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\file gd32f30x_usart.h
\brief definitions for GD32F30x
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.1, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef GD32F30X_USART_H
#define GD32F30X_USART_H
#include "gd32f30x.h"
/* USARTx(x=0,1,2)/UARTx(x=3,4) definitions */
#define USART1 USART_BASE /*!< USART1 base address */
#define USART2 (USART_BASE+0x00000400U) /*!< USART2 base address */
#define UART3 (USART_BASE+0x00000800U) /*!< UART3 base address */
#define UART4 (USART_BASE+0x00000C00U) /*!< UART4 base address */
#define USART0 (USART_BASE+0x0000F400U) /*!< USART0 base address */
/* registers definitions */
#define USART_STAT0(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x00U) /*!< USART status register 0 */
#define USART_DATA(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x04U) /*!< USART data register */
#define USART_BAUD(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x08U) /*!< USART baud rate register */
#define USART_CTL0(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x0CU) /*!< USART control register 0 */
#define USART_CTL1(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x10U) /*!< USART control register 1 */
#define USART_CTL2(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x14U) /*!< USART control register 2 */
#define USART_GP(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x18U) /*!< USART guard time and prescaler register */
#define USART_CTL3(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x80U) /*!< USART control register 3 */
#define USART_RT(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x84U) /*!< USART receiver timeout register */
#define USART_STAT1(usartx) REG32((usartx) + 0x88U) /*!< USART status register 1 */
/* bits definitions */
/* USARTx_STAT0 */
#define USART_STAT0_PERR BIT(0) /*!< parity error flag */
#define USART_STAT0_FERR BIT(1) /*!< frame error flag */
#define USART_STAT0_NERR BIT(2) /*!< noise error flag */
#define USART_STAT0_ORERR BIT(3) /*!< overrun error */
#define USART_STAT0_IDLEF BIT(4) /*!< IDLE frame detected flag */
#define USART_STAT0_RBNE BIT(5) /*!< read data buffer not empty */
#define USART_STAT0_TC BIT(6) /*!< transmission complete */
#define USART_STAT0_TBE BIT(7) /*!< transmit data buffer empty */
#define USART_STAT0_LBDF BIT(8) /*!< LIN break detected flag */
#define USART_STAT0_CTSF BIT(9) /*!< CTS change flag */
#define USART_DATA_DATA BITS(0,8) /*!< transmit or read data value */
#define USART_BAUD_FRADIV BITS(0,3) /*!< fraction part of baud-rate divider */
#define USART_BAUD_INTDIV BITS(4,15) /*!< integer part of baud-rate divider */
/* USARTx_CTL0 */
#define USART_CTL0_SBKCMD BIT(0) /*!< send break command */
#define USART_CTL0_RWU BIT(1) /*!< receiver wakeup from mute mode */
#define USART_CTL0_REN BIT(2) /*!< receiver enable */
#define USART_CTL0_TEN BIT(3) /*!< transmitter enable */
#define USART_CTL0_IDLEIE BIT(4) /*!< idle line detected interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL0_RBNEIE BIT(5) /*!< read data buffer not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL0_TCIE BIT(6) /*!< transmission complete interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL0_TBEIE BIT(7) /*!< transmitter buffer empty interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL0_PERRIE BIT(8) /*!< parity error interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL0_PM BIT(9) /*!< parity mode */
#define USART_CTL0_PCEN BIT(10) /*!< parity check function enable */
#define USART_CTL0_WM BIT(11) /*!< wakeup method in mute mode */
#define USART_CTL0_WL BIT(12) /*!< word length */
#define USART_CTL0_UEN BIT(13) /*!< USART enable */
/* USARTx_CTL1 */
#define USART_CTL1_ADDR BITS(0,3) /*!< address of USART */
#define USART_CTL1_LBLEN BIT(5) /*!< LIN break frame length */
#define USART_CTL1_LBDIE BIT(6) /*!< LIN break detected interrupt eanble */
#define USART_CTL1_CLEN BIT(8) /*!< CK length */
#define USART_CTL1_CPH BIT(9) /*!< CK phase */
#define USART_CTL1_CPL BIT(10) /*!< CK polarity */
#define USART_CTL1_CKEN BIT(11) /*!< CK pin enable */
#define USART_CTL1_STB BITS(12,13) /*!< STOP bits length */
#define USART_CTL1_LMEN BIT(14) /*!< LIN mode enable */
/* USARTx_CTL2 */
#define USART_CTL2_ERRIE BIT(0) /*!< error interrupt enable */
#define USART_CTL2_IREN BIT(1) /*!< IrDA mode enable */
#define USART_CTL2_IRLP BIT(2) /*!< IrDA low-power */
#define USART_CTL2_HDEN BIT(3) /*!< half-duplex enable */
#define USART_CTL2_NKEN BIT(4) /*!< NACK enable in smartcard mode */
#define USART_CTL2_SCEN BIT(5) /*!< smartcard mode enable */
#define USART_CTL2_DENR BIT(6) /*!< DMA request enable for reception */
#define USART_CTL2_DENT BIT(7) /*!< DMA request enable for transmission */
#define USART_CTL2_RTSEN BIT(8) /*!< RTS enable */
#define USART_CTL2_CTSEN BIT(9) /*!< CTS enable */
#define USART_CTL2_CTSIE BIT(10) /*!< CTS interrupt enable */
/* USARTx_GP */
#define USART_GP_PSC BITS(0,7) /*!< prescaler value for dividing the system clock */
#define USART_GP_GUAT BITS(8,15) /*!< guard time value in smartcard mode */
/* USARTx_CTL3 */
#define USART_CTL3_RTEN BIT(0) /*!< receiver timeout enable */
#define USART_CTL3_SCRTNUM BITS(1,3) /*!< smartcard auto-retry number */
#define USART_CTL3_RTIE BIT(4) /*!< interrupt enable bit of receive timeout event */
#define USART_CTL3_EBIE BIT(5) /*!< interrupt enable bit of end of block event */
#define USART_CTL3_RINV BIT(8) /*!< RX pin level inversion */
#define USART_CTL3_TINV BIT(9) /*!< TX pin level inversion */
#define USART_CTL3_DINV BIT(10) /*!< data bit level inversion */
#define USART_CTL3_MSBF BIT(11) /*!< most significant bit first */
/* USARTx_RT */
#define USART_RT_RT BITS(0,23) /*!< receiver timeout threshold */
#define USART_RT_BL BITS(24,31) /*!< block length */
/* USARTx_STAT1 */
#define USART_STAT1_RTF BIT(11) /*!< receiver timeout flag */
#define USART_STAT1_EBF BIT(12) /*!< end of block flag */
#define USART_STAT1_BSY BIT(16) /*!< busy flag */
/* constants definitions */
/* define the USART bit position and its register index offset */
#define USART_REGIDX_BIT(regidx, bitpos) (((uint32_t)(regidx) << 6) | (uint32_t)(bitpos))
#define USART_REG_VAL(usartx, offset) (REG32((usartx) + (((uint32_t)(offset) & 0xFFFFU) >> 6)))
#define USART_BIT_POS(val) ((uint32_t)(val) & 0x1FU)
#define USART_REGIDX_BIT2(regidx, bitpos, regidx2, bitpos2) (((uint32_t)(regidx2) << 22) | (uint32_t)((bitpos2) << 16)\
| (((uint32_t)(regidx) << 6) | (uint32_t)(bitpos)))
#define USART_REG_VAL2(usartx, offset) (REG32((usartx) + ((uint32_t)(offset) >> 22)))
#define USART_BIT_POS2(val) (((uint32_t)(val) & 0x1F0000U) >> 16)
/* register offset */
#define USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET 0x00U /*!< STAT0 register offset */
#define USART_STAT1_REG_OFFSET 0x88U /*!< STAT1 register offset */
#define USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET 0x0CU /*!< CTL0 register offset */
#define USART_CTL1_REG_OFFSET 0x10U /*!< CTL1 register offset */
#define USART_CTL2_REG_OFFSET 0x14U /*!< CTL2 register offset */
#define USART_CTL3_REG_OFFSET 0x80U /*!< CTL3 register offset */
/* USART flags */
typedef enum
/* flags in STAT0 register */
USART_FLAG_TBE = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 7U), /*!< transmit data buffer empty */
USART_FLAG_TC = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 6U), /*!< transmission complete */
USART_FLAG_RBNE = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 5U), /*!< read data buffer not empty */
/* flags in STAT1 register */
USART_FLAG_EB = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_STAT1_REG_OFFSET, 12U), /*!< end of block flag */
USART_FLAG_RT = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_STAT1_REG_OFFSET, 11U), /*!< receiver timeout flag */
/* USART interrupt flags */
typedef enum
/* interrupt flags in CTL0 register */
USART_INT_FLAG_PERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 8U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 0U), /*!< parity error interrupt and flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_TBE = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 7U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 7U), /*!< transmitter buffer empty interrupt and flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_TC = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 6U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 6U), /*!< transmission complete interrupt and flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_RBNE = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 5U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 5U), /*!< read data buffer not empty interrupt and flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_RBNE_ORERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 5U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 3U), /*!< read data buffer not empty interrupt and overrun error flag */
/* interrupt flags in CTL1 register */
USART_INT_FLAG_LBD = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL1_REG_OFFSET, 6U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 8U), /*!< LIN break detected interrupt and flag */
/* interrupt flags in CTL2 register */
USART_INT_FLAG_ERR_ORERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL2_REG_OFFSET, 0U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 3U), /*!< error interrupt and overrun error */
USART_INT_FLAG_ERR_NERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL2_REG_OFFSET, 0U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 2U), /*!< error interrupt and noise error flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_ERR_FERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL2_REG_OFFSET, 0U, USART_STAT0_REG_OFFSET, 1U), /*!< error interrupt and frame error flag */
/* interrupt flags in CTL3 register */
USART_INT_FLAG_EB = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL3_REG_OFFSET, 5U, USART_STAT1_REG_OFFSET, 12U), /*!< interrupt enable bit of end of block event and flag */
USART_INT_FLAG_RT = USART_REGIDX_BIT2(USART_CTL3_REG_OFFSET, 4U, USART_STAT1_REG_OFFSET, 11U), /*!< interrupt enable bit of receive timeout event and flag */
/* USART interrupt enable or disable */
typedef enum
/* interrupt in CTL0 register */
USART_INT_PERR = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 8U), /*!< parity error interrupt */
USART_INT_TBE = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 7U), /*!< transmitter buffer empty interrupt */
USART_INT_TC = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 6U), /*!< transmission complete interrupt */
USART_INT_RBNE = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 5U), /*!< read data buffer not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt */
USART_INT_IDLE = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL0_REG_OFFSET, 4U), /*!< IDLE line detected interrupt */
/* interrupt in CTL1 register */
USART_INT_LBD = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL1_REG_OFFSET, 6U), /*!< LIN break detected interrupt */
/* interrupt in CTL2 register */
/* interrupt in CTL3 register */
USART_INT_EB = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL3_REG_OFFSET, 5U), /*!< end of block interrupt */
USART_INT_RT = USART_REGIDX_BIT(USART_CTL3_REG_OFFSET, 4U), /*!< receive timeout interrupt */
/* USART invert configure */
typedef enum
/* data bit level inversion */
USART_DINV_ENABLE, /*!< data bit level inversion */
USART_DINV_DISABLE, /*!< data bit level not inversion */
/* TX pin level inversion */
USART_TXPIN_ENABLE, /*!< TX pin level inversion */
USART_TXPIN_DISABLE, /*!< TX pin level not inversion */
/* RX pin level inversion */
USART_RXPIN_ENABLE, /*!< RX pin level inversion */
USART_RXPIN_DISABLE, /*!< RX pin level not inversion */
/* USART receiver configure */
#define CTL0_REN(regval) (BIT(2) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 2))
#define USART_RECEIVE_ENABLE CTL0_REN(1) /*!< enable receiver */
#define USART_RECEIVE_DISABLE CTL0_REN(0) /*!< disable receiver */
/* USART transmitter configure */
#define CTL0_TEN(regval) (BIT(3) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 3))
#define USART_TRANSMIT_ENABLE CTL0_TEN(1) /*!< enable transmitter */
#define USART_TRANSMIT_DISABLE CTL0_TEN(0) /*!< disable transmitter */
/* USART parity bits definitions */
#define CTL0_PM(regval) (BITS(9,10) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 9))
#define USART_PM_NONE CTL0_PM(0) /*!< no parity */
#define USART_PM_EVEN CTL0_PM(2) /*!< even parity */
#define USART_PM_ODD CTL0_PM(3) /*!< odd parity */
/* USART wakeup method in mute mode */
#define CTL0_WM(regval) (BIT(11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 11))
#define USART_WM_IDLE CTL0_WM(0) /*!< idle line */
#define USART_WM_ADDR CTL0_WM(1) /*!< address match */
/* USART word length definitions */
#define CTL0_WL(regval) (BIT(12) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 12))
#define USART_WL_8BIT CTL0_WL(0) /*!< 8 bits */
#define USART_WL_9BIT CTL0_WL(1) /*!< 9 bits */
/* USART stop bits definitions */
#define CTL1_STB(regval) (BITS(12,13) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 12))
#define USART_STB_1BIT CTL1_STB(0) /*!< 1 bit */
#define USART_STB_0_5BIT CTL1_STB(1) /*!< 0.5 bit */
#define USART_STB_2BIT CTL1_STB(2) /*!< 2 bits */
#define USART_STB_1_5BIT CTL1_STB(3) /*!< 1.5 bits */
/* USART LIN break frame length */
#define CTL1_LBLEN(regval) (BIT(5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 5))
#define USART_LBLEN_10B CTL1_LBLEN(0) /*!< 10 bits */
#define USART_LBLEN_11B CTL1_LBLEN(1) /*!< 11 bits */
/* USART CK length */
#define CTL1_CLEN(regval) (BIT(8) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8))
#define USART_CLEN_NONE CTL1_CLEN(0) /*!< there are 7 CK pulses for an 8 bit frame and 8 CK pulses for a 9 bit frame */
#define USART_CLEN_EN CTL1_CLEN(1) /*!< there are 8 CK pulses for an 8 bit frame and 9 CK pulses for a 9 bit frame */
/* USART clock phase */
#define CTL1_CPH(regval) (BIT(9) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 9))
#define USART_CPH_1CK CTL1_CPH(0) /*!< first clock transition is the first data capture edge */
#define USART_CPH_2CK CTL1_CPH(1) /*!< second clock transition is the first data capture edge */
/* USART clock polarity */
#define CTL1_CPL(regval) (BIT(10) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 10))
#define USART_CPL_LOW CTL1_CPL(0) /*!< steady low value on CK pin */
#define USART_CPL_HIGH CTL1_CPL(1) /*!< steady high value on CK pin */
/* USART DMA request for receive configure */
#define CLT2_DENR(regval) (BIT(6) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 6))
#define USART_DENR_ENABLE CLT2_DENR(1) /*!< DMA request enable for reception */
#define USART_DENR_DISABLE CLT2_DENR(0) /*!< DMA request disable for reception */
/* USART DMA request for transmission configure */
#define CLT2_DENT(regval) (BIT(7) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 7))
#define USART_DENT_ENABLE CLT2_DENT(1) /*!< DMA request enable for transmission */
#define USART_DENT_DISABLE CLT2_DENT(0) /*!< DMA request disable for transmission */
/* USART RTS configure */
#define CLT2_RTSEN(regval) (BIT(8) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8))
#define USART_RTS_ENABLE CLT2_RTSEN(1) /*!< RTS enable */
#define USART_RTS_DISABLE CLT2_RTSEN(0) /*!< RTS disable */
/* USART CTS configure */
#define CLT2_CTSEN(regval) (BIT(9) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 9))
#define USART_CTS_ENABLE CLT2_CTSEN(1) /*!< CTS enable */
#define USART_CTS_DISABLE CLT2_CTSEN(0) /*!< CTS disable */
/* USART IrDA low-power enable */
#define CTL2_IRLP(regval) (BIT(2) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 2))
#define USART_IRLP_LOW CTL2_IRLP(1) /*!< low-power */
#define USART_IRLP_NORMAL CTL2_IRLP(0) /*!< normal */
/* USART data is transmitted/received with the LSB/MSB first */
#define CTL3_MSBF(regval) (BIT(11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 11))
#define USART_MSBF_LSB CTL3_MSBF(0) /*!< LSB first */
#define USART_MSBF_MSB CTL3_MSBF(1) /*!< MSB first */
/* function declarations */
/* initialization functions */
/* reset USART */
void usart_deinit(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure USART baud rate value */
void usart_baudrate_set(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t baudval);
/* configure USART parity function */
void usart_parity_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t paritycfg);
/* configure USART word length */
void usart_word_length_set(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t wlen);
/* configure USART stop bit length */
void usart_stop_bit_set(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t stblen);
/* USART normal mode communication */
/* enable USART */
void usart_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* disable USART */
void usart_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure USART transmitter */
void usart_transmit_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t txconfig);
/* configure USART receiver */
void usart_receive_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t rxconfig);
/* data is transmitted/received with the LSB/MSB first */
void usart_data_first_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t msbf);
/* configure USART inverted */
void usart_invert_config(uint32_t usart_periph, usart_invert_enum invertpara);
/* enable receiver timeout */
void usart_receiver_timeout_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* disable receiver timeout */
void usart_receiver_timeout_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure receiver timeout threshold */
void usart_receiver_timeout_threshold_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t rtimeout);
/* USART transmit data function */
void usart_data_transmit(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t data);
/* USART receive data function */
uint16_t usart_data_receive(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* multi-processor communication */
/* configure address of the USART */
void usart_address_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint8_t addr);
/* enable mute mode */
void usart_mute_mode_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* disable mute mode */
void usart_mute_mode_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure wakeup method in mute mode */
void usart_mute_mode_wakeup_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t wmethod);
/* LIN mode communication */
/* LIN mode enable */
void usart_lin_mode_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* LIN mode disable */
void usart_lin_mode_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* LIN break detection length */
void usart_lin_break_dection_length_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t lblen);
/* send break frame */
void usart_send_break(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* half-duplex communication */
/* half-duplex enable */
void usart_halfduplex_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* half-duplex disable */
void usart_halfduplex_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* synchronous communication */
/* clock enable */
void usart_synchronous_clock_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* clock disable */
void usart_synchronous_clock_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure usart synchronous mode parameters */
void usart_synchronous_clock_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t clen, uint32_t cph, uint32_t cpl);
/* smartcard communication */
/* guard time value configure in smartcard mode */
void usart_guard_time_config(uint32_t usart_periph,uint32_t guat);
/* smartcard mode enable */
void usart_smartcard_mode_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* smartcard mode disable */
void usart_smartcard_mode_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* NACK enable in smartcard mode */
void usart_smartcard_mode_nack_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* NACK disable in smartcard mode */
void usart_smartcard_mode_nack_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* smartcard auto-retry number configure */
void usart_smartcard_autoretry_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t scrtnum);
/* block length configure */
void usart_block_length_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t bl);
/* IrDA communication */
/* enable IrDA mode */
void usart_irda_mode_enable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* disable IrDA mode */
void usart_irda_mode_disable(uint32_t usart_periph);
/* configure the peripheral clock prescaler */
void usart_prescaler_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint8_t psc);
/* configure IrDA low-power */
void usart_irda_lowpower_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t irlp);
/* hardware flow communication */
/* configure hardware flow control RTS */
void usart_hardware_flow_rts_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t rtsconfig);
/* configure hardware flow control CTS */
void usart_hardware_flow_cts_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t ctsconfig);
/* configure USART DMA for reception */
void usart_dma_receive_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t dmacmd);
/* configure USART DMA for transmission */
void usart_dma_transmit_config(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t dmacmd);
/* flag functions */
/* get flag in STAT0/STAT1 register */
FlagStatus usart_flag_get(uint32_t usart_periph, usart_flag_enum flag);
/* clear flag in STAT0/STAT1 register */
void usart_flag_clear(uint32_t usart_periph, usart_flag_enum flag);
/* interrupt functions */
/* enable USART interrupt */
void usart_interrupt_enable(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t int_flag);
/* disable USART interrupt */
void usart_interrupt_disable(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t int_flag);
/* get USART interrupt and flag status */
FlagStatus usart_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t int_flag);
/* clear interrupt flag in STAT0/STAT1 register */
void usart_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t usart_periph, uint32_t flag);
#endif /* GD32F30x_USART_H */