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The Arduino Compatible for STM32G474 Nucleo development board

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1 RTduino - Arduino Ecosystem Compatibility Layer for RT-Thread

The STM32G474 Nucleo development board has been fully adapted with the RTduino software package, which is an Arduino Ecosystem compatibility layer for RT-Thread. Users can program this BSP according to Arduino programming conventions and use a large number of libraries available in the Arduino community, providing a significant enhancement to the RT-Thread ecosystem. For more information, please refer to the RTduino software package documentation.

1.1 How to Enable Arduino Ecosystem Compatibility Layer for this BSP

Enter the menuconfig command under Env tool or select RT-Thread Settings under RT-Thread Studio IDE:

Hardware Drivers Config --->
    Onboard Peripheral Drivers --->
        [*] Compatible with Arduino Ecosystem (RTduino)

2 Arduino Pinout

For additional information on pin layout, refer to pins_arduino.c and pins_arduino.h.

stm32g474-nucleo-pinout.jpg nucleo_g474re_arduino_left.jpg nucleo_g474re_arduino_right.jpg

Arduino Pin Number STM32 Pin Number 5V Tolerance Remarks
0 (D0) PC5 Yes
1 (D1) PC4 Yes
2 (D2) PA10 Yes Serial2-RX, default controlled by RT-Thread's UART device framework uart1
3 (D3) PB3 Yes PWM2-CH2, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm2
4 (D4) PB5 Yes
5 (D5) PB4 Yes PWM3-CH1, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm3
6 (D6) PB10 Yes PWM2-CH3, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm2
7 (D7) PA8 Yes
8 (D8) PA9 Yes Serial2-TX, default controlled by RT-Thread's UART device framework uart1
9 (D9) PC7 Yes PWM8-CH2, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm8
10 (D10) PB6 Yes PWM4-CH1, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm4
11 (D11) PA7 Yes PWM3-CH2, default controlled by RT-Thread's PWM device framework pwm3
12 (D12) PA6 Yes
13 (D13) PA5 Yes Onboard User LED
14 (D14) PB9 Yes I2C1-SDA, default controlled by RT-Thread's I2C device framework i2c1
15 (D15) PB8 Yes I2C1-SCL, default controlled by RT-Thread's I2C device framework i2c1
16 (D16) PC13 Yes
17 (A0) PA0 Yes ADC1-CH1, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
18 (A1) PA1 Yes ADC1-CH2, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
19 (A2) PA4 Yes ADC2-CH17, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc2
20 (A3) PB0 Yes ADC1-CH15, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
21 (A4) PC1 Yes ADC1-CH7, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
22 (A5) PC0 Yes ADC1-CH6, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
23 (A6) -- On-chip reference voltage ADC, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1
24 (A7) -- On-chip temperature sensor ADC, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1


  1. Don't use a same hardware timer to drive PWM (analogRead) and servos at same time, because hardware timers can only generate a same frequency for 4 PWM channels. Otherwise, it could cause a failure when drive servos.


  1. stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf
  2. ST-Nucleo-G474RE