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#ifndef __SWM341_LCD_H__
#define __SWM341_LCD_H__
typedef struct {
uint8_t ClkDiv; //取值范围2--65
uint8_t Format; //LCD_FMT_RGB565、LCD_FMT_RGB888、LCD_FMT_SRGB565、LCD_FMT_SRGB888
uint16_t HnPixel; //水平方向像素个数,最大取值1024
uint16_t VnPixel; //垂直方向像素个数,最大取值1024
uint8_t Hfp; //horizonal front porch,最大取值64
uint16_t Hbp; //horizonal back porch, 最大取值256
uint8_t Vfp; //vertical front porch, 最大取值64
uint16_t Vbp; //vertical back porch, 最大取值256
uint16_t HsyncWidth; //HSYNC低电平持续多少个DOTCLK,最大取值256
uint16_t VsyncWidth; //VSYNC低电平持续多少个行时间,最大取值256
uint32_t DataSource; //显示数据地址
uint32_t Background; //背景颜色
uint8_t SampleEdge; //屏幕在DOTCLK的哪个边沿采样数据:LCD_SAMPLE_RISE、LCD_SAMPLE_FALL
uint8_t IntEOTEn; //End of Transter(传输完成)中断使能
} LCD_InitStructure;
typedef struct {
uint8_t Alpha;
uint16_t HStart; //水平方向起始位置,取值范围0 ~ HnPixel-1
uint16_t HStop; //水平方向终止位置(包含),不得小于HStart,且 HStop - HStart 结果必须为奇数
uint16_t VStart;
uint16_t VStop;
uint32_t DataSource; //显示数据地址
} LCD_LayerInitStructure;
#define LCD_FMT_RGB565 0
#define LCD_FMT_RGB888 1
#define LCD_FMT_SRGB565 2 //Serial RGB
#define LCD_FMT_SRGB888 3
#define LCD_SAMPLE_RISE 0 //屏幕在DOTCLK的上升沿采样数据
#define LCD_SAMPLE_FALL 1 //屏幕在DOTCLK的下降沿采样数据
#define LCD_LAYER_1 0
#define LCD_LAYER_2 1
void LCD_Init(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, LCD_InitStructure * initStruct);
void LCD_LayerInit(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint32_t layerx, LCD_LayerInitStructure * initStruct);
void LCD_SetLayerPos(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint32_t layerx, uint16_t hstart, uint16_t hstop, uint16_t vstart, uint16_t vstop);
void LCD_Start(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
uint32_t LCD_IsBusy(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
void LCD_INTEn(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
void LCD_INTDis(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
void LCD_INTClr(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
uint32_t LCD_INTStat(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
typedef struct {
uint8_t RDHoldTime; //LCD_RD低电平保持时间,取值1--32
uint8_t WRHoldTime; //LCD_WR低电平保持时间,取值1--16
uint8_t CSFall_WRFall; //LCD_CS下降沿到LCD_WR下降沿延时,取值1--4
uint8_t WRRise_CSRise; //LCD_WR上升沿到LCD_CS上升沿延时,取值1--4
uint8_t RDCSRise_Fall; //读操作时,LCD_CS上升沿到下降沿延时,取值1--32
uint8_t WRCSRise_Fall; //写操作时,LCD_CS上升沿到下降沿延时,取值1--16
} MPULCD_InitStructure;
void MPULCD_Init(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, MPULCD_InitStructure * initStruct);
void LCD_WR_REG(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint16_t reg);
void LCD_WR_DATA(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint16_t val);
void LCD_WriteReg(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint16_t reg, uint16_t val);
uint16_t LCD_ReadReg(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint16_t reg);
void MPULCD_DMAStart(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx, uint32_t * buff, uint16_t hpix, uint16_t vpix);
uint32_t MPULCD_DMABusy(LCD_TypeDef * LCDx);
#endif //__SWM341_LCD_H__