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\file gd32f30x_dma.h
\brief definitions for the DMA
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.1, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef GD32F30X_DMA_H
#define GD32F30X_DMA_H
#include "gd32f30x.h"
/* DMA definitions */
#define DMA0 (DMA_BASE) /*!< DMA0 base address */
#define DMA1 (DMA_BASE + 0x0400U) /*!< DMA1 base address */
/* registers definitions */
#define DMA_INTF(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x00U) /*!< DMA interrupt flag register */
#define DMA_INTC(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x04U) /*!< DMA interrupt flag clear register */
#define DMA_CH0CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x08U) /*!< DMA channel 0 control register */
#define DMA_CH0CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x0CU) /*!< DMA channel 0 counter register */
#define DMA_CH0PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x10U) /*!< DMA channel 0 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH0MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x14U) /*!< DMA channel 0 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH1CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x1CU) /*!< DMA channel 1 control register */
#define DMA_CH1CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x20U) /*!< DMA channel 1 counter register */
#define DMA_CH1PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x24U) /*!< DMA channel 1 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH1MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x28U) /*!< DMA channel 1 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH2CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x30U) /*!< DMA channel 2 control register */
#define DMA_CH2CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x34U) /*!< DMA channel 2 counter register */
#define DMA_CH2PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x38U) /*!< DMA channel 2 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH2MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x3CU) /*!< DMA channel 2 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH3CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x44U) /*!< DMA channel 3 control register */
#define DMA_CH3CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x48U) /*!< DMA channel 3 counter register */
#define DMA_CH3PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x4CU) /*!< DMA channel 3 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH3MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x50U) /*!< DMA channel 3 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH4CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x58U) /*!< DMA channel 4 control register */
#define DMA_CH4CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x5CU) /*!< DMA channel 4 counter register */
#define DMA_CH4PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x60U) /*!< DMA channel 4 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH4MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x64U) /*!< DMA channel 4 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH5CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x6CU) /*!< DMA channel 5 control register */
#define DMA_CH5CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x70U) /*!< DMA channel 5 counter register */
#define DMA_CH5PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x74U) /*!< DMA channel 5 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH5MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x78U) /*!< DMA channel 5 memory base address register */
#define DMA_CH6CTL(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x80U) /*!< DMA channel 6 control register */
#define DMA_CH6CNT(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x84U) /*!< DMA channel 6 counter register */
#define DMA_CH6PADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x88U) /*!< DMA channel 6 peripheral base address register */
#define DMA_CH6MADDR(dmax) REG32((dmax) + 0x8CU) /*!< DMA channel 6 memory base address register */
/* bits definitions */
/* DMA_INTF */
#define DMA_INTF_GIF BIT(0) /*!< global interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTF_FTFIF BIT(1) /*!< full transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTF_HTFIF BIT(2) /*!< half transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTF_ERRIF BIT(3) /*!< error flag of channel */
/* DMA_INTC */
#define DMA_INTC_GIFC BIT(0) /*!< clear global interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTC_FTFIFC BIT(1) /*!< clear transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTC_HTFIFC BIT(2) /*!< clear half transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_INTC_ERRIFC BIT(3) /*!< clear error flag of channel */
/* DMA_CHxCTL, x=0..6 */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_CHEN BIT(0) /*!< channel enable */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_FTFIE BIT(1) /*!< enable bit for channel full transfer finish interrupt */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_HTFIE BIT(2) /*!< enable bit for channel half transfer finish interrupt */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_ERRIE BIT(3) /*!< enable bit for channel error interrupt */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_DIR BIT(4) /*!< transfer direction */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_CMEN BIT(5) /*!< circular mode enable */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_PNAGA BIT(6) /*!< next address generation algorithm of peripheral */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_MNAGA BIT(7) /*!< next address generation algorithm of memory */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_PWIDTH BITS(8,9) /*!< transfer data width of peripheral */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_MWIDTH BITS(10,11) /*!< transfer data width of memory */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_PRIO BITS(12,13) /*!< priority level */
#define DMA_CHXCTL_M2M BIT(14) /*!< memory to memory mode */
/* DMA_CHxCNT,x=0..6 */
#define DMA_CHXCNT_CNT BITS(0,15) /*!< transfer counter */
/* DMA_CHxPADDR,x=0..6 */
#define DMA_CHXPADDR_PADDR BITS(0,31) /*!< peripheral base address */
/* DMA_CHxMADDR,x=0..6 */
#define DMA_CHXMADDR_MADDR BITS(0,31) /*!< memory base address */
/* constants definitions */
/* DMA channel select */
typedef enum
DMA_CH0 = 0, /*!< DMA Channel0 */
DMA_CH1, /*!< DMA Channel1 */
DMA_CH2, /*!< DMA Channel2 */
DMA_CH3, /*!< DMA Channel3 */
DMA_CH4, /*!< DMA Channel4 */
DMA_CH5, /*!< DMA Channel5 */
DMA_CH6 /*!< DMA Channel6 */
} dma_channel_enum;
/* DMA initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t periph_addr; /*!< peripheral base address */
uint32_t periph_width; /*!< transfer data size of peripheral */
uint32_t memory_addr; /*!< memory base address */
uint32_t memory_width; /*!< transfer data size of memory */
uint32_t number; /*!< channel transfer number */
uint32_t priority; /*!< channel priority level */
uint8_t periph_inc; /*!< peripheral increasing mode */
uint8_t memory_inc; /*!< memory increasing mode */
uint8_t direction; /*!< channel data transfer direction */
} dma_parameter_struct;
#define DMA_FLAG_ADD(flag, shift) ((flag) << ((shift) * 4U)) /*!< DMA channel flag shift */
/* DMA_register address */
#define DMA_CHCTL(dma, channel) REG32(((dma) + 0x08U) + 0x14U * (uint32_t)(channel)) /*!< the address of DMA channel CHXCTL register */
#define DMA_CHCNT(dma, channel) REG32(((dma) + 0x0CU) + 0x14U * (uint32_t)(channel)) /*!< the address of DMA channel CHXCNT register */
#define DMA_CHPADDR(dma, channel) REG32(((dma) + 0x10U) + 0x14U * (uint32_t)(channel)) /*!< the address of DMA channel CHXPADDR register */
#define DMA_CHMADDR(dma, channel) REG32(((dma) + 0x14U) + 0x14U * (uint32_t)(channel)) /*!< the address of DMA channel CHXMADDR register */
/* DMA reset value */
#define DMA_CHCTL_RESET_VALUE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< the reset value of DMA channel CHXCTL register */
#define DMA_CHCNT_RESET_VALUE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< the reset value of DMA channel CHXCNT register */
#define DMA_CHPADDR_RESET_VALUE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< the reset value of DMA channel CHXPADDR register */
#define DMA_CHMADDR_RESET_VALUE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< the reset value of DMA channel CHXMADDR register */
DMA_INTF_HTFIF | DMA_INTF_ERRIF) /*!< clear DMA channel DMA_INTF register */
/* DMA_INTF register */
/* interrupt flag bits */
#define DMA_INT_FLAG_G DMA_INTF_GIF /*!< global interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_INT_FLAG_FTF DMA_INTF_FTFIF /*!< full transfer finish interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_INT_FLAG_HTF DMA_INTF_HTFIF /*!< half transfer finish interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_INT_FLAG_ERR DMA_INTF_ERRIF /*!< error interrupt flag of channel */
/* flag bits */
#define DMA_FLAG_G DMA_INTF_GIF /*!< global interrupt flag of channel */
#define DMA_FLAG_FTF DMA_INTF_FTFIF /*!< full transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_FLAG_HTF DMA_INTF_HTFIF /*!< half transfer finish flag of channel */
#define DMA_FLAG_ERR DMA_INTF_ERRIF /*!< error flag of channel */
/* DMA_CHxCTL register */
/* interrupt enable bits */
#define DMA_INT_FTF DMA_CHXCTL_FTFIE /*!< enable bit for channel full transfer finish interrupt */
#define DMA_INT_HTF DMA_CHXCTL_HTFIE /*!< enable bit for channel half transfer finish interrupt */
#define DMA_INT_ERR DMA_CHXCTL_ERRIE /*!< enable bit for channel error interrupt */
/* transfer direction */
#define DMA_PERIPHERAL_TO_MEMORY ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< read from peripheral and write to memory */
#define DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPHERAL ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< read from memory and write to peripheral */
/* circular mode */
#define DMA_CIRCULAR_MODE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< circular mode disable */
#define DMA_CIRCULAR_MODE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< circular mode enable */
/* peripheral increasing mode */
#define DMA_PERIPH_INCREASE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< next address of peripheral is fixed address mode */
#define DMA_PERIPH_INCREASE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< next address of peripheral is increasing address mode */
/* memory increasing mode */
#define DMA_MEMORY_INCREASE_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< next address of memory is fixed address mode */
#define DMA_MEMORY_INCREASE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< next address of memory is increasing address mode */
/* transfer data size of peripheral */
#define CHCTL_PWIDTH(regval) (BITS(8,9) & ((regval) << 8)) /*!< transfer data size of peripheral */
#define DMA_PERIPHERAL_WIDTH_8BIT CHCTL_PWIDTH(0) /*!< transfer data size of peripheral is 8-bit */
#define DMA_PERIPHERAL_WIDTH_16BIT CHCTL_PWIDTH(1) /*!< transfer data size of peripheral is 16-bit */
#define DMA_PERIPHERAL_WIDTH_32BIT CHCTL_PWIDTH(2) /*!< transfer data size of peripheral is 32-bit */
/* transfer data size of memory */
#define CHCTL_MWIDTH(regval) (BITS(10,11) & ((regval) << 10)) /*!< transfer data size of memory */
#define DMA_MEMORY_WIDTH_8BIT CHCTL_MWIDTH(0) /*!< transfer data size of memory is 8-bit */
#define DMA_MEMORY_WIDTH_16BIT CHCTL_MWIDTH(1) /*!< transfer data size of memory is 16-bit */
#define DMA_MEMORY_WIDTH_32BIT CHCTL_MWIDTH(2) /*!< transfer data size of memory is 32-bit */
/* channel priority level */
#define CHCTL_PRIO(regval) (BITS(12,13) & ((regval) << 12)) /*!< DMA channel priority level */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_LOW CHCTL_PRIO(0) /*!< low priority */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_MEDIUM CHCTL_PRIO(1) /*!< medium priority */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH CHCTL_PRIO(2) /*!< high priority */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_ULTRA_HIGH CHCTL_PRIO(3) /*!< ultra high priority */
/* memory to memory mode */
#define DMA_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)
#define DMA_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY_ENABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)
/* DMA_CHxCNT register */
/* transfer counter */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_CNT_MASK DMA_CHXCNT_CNT /*!< transfer counter mask */
/* function declarations */
/* deinitialize DMA a channel registers */
void dma_deinit(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* initialize DMA channel */
void dma_init(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, dma_parameter_struct init_struct);
/* enable DMA circulation mode */
void dma_circulation_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* disable DMA circulation mode */
void dma_circulation_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* enable memory to memory mode */
void dma_memory_to_memory_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* disable memory to memory mode */
void dma_memory_to_memory_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* enable DMA channel */
void dma_channel_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* disable DMA channel */
void dma_channel_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* set DMA peripheral base address */
void dma_periph_address_config(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t address);
/* set DMA Memory base address */
void dma_memory_address_config(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t address);
/* set the number of remaining data to be transferred by the DMA */
void dma_transfer_number_config(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t number);
/* get the number of remaining data to be transferred by the DMA */
uint32_t dma_transfer_number_get(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* configure priority level of DMA channel */
void dma_priority_config(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t priority);
/* configure transfer data size of memory */
void dma_memory_width_config (uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t mwidth);
/* configure transfer data size of peripheral */
void dma_periph_width_config (uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t pwidth);
/* enable next address increasement algorithm of memory */
void dma_memory_increase_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* disable next address increasement algorithm of memory */
void dma_memory_increase_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* enable next address increasement algorithm of peripheral */
void dma_periph_increase_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* disable next address increasement algorithm of peripheral */
void dma_periph_increase_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx);
/* configure the direction of data transfer on the channel */
void dma_transfer_direction_config(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t direction);
/* check DMA flag is set or not */
FlagStatus dma_flag_get(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t flag);
/* clear DMA a channel flag */
void dma_flag_clear(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t flag);
/* check DMA flag and interrupt enable bit is set or not */
FlagStatus dma_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t flag);
/* clear DMA a channel flag */
void dma_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t flag);
/* enable DMA interrupt */
void dma_interrupt_enable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t source);
/* disable DMA interrupt */
void dma_interrupt_disable(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx, uint32_t source);
#endif /* GD32F30X_DMA_H */