000010UL) /*!< IP Payload Error */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPHE (0x00000008UL) /*!< IP Header Error */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPT (0x00000007UL) /*!< IP Payload Type: 4 cases */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPT_UNKNOWN (0x00000000UL) /*!< Unknown */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPT_UDP (0x00000001UL) /*!< UDP */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPT_TCP (0x00000002UL) /*!< TCP */
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_IPPT_ICMP (0x00000003UL) /*!< ICMP */
* @brief Bit definition of RDES6 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RTSL (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Receive Time Stamp Low */
* @brief Bit definition of RDES7 register
#define ETH_DMARXDESC_RTSH (0xFFFFFFFFUL) /*!< Receive Time Stamp High */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Auto_Negotiation ETH Auto Negotiation
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Media_Interface ETH Media Interface
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Speed ETH Speed
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_SPEED_10M (0UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Duplex_Mode ETH Duplex Mode
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Mode ETH Checksum Mode
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Rx_Mode ETH Rx Mode
* @{
#define ETH_RX_MODE_INTERRUPT (0x00000001UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_TX_CLK_POLARITY ETH TX Clock Polarity
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_RX_REF_CLK_POLARITY ETH RX/REF Clock Polarity
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_SA_Insert_Mode ETH SA Insert Mode
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_SA_MODE_BY_DMATXDESC (0UL) /*!< Configure the Insert mode by Tx Descriptor of DMA */
#define ETH_MAC_SA_MODE_INSTER_MACADDR0 (ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC_1) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 0 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_MAC_SA_MODE_REPLACE_MACADDR0 (ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC_1 | ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC_0) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 0 */
#define ETH_MAC_SA_MODE_INSTER_MACADDR1 (ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC_2 | ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC_1) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 1 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_MAC_SA_MODE_REPLACE_MACADDR1 (ETH_MAC_CONFIGR_SAIRC) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 1 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_TypeFrame_Strip_FCS ETH Type Frame Strip FCS
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Watchdog ETH Watchdog
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Jabber ETH Jabber
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Inter_Frame_Gap ETH Inter Frame Gap
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Carrier_Sense ETH Carrier Sense
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Receive_Own ETH Receive Own
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Checksum_Offload ETH Checksum Offload
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Retry_Transmit ETH Retry Transmit
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Auto_Strip_Pad_FCS ETH Auto Strip Pad FCS
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Back_Off_Limit ETH Back Off Limit
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Deferral_Check ETH Deferral Check
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Zero_Quanta_Pause ETH Zero Quanta Pause
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Pause_Low_Threshold ETH Pause Low Threshold
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_PAUSE_LOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4 (0UL) /*!< Pause time minus 4 slot times */
#define ETH_MAC_PAUSE_LOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS28 (ETH_MAC_FLOCTLR_PLT_0) /*!< Pause time minus 28 slot times */
#define ETH_MAC_PAUSE_LOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS144 (ETH_MAC_FLOCTLR_PLT_1) /*!< Pause time minus 144 slot times */
#define ETH_MAC_PAUSE_LOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS256 (ETH_MAC_FLOCTLR_PLT) /*!< Pause time minus 256 slot times */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Pause_Frame_Detect ETH Unicast Pause Frame Detect
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Receive_Flow_Control ETH Receive Flow Control
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Flow_Control ETH Transmit Flow Control
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Receive_All ETH Receive All
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Drop_Not_TcpUdp ETH Drop Not TcpUdp
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_VLAN_Tag_Filter ETH VLAN Tag Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Source_Addr_Filter ETH Source Addr Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Pass_Control_Frame ETH Pass Control Frame
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_PASS_CTRLFRAME_BLOCK_ALL (0UL) /*!< MAC filter all control frame from reaching the application */
#define ETH_MAC_PASS_CTRLFRAME_FORWARD_NOTPAUSE_ALL (ETH_MAC_FLTCTLR_PCF_0) /*!< MAC forward all control frame except pause control frame to application even if they fail the address filter */
#define ETH_MAC_PASS_CTRLFRAME_FORWARD_ALL (ETH_MAC_FLTCTLR_PCF_1) /*!< MAC forward all control frame to application even if they fail the address filter */
#define ETH_MAC_PASS_CTRLFRAME_FORWARD_PASSADDRFILTER (ETH_MAC_FLTCTLR_PCF) /*!< MAC forward control frame that pass the address filter. */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Broadcast_Frame_Reception ETH Broadcast Frame Reception
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Destination_Addr_Filter ETH Destination Addr Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Multicast_Frame_Filter ETH Multicast Frame Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Unicast_Frame_Filter ETH Unicast Frame Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Promiscuous_Mode ETH Promiscuous Mode
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Tx_VLAN_Insert_Mode ETH Tx VLAN Insert Mode
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_TXVLAN_MODE_BY_DMATXDESC (0UL) /*!< Configure the Tx VLAN mode by Tx Descriptor of DMA */
#define ETH_MAC_TXVLAN_MODE_BYPASS (ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANS) /*!< Do Nothing: VLAN Insertion is bypassed */
#define ETH_MAC_TXVLAN_MODE_REMOVE_TAG (ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANS | ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANC_0) /*!< Remove Tag and Type fields in VLAN frame */
#define ETH_MAC_TXVLAN_MODE_INSERT_TAG (ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANS | ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANC_1) /*!< Insert VLAN Tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR Register into transmit frame */
#define ETH_MAC_TXVLAN_MODE_REPLACE_TAG (ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANS | ETH_MAC_VTACTLR_VLANC) /*!< Replace VLAN tag value in transmit frame with VLAN tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR register */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Rx_VLAN_Filter ETH Rx VLAN Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Rx_VLAN_Comparison ETH Rx VLAN Comparison
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L4_Dest_Port_Filter ETH L4 Dest Port Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L4_Source_Port_Filter ETH L4 Source Port Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L4_Port_Filter_Protocol ETH L4 Port Filter Protocol
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_L4_PORT_FILTER_PROTOCOL_TCP (0UL) /*!< Port filter for TCP frame */
#define ETH_MAC_L4_PORT_FILTER_PROTOCOL_UDP (ETH_MAC_L34CTLR_L4PEN) /*!< Port filter for UDP frame */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_Dest_Addr_Filter_Mask ETH L3 Destination Addr Filter Mask
* @note The following definitions apply to IPv4
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_NONE (0x00000000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT0 (0x00000800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT1_0 (0x00001000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT2_0 (0x00001800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT3_0 (0x00002000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT4_0 (0x00002800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT5_0 (0x00003000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT6_0 (0x00003800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT7_0 (0x00004000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT8_0 (0x00004800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT9_0 (0x00005000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT10_0 (0x00005800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT11_0 (0x00006000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT12_0 (0x00006800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT13_0 (0x00007000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT14_0 (0x00007800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT15_0 (0x00008000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT16_0 (0x00008800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT17_0 (0x00009000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT18_0 (0x00009800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT19_0 (0x0000A000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT20_0 (0x0000A800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT21_0 (0x0000B000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT22_0 (0x0000B800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT23_0 (0x0000C000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT24_0 (0x0000C800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT25_0 (0x0000D000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT26_0 (0x0000D800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT27_0 (0x0000E000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT28_0 (0x0000E800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT29_0 (0x0000F000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_FILTER_MASK_BIT30_0 (0x0000F800UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_Source_Addr_Filter_Mask ETH L3 Source Addr Filter Mask
* @note The following definitions apply to IPv4
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_NONE (0x00000000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT0 (0x00000040UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT1_0 (0x00000080UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT2_0 (0x000000C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT3_0 (0x00000100UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT4_0 (0x00000140UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT5_0 (0x00000180UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT6_0 (0x000001C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT7_0 (0x00000200UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT8_0 (0x00000240UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT9_0 (0x00000280UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT10_0 (0x000002C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT11_0 (0x00000300UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT12_0 (0x00000340UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT13_0 (0x00000380UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT14_0 (0x000003C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT15_0 (0x00000400UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT16_0 (0x00000440UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT17_0 (0x00000480UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT18_0 (0x000004C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT19_0 (0x00000500UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT20_0 (0x00000540UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT21_0 (0x00000580UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT22_0 (0x000005C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT23_0 (0x00000600UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT24_0 (0x00000640UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT25_0 (0x00000680UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT26_0 (0x000006C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT27_0 (0x00000700UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT28_0 (0x00000740UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT29_0 (0x00000780UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT30_0 (0x000007C0UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_DA_SA_Filter_Mask ETH L3 DA SA Filter Mask
* @note The following definitions apply to IPv6.
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_NONE (0x00000000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT0 (0x00000040UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT1_0 (0x00000080UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT2_0 (0x000000C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT3_0 (0x00000100UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT4_0 (0x00000140UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT5_0 (0x00000180UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT6_0 (0x000001C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT7_0 (0x00000200UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT8_0 (0x00000240UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT9_0 (0x00000280UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT10_0 (0x000002C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT11_0 (0x00000300UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT12_0 (0x00000340UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT13_0 (0x00000380UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT14_0 (0x000003C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT15_0 (0x00000400UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT16_0 (0x00000440UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT17_0 (0x00000480UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT18_0 (0x000004C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT19_0 (0x00000500UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT20_0 (0x00000540UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT21_0 (0x00000580UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT22_0 (0x000005C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT23_0 (0x00000600UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT24_0 (0x00000640UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT25_0 (0x00000680UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT26_0 (0x000006C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT27_0 (0x00000700UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT28_0 (0x00000740UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT29_0 (0x00000780UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT30_0 (0x000007C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT31_0 (0x00000800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT32_0 (0x00000840UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT33_0 (0x00000880UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT34_0 (0x000008C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT35_0 (0x00000900UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT36_0 (0x00000940UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT37_0 (0x00000980UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT38_0 (0x000009C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT39_0 (0x00000A00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT40_0 (0x00000A40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT41_0 (0x00000A80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT42_0 (0x00000AC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT43_0 (0x00000B00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT44_0 (0x00000B40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT45_0 (0x00000B80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT46_0 (0x00000BC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT47_0 (0x00000C00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT48_0 (0x00000C40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT49_0 (0x00000C80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT50_0 (0x00000CC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT51_0 (0x00000D00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT52_0 (0x00000D40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT53_0 (0x00000D80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT54_0 (0x00000DC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT55_0 (0x00000E00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT56_0 (0x00000E40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT57_0 (0x00000E80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT58_0 (0x00000EC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT59_0 (0x00000F00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT60_0 (0x00000F40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT61_0 (0x00000F80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT62_0 (0x00000FC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT63_0 (0x00001000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT64_0 (0x00001040UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT65_0 (0x00001080UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT66_0 (0x000010C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT67_0 (0x00001100UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT68_0 (0x00001140UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT69_0 (0x00001180UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT70_0 (0x000011C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT71_0 (0x00001200UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT72_0 (0x00001240UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT73_0 (0x00001280UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT74_0 (0x000012C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT75_0 (0x00001300UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT76_0 (0x00001340UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT77_0 (0x00001380UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT78_0 (0x000013C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT79_0 (0x00001400UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT80_0 (0x00001440UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT81_0 (0x00001480UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT82_0 (0x000014C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT83_0 (0x00001500UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT84_0 (0x00001540UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT85_0 (0x00001580UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT86_0 (0x000015C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT87_0 (0x00001600UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT88_0 (0x00001640UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT89_0 (0x00001680UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT90_0 (0x000016C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT91_0 (0x00001700UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT92_0 (0x00001740UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT93_0 (0x00001780UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT94_0 (0x000017C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT95_0 (0x00001800UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT96_0 (0x00001840UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT97_0 (0x00001880UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT98_0 (0x000018C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT99_0 (0x00001900UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT100_0 (0x00001940UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT101_0 (0x00001980UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT102_0 (0x000019C0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT103_0 (0x00001A00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT104_0 (0x00001A40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT105_0 (0x00001A80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT106_0 (0x00001AC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT107_0 (0x00001B00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT108_0 (0x00001B40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT109_0 (0x00001B80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT110_0 (0x00001BC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT111_0 (0x00001C00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT112_0 (0x00001C40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT113_0 (0x00001C80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT114_0 (0x00001CC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT115_0 (0x00001D00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT116_0 (0x00001D40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT117_0 (0x00001D80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT118_0 (0x00001DC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT119_0 (0x00001E00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT120_0 (0x00001E40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT121_0 (0x00001E80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT122_0 (0x00001EC0UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT123_0 (0x00001F00UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT124_0 (0x00001F40UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT125_0 (0x00001F80UL)
#define ETH_MAC_L3_DA_SA_FILTER_MASK_BIT126_0 (0x00001FC0UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_Dest_Addr_Filter ETH L3 Destination Addr Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_Source_Addr_Filter ETH L3 Source Addr Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_L3_Addr_Filter_Protocol ETH L3 Addr Filter Protocol
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_L3_ADDR_FILTER_PROTOCOL_IPV4 (0UL) /*!< Ip Address filter for IPv4 */
#define ETH_MAC_L3_ADDR_FILTER_PROTOCOL_IPV6 (ETH_MAC_L34CTLR_L3PEN) /*!< Ip Address filter for IPv6 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MAC_Address_Index ETH MAC Address Index
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0 (0x00000000UL)
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS1 (0x00000008UL)
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS2 (0x00000010UL)
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS3 (0x00000018UL)
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS4 (0x00000020UL)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MAC_Address_Filter ETH MAC Address Filter
* @note The parameter is invalid in ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0.
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_FILTER_DISABLE (0UL) /*!< Disable perfect filter with MAC address. */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_FILTER_PERFECT_DA (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_AE1) /*!< Filter the DA address of the received frame with MAC address. */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_FILTER_PERFECT_SA (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_AE1 | ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_SA1) /*!< Filter the SA address of the received frame with MAC address. */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MAC_Address_Filter_Mask ETH MAC Address Filter Mask
* @note The parameter is invalid in ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0.
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_DISABLE (0UL) /*!< Disable MAC Address Mask */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE6 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_5) /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [15:8] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE5 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_4) /*!< Mask MAC Address high reg bits [7:0] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE4 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_3) /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [31:24] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE3 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_2) /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [23:16] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE2 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_1) /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [15:8] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_BYTE1 (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1_0) /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [7:0] */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK_ALL (ETH_MAC_MACADHR1_MBC1) /*!< Mask MAC Address low reg bits [31:0] and low high bits [15:0] */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MAC_INT_Flag ETH MAC Interrupt Flag
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_INT_FLAG_TSPIS (ETH_MAC_INTSTSR_TSPIS) /*!< Time stamp trigger flag (on MAC) */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MAC_Interrupt ETH MAC Interrupt
* @{
#define ETH_MAC_INT_TSPIM (ETH_MAC_INTMSKR_TSPIM) /*!< Time stamp trigger interrupt (on MAC) */
#define ETH_MAC_INT_PMTIM (ETH_MAC_INTMSKR_PMTIM) /*!< PMT interrupt (on MAC) */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Burst_Mode ETH Burst Mode
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_BURST_MODE_NORMAL (0UL) /*!< DMA master interface only use SINGLE and INCR access type */
#define ETH_DMA_BURST_MODE_FIXED (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_FBST) /*!< DMA master interface use SINGLE and INCR, INCR8, INCR16 access type */
#define ETH_DMA_BURST_MODE_MIXED (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_MBST) /*!< DMA master interface will start all burst transmission with INCR length greater than 16 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Address_Align ETH Address Align
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Rx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Rx DMA Burst Length
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_1BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_0) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 1 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_2BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_1) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 2 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_4BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_2) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 4 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_3) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_16BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_4) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_32BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_5) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_8BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_0) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 8 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_16BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_1) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 16 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_32BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_2) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 32 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_64BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_3) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 64 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_128BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_4) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 128 */
#define ETH_DMA_RX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_256BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_RPBL_5) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction is 256 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Tx_DMA_Burst_Length ETH Tx DMA Burst Length
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_1BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_0) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 1 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_2BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_1) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 2 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_4BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_2) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 4 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_3) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_16BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_4) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_32BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_5) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_8BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_0) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 8 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_16BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_1) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 16 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_32BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_2) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 32 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_64BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_3) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 64 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_128BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_4) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 128 */
#define ETH_DMA_TX_BURST_LENGTH_8XPBL_256BEAT (ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_M8PBL | ETH_DMA_BUSMODR_TPBL_5) /*!< Maximum number of beats to be transferred in one TxDMA (or both) transaction is 256 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Enhance_Descriptor ETH DMA Enhance Descriptor
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Arbitration ETH DMA Arbitration
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Drop_TCPIP_Checksum_Error_Frame ETH Drop TCPIP Checksum Error Frame
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Receive_Store_Forward ETH Receive Store Forward
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Flush_Receive_Frame ETH Flush Receive Frame
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Store_Forward ETH Transmit Store Forward
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Transmit_Threshold ETH Transmit Threshold
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_64BYTE (0UL) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 64 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_128BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_0) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 128 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_192BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_1) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 192 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_256BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_1 | ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_0) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 256 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_40BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_2) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 40 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_32BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_2 | ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_0) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 32 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_24BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_2 | ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC_1) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 24 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMIT_THRESHOLD_16BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_TTC) /*!< Threshold level of the Transmit FIFO is 16 Bytes */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Forward_Error_Frame ETH Forward Error Frame
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Forward_Undersize_Good_Frame ETH Forward Undersize Good Frame
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Drop_Jumbo_Frame ETH Drop Jumbo Frame
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Receive_Threshold ETH Receive Threshold
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_64BYTE (0UL) /*!< Threshold level of the Receive FIFO is 64 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_32BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_RTC_0) /*!< Threshold level of the Receive FIFO is 32 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_96BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_RTC_1) /*!< Threshold level of the Receive FIFO is 96 Bytes */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVE_THRESHOLD_128BYTE (ETH_DMA_OPRMODR_RTC) /*!< Threshold level of the Receive FIFO is 128 Bytes */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_Second_Frame_Operate ETH Second Frame Operate
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Flag ETH DMA Flag
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_PTPS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_PTPS) /*!< Time-stamp trigger status */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_PMTS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_PMTS) /*!< PMT trigger status */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMCS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_MMCS) /*!< MMC trigger status */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_EBUS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS) /*!< Error state bits */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TSTS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS) /*!< Transmit state */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RSTS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS) /*!< Receive state */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_NIS) /*!< Normal interrupt summary flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_AIS) /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ERS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_ERS) /*!< Early receive flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_FBS) /*!< Fatal bus error flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_ETS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_ETS) /*!< Early transmit flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RWS) /*!< Receive watchdog timeout flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RSS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSS) /*!< Receive stopped flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RUS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RUS) /*!< Receive buffer unavailable flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_RIS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RIS) /*!< Receive flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_UNS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_UNS) /*!< Transmit Underflow flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_OVS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_OVS) /*!< Receive Overflow flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TJS) /*!< Transmit jabber timeout flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TUS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TUS) /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TSS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSS) /*!< Transmit stopped flag */
#define ETH_DMA_FLAG_TIS (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TIS) /*!< Transmit interrupt flag */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Error_State ETH DMA Error State
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_WRITEDATA (0UL) /*!< RxDMA generates error while writing data */
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_READDATA (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_1 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_0) /*!< TxDMA generates error while reading data */
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_WRITEDESC (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_2) /*!< RxDMA generates error while writing descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_WRITEDESC (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_2 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_0) /*!< TxDMA generates error while writing descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_READDESC (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_2 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS_1) /*!< RxDMA generates error while reading descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_READDESC (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_EBUS) /*!< TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Transmit_State ETH DMA Transmit State
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_STOPPED (0UL) /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Tx Command issued */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_FETCHING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_0) /*!< Running - Fetching the Tx descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_WAITING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_1) /*!< Running - Waiting for status */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_READING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_1 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_0) /*!< Running - Reading the data from host memory */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_WRITING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_2) /*!< Running - Writing the time stamp */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_SUSPENDED (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_2 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS_1) /*!< Suspended - Tx Descriptor unavailable */
#define ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_CLOSING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_TSTS) /*!< Running - Closing Rx descriptor */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Receive_State ETH DMA Receive State
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_STOPPED (0UL) /*!< Stopped - Reset or Stop Rx Command issued */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_FETCHING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_0) /*!< Running - Fetching the Rx descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_WAITING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_1 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_0) /*!< Running - Waiting for packet */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_SUSPENDED (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_2) /*!< Suspended - Rx Descriptor unavailable */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_CLOSING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_2 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_0) /*!< Running - Closing descriptor */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_WRITING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_2 | ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS_1) /*!< Running - Writing the time stamp */
#define ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_QUEUING (ETH_DMA_DMASTSR_RSTS) /*!< Running - Queuing the receive frame into host memory */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Interrupt ETH DMA Interrupt
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_INT_NIE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_NIE) /*!< Normal interrupt summary */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_AIE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_AIE) /*!< Abnormal interrupt summary */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_ERE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_ERE) /*!< Early receive interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_FBE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_FBE) /*!< Fatal bus error interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_ETE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_ETE) /*!< Early transmit interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_RWE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_RWE) /*!< Receive watchdog timeout interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_RSE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_RSE) /*!< Receive process stopped interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_RUE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_RUE) /*!< Receive buffer unavailable interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_RIE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_RIE) /*!< Receive interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_UNE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_UNE) /*!< Transmit Underflow interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_OVE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_OVE) /*!< Receive Overflow interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_TJE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_TJE) /*!< Transmit jabber timeout interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_TUE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_TUE) /*!< Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_TSE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_TSE) /*!< Transmit process stopped interrupt */
#define ETH_DMA_INT_TIE (ETH_DMA_INTENAR_TIE) /*!< Transmit interrupt */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Overflow ETH DMA Overflow
* @{
#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_RXFIFO_COUNTER (ETH_DMA_RFRCNTR_OVFOVF) /*!< Overflow bit for FIFO overflow counter */
#define ETH_DMA_OVERFLOW_MISSFRAME_COUNTER (ETH_DMA_RFRCNTR_UNAOVF) /*!< Overflow bit for miss frame counter */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Descriptor_Own ETH DMA Descriptor Own
* @{
#define ETH_DMADESC_OWN_CPU (0UL) /*!< The descriptor is owned by CPU */
#define ETH_DMADESC_OWN_DMA (ETH_DMATXDESC_OWN) /*!< The descriptor is owned by DMA */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Descriptor_Buffer ETH DMA Descriptor Buffer
* @{
#define ETH_DMADESC_BUFFER1 ((uint8_t)0x00UL) /*!< DMA Desc Buffer1 */
#define ETH_DMADESC_BUFFER2 ((uint8_t)0x01UL) /*!< DMA Desc Buffer2 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_Descriptor_Checksum_Insertion_Control ETH DMA Tx Descriptor Checksum Insertion Control
* @{
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUM_BYPASS (ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_BYPASS) /*!< Checksum Engine is bypassed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_CHECKSUM_IPV4HEADER (ETH_DMATXDESC_CIC_IPV4HEADER) /*!< IPv4 header checksum insertion */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_Descriptor_VLAN_Insertion_Control ETH DMA Tx Descriptor VLAN Insertion Control
* @{
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLAN_REMOVE_TAG (ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_REMOVE_TAG) /*!< Remove Tag and Type fields in VLAN frame */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLAN_INSERT_TAG (ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_INSERT_TAG) /*!< Insert VLAN Tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR Register into transmit frame */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_VLAN_REPLACE_TAG (ETH_DMATXDESC_VLANC_REPLACE_TAG) /*!< Replace VLAN tag value in transmit frame with VLAN tag value in ETH_MAC_VTACTLR register */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_DMA_Tx_Descriptor_SA_Insertion_Control ETH DMA Tx Descriptor SA Insertion Control
* @{
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SA_BYPASS (ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_BYPASS) /*!< Source Address Insertion or Replace Control is bypassed */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SA_INSTER_MACADDR0 (ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_INSTER_MACADDR0) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 0 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SA_REPLACE_MACADDR0 (ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_REPLACE_MACADDR0) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 0 */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SA_INSTER_MACADDR1 (ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_INSTER_MACADDR1) /*!< Insert address value in MAC address register 1 into transmit frame as SA address */
#define ETH_DMATXDESC_SA_REPLACE_MACADDR1 (ETH_DMATXDESC_SAIRC_REPLACE_MACADDR1) /*!< Replace SA address in transmit frame with address value in MAC address register 1 */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PMT_Flag ETH PMT Flag
* @{
#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_RTWKFR (ETH_MAC_PMTCTLR_RTWKFR) /*!< Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset */
#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_WKFR (ETH_MAC_PMTCTLR_WKFR) /*!< Wake-Up Frame Received */
#define ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPFR (ETH_MAC_PMTCTLR_MPFR) /*!< Magic Packet Received */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PMT_Wakeup_Source ETH PMT Wakeup Source
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Counter_Preset_Mode ETH MMC Counter Preset Mode
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_COUNTER_PRESETMODE_DISABLE (0UL) /*!< Disable preset */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Read_Reset ETH MMC Read Reset
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Counter_Reload ETH MMC Counter Reload
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Tx_Flag ETH MMC Tx Flag
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXEDEIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXEDEIS) /*!< When Tx excessive deferral error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXUGIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXUGIS) /*!< When Tx unicast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXCAEIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXCAEIS) /*!< When Tx carrier error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXECEIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXECEIS) /*!< When Tx excessive collision error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXLCEIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXLCEIS) /*!< When Tx deferral collision error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXDEEIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXDEEIS) /*!< When Tx deferral error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXMGIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXMGIS) /*!< When Tx multicast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_TXBGIS (ETH_MMC_TRSSTSR_TXBGIS) /*!< When Tx broadcast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Rx_Flag ETH MMC Rx Flag
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXOEIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXOEIS) /*!< When Rx out of scope error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXLEIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXLEIS) /*!< When Rx length error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXUGIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXUGIS) /*!< When Rx unicast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXREIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXREIS) /*!< When Rx short error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXAEIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXAEIS) /*!< When Rx alignment error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXCEIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXCEIS) /*!< When Rx crc error frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXMGIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXMGIS) /*!< When Rx multicast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
#define ETH_MMC_FLAG_RXBGIS (ETH_MMC_REVSTSR_RXBGIS) /*!< When Rx broadcast good frame counter reaches half or all the maximum value */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Tx_Interrupt ETH MMC Tx Interrupt
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXEDEIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXEDEIM) /*!< Tx excessive deferral error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXUGIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXUGIM) /*!< Tx unicast good frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXCAEIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXCAEIM) /*!< Tx carrier error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXECEIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXECEIM) /*!< Tx excessive collision error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXLCEIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXLCEIM) /*!< Tx deferral collision error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXDEEIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXDEEIM) /*!< Tx deferral error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXMGIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXMGIM) /*!< Tx multicast good frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_TXBGIM (ETH_MMC_TITCTLR_TXBGIM) /*!< Tx broadcast good frame interrupt */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Rx_Interrupt ETH MMC Rx Interrupt
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXOEIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXOEIM) /*!< Rx out of scope error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXLEIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXLEIM) /*!< Rx length error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXUGIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXUGIM) /*!< Rx unicast good frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXREIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXREIM) /*!< Rx short error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXAEIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXAEIM) /*!< Rx alignment error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXCEIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXCEIM) /*!< Rx crc error frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXMGIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXMGIM) /*!< Rx multicast good frame interrupt */
#define ETH_MMC_INT_RXBGIM (ETH_MMC_RITCTLR_RXBGIM) /*!< Rx broadcast good frame interrupt */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_MMC_Statistical_Register ETH MMC Statistical Register
* @{
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXBRGFR (0x011CU) /*!< Tx broadcast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXMUGFR (0x0120U) /*!< Tx multicast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXDEEFR (0x0154U) /*!< Tx deferral error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXLCEFR (0x0158U) /*!< Tx deferral collision error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXECEFR (0x015CU) /*!< Tx excessive collision error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXCAEFR (0x0160U) /*!< Tx carrier error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXUNGFR (0x0168U) /*!< Tx unicast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_TXEDEFR (0x016CU) /*!< Tx excessive deferral error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXBRGFR (0x018CU) /*!< Rx broadcast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXMUGFR (0x0190U) /*!< Rx multicast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXCREFR (0x0194U) /*!< Rx crc error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXALEFR (0x0198U) /*!< Rx alignment error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXRUEFR (0x019CU) /*!< Rx short error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXUNGFR (0x01C4U) /*!< Rx unicast good frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXLEEFR (0x01C8U) /*!< Rx length error frame Statistical Register */
#define ETH_MMC_REG_RXOREFR (0x01CCU) /*!< Rx out of scope error frame Statistical Register */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Frame_DA_Filter ETH PTP Frame DA Filter
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Snapshot_Datagram_Type ETH PTP Snapshot Datagram Type
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_DATAGRAM_TYPE_SYNC_FOLLOW_DELAY (0UL) /*!< SYNC Follow_Up Delay_Req Delay_Resp */
#define ETH_PTP_DATAGRAM_TYPE_SYNC_FOLLOW_DELAY_PDELAY (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPMTSEL_2) /*!< SYNC Follow_Up Delay_Req Delay_Resp Pdelay_Req Pdelay_Resp Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Snapshot_Frame_Type ETH PTP Snapshot Frame Type
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_FRAME_TYPE_IPV4FRAME (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPOVIPV4) /*!< Time stamp snapshot for IPv4 frame */
#define ETH_PTP_FRAME_TYPE_IPV6FRAME (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPOVIPV6) /*!< Time stamp snapshot for IPv6 frame */
#define ETH_PTP_FRAME_TYPE_ETHERNETFRAME (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPOVETH) /*!< Time stamp snapshot for PTP over ethernet frame */
#define ETH_PTP_FRAME_TYPE_ALL_RECEIVEFRAME (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPEALL) /*!< Time stamp snapshot for all received frame */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Datagram_Version ETH PTP Datagram Version
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Subsecond_Scale ETH PTP Subsecond Scale
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_SUBSECOND_SCALE_HEX (0UL) /*!< The Second register increase 1 when SubSecond count to 0x7FFFFFFFH */
#define ETH_PTP_SUBSECOND_SCALE_DEC (ETH_PTP_TSPCTLR_TSPSSR) /*!< The Second register increase 1 when SubSecond count to 0x3B9AC9FFH */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Calibration_Mode ETH PTP Calibration Mode
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_CALIBRATION_MODE_COARSE (0UL) /*!< Coarse calibration */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Time_Update_Sign ETH PTP Time Update Sign
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_TIME_UPDATE_SIGN_MINUS (0UL) /*!< Minus for update register value */
#define ETH_PTP_TIME_UPDATE_SIGN_PLUS (ETH_PTP_TMUNSER_TSPUPNS) /*!< Plus for update register value */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PTP_Flag ETH PTP Flag
* @{
#define ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSERR1 (ETH_PTP_TSPSTSR_TSERR1) /*!< Target time 1 error */
#define ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSTAR1 (ETH_PTP_TSPSTSR_TSTAR1) /*!< Target time 1 reached */
#define ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSERR0 (ETH_PTP_TSPSTSR_TSERR0) /*!< Target time 0 error */
#define ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSTAR0 (ETH_PTP_TSPSTSR_TSTAR0) /*!< Target time 0 reached */
#define ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSOVF (ETH_PTP_TSPSTSR_TSOVF) /*!< System time overflow */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PPS_Target_Channel ETH PPS Target Channel
* @{
#define ETH_PPS_TARGET_CH0 (0x00U)
#define ETH_PPS_TARGET_CH1 (0x01U)
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PPS_Target_Time_Function ETH PPS Target Time Function
* @{
#define ETH_PPS_TARGET_TIME_FUNC_INT_EVENT (0UL) /*!< The Target register is used only for interrupt output event */
#define ETH_PPS_TARGET_TIME_FUNC_INT_PPS_EVENT (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_TT0SEL_1) /*!< The Target register is used for interrupt out event and PPS single output event */
#define ETH_PPS_TARGET_TIME_FUNC_PPS_EVENT (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_TT0SEL) /*!< The Target register is used for PPS single output event */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PPS_Output_Mode ETH PPS Output Mode
* @note PPS1(ETH_PPS_TARGET_CH1) only supports single output mode(ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_MODE_SINGLE).
* @{
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_MODE_CONTINUE (0UL) /*!< Continuous output mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_MODE_SINGLE (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSOMD) /*!< Single output mode */
* @}
* @defgroup ETH_PPS_Output_Frequency ETH PPS Output Frequency
* @note PPS1(ETH_PPS_TARGET_CH1) only supports generate a pulse(ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_ONE_PULSE).
* @{
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_1HZ (0UL) /*!< Ouput pulse is 1HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_2HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 2HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_4HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1) /*!< Ouput pulse is 4HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_8HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 8HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_16HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2) /*!< Ouput pulse is 16HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_32HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 32HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_64HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1) /*!< Ouput pulse is 64HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_128HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 128HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_256HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3) /*!< Ouput pulse is 256HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_512HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 512HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_1024HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1) /*!< Ouput pulse is 1024HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_2048HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 2048HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_4096HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2) /*!< Ouput pulse is 4096HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_8192HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 8192HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_16384HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_3 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_2 | ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_1) /*!< Ouput pulse is 16384HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_FREQ_32768HZ (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0) /*!< Ouput pulse is 32768HZ in continuous ouput mode */
#define ETH_PPS_OUTPUT_ONE_PULSE (ETH_PTP_PPSCTLR_PPSFRE0_0) /*!< One pulse is generated in single ouput mode */
* @}
* @}
* Global variable definitions ('extern')
Global function prototypes (definition in C source)
* @addtogroup ETH_Global_Functions
* @{
* @brief Generate MAC pause control frame.
* @param None
* @retval None
__STATIC_INLINE void ETH_MAC_GeneratePauseCtrlFrame(void)
* @brief Get MAC flow control status.
* @param None
* @retval An en_flag_status_t enumeration value:
* - Set: Flag is set
* - Reset: Flag is reset
__STATIC_INLINE en_flag_status_t ETH_MAC_GetFlowCtrlStatus(void)
return ((en_flag_status_t)READ_REG32(bM4_ETH->MAC_FLOCTLR_b.FCA_BPA));
* @brief Resume the DMA Transmit.
* @param None
* @retval None
__STATIC_INLINE void ETH_DMA_ResumeTransmit(void)
* @brief Resume the DMA Receive.
* @param None
* @retval None
__STATIC_INLINE void ETH_DMA_ResumeReceive(void)
* @brief Get DMA error status.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t The new DMA error status
* The error status may be one of the following values:
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_WRITEDATA: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_READDATA: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_WRITEDESC: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_WRITEDESC: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_RX_READDESC: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_ERRORSTATE_TX_READDESC: TxDMA generates error while reading descriptor
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetErrorStatus(void)
* @brief Get DMA transmit status.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t The new DMA transmit status
* The transmit status may be one of the following values:
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_STOPPED: Stopped - Reset or Stop Tx Command issued
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_FETCHING: Running - Fetching the Tx descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_WAITING: Running - Waiting for status
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_READING: Running - Reading the data from host memory
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_WRITING: Running - Writing the time stamp
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_SUSPENDED: Suspended - Tx Descriptor unavailable
* - ETH_DMA_TRANSMITSTATE_CLOSING: Running - Closing Rx descriptor
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetTransmitStatus(void)
* @brief Get DMA receive status.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t The new DMA receive status
* The receive status may be one of the following values:
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_STOPPED: Stopped - Reset or Stop Rx Command issued
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_FETCHING: Running - Fetching the Rx descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_WAITING: Running - Waiting for packet
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_SUSPENDED: Suspended - Rx Descriptor unavailable
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_CLOSING: Running - Closing descriptor
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_WRITING: Running - Writing the time stamp
* - ETH_DMA_RECEIVESTATE_QUEUING: Running - Queuing the receive frame into host memory
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetReceiveStatus(void)
* @brief Get DMA Rx Overflow Missed Frame Counter value.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Rx Overflow Missed Frame Counter value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetRxOvfMissFrameCnt(void)
* @brief Get DMA Buffer Unavailable Missed Frame Counter value.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Buffer Unavailable Missed Frame Counter value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetBufferUnavaiMissFrameCnt(void)
* @brief Get DMA current Tx descriptor start address.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Transmit descriptor start address
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurTxDescAddr(void)
* @brief Get DMA current Rx descriptor start address.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Receive descriptor start address
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurRxDescAddr(void)
* @brief Get DMA current Tx buffer address.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Transmit buffer address
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurTxBufferAddr(void)
* @brief Get DMA current Rx buffer address.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Receive buffer address
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurRxBufferAddr(void)
* @brief Get PMT wakeup frame filter register pointer index.
* @param None
* @retval uint8_t Filter register pointer index.
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t ETH_PMT_GetWakeupFramePointerIndex(void)
* @brief Get PTP snapshot frame type.
* @param None
* @retval uint32_t Receive frame type
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t ETH_PTP_GetSnapFrameType(void)
en_result_t ETH_DeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_Init(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, stc_eth_init_t *pstcEthInit);
en_result_t ETH_CommStructInit(stc_eth_comm_init_t *pstcCommInit);
en_result_t ETH_StructInit(stc_eth_init_t *pstcEthInit);
en_result_t ETH_Start(void);
en_result_t ETH_Stop(void);
/* PHY Functions */
en_result_t ETH_PHY_WriteRegister(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, uint16_t u16Reg, uint16_t u16RegVal);
en_result_t ETH_PHY_ReadRegister(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, uint16_t u16Reg, uint16_t *pu16RegVal);
en_result_t ETH_PHY_LoopBackCmd(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
/* MAC Functions */
void ETH_MAC_DeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_MAC_Init(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, const stc_eth_mac_init_t *pstcMacInit);
en_result_t ETH_MAC_StructInit(stc_eth_mac_init_t *pstcMacInit);
void ETH_MAC_SetDuplexSpeed(uint32_t u32DuplexMode, uint32_t u32Speed);
void ETH_MAC_SetHashTable(uint32_t u32HashHigh, uint32_t u32HashLow);
void ETH_MAC_SetTxVlanTagVal(uint16_t u16TxTag);
void ETH_MAC_SetRxVlanTagVal(uint16_t u16RxTag);
void ETH_MAC_SetRxVlanHashTable(uint16_t u16HashVal);
void ETH_MAC_LoopBackCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MAC_GeneratePauseCtrlFrame(void);
void ETH_MAC_BackPressureCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MAC_TransmitCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MAC_ReceiveCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MAC_IntCmd(uint32_t u32IntSrc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_MAC_GetIntStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
en_flag_status_t ETH_MAC_GetFlowCtrlStatus(void);
/* MAC Address Functions */
void ETH_MACADDR_DeInit(uint32_t u32Index);
en_result_t ETH_MACADDR_Init(uint32_t u32Index, const stc_eth_mac_addr_config_t *pstcMacAddrInit);
en_result_t ETH_MACADDR_StructInit(stc_eth_mac_addr_config_t *pstcMacAddrInit);
en_result_t ETH_MACADDR_SetAddress(uint32_t u32Index, uint8_t au8Addr[]);
en_result_t ETH_MACADDR_GetAddress(uint32_t u32Index, uint8_t au8Addr[]);
void ETH_MACADDR_SetFilterMode(uint32_t u32Index, uint32_t u32Mode);
void ETH_MACADDR_SetFilterMask(uint32_t u32Index, uint32_t u32Mask);
/* MAC L3L4 Filter Functions */
void ETH_MAC_L3L4FilterDeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_MAC_L3L4FilterInit(const stc_eth_l3l4_filter_config_t *pstcL3L4FilterInit);
en_result_t ETH_MAC_L3L4FilterStructInit(stc_eth_l3l4_filter_config_t *pstcL3L4FilterInit);
void ETH_MAC_L3L4FilterCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MAC_SetPortFilterProtocol(uint32_t u32PortProtocol);
void ETH_MAC_SetDestPortFilterVal(uint16_t u16Port);
void ETH_MAC_SetSrcPortFilterVal(uint16_t u16Port);
void ETH_MAC_SetAddrFilterProtocol(uint32_t u32AddrProtocol);
void ETH_MAC_SetIpv4DestAddrFilterVal(uint32_t u32Addr);
void ETH_MAC_SetIpv4SrcAddrFilterVal(uint32_t u32Addr);
en_result_t ETH_MAC_SetIpv6AddrFilterVal(const uint32_t au32Addr[]);
/* DMA Functions */
void ETH_DMA_DeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_Init(const stc_eth_dma_init_t *pstcDmaInit);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_StructInit(stc_eth_dma_init_t *pstcDmaInit);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_SoftwareReset(void);
void ETH_DMA_ResumeTransmit(void);
void ETH_DMA_ResumeReceive(void);
void ETH_DMA_SetTransPrioRatio(uint32_t u32PrioRatio);
void ETH_DMA_SetRxWatchdogCounter(uint8_t u8Value);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_FlushTransmitFIFO(void);
void ETH_DMA_TransmitCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_DMA_ReceiveCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_DMA_IntCmd(uint32_t u32IntSrc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_DMA_GetStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetErrorStatus(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetTransmitStatus(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetReceiveStatus(void);
en_flag_status_t ETH_DMA_GetOvfStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetRxOvfMissFrameCnt(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetBufferUnavaiMissFrameCnt(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurTxDescAddr(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurRxDescAddr(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurTxBufferAddr(void);
uint32_t ETH_DMA_GetCurRxBufferAddr(void);
/* DMA descriptor Functions */
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescListInit(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, stc_eth_dma_desc_t astcTxDescTab[], const uint8_t au8TxBuffer[], uint32_t u32TxBufferCnt);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_RxDescListInit(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, stc_eth_dma_desc_t astcRxDescTab[], const uint8_t au8RxBuffer[], uint32_t u32RxBufferCnt);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_SetTransmitFrame(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle, uint32_t u32FrameLength);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetReceiveFrame(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetReceiveFrame_Interrupt(stc_eth_handle_t *pstcEthHandle);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_SetTxDescOwn(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t u32Owner);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_SetTxDescBufferSize(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint8_t u8BufferNum, uint32_t u32BufferSize);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescChecksumInsertConfig(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t u32ChecksumMode);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescVlanInsertConfig(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t u32VlanMode);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescSAInsertConfig(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t u32SAMode);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescCRCCmd(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescPADCmd(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescTimestamp(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescReplaceCRCCmd(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_TxDescIntCmd(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_DMA_GetTxDescStatus(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t u32Flag);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetTxDescCollisionCnt(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t *pu32ColliCnt);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetTxDescTimeStamp(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcTxDesc, uint32_t *pu32High, uint32_t *pu32Low);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_SetRxDescOwn(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t u32Owner);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_RxDescIntCmd(stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescStatus(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t u32Flag);
en_flag_status_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescExtendStatus(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t u32Flag);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescPayloadType(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t *pu32PayloadType);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescDatagramType(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t *pu32DatagramType);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescFrameLength(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t *pu32FrameLength);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescBufferSize(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint8_t u8BufferNum, uint32_t *pu32BufferSize);
en_result_t ETH_DMA_GetRxDescTimeStamp(const stc_eth_dma_desc_t *pstcRxDesc, uint32_t *pu32High, uint32_t *pu32Low);
/* MAC PMT Functions */
en_result_t ETH_PMT_ResetWakeupFramePointer(void);
en_result_t ETH_PMT_WriteWakeupFrameRegister(const uint32_t au32RegBuffer[]);
void ETH_PMT_ForwardWakeupFrameCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_PMT_WakeupSourceCmd(uint32_t u32WakeupSrc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_result_t ETH_PMT_EnterPowerDown(void);
en_flag_status_t ETH_PMT_GetStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
uint8_t ETH_PMT_GetWakeupFramePointerIndex(void);
/* MMC Functions */
en_result_t ETH_MMC_DeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_MMC_Init(const stc_eth_mmc_init_t *pstcMmcInit);
en_result_t ETH_MMC_StructInit(stc_eth_mmc_init_t *pstcMmcInit);
en_result_t ETH_MMC_CounterReset(void);
void ETH_MMC_ResetAfterReadCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MMC_Cmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MMC_TxIntCmd(uint32_t u32IntSrc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_MMC_RxIntCmd(uint32_t u32IntSrc, en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_MMC_GetTxStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
en_flag_status_t ETH_MMC_GetRxStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
uint32_t ETH_MMC_GetRegister(uint32_t u32Reg);
/* PTP Functions */
void ETH_PTP_DeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_Init(const stc_eth_ptp_init_t *pstcPtpInit);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_StructInit(stc_eth_ptp_init_t *pstcPtpInit);
void ETH_PTP_SetSnapDatagramType(uint32_t u32DatagramType);
void ETH_PTP_SetSnapFrameType(uint32_t u32FrameType);
uint32_t ETH_PTP_GetSnapFrameType(void);
void ETH_PTP_SetCalibMode(uint32_t u32CalibMode);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_UpdateBasicIncValue(void);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_UpdateSystemTime(void);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_SystemTimeInit(void);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_GetSystemTime(uint32_t *pu32Sec, uint32_t *pu32SubSec);
void ETH_PTP_SetIncValue(uint32_t u32BasicVal, uint8_t u8SubSecVal);
en_result_t ETH_PTP_GetIncValue(uint32_t *pu32BasicVal, uint8_t *pu8SubSecVal);
void ETH_PTP_SetUpdateTime(uint32_t u32Sign, uint32_t u32Sec, uint32_t u32SubSec);
void ETH_PTP_Cmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
void ETH_PTP_IntCmd(en_functional_state_t enNewSta);
en_flag_status_t ETH_PTP_GetStatus(uint32_t u32Flag);
/* PTP PPS Functions */
void ETH_PPS_DeInit(uint8_t u8Ch);
en_result_t ETH_PPS_Init(uint8_t u8Ch, const stc_eth_pps_config_t *pstcPpsInit);
en_result_t ETH_PPS_StructInit(stc_eth_pps_config_t *pstcPpsInit);
void ETH_PPS_SetTargetTime(uint8_t u8Ch, uint32_t u32Sec, uint32_t u32SubSec);
void ETH_PPS_SetTargetTimeFunc(uint8_t u8Ch, uint32_t u32Func);
void ETH_PPS_SetPps0OutputMode(uint32_t u32OutputMode);
void ETH_PPS_SetPps0OutputFreq(uint32_t u32OutputFreq);
* @}
#endif /* DDL_ETH_ENABLE */
* @}
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __HC32F4A0_ETH_H__ */
* EOF (not truncated)