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* @file nu_adc.h
* @brief ADC driver header file
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @copyright(C) 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __NU_ADC_H__
#define __NU_ADC_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
/** @addtogroup ADC_Driver ADC Driver
/** @addtogroup ADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS ADC Exported Constants
#include "adc_reg.h"
#define ADC_CH_0_MASK (1UL << 0) /*!< ADC channel 0 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_1_MASK (1UL << 1) /*!< ADC channel 1 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_2_MASK (1UL << 2) /*!< ADC channel 2 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_3_MASK (1UL << 3) /*!< ADC channel 3 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_4_MASK (1UL << 4) /*!< ADC channel 4 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_5_MASK (1UL << 5) /*!< ADC channel 5 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_6_MASK (1UL << 6) /*!< ADC channel 6 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_7_MASK (1UL << 7) /*!< ADC channel 7 mask \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_CH_NUM 8 /*!< Total Channel number \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE ADC_CONF_SPEED_Msk /*!< ADC working in high speed mode (3.2MHz <= ECLK <= 16MHz) \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_NORMAL_SPEED_MODE 0 /*!< ADC working in normal speed mode (ECLK < 3.2MHz) \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_REFSEL_VREF 0 /*!< ADC reference voltage source selection set to VREF \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_REFSEL_AVDD (3UL << ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC reference voltage source selection set to AVDD \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_INPUT_MODE_NORMAL_CONV 0 /*!< ADC works in normal conversion mode \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_INPUT_MODE_4WIRE_TOUCH 1 /*!< ADC works in 4-wire touch screen mode \hideinitializer */
#define ADC_INPUT_MODE_5WIRE_TOUCH 2 /*!< ADC works in 5-wire touch screen mode \hideinitializer */
/*@}*/ /* end of group ADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup ADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS ADC Exported Functions
* @brief Get the latest ADC conversion data
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32ChNum Currently not used
* @return Latest ADC conversion data
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_GET_CONVERSION_DATA(adc, u32ChNum) ((adc)->DATA)
* @brief Get the latest ADC conversion X data
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return Latest ADC conversion X data
* \hideinitializer
* @brief Get the latest ADC conversion Y data
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return Latest ADC conversion Y data
* \hideinitializer
* @brief Get the latest ADC conversion Z1 data
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return Latest ADC conversion Z1 data
* \hideinitializer
* @brief Get the latest ADC conversion Z2 data
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return Latest ADC conversion Z2 data
* \hideinitializer
* @brief Return the user-specified interrupt flags
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Could be \ref ADC_IER_MIEN_Msk
* @return User specified interrupt flags
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_GET_INT_FLAG(adc, u32Mask) ((adc)->ISR & (u32Mask))
* @brief This macro clear the selected interrupt status bits
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Could be \ref ADC_IER_MIEN_Msk
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_CLR_INT_FLAG(adc, u32Mask) ((adc)->ISR = (u32Mask))
* @brief Return the user-specified interrupt flags
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Could be \ref ADC_IER_MIEN_Msk
* @return User specified interrupt flags
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_GET_WKINT_FLAG(adc, u32Mask) ((adc)->WKISR & (u32Mask))
* @brief Enable the interrupt(s) selected by u32Mask parameter.
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Could be \ref ADC_IER_MIEN_Msk
* @return None
#define ADC_ENABLE_INT(adc, u32Mask) ((adc)->IER |= u32Mask)
* @brief Disable the interrupt(s) selected by u32Mask parameter.
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Could be \ref ADC_IER_MIEN_Msk
* @return None
#define ADC_DISABLE_INT(adc, u32Mask) ((adc)->IER &= ~u32Mask)
* @brief Power down ADC module
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_POWER_DOWN(adc) ((adc)->CTL &= ~ADC_CTL_ADEN_Msk)
* @brief Power on ADC module
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_POWER_ON(adc) ((adc)->CTL |= ADC_CTL_ADEN_Msk)
* @brief Set ADC input channel. Enabled channel will be converted while ADC starts.
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Mask Channel enable bit. Each bit corresponds to a input channel. Bit 0 is channel 0, bit 1 is channel 1...
* @return None
* @note ADC can only convert 1 channel at a time. If more than 1 channels are enabled, only channel
* with smallest number will be convert.
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_SET_INPUT_CHANNEL(adc, u32Mask) do {uint32_t u32Ch = 0, i;\
for(i = 0; i < ADC_CH_NUM; i++) {\
if((u32Mask) & (1 << i)) {\
u32Ch = i;\
(adc)->CONF = ((adc)->CONF & ~ADC_CONF_CHSEL_Msk) | (u32Ch << ADC_CONF_CHSEL_Pos);\
* @brief Start the A/D conversion.
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_START_CONV(adc) ((adc)->CTL |= ADC_CTL_MST_Msk)
* @brief Set the reference voltage selection.
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @param[in] u32Ref The reference voltage selection. Valid values are:
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_SET_REF_VOLTAGE(adc, u32Ref) ((adc)->CONF = ((adc)->CONF & ~ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Msk) | (u32Ref))
* @brief Set ADC to convert X/Y coordinate
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_CONVERT_XY_MODE(adc) do {(adc)->CTL &= ~ADC_CTL_PEDEEN_Msk;\
(adc)->CONF |= ADC_CONF_TEN_Msk | ADC_CONF_ZEN_Msk;} while(0)
* @brief Set ADC to detect pen down event
* @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module
* @return None
* \hideinitializer
#define ADC_DETECT_PD_MODE(adc) do {(adc)->CONF &= ~(ADC_CONF_TEN_Msk | ADC_CONF_ZEN_Msk);\
(adc)->CTL |= ADC_CTL_PEDEEN_Msk;} while(0)
#define ADC_CONF_REFSEL_VREF (0<<ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC reference select VREF input or 2.5v buffer output */
#define ADC_CONF_REFSEL_YMYP (1<<ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC reference select YM vs YP */
#define ADC_CONF_REFSEL_XMXP (2<<ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC reference select XM vs XP */
#define ADC_CONF_REFSEL_AVDD33 (3<<ADC_CONF_REFSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC reference select AGND33 vs AVDD33 */
/** \brief Structure type of ADC_CMD
typedef enum
START_MST, /*!<Menu Start Conversion with interrupt */
START_MST_POLLING, /*!<Menu Start Conversion with polling */
VBPOWER_ON, /*!<Enable ADC Internal Bandgap Power */
VBPOWER_OFF, /*!<Disable ADC Internal Bandgap Power */
VBAT_ON, /*!<Enable Voltage Battery conversion function */
VBAT_OFF, /*!<Disable Voltage Battery conversion function */
KPPOWER_ON, /*!<Enable ADC Keypad power */
KPPOWER_OFF, /*!<Disable ADC Keypad power */
KPCONV_ON, /*!<Enable Keypad conversion function */
KPCONV_OFF, /*!<Disable Keypad conversion function */
KPPRESS_ON, /*!<Enable Keypad press event */
KPPRESS_OFF, /*!<Disable Keypad press event */
KPUP_ON, /*!<Enable Keypad up event */
KPUP_OFF, /*!<Disable Keypad up event */
PEPOWER_ON, /*!<Enable Pen Down Power ,It can control pen down event */
PEPOWER_OFF, /*!<Disable Pen Power */
PEDEF_ON, /*!<Enable Pen Down Event Flag */
PEDEF_OFF, /*!<Disable Pen Down Event Flag */
WKP_ON, /*!<Enable Keypad Press Wake Up */
WKP_OFF, /*!<Disable Keypad Press Wake Up */
WKT_ON, /*!<Enable Pen Down Wake Up */
WKT_OFF, /*!<Disable Pen Down Wake Up */
SWITCH_5WIRE_ON, /*!<Wire Mode Switch to 5-Wire Configuration */
SWITCH_5WIRE_OFF, /*!<Wire Mode Switch to 4-Wire Configuration */
T_ON, /*!<Enable Touch detection function */
T_OFF, /*!<Disable Touch detection function */
TAVG_ON, /*!<Enable Touch Mean average for X and Y function */
TAVG_OFF, /*!<Disable Touch Mean average for X and Y function */
Z_ON, /*!<Enable Press measure function */
Z_OFF, /*!<Disable Press measure function */
TZAVG_ON, /*!<Enable Pressure Mean average for Z1 and Z2 function */
TZAVG_OFF, /*!<Disable Pressure Mean average for Z1 and Z2 function */
NAC_ON, /*!<Enable Normal AD Conversion */
NAC_OFF, /*!<Disable Normal AD Conversion */
SWITCH_CH, /*!<Switch Channel */
typedef int32_t(*ADC_CALLBACK)(uint32_t status, uint32_t userData);
void ADC_Open(ADC_T *adc,
uint32_t u32InputMode,
uint32_t u32OpMode,
uint32_t u32ChMask);
void ADC_Close(ADC_T *adc);
void ADC_EnableInt(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32Mask);
void ADC_DisableInt(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32Mask);
/*@}*/ /* end of group ADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group ADC_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__NU_ADC_H__