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Executable File
317 lines
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Executable File
* File : serial.c
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Development Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://openlab.rt-thread.com/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2006-08-23 Bernard first version
* 2009-05-14 Bernard add RT-THread device interface
* 2011-12-17 nl1031 MicroBlaze
#include <rthw.h>
#include <rtthread.h>
#include "serial.h"
typedef volatile rt_uint32_t REG32;
struct rt_mb_uart_lite_hw
REG32 Rx_FIFO; // Receiver Holding Register
REG32 Tx_FIFO; // Transmitter Holding Register
REG32 STAT_REG; // Channel Status Register
REG32 CTRL_REG; // Control Register
struct rt_mb_uart_lite
struct rt_device parent;
struct rt_mb_uart_lite_hw* hw_base;
rt_uint16_t peripheral_id;
rt_uint32_t baudrate;
/* reception field */
rt_uint16_t save_index, read_index;
rt_uint8_t rx_buffer[RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
struct rt_mb_uart_lite serial1;
static void rt_hw_serial_isr(void)
unsigned int status;
rt_base_t level;
struct rt_device* device;
struct rt_mb_uart_lite* serial = RT_NULL;
/* serial 1 */
serial = &serial1;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
/* get generic device object */
device = (rt_device_t)serial;
/* disable interrupt */
level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
/* get uart status register */
status = serial->hw_base->STAT_REG;
while (status & XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_VALID_DATA)
/* get received character */
serial->rx_buffer[serial->save_index] = serial->hw_base->Rx_FIFO;
/* move to next position */
serial->save_index ++;
if (serial->save_index >= RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
serial->save_index = 0;
/* if the next position is read index, discard this 'read char' */
if (serial->save_index == serial->read_index)
serial->read_index ++;
if (serial->read_index >= RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
serial->read_index = 0;
status = serial->hw_base->STAT_REG;
/* enable interrupt */
/* indicate to upper layer application */
if (device->rx_indicate != RT_NULL)
device->rx_indicate(device, 1);
static rt_err_t rt_serial_init (rt_device_t dev)
struct rt_mb_uart_lite* serial = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite*) dev;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
RT_ASSERT(serial->peripheral_id != XPAR_UARTLITE_1_DEVICE_ID);
/* reset rx index */
serial->save_index = 0;
serial->read_index = 0;
/* reset rx buffer */
rt_memset(serial->rx_buffer, 0, RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
return RT_EOK;
static rt_err_t rt_serial_open(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag)
struct rt_mb_uart_lite *serial = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite*)dev;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
if (dev->flag & RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX)
/* enable UART rx interrupt */
serial->hw_base->CTRL_REG = XUL_CR_ENABLE_INTR; /* enable interrupt */
/* install UART handler */
rt_hw_interrupt_install(serial->peripheral_id, (rt_isr_handler_t)rt_hw_serial_isr, RT_NULL);
return RT_EOK;
static rt_err_t rt_serial_close(rt_device_t dev)
struct rt_mb_uart_lite *serial = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite*)dev;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
if (dev->flag & RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX)
/* disable interrupt */
serial->hw_base->CTRL_REG = 0; /* RxReady interrupt */
return RT_EOK;
static rt_ssize_t rt_serial_read (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void* buffer, rt_size_t size)
rt_uint8_t* ptr;
struct rt_mb_uart_lite *serial = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite*)dev;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
/* point to buffer */
ptr = (rt_uint8_t*) buffer;
if (dev->flag & RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX)
while (size)
/* interrupt receive */
rt_base_t level;
/* disable interrupt */
level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
if (serial->read_index != serial->save_index)
*ptr = serial->rx_buffer[serial->read_index];
serial->read_index ++;
if (serial->read_index >= RT_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
serial->read_index = 0;
/* no data in rx buffer */
/* enable interrupt */
/* enable interrupt */
ptr ++; size --;
return (rt_uint32_t)ptr - (rt_uint32_t)buffer;
else if (dev->flag & RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DMA_RX)
/* not support right now */
/* poll mode */
while (size)
/* Wait for Full Rx Buffer */
while (!(serial->hw_base->STAT_REG & XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_VALID_DATA));
/* Read Character */
*ptr = serial->hw_base->Rx_FIFO;
ptr ++;
size --;
return (rt_size_t)ptr - (rt_size_t)buffer;
return 0;
static rt_ssize_t rt_serial_write (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void* buffer, rt_size_t size)
rt_uint8_t* ptr;
struct rt_mb_uart_lite *serial = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite*)dev;
RT_ASSERT(serial != RT_NULL);
ptr = (rt_uint8_t*) buffer;
if (dev->open_flag & RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_WRONLY)
if (dev->flag & RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STREAM)
/* it's a stream mode device */
while (size)
/* stream mode */
if (*ptr == '\n')
while (!(serial->hw_base->STAT_REG & XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY));
serial->hw_base->Tx_FIFO = '\r';
/* Wait for Empty Tx Buffer */
while (!(serial->hw_base->STAT_REG & XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY));
/* Transmit Character */
serial->hw_base->Tx_FIFO = *ptr;
if (*ptr & 1)
ptr ++; size --;
while (size)
/* Wait for Empty Tx Buffer */
while (!(serial->hw_base->STAT_REG & XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY));
/* Transmit Character */
serial->hw_base->Tx_FIFO = *ptr;
if (*ptr & 1)
ptr ++; size --;
return (rt_size_t)ptr - (rt_size_t)buffer;
static rt_err_t rt_serial_control (rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args)
return RT_EOK;
rt_err_t rt_hw_serial_init()
rt_device_t device;
int Status;
* Initialize the UartLite driver so that it is ready to use.
Status = XUartLite_Initialize(&uart_lite, RS232_DEVICE_ID);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
device = (rt_device_t) &serial1;
/* init serial device private data */
serial1.hw_base = (struct rt_mb_uart_lite_hw*)XPAR_USB_UART_BASEADDR;
serial1.peripheral_id = XPAR_UARTLITE_1_DEVICE_ID;
serial1.baudrate = 115200;
/* set device virtual interface */
device->init = rt_serial_init;
device->open = rt_serial_open;
device->close = rt_serial_close;
device->read = rt_serial_read;
device->write = rt_serial_write;
device->control = rt_serial_control;
/* register uart1 on device subsystem */
rt_device_register(device, "uart1", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX);
return RT_EOK;