mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 07:35:37 +08:00
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Update History
V1.1.0 Dec 15, 2023
- 24cxx
- Add null pointer check
- gt9xx
- Add null pointer check
- nt35510
- Add null pointer check
- tca9539
- Add null pointer check
- w25qxx
- Add null pointer check
- 24cxx
- Add API BSP_XTAL32_Init()
- Optimize function BSP_I2C_Init()
- Update EXCLK clock frequency: 100MHz -> 50MHZ in function BSP_CLK_Init()
- Add include file named hc32_ll_fcm.h and add declaration of BSP_XTAL32_Init()
- Modify I2C baudrate: 400000 -> 100000
- Modify the timing: EXCLK 100MHz -> 40MHz
- Optimize TMR4_OCMRxx
- Rename EMB_CTL1 register bit: SRAMERREN -> SRAMECCERREN
- adc
- Modify typo
- API fixed: ADC_DeInit()
- Add declaration of API ADC_MxChCmd(), ADC_ConvDataAverageMxChCmd(), and add defgroup ADC_Mx_Channel
- Add declaration of API ADC_GetResolution()
- Add API ADC_MxChCmd(),ADC_ConvDataAverageMxChCmd
- Add API ADC_GetResolution()
- clk
- Modify comment
- Refine API CLK_XtalStdInit. and add API CLK_XtalStdCmd, CLK_SetXtalStdExceptionType
- Modify API CLK_Xtal32Cmd(), CLK_MrcCmd() and CLK_LrcCmd(), use DDL_DelayUS() to replace CLK_Delay()
- cmp
- Modify typo
- ctc
- Modify typo
- dac
- Refine data validation
- Add assert for set DAC source and modify IS_AMP_CTRL_ALLOWED()
- dbgc
- Remove API DBGC_GetChipID()
- Add macro definition DBGC_Trace_Mode
- Add declaration of API DBGC_TraceIoCmd,DBGC_TraceModeConfig
- Remove API DBGC_GetChipID()A
- Add assert to DBGC_PeriphCmd & DBGC_Periph2Cmd
- Add assert IS_DGBC_TRACE_MD and add API DBGC_TraceIoCmd,DBGC_TraceModeConfig
- dcu
- Modify typo
- Modify function DCU_IntCmd() for misra
- dma
- Add API DMA_SetDataWidth()
- Delete group DMA_AHB_HPROT_Config
- Delete API DMA_AHB_HProtPrivilegeCmd()
- Modify API input param type:u16->u32
- Add structure stc_dma_rc_nonseq_init_t
- Add API DMA_ReconfigNonSeqStructInit() & DMA_ReconfigNonSeqInit()
- Optimize set blocksize & repeat count process
- Add DMA Repeat size assert
- Use macros replace immediate data, modify IS_DMA_NON_SEQ_TRANS_CNT
- efm
- Rename EFM_DataCacheResetCmd() as EFM_CacheRamReset() and modify comment
- Optimized macro group EFM_Remap_Size definitions
- Add structure of stc_efm_location_t and declaration of API EFM_GetWaferID(), EFM_GetLocation(), EFM_GetLotID()
- Modify typo
- Remove address assert from EFM_ReadByte()
- Refine EFM_SequenceProgram() & EFM_ChipErase(), and put them in RAM
- Add API EFM_GetWaferID(), EFM_GetLocation(), EFM_GetLotID()
- Modify flash sector number defined and API EFM_SequenceSectorOperateCmd()
- emb
- Update EMB_CTL1_CMPEN0
3 to EMB_CTL1_CMPEN14 - Add stc_emb_monitor_sys_t to combine osc, sram, lockup, lvd
- Add marco EMB_FLAG_CLR_ALL
- Function EMB_TMR4_Init don't call EMB_DeInit
- Function EMB_TMR6_Init don't call EMB_DeInit
- Modify stc_emb_monitor_sys_t structure relevant code
- Modify API EMB_ClearStatus assert
- Update EMB_CTL1_CMPEN0
- gpio
- Modify GPIO_SetFunc()
- Rename GPIO_ExIntCmd() as GPIO_ExtIntCmd
- Optimize API: GPIO_Init(), GPIO_SetFunc(), GPIO_SubFuncCmd(), GPIO_InputMOSCmd(), GPIO_AnalogCmd(), GPIO_ExtIntCmd()
- Add assert for GPIO register lock status in API GPIO_AnalogCmd(), GPIO_ExtIntCmd()
- i2c
- Move macro define I2C_SRC_CLK to head file and add marco I2C_WIDTH_MAX_IMME
- Add I2C_Flag_Clear def group
- Remove API I2C_FIFO_ClearRequestStatus() & I2C_FIFO_GetStatus
- Fix I2C_Deinit
- Move macro define I2C_SRC_CLK to head file
- Modify I2C_Restart()
- Refine I2C Flag & API I2C_SlaveAddrConfig/I2C_SlaveMaskAddrConfig
- icg
- interrupts
- Add declaration of API INTC_GetIntSrcState()
- Remove space line
- Add API INTC_GetIntSrcState()
- mcan
- Removed definitions related to BEC and BEU.
- Optimized driver:
- Integrated stc_mcan_classic_config_t and stc_mcan_fd_config_t into stc_mcan_bit_time_config_t
- Integrated u32FdIso into u32FrameFormat.
- Removed API MCAN_SetFdIsoOperation(), added API MCAN_SetFrameFormat().
- Optimized the handling of the parameter stc_mcan_filter_t.u32FilterIndex
- Add 5 APIs for better get protocol status(register PSR):
- MCAN_GetTdcValue(), MCAN_GetDataLastErrorCode(), MCAN_GetLastErrorCode(),
- MCAN_GetComState(), MCAN_GetProtocolFlagStatus()
- Changed u8Activity of stc_mcan_protocol_status_t to u8ComState.
- Changed MCAN_Comm_State to MCAN_Com_State and optimized the macros definitions.
- Changed u8MsgStorageIndex of stc_mcan_hpm_status_t to u8MsgIndex. Optimized MCAN_HPM_Storage macros definitions.
- Changed u8MsgStorageIndex of stc_mcan_hpm_status_t to u8MsgIndex.
- Optimized local function MCAN_FilterInitConfig()
- When the frame to be transmitted is a remote frame, do not write the data field to the message RAM.
- When the received frame is a remote frame, do not read the data field from the message RAM.
- Optimized comments.
- mpu
- Add structure stc_mpu_unit_init_t, and declaration of MPU_UnitInit(), MPU_UnitStructInit()
- Refine def group MPU_Flag
- Optimize MPU_ClearStatus function
- Add API MPU_UnitInit(), MPU_UnitStructInit()
- pwc
- Modify group PWC_Stop_Type
- Add function PWC_LVD_DeInit
- Modify the PWC_LVD_Detection_Voltage_Sel comment
- Refine API PWC_SLEEP_Enter()
- Remove redundant assert
- Modify API PWC_PD_Enter() #use assert to replace the unlock, and add return value
- Modify API PWC_WKT_SetCompareValue()
- Refine PWC_SLEEP_Enter()
- Add API PWC_PD_SetIoState() & PWC_PD_SetMode()
- qspi
- Optimize QSPI_ClearStatus function
- spi
- Modify some assert
- Rename some API SPI_xxxConfig as SPI_Setxxx
- Add Send restriction in SPI_TxRx function
- sram
- Modify typo
- Refine def group SRAM_ECC_Mode, and refine def group SRAM_Err_Mode as SRAM_Exception_Type
- Remove wait cycle relevant code
- API fixed: SRAM_ClearStatus()
- Refine SRAM_SetEccMode, and refine SRAM_SetErrorMode() as SRAM_SetExceptionType
- swdt
- Optimize SWDT_ClearStatus function timeout
- tmr6
- Modify macro define for group TMR6_Emb_Ch_Define
- Modify for headfile update: CM_TMR6CR -> CM_TMR6_COMMON
- Modify typo
- usart
- Remove u32StopBit param from stc_usart_smartcard_init_t structure
- Add the declaration of API USART_GetFuncState()
- Modify return type of function USART_DeInit()
- Modify USART_SmartCard_Init() for stc_usart_smartcard_init_t has modified(u32StopBit has removed)
- Fix bug: did not enable MP while USART_MultiProcessor_Init()
- API refined: USART_SetBaudrate()
- Add API USART_GetFuncState()
- utility
- Modify register USART DR to USART TDR
- Prohibit DDL_DelayMS and DDL_DelayUS functions from being optimized
- wdt
- Modify macro define: WDT_LPM_CNT_CONTINUE -> WDT_LPM_CNT_CONT
- Optimize WDT_ClearStatus function timeout
- adc
- functional_safety/iec60730_class_b
- Initialize XTAL32 using BSP_XTAL32_Init
- iap/iap_boot
- Removed SRAM wait cycle relevant code
- iap/iap_ymodem_boot
- Removed SRAM wait cycle relevant code
- functional_safety/iec60730_class_b
- adc/adc_awd
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_base
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_buffer_mode
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_channel_remap
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_dma
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_hard_trigger
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_internal_analog_channel
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_over_sample
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- adc/adc_sync_mode
- Removed SRAM wait cycle relevant code
- aes/aes_base
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- clk/clk_switch_sysclk
- Modify XTAL32 initialize process
- Removed SRAM wait cycle relevant code
- clk/clk_xtalstop_detect
- Use CLK_XtalStdInit() to replace XtalStopDetctInit()
- Modify XTAL_STOP_IrqCallback
- ctc/ctc_ctcref_single_trimming
- Initialize XTAL32 using BSP_XTAL32_Init
- ctc/ctc_xtal32_trimming
- Initialize XTAL32 using BSP_XTAL32_Init
- dmac/dmac_base
- Optimize DMA2_Error_Handler()
- dmac/dmac_non_sequence
- Fixed bug #revert test code.
- efm/efm_chip_erase
- Fixed bug # release write protect before sector erase
- efm/efm_dbus
- Set API DBUS_Protect_test optimization level
- efm/efm_sequence_program
- Re-structure
- efm/efm_swap
- Use EFM_GetSwapStatus to judge
- emb/emb_cmp_brake_timer4
- Fix magic number
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- emb/emb_cmp_brake_timer6
- Fix magic number
- emb/emb_lockup_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- Optimize comments: HardFault_Generate and HardFault_Handler
- emb/emb_lockup_brake_timer6
- Optimize comments: HardFault_Generate and HardFault_Handler
- emb/emb_lvd_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- emb/emb_osc_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- emb/emb_port_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- emb/emb_pwm_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- emb/emb_sram_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- Optimize the 2nd data in SRAM_GenerateError()
- emb/emb_sram_brake_timer6
- Optimize the 2nd data in SRAM_GenerateError()
- emb/emb_sw_brake_timer4
- Modify TMR4_PwmConfig: enable main output following PWM initialization
- event_port/ep_inout
- Comment revise
- exmc/exmc_smc_lcd_nt35510
- Re-implement BSP_CLK_Init()
- exmc/exmc_smc_sram_is61lv6416
- Fix typos and modify file brief
- Fix memory address printf value
- Re-implement BSP_CLK_Init()
- exmc/exmc_smc_sram_is61lv6416_dma
- Add exmc_smc_sram_is61lv6416_dma example
- hash/hash_base
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- i2c/i2c_master_dma
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- Configure DMA interrupt disable in I2C_DMA_Initialize() function
- i2c/i2c_master_polling
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- i2c/i2c_master_polling_fifo
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- i2c/i2c_slave_dma
- Remove redundant process for slave address commands
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- Configure DMA interrupt disable in I2C_DMA_Initialize() function
- i2c/i2c_slave_int
- Remove redundant process for slave address commands
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- i2c/i2c_slave_polling
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- i2c/i2c_slave_polling_fifo
- Remove redundant process for slave address commands
- Add definition I2C_ADDR_MD as address condition select
- icg/icg_wdt_interrupt_hw_startup
- Add delay before WDT_GetStatus function
- intc/intc_nmi_xtalstop
- optimize function NMI_Xtal_Init
- mcan/mcan_classical
- Updates related to MCAN driver optimization.
- Peripheral SRAMC not used, removed related code.
- Code and comments optimized.
- mcan/mcan_fd
- Updates related to MCAN driver optimization.
- Peripheral SRAMC not used, removed related code.
- Code and comments optimized.
- mcan/mcan_loopback
- Optimized the example.
- mpu/mpu_core_write_protect
- Fixed parameters error of Core_MPU_Region_Size
- Modify trigger condition for RTC protection
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- mpu/mpu_dma_write_protect
- Remove key jitter
- mpu/mpu_ip_read_protect
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- pwc/pwc_lpc
- Disable HRC when enter sleep mode
- pwc/pwc_stop_wake
- Delete redundant code
- qspi/qspi_base
- Add read function of direct communication mode
- rtc/rtc_alarm
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- Replace XTAL32_ClkInit to BSP_XTAL32_Init
- rtc/rtc_calendar
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- rtc/rtc_calibration_output
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- Replace XTAL32_ClkInit to BSP_XTAL32_Init
- rtc/rtc_low_power
- Optimize RTC init sequence
- sram/sram_error_check
- sample code changed according to driver change
- timer0/timer0_basetimer
- Replace XTAL32_Config to BSP_XTAL32_Init
- timer4/timer4_pwm_through
- Modify the initial configuration to achieve 0% or 100% duty cycle
- timer6/timer6_cmp_deadtime
- Remove redundant code
- timer6/timer6_cmp_sawtooth
- Remove redundant code
- timer6/timer6_cmp_sawtooth_dual_buf
- Remove redundant code
- Modify compare register buffer initialization value
- timer6/timer6_cmp_triangular_buf
- Remove redundant code
- Modify compare register buffer initialization value
- timer6/timer6_pwm_dynamic_dutycycle
- Add timer6_pwm_dynamic_dutycycle example
- timer6/timer6_valid_period
- Modify compare register buffer initialization value
- timera/timera_capture
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- timera/timera_compare_value_buffer
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- timera/timera_position_overflow_count
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- trng/trng_base
- TRNG_Handler add __DSB for Arm Errata 838869
- Add TRNG_Cmd function
- Set XTAL as system clock source
- usart/usart_clocksync_dma
- Fix bug: possible null pointer for ClockSync_DMAConfig parameter pstcHandle
- usart/usart_smartcard_atr
- Remove u32StopBit from stcSmartCardInit structure
- usart/usart_uart_dma
- Optimize function: USART_TxComplete_IrqCallback
- usart/usart_uart_multiprocessor
- Optimize the RX process
- wdt/wdt_interrupt_sw_startup
- Add delay before WDT_GetStatus function
- adc/adc_awd
V1.0.0 May 31, 2023
- Initial release.