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* @brief ADC Registers and control functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __ADC_001_H_
#define __ADC_001_H_
#include "sys_config.h"
#include "cmsis.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup IP_ADC_001 IP: 10 or 12-bit ADC register block and driver
* @ingroup IP_Drivers
* @{
* @brief 10 or 12-bit ADC register block structure
typedef struct { /*!< ADCn Structure */
__IO uint32_t CR; /*!< A/D Control Register. The AD0CR register must be written to select the operating mode before A/D conversion can occur. */
__I uint32_t GDR; /*!< A/D Global Data Register. Contains the result of the most recent A/D conversion. */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
__IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< A/D Interrupt Enable Register. This register contains enable bits that allow the DONE flag of each A/D channel to be included or excluded from contributing to the generation of an A/D interrupt. */
__I uint32_t DR[8]; /*!< A/D Channel Data Register. This register contains the result of the most recent conversion completed on channel n. */
__I uint32_t STAT; /*!< A/D Status Register. This register contains DONE and OVERRUN flags for all of the A/D channels, as well as the A/D interrupt flag. */
#if !defined(CHIP_LPC18XX) && !defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
__IO uint32_t ADTRM;
} IP_ADC_001_Type;
* @brief ADC register support bitfields and mask
#define ADC_DR_RESULT(n) ((((n) >> 6) & 0x3FF)) /*!< Mask for getting the ADC data read value */
#define ADC_DR_DONE(n) (((n) >> 31)) /*!< Mask for reading the ADC done status */
#define ADC_DR_OVERRUN(n) ((((n) >> 30) & (1UL))) /*!< Mask for reading the ADC overrun status */
#define ADC_CR_CH_SEL(n) ((1UL << (n))) /*!< Selects which of the AD0.0:7 pins is (are) to be sampled and converted */
#define ADC_CR_CLKDIV(n) ((((n) & 0xFF) << 8)) /*!< The APB clock (PCLK) is divided by (this value plus one) to produce the clock for the A/D */
#define ADC_CR_BURST ((1UL << 16)) /*!< Repeated conversions A/D enable bit */
#define ADC_CR_BITACC(n) ((((n) & 0x7) << 17)) /*!< Number of ADC accuracy bits */
#define ADC_CR_PDN ((1UL << 21)) /*!< ADC convert in power down mode */
#define ADC_CR_START_MASK ((7UL << 24)) /*!< ADC start mask bits */
#define ADC_CR_START_MODE_SEL(SEL) ((SEL << 24)) /*!< Select Start Mode */
#define ADC_CR_START_NOW ((1UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion now */
#define ADC_CR_START_CTOUT15 ((2UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_15 */
#define ADC_CR_START_CTOUT8 ((3UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_8 */
#define ADC_CR_START_ADCTRIG0 ((4UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG0 */
#define ADC_CR_START_ADCTRIG1 ((5UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG1 */
#define ADC_CR_START_MCOA2 ((6UL << 24)) /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on Motocon PWM output MCOA2 */
#define ADC_CR_EDGE ((1UL << 27)) /*!< Start conversion on a falling edge on the selected CAP/MAT signal */
* @brief ADC status register used for IP drivers
typedef enum {
ADC_DR_DONE_STAT, /*!< ADC data register staus */
ADC_DR_OVERRUN_STAT,/*!< ADC data overrun staus */
ADC_DR_ADINT_STAT /*!< ADC interrupt status */
} IP_ADC_Status;
* @brief Initialize for ADC
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param adcRate : Sample rate of A/D converter
* @param adcPerClock : The APB clock
* @param bitsAccuracy : The accuracy of LSB value, should be ADC_10BITS -> ADC_3BITS
* @return Nothing
* Disable all ADC interrupts, set bit PDN, set ADC clock frequency
* This is not the sample rate, but the clock for the ADC machine, and is usually set to
* maximum. Applications may choose a lower frequency if they have high-impedance sources.
* This is because a lower clock frequency produces a longer sampling time.
void IP_ADC_Init(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint32_t adcRate, uint32_t adcPerClock, uint8_t bitsAccuracy);
* @brief Shutdown ADC
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @return Nothing
* Reset the ADC control and INTEN Register to reset values (disabled)
void IP_ADC_DeInit(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC);
* @brief Set burst mode for ADC
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param NewState : ENABLE for burst mode, or DISABLE for normal mode
* @return Nothing
void IP_ADC_SetBurstMode(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Get the ADC value
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param channel : Channel to be read value, should be 0..7
* @param data : Data buffer to store the A/D value
* @return Status : SUCCESS or ERROR
Status IP_ADC_Get_Val(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t channel, uint16_t *data);
* @brief Get ADC Channel status from ADC data register
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param channel : Channel number, should be 0..7
* @param StatusType : Register to read, ADC_DR_DONE_STAT, ADC_DR_OVERRUN_STAT, or ADC_DR_ADINT_STAT
* @return Channel status, SET or RESET
FlagStatus IP_ADC_GetStatus(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t channel, uint32_t StatusType);
* @brief Set the edge start condition
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param edge_mode : 0 = rising, != = falling
* @return Nothing
void IP_ADC_EdgeStartConfig(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t edge_mode);
* @brief Enable/Disable ADC channel number
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param channel : Channel number
* @param NewState : New state, ENABLE or DISABLE
* @return Nothing
void IP_ADC_SetChannelNumber(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t channel, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Set start mode for ADC
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param start_mode : Start mode choose one of modes in 'ADC_START_*' enumeration type definitions
* @return Nothing
void IP_ADC_SetStartMode(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t start_mode);
* @brief Enable/Disable interrupt for ADC channel
* @param pADC : The base of ADC peripheral on the chip
* @param channel : Channel assert the interrupt
* @param NewState : New state, ENABLE or DISABLE
* @return Nothing
void IP_ADC_Int_Enable(IP_ADC_001_Type *pADC, uint8_t channel, FunctionalState NewState);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ADC_001_H_ */