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* File : uart.c
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2013, RT-Thread Develop Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://openlab.rt-thread.com/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2013-05-27 Grissiom port to RM48x50
/* welcome, if you open this file, you may want to see uart driver code.
* However, TI call it Serial Communication Interface(SCI) and all the low
* level API is prefixed by "sci". To avoid messive renaming, I want to keep
* with TI and call all the things SCI. You could safely substitude the word
* "sci" with "uart". Enjoy. */
#include <rthw.h>
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#include <reg_sci.h>
/* bring from sci.h */
enum sciIntFlags
SCI_FE_INT = 0x04000000U, /* framing error */
SCI_OE_INT = 0x02000000U, /* overrun error */
SCI_PE_INT = 0x01000000U, /* parity error */
SCI_RX_INT = 0x00000200U, /* receive buffer ready */
SCI_TX_INT = 0x00000100U, /* transmit buffer ready */
SCI_WAKE_INT = 0x00000002U, /* wakeup */
SCI_BREAK_INT = 0x00000001U /* break detect */
/* LIN1 High level interrupt. Change this if you set a different channel in
* HALCoGen. */
#define SCI_INT_VEC 14
#define VCLK_HZ 100000000L
static rt_err_t _configure(struct rt_serial_device *serial, struct serial_configure *cfg)
/** - global control 1 */
rt_uint32_t gcr1 = (1U << 25U) /* enable transmit */
| (1U << 24U) /* enable receive */
| (1U << 5U) /* internal clock (device has no clock pin) */
| (1U << 1U); /* asynchronous timing mode */
if (cfg->stop_bits == STOP_BITS_2)
gcr1 |= (1U << 4U); /* number of stop bits */
else if (cfg->stop_bits != STOP_BITS_1)
return -RT_ERROR;
if (cfg->parity == PARITY_EVEN)
gcr1 |= (1U << 3U) | (1U << 2U);
else if (cfg->parity == PARITY_ODD)
gcr1 |= (0U << 3U) | (1U << 2U);
/** - bring SCI out of reset */
scilinREG->GCR0 = 1U;
/** - Disable all interrupts */
scilinREG->GCR1 = gcr1;
/** - set baudrate */
scilinREG->BRS = VCLK_HZ/16/cfg->baud_rate - 1; /* baudrate */
/** - transmission length */
scilinREG->FORMAT = cfg->data_bits - 1; /* length */
/** - set SCI pins functional mode */
scilinREG->FUN = (1U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (1U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (0U); /* clk pin */
/** - set SCI pins default output value */
scilinREG->DOUT = (0U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (0U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (0U); /* clk pin */
/** - set SCI pins output direction */
scilinREG->DIR = (0U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (0U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (0U); /* clk pin */
/** - set SCI pins open drain enable */
scilinREG->ODR = (0U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (0U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (0U); /* clk pin */
/** - set SCI pins pullup/pulldown enable */
scilinREG->PD = (0U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (0U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (0U); /* clk pin */
/** - set SCI pins pullup/pulldown select */
scilinREG->PSL = (1U << 2U) /* tx pin */
| (1U << 1U) /* rx pin */
| (1U); /* clk pin */
/** - set interrupt level */
scilinREG->SETINTLVL = (0U << 26U) /* Framing error */
| (0U << 25U) /* Overrun error */
| (0U << 24U) /* Parity error */
| (0U << 9U) /* Receive */
| (0U << 8U) /* Transmit */
| (0U << 1U) /* Wakeup */
| (0U); /* Break detect */
/** - set interrupt enable */
scilinREG->SETINT = (0U << 26U) /* Framing error */
| (0U << 25U) /* Overrun error */
| (0U << 24U) /* Parity error */
| (1U << 9U) /* Receive */
| (0U << 1U) /* Wakeup */
| (0U); /* Break detect */
/** - Finaly start SCILIN */
scilinREG->GCR1 |= (1U << 7U);
return RT_EOK;
static rt_err_t _control(struct rt_serial_device *serial, int cmd, void *arg)
sciBASE_t *sci = (sciBASE_t*)serial->parent.user_data;
switch (cmd)
/* disable rx irq */
/* enable rx irq */
return RT_EOK;
static int _putc(struct rt_serial_device *serial, char c)
sciBASE_t *sci = (sciBASE_t*)serial->parent.user_data;
while ((sci->FLR & SCI_TX_INT) == 0U)
sci->TD = c;
return 1;
static int _getc(struct rt_serial_device *serial)
sciBASE_t *sci = (sciBASE_t*)serial->parent.user_data;
if (sci->FLR & (1<<9))
return (sci->RD & 0x000000FFU);
return -1;
static const struct rt_uart_ops _sci_ops =
static void _irq_wrapper(int vector, void *param)
rt_hw_serial_isr((struct rt_serial_device*)param, RT_SERIAL_EVENT_RX_IND);
static struct rt_serial_device _sci2_serial;
void rt_hw_uart_init(void)
struct serial_configure config;
/* fake configuration */
config.baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_115200;
config.bit_order = BIT_ORDER_LSB;
config.data_bits = DATA_BITS_8;
config.parity = PARITY_NONE;
config.stop_bits = STOP_BITS_1;
config.invert = NRZ_NORMAL;
config.bufsz = RT_SERIAL_RB_BUFSZ;
_sci2_serial.ops = &_sci_ops;
_sci2_serial.config = config;
rt_hw_serial_register(&_sci2_serial, "sci2",
rt_device_control(&_sci2_serial.parent, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_SET_INT, 0);
rt_hw_interrupt_install(SCI_INT_VEC, _irq_wrapper, &_sci2_serial, "sci2");