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* File : lcdc.h
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2009 - 2012, RT-Thread Development Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
#include <rtgui/rtgui.h>
#include <rtgui/driver.h>
#include <rtgui/rtgui_server.h>
#include <rtgui/rtgui_system.h>
#define LCDWIDTH 320
#define LCDHEIGHT 240
//Macro for SIZE register setting
#define XMAX ((LCDWIDTH/16) << 20)
//Macro for PCR register setting
#define TFT ((U32)1 << 31)
#define COLOR (1 << 30) //1为色彩.
#define PBSIZE (0 << 28)
#define BPIX (4 << 25) //存储器中一个像素对应16bit
#define PIXPOL (0 << 24) //像素极性—设置像素的极性,高有效 //0<<24
#define FLMPOL (1 << 23) //首行标志极性—设置首行标志的极性,低有效.
#define LPPOL (1 << 22) //行脉冲极性—设置行脉冲信号的极性,低有效.
#define CLKPOL (0 << 21) //LCD 移位时钟极性—设置LCD 移位时钟的有效沿的极性,下降延有效.
#define OEPOL (1 << 20) //输出使能极性—设置输出使能信号的极性,高有效.
#define END_SEL (0 << 18) //印第安格式选择,小印第安.
#define ACD_SEL (0 << 15) //ACD时钟源选择—选择晶向变换计数器的时钟,使用FLM 作为ACD 计数时钟
#define ACD (0 << 8 ) //被动模式.
#define PCD (10)
//Macro for HCR regiter setting //水平配置寄存器.
#define H_WIDTH ((U32)46 << 26)
#define H_WAIT_1 (20 << 8)
#define H_WAIT_2 (20)
//Macro for VCR register setting //垂直配置寄存器.
#define V_WIDTH ((U32)10 << 26)
#define PASS_FRAME_WAIT (0 <<16)
#define V_WAIT_1 (3 << 8)
#define V_WAIT_2 (3)
//Macro for LGPR register setting
#define GRAY (4) //灰度等级.
//Macro for PWMR register setting
#define SCR (0 << 9) //时钟源选择.行脉冲.
#define CC_EN (0 << 8) //对比度控制使能,关.
#define PW (64) //输出脉冲数目,
//Macro for DMACR register setting
#define BL ((U32)1 << 31) //固定长度.
#define HM (7 << 16)
#define TM (3)
void lcd_set_pixel(rtgui_color_t *c, int x, int y);
void lcd_get_pixel(rtgui_color_t *c, int x, int y);
void lcd_draw_hline(rtgui_color_t *c, int x1, int x2, int y) ;
void lcd_draw_vline(rtgui_color_t *c, int x, int y1, int y2) ;
void lcd_draw_raw_hline(rt_uint8_t *pixels, int x1, int x2, int y) ;
void lcd_update(rtgui_rect_t *rect);
rt_uint8_t * lcd_get_framebuffer(void);
rt_err_t sep4020_lcd_init(void);