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* @file cmem7.h
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Peripheral Access Layer Header File for
* cmem7 from <unknown Vendor>.
* @version V1.0
* @date 5. January 2015
* @note Generated with SVDConv V2.75
* from CMSIS SVD File 'SVDConv_CME_M7.svd' Version 1.0,
/** @addtogroup (null)
* @{
/** @addtogroup cmem7
* @{
#ifndef CMEM7_H
#define CMEM7_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ------------------------- Interrupt Number Definition ------------------------ */
typedef enum {
/* ------------------- Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
and No Match */
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
related Fault */
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Debug Monitor */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 System Tick Timer */
/* ---------------------- cmem7 Specific Interrupt Numbers ---------------------- */
ETH_INT_IRQn = 0, /*!< 0 ETH_INT */
USB_INT_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 USB_INT */
DMA_INT_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 DMA_INT */
CAN0_INT_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 CAN0_INT */
CAN1_INT_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 CAN1_INT */
FP0_INT_IRQn = 5, /*!< 5 FP0_INT */
FP1_INT_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 FP1_INT */
FP2_INT_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 FP2_INT */
FP3_INT_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 FP3_INT */
FP4_INT_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 FP4_INT */
FP5_INT_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 FP5_INT */
FP6_INT_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 FP6_INT */
FP7_INT_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 FP7_INT */
FP8_INT_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 FP8_INT */
FP9_INT_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 FP9_INT */
FP10_INT_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 FP10_INT */
FP11_INT_IRQn = 16, /*!< 16 FP11_INT */
FP12_INT_IRQn = 17, /*!< 17 FP12_INT */
FP13_INT_IRQn = 18, /*!< 18 FP13_INT */
FP14_INT_IRQn = 19, /*!< 19 FP14_INT */
FP15_INT_IRQn = 20, /*!< 20 FP15_INT */
UART0_INT_IRQn = 21, /*!< 21 UART0_INT */
UART1_INT_IRQn = 22, /*!< 22 UART1_INT */
ADC_INT_IRQn = 23, /*!< 23 ADC_INT */
GPIO_INT_IRQn = 24, /*!< 24 GPIO_INT */
SPI1_INT_IRQn = 25, /*!< 25 SPI1_INT */
I2C1_INT_IRQn = 26, /*!< 26 I2C1_INT */
SPI0_INT_IRQn = 27, /*!< 27 SPI0_INT */
I2C0_INT_IRQn = 28, /*!< 28 I2C0_INT */
RTC_1S_INT_IRQn = 29, /*!< 29 RTC_1S_INT */
RTC_1MS_INT_IRQn = 30, /*!< 30 RTC_1MS_INT */
WDG_INT_IRQn = 31, /*!< 31 WDG_INT */
TIMER_INT_IRQn = 32, /*!< 32 TIMER_INT */
DDRC_SW_PROC_IRQn = 33, /*!< 33 DDRC_SW_PROC */
ETH_PMT_INT_IRQn = 34, /*!< 34 ETH_PMT_INT */
PAD_INT_IRQn = 35, /*!< 35 PAD_INT */
UART2_INT_IRQn = 37 /*!< 37 UART2_INT */
} IRQn_Type;
/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
* @{
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Processor and Core Peripheral Section ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ----------------Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals---------------- */
#define __CM3_REV 0x0000 /*!< Cortex-M3 Core Revision */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< MPU present or not */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 0 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
#include <core_cm3.h> /*!< Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_cmem7.h" /*!< cmem7 System */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Section ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_Registers
* @{
/* ------------------- Start of section using anonymous unions ------------------ */
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#pragma language=extended
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
#pragma warning 586
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ UART0 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief asynchronous serial controller 0 (UART0)
typedef struct { /*!< UART0 Structure */
__IO uint16_t BAUDRATE; /*!< baudrate Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
__IO uint16_t TX_BUF; /*!< transmit buffer Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
__I uint16_t RX_BUF; /*!< receive buffer Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED2;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MODE : 3; /*!< asc mode control */
__IO uint32_t STOP : 2; /*!< number of stop bits selection */
__IO uint32_t PARITY : 1; /*!< parity selection */
__IO uint32_t LOOPBACK : 1; /*!< loopback mode enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t RX_EN : 1; /*!< receive enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t FIFO_EN : 1; /*!< FIFO enable bit */
__IO uint32_t CTS : 1; /*!< Clear to send, enable signal to send */
__IO uint32_t BAUD_MODE : 1; /*!< baudrate generation mode */
__IO uint32_t RX_THRESHOLD: 5; /*!< receive threshold */
__IO uint32_t RX_HALF_FULL: 5; /*!< receive fifi half full level */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_MASK; /*!< interrupt mask register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RNE : 1; /*!< Receive FIFO not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t THE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO at least half empty flag */
__IO uint32_t TONE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TOE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RHF : 1; /*!< receiver FIFO is half full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TF : 1; /*!< transmitter FIFO full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t PE : 1; /*!< parity error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t FE : 1; /*!< frame error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t OE : 1; /*!< overrun error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RX_THRE_REACH: 1; /*!< Receive threshold reach interrupt */
} INT_MASK_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< status register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RNE : 1; /*!< receiver FIFO not empty */
__IO uint32_t TE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO empty */
__IO uint32_t THE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO at least half empty flag */
__IO uint32_t TONE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is not empty */
__IO uint32_t TOE : 1; /*!< time out when the receiver FIFO is empty */
__IO uint32_t RHF : 1; /*!< receiver FIFO is half full */
__IO uint32_t TF : 1; /*!< transmitter FIFO is full */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint8_t TIMEOUT; /*!< timeout Register */
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t TX_RESET; /*!< transmit reset Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable */
} TX_RESET_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RX_RESET; /*!< receive reset Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable */
} RX_RESET_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RUN; /*!< uart enable register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable */
} RUN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_RAW; /*!< raw interrupt before mask register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RNE : 1; /*!< Receive FIFO not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t THE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO at least half empty flag */
__IO uint32_t TONE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TOE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RHF : 1; /*!< receiver FIFO is half full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TF : 1; /*!< transmitter FIFO full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t PE : 1; /*!< parity error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t FE : 1; /*!< frame error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t OE : 1; /*!< overrun error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RX_THRE_REACH: 1; /*!< Receive threshold reach interrupt */
} INT_RAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_SEEN; /*!< interrupt after mask register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RNE : 1; /*!< Receive FIFO not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t THE : 1; /*!< Transmitter FIFO at least half empty flag */
__IO uint32_t TONE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is not empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TOE : 1; /*!< timeout when the receiver FIFO is empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RHF : 1; /*!< receiver FIFO is half full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TF : 1; /*!< transmitter FIFO full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t PE : 1; /*!< parity error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t FE : 1; /*!< frame error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t OE : 1; /*!< overrun error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RX_THRE_REACH: 1; /*!< Receive threshold reach interrupt */
} INT_SEEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
} UART0_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ WDG ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief watchdog (WDG)
typedef struct { /*!< WDG Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< flag indicates if watchdog is enabled or not */
__IO uint32_t INT_LEN : 1; /*!< watchdog report interrupt when COUNTER is 1/4 or 1/2 of LENGTH */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t LEN; /*!< Ticks decrease down to 25% or 50% to trigger an interrupt */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_CTRL; /*!< interrupt control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MASK : 1; /*!< mask register */
__IO uint32_t TRIGGER_MODE: 1; /*!< trigger mode */
} INT_CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_STA; /*!< interrupt status register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t STA : 1; /*!< interrupt status */
} INT_STA_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_RAW; /*!< interrupt raw register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t STA : 1; /*!< interrupt status */
} INT_RAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t CNT; /*!< counter register */
} WDG_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ TIMER0 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief timer 0 (TIMER0)
typedef struct { /*!< TIMER0 Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< flag indicates if timer is enabled or not */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TYPE; /*!< type Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIGNLE_SHOT: 1; /*!< indicate timer generate only one interrupt if not reload */
} TYPE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t LEN; /*!< length */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN; /*!< interrupt enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN_REVERSE : 1; /*!< flag indicates if timer is disable or not */
} INT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_STA; /*!< interrupt status */
struct {
__IO uint32_t STA : 1; /*!< interrupt status */
} INT_STA_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_RAW; /*!< interrupt raw register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t STA : 1; /*!< interrupt status */
} INT_RAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t CNT; /*!< counter register */
} TIMER0_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ SPI0 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief SPI 0 (SPI0)
typedef struct { /*!< SPI0 Structure */
union {
__I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t RFIFO_EMPTY: 1; /*!< receive fifo is empty */
__I uint32_t RFIFO_FULL : 1; /*!< receive fifo is full */
__I uint32_t RFIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< receive fifo is almost empty */
__I uint32_t RFIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< receive fifo almost full */
__I uint32_t TFIFO_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit fifo is empty */
__I uint32_t TFIFO_FULL : 1; /*!< transmit fifo is full */
__I uint32_t TFIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit fifo is almost empty */
__I uint32_t TFIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< transmit fifo almost full */
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< indecates if SPI is idle or busy */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< indicates if SPI is enabled or not */
__IO uint32_t RX_EN : 1; /*!< indicates if SPI receiver is enabled or not */
__IO uint32_t CLK_HIGH : 1; /*!< indicats if idle clock polarity is high level */
__IO uint32_t NEG_EDGE : 1; /*!< 1, indicates SPI takes sample at the rise edge and transmit
data at the trailing edge. 0, conversely. */
__IO uint32_t TX_BIT_SEQUENCE: 1; /*!< transmit bit sequence. 0 : MSB is sent first */
__IO uint32_t RX_BIT_SEQUENCE: 1; /*!< receive bit sequence. 0: MSB is received first */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_MASK; /*!< interrupt mask Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< receive fifo almost full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit fifo almost empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< transmit done interrupt */
} INT_MASK_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_STATUS; /*!< interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< receive fifo almost full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit fifo almost empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< transmit done interrupt */
} INT_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_RAW; /*!< interrupt raw Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< receive fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t RFIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< receive fifo almost full interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_UNDERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo underflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< transmit fifo overflow interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TFIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit fifo almost empty interrupt */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< transmit done interrupt */
} INT_RAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t BCNT; /*!< bit length while transmitting and receiving */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNT : 5; /*!< bit length while transmitting and receiving, BCNT + 1 */
} BCNT_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint8_t GAP; /*!< half cycle number between continuous data frame */
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
__IO uint16_t DIV; /*!< frequency division register, fsck = fclk_io / (DIV + 1) / 2 */
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
__IO uint32_t TRANS_CNT; /*!< transmit data length, data number = TRANS_CNT + 1 */
union {
__O uint32_t TRANS_START; /*!< transmit startup register, write 1 to trigger transmision once */
struct {
__O uint32_t TX_TRIGGER : 1; /*!< write 1 to trigger transmision once */
} TRANS_START_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t RW_DATA; /*!< raw data register */
} SPI0_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ I2C0 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief I2C 0 (I2C0)
typedef struct { /*!< I2C0 Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MODE : 1; /*!< master or slave mode */
__IO uint32_t MASTER_ADDR_WIDTH: 1; /*!< 7- or 10-bits address as a master */
__IO uint32_t SLAVE_ADDR_WIDTH: 1; /*!< 7- or 10-bits address width as a slave */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint16_t TAR; /*!< target address Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t ADDR10 : 10; /*!< 7- or 10-bits address */
__IO uint16_t START_BYTE : 1; /*!< Enable start Byte for each transfer */
} TAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint16_t SAR; /*!< slave address Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t ADDR10 : 10; /*!< 7- or 10-bits address */
} SAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t DATA_CMD; /*!< I2C transfer data/command entry */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DATA : 8; /*!< 8-bits data */
__O uint32_t RD_CMD : 1; /*!< read command for master mode only, write 0 if slave mode */
__O uint32_t WR_CMD : 1; /*!< write command for master mode only */
__O uint32_t WR_RD_CMD : 1; /*!< write and read command for master mode only */
} DATA_CMD_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t WRITE_READ_CNT; /*!< I2C write and read data byte counter Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RD_BYTE_CNT: 9; /*!< Decide the number of bytes read back as a master-receiver */
uint32_t : 7;
__IO uint32_t WR_BYTE_CNT: 9; /*!< Decide the number of byte to send as a master-transmitter */
} WRITE_READ_CNT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SCL_CNT; /*!< I2C clk pulse counter */
struct {
__IO uint32_t HIGH_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< the SCL clock high-period count */
__IO uint32_t LOW_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< the SCL clock low-period count */
} SCL_CNT_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2;
union {
__I uint32_t INT_STATUS; /*!< I2C interrupt sources */
struct {
__I uint32_t RX_UNDER : 1; /*!< receiver underflow */
__I uint32_t RX_OVER : 1; /*!< receiver overflow */
__I uint32_t RX_FULL : 1; /*!< receiver is full */
__I uint32_t TX_OVER : 1; /*!< transmit overflow */
__I uint32_t TX_EMPTY : 1; /*!< transmit is empty */
__I uint32_t RD_REQ : 1; /*!< read request */
__I uint32_t TX_ABRT : 1; /*!< transmit abortion */
__I uint32_t RX_DONE : 1; /*!< receive done */
__I uint32_t TX_DONE : 1; /*!< transmit done */
__I uint32_t WR_REQ : 1; /*!< write request */
} INT_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_MASK; /*!< I2C interrupt mask register */
struct {
__I uint32_t RX_UNDER : 1; /*!< receiver underflow */
__I uint32_t RX_OVER : 1; /*!< receiver overflow */
__I uint32_t RX_FULL : 1; /*!< receiver is full */
__I uint32_t TX_OVER : 1; /*!< transmit overflow */
__I uint32_t TX_EMPTY : 1; /*!< transmit is empty */
__I uint32_t RD_REQ : 1; /*!< read request */
__I uint32_t TX_ABRT : 1; /*!< transmit abortion */
__I uint32_t RX_DONE : 1; /*!< receive done */
__I uint32_t TX_DONE : 1; /*!< transmit done */
__I uint32_t WR_REQ : 1; /*!< write request */
} INT_MASK_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3;
union {
__IO uint32_t RX_TL; /*!< I2C receive FIFO threshold */
struct {
__IO uint32_t THRESHOLD : 5; /*!< FIFO threashold */
} RX_TL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TX_TL; /*!< I2C transmit FIFO threshold */
struct {
__IO uint32_t THRESHOLD : 5; /*!< FIFO threashold */
} TX_TL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_ALL_INT; /*!< I2C clear all interrupt register */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear all individual interrupts */
} CLR_ALL_INT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_RX_UNDER; /*!< I2C clear RX_UNDER interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the RX_UNDER interrupt (bit 19)
of the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_RX_UNDER_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_RX_OVER; /*!< I2C clear RX_OVER interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the RX_OVER interrupt (bit 20) of
the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_RX_OVER_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_TX_OVER; /*!< I2C clear TX_OVER interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the TX_OVER interrupt (bit 22) of
the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_TX_OVER_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_RD_REQ; /*!< I2C clear RD_REQ interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the RD_REQ interrupt (bit 24) of
the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_RD_REQ_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_TX_ABRT; /*!< I2C clear TX_ABRT interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the TX_ABRT interrupts (bit 25 ,
bit 18, bit 17, bit 16 and bit 15) of the I2C_STATUS register. */
} CLR_TX_ABRT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_RX_DONE; /*!< I2C clear RX_DONE interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the RX_DONE interrupt (bit 26) of
the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_RX_DONE_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< I2C enable register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable device */
uint32_t : 30;
__IO uint32_t RESET : 1; /*!< TX and RX FIFO are held in an erased state( flushed) and all
interrupts deserted */
} ENABLE_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< I2C status register */
struct {
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< I2C busy Status */
__I uint32_t TX_FIFO_NOT_FULL: 1; /*!< transmit FIFO is not full */
__I uint32_t TX_FIFO_EMPTY: 1; /*!< transmit FIFO is empty */
__I uint32_t RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY: 1; /*!< receive FIFO is not empty */
__I uint32_t RX_FIFO_FULL: 1; /*!< receive FIFO is full */
__I uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< I2C is enabled */
__I uint32_t TX_BYTE_W_ACK: 9; /*!< Number of bytes sent to slave with acknowledge during the last
write transaction as a master-transmitter only */
__I uint32_t ABRT_ADDR_NOACK: 1; /*!< the address sent was not acknowledged by any slave as a master */
__I uint32_t ABRT_TX_DATA_NOACK: 1; /*!< the data sent was not acknowledged by any slave as a master */
__I uint32_t ABRT_SLAVE_FLUSH_TX_FIFO: 1; /*!< Slave has received a read command and some data exists in the
TX FIFO so the slave issues a TX_ABRT interrupt to flush old
data in TX FIFO */
__I uint32_t ABRT_SLAVE_RD_IN_TX: 1; /*!< When the processor side responds to a slave mode request for
data to be transmitted to a remote master and user writes a
1 in CMD (bit 8) of I2C_DATA_CMD register */
__I uint32_t RX_UNDER : 1; /*!< receiver is underflow */
__I uint32_t RX_OVER : 1; /*!< receiver is overflow */
__I uint32_t RX_FULL : 1; /*!< receiver is full */
__I uint32_t TX_OVER : 1; /*!< transmit is overflow */
__I uint32_t TX_EMPTY : 1; /*!< transmit is empty */
__I uint32_t RD_REQ : 1; /*!< read request is received */
__I uint32_t TX_ABRT : 1; /*!< transmit is abort */
__I uint32_t RX_DONE : 1; /*!< receive is done */
__I uint32_t TX_DONE : 1; /*!< transmit is done */
__I uint32_t WR_REQ : 1; /*!< write request is received */
__I uint32_t MST_RD_FLAG: 1; /*!< Master is executing read command */
__I uint32_t MST_WR_FLAG: 1; /*!< Master is executing read command */
__I uint32_t MST_WR_RD_FLAG: 1; /*!< Master is executing write-read command */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t TX_FIFO_LEVEL; /*!< I2C transmit FIFO level */
struct {
__I uint32_t LEVEL : 5; /*!< FIFO level */
} TX_FIFO_LEVEL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t RX_FIFO_LEVEL; /*!< I2C receive FIFO level */
struct {
__I uint32_t LEVEL : 5; /*!< FIFO level */
} RX_FIFO_LEVEL_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4;
union {
__O uint32_t SLAVE_NACK; /*!< I2C slave send a data NACK */
struct {
__O uint32_t NACK : 1; /*!< data NACK */
} SLAVE_NACK_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5;
union {
__IO uint32_t SDA_SETUP; /*!< I2C SDA setup timer */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TSETUP : 10; /*!< This counter defines the max value of the following constrains:THD:STA
__IO uint32_t TSU_DAT : 8; /*!< This counter defines the constrain of TSU:DAT: 250ns (or 100ns)
} SDA_SETUP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TSU_STA_SETUP; /*!< I2C Tsu_sta and Tbuf_free timer */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TBUF : 10; /*!< This counter defines the constrain of bus free interval: Tbuf,
Tbuf : Tbus_free / INPUT_CLK_PERIOD */
__IO uint32_t TSU_STA : 10; /*!< This counter defines the constrain of Tsu:sta, Tsu:sta : Tsu:sta
__IO uint32_t SDA_FILTER_CNT: 4; /*!< SDA filter count */
__IO uint32_t SDA_FILTER_EN: 1; /*!< SDA filter enable bit */
__IO uint32_t SCL_FILTER_CNT: 4; /*!< SCL filter count */
__IO uint32_t SCL_FILTER_EN: 1; /*!< SCL filter enable bit */
} TSU_STA_SETUP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CLR_TX_DONE; /*!< I2C clear TX_DONE interrupt */
struct {
__I uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< Read this register to clear the TX_DONE interrupt (bit 27) of
the I2C_STATUS register */
} CLR_TX_DONE_b; /*!< BitSize */
} I2C0_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ RTC ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief RTC (RTC)
typedef struct { /*!< RTC Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_STATUS; /*!< interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SECOND : 1; /*!< 1s interrupt, write 1 clear 0 */
__IO uint32_t MILLSECOND : 1; /*!< 1ms interrupt, write 1 clear 0 */
} INT_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SECOND; /*!< current seconds of system time */
union {
__IO uint16_t MILLSECOND; /*!< current millseconds of system time */
struct {
__IO uint16_t MS : 10; /*!< micro seconds */
} MILLSECOND_b; /*!< BitSize */
} RTC_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ GPIO ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief GPIO (GPIO)
typedef struct { /*!< GPIO Structure */
__I uint32_t GPIO_IN; /*!< GPIO input data */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_OUT_UNMASK; /*!< GPIO output mask Register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_OUT_DATA; /*!< GPIO output data register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_OE; /*!< GPIO output driver enable */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_INT_MASK; /*!< GPIO input interrupt mask */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_INT_STATUS; /*!< GPIO input interrupt status */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_INT_RAW; /*!< GPIO input interrupt raw */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_POSITIVE_EDGE_INT_TRIGGER; /*!< triggers an interrupt while a positive edge, else negitive edge */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT_SEL; /*!< Select gpio output from PWM */
struct {
__IO uint32_t GPIO_31 : 1; /*!< GPIO[31] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_9 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[9] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_19 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[19] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_20 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[20] is selected to output PWM */
} PWM_OUT_SEL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT0_LEN; /*!< Pwm channel 0 paramters */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOW_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< low level width = ticks + 1 */
__IO uint32_t HIGH_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< high level width = ticks + 1 */
} PWM_OUT0_LEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT1_LEN; /*!< Pwm channel 1 paramters */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOW_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< low level width = ticks + 1 */
__IO uint32_t HIGH_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< high level width = ticks + 1 */
} PWM_OUT1_LEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT2_LEN; /*!< Pwm channel 2 paramters */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOW_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< low level width = ticks + 1 */
__IO uint32_t HIGH_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< high level width = ticks + 1 */
} PWM_OUT2_LEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT3_LEN; /*!< Pwm channel 3 paramters */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOW_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< low level width = ticks + 1 */
__IO uint32_t HIGH_LEVEL_TICK: 16; /*!< high level width = ticks + 1 */
} PWM_OUT3_LEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PWM_OUT_EN; /*!< Pwm enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t GPIO_31 : 1; /*!< GPIO[31] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_9 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[9] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_19 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[19] is selected to output PWM */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_20 : 1; /*!< GPIO_H[20] is selected to output PWM */
} PWM_OUT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t GPIO_H_IN; /*!< GPIO_H input data */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_OUT_UNMASK; /*!< GPIO_H output unmask Register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_OUT_DATA; /*!< GPIO_H output data register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_OE; /*!< GPIO_H output driver enable */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_INT_MASK; /*!< GPIO_H interrupt mask */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_INT_STATUS; /*!< GPIO_H interrupt status */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_INT_RAW; /*!< GPIO_H interrupt raw */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_H_POSITIVE_EDGE_INT_TRIGGER; /*!< triggers an interrupt while a positive edge, else negitive edge */
__I uint32_t GPIO_N_IN; /*!< GPIO_N input data */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_OUT_UNMASK; /*!< GPIO_N output unmask Register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_OUT_DATA; /*!< GPIO_N output data register */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_OE; /*!< GPIO_N output driver enable */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_INT_MASK; /*!< GPIO_N interrupt mask */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_INT_STATUS; /*!< GPIO_N interrupt status */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_INT_RAW; /*!< GPIO_N interrupt raw */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_N_POSITIVE_EDGE_INT_TRIGGER; /*!< triggers an interrupt while a positive edge, else negitive edge */
} GPIO_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ NOR_FLASH ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
typedef struct { /*!< NOR_FLASH Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL0; /*!< control Register 0 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DIV : 8; /*!< frequency division register, fsck = fclk_io / (DIV + 1) / 2 */
__IO uint32_t CS_REVALID_INTERVAL: 8; /*!< interval from CS invalid to valid, number of half cycle of SCK */
__IO uint32_t RW_BYTE_CNT: 16; /*!< RW byte count (eliminate CMD, ADDRESS, DUMMY in normal state,
contains all in transparent state. 0 is unlimited */
} CTRL0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL1; /*!< control Register 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CMD : 8; /*!< operated command */
__IO uint32_t ADDRESS : 24; /*!< RW address */
} CTRL1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TRIGGER; /*!< trigger register */
struct {
__O uint32_t OP_START : 1; /*!< operation start. */
__IO uint32_t OP_CLEAN : 1; /*!< operation clean, stop current opration and clean FIFO */
__IO uint32_t TRSP_RD_EN : 1; /*!< if a read operation after transparent operation */
__IO uint32_t TRSP_EN : 1; /*!< enable transparent operation */
} TRIGGER_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< status register */
struct {
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< reading or writting */
__I uint32_t RD_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< read FIFO is almost full */
__I uint32_t RD_FIFO_EMPTY: 1; /*!< read FIFO is empty */
__I uint32_t RD_FIFO_FULL: 1; /*!< read FIFO is full */
__I uint32_t WR_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< write FIFO is almost empty */
__I uint32_t WR_FIFO_FULL: 1; /*!< write FIFO is full */
__I uint32_t WR_FIFO_EMPTY: 1; /*!< write FIFO is empty */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DATA; /*!< data register. lower bits are significant in read and higher
bits are significant in writting */
union {
__IO uint32_t BYPASS; /*!< bypass Register, is used for JTAG connecting FLASH directly */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable bypass */
} BYPASS_b; /*!< BitSize */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ ADC ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief ADC (ADC)
typedef struct { /*!< ADC Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t POWERDOWN_RESET; /*!< power down and reset Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RESET_ADC2 : 1; /*!< ADC2, reset, active high */
__IO uint32_t RESET_ADC1 : 1; /*!< ADC1, reset, active high */
__IO uint32_t POWERDOWN_ADC2: 1; /*!< ADC2, power down, active high */
__IO uint32_t POWERDOWN_ADC1: 1; /*!< ADC1, power down, active high */
} POWERDOWN_RESET_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG0; /*!< config Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VSEN : 3; /*!< ADC-1 VSEN Selection */
__IO uint32_t PHASE_CTRL : 2; /*!< ADC-1 and ADC-2 CLK Phase Control */
} CFG0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_ADC1; /*!< config ADC1 register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SYSTEM_MODE: 3; /*!< system mode selection */
__IO uint32_t CHANNEL_SEL: 4; /*!< channel selection */
__IO uint32_t MULTI_CHANNEL_CONTINUE_SCAN: 1;/*!< If continue to scan multiply channel, else single scan */
__IO uint32_t MULTI_CHANNEL_BIT: 8; /*!< each bit represents each channel */
} CFG_ADC1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_ADC2; /*!< config ADC1 register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SYSTEM_MODE: 3; /*!< system mode selection */
__IO uint32_t CHANNEL_SEL: 4; /*!< channel selection */
__IO uint32_t MULTI_CHANNEL_CONTINUE_SCAN: 1;/*!< If continue to scan multiply channel, else single scan */
__IO uint32_t MULTI_CHANNEL_BIT: 8; /*!< each bit represents each channel */
} CFG_ADC2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ADC1_FIFO_CLEAR; /*!< clear adc1 fifo data */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< clear fifo data, active high */
} ADC1_FIFO_CLEAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ADC2_FIFO_CLEAR; /*!< clear adc2 fifo data */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< clear fifo data, active high */
} ADC2_FIFO_CLEAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ALL_ADC_FIFO_CLEAR; /*!< clear adc1 and adc2 fifo data */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< clear fifo data, active high */
} ALL_ADC_FIFO_CLEAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_MASK; /*!< interrupt mask register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADC1_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 1 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 1 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 1 read empty error */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 2 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 2 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 2 read empty error */
} INT_MASK_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_RAW; /*!< interrupt raw register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADC1_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 1 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 1 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 1 read empty error */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 2 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 2 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 2 read empty error */
} INT_RAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_STATUS; /*!< interrupt status register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADC1_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 1 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 1 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC1_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 1 read empty error */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC 2 almost full */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_OVERFLOW: 1; /*!< ADC 2 is overflow */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_EMPTY_ERR: 1; /*!< ADC 2 read empty error */
} INT_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t ADC1_OUT; /*!< ADC-1 Output data (Signed-Magnitude Format) */
__I uint32_t ADC2_OUT; /*!< ADC-2 Output data (Signed-Magnitude Format) */
__I uint32_t ADC1_OUT_OFFSET_CALIBRATION; /*!< ADC-1 Output in offset calibration when Input=0, Ideally DAO[11:0]=000h */
__I uint32_t ADC2_OUT_OFFSET_CALIBRATION; /*!< ADC-2 Output in offset calibration when Input=0, Ideally DAO[11:0]=000h */
__I uint32_t ADC1_OUT_NEGTIVE_GAIN_CALIBRATION; /*!< ADC-1 Output in gain calibration when Input=-FS, Ideally DAO[11:0]=801h */
__I uint32_t ADC2_OUT_NEGTIVE_GAIN_CALIBRATION; /*!< ADC-2 Output in gain calibration when Input=-FS, Ideally DAO[11:0]=801h */
__I uint32_t ADC1_OUT_POSITIVE_GAIN_CALIBRATION;/*!< ADC-1 Output in gain calibration when Input=FS, Ideally DAO[11:0]=7FFh */
__I uint32_t ADC2_OUT_POSITIVE_GAIN_CALIBRATION;/*!< ADC-2 Output in gain calibration when Input=FS, Ideally DAO[11:0]=7FFh */
union {
__I uint32_t EOC; /*!< Conversion End Indicator */
struct {
__I uint32_t ADC2_EOC_GAIN: 1; /*!< ADC2 EOC_GAIN signal, conversion is done */
__I uint32_t ADC2_EOC_OFF: 1; /*!< ADC2 EOC_OFF signal, conversion is done */
__I uint32_t ADC2_EOC : 1; /*!< ADC2 EOC signal, conversion is done */
__I uint32_t ADC1_EOC_GAIN: 1; /*!< ADC1 EOC_GAIN signal, conversion is done */
__I uint32_t ADC1_EOC_OFF: 1; /*!< ADC1 EOC_OFF signal, conversion is done */
__I uint32_t ADC1_EOC : 1; /*!< ADC1 EOC signal, conversion is done */
} EOC_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t BUSY; /*!< ADC is busy */
struct {
__I uint32_t ADC1_BUSY : 1; /*!< ADC1 is busy */
__I uint32_t ADC2_BUSY : 1; /*!< ADC2 is busy */
} BUSY_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ADC1_START; /*!< ADC1 startup enable */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ADC1_START_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ADC1_STOP; /*!< ADC1 stop enable */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ADC1_STOP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint16_t ADC1_FIFO_READ; /*!< ADC1 FIFO read data */
struct {
__O uint16_t DATA : 12; /*!< data */
__O uint16_t CHANNEL : 4; /*!< channel number */
} ADC1_FIFO_READ_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__O uint32_t ADC2_START; /*!< ADC2 startup enable, only for single-conversion */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ADC2_START_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ADC2_STOP; /*!< ADC1 stop enable, only for single-conversion */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ADC2_STOP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint16_t ADC2_FIFO_READ; /*!< ADC2 FIFO read data */
struct {
__O uint16_t DATA : 12; /*!< data */
__O uint16_t CHANNEL : 4; /*!< channel number */
} ADC2_FIFO_READ_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
union {
__O uint32_t ALL_ADC_START; /*!< all ADCs start */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ALL_ADC_START_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ALL_ADC_STOP; /*!< all ADCs stop */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< start */
} ALL_ADC_STOP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t ALL_ADC_FIFO_READ; /*!< all ADCs FIFO read data */
struct {
__I uint32_t ADC1_DATA : 12; /*!< ADC1 data */
__I uint32_t ADC1_CHANNEL: 4; /*!< ADC1 channel number */
__I uint32_t ADC2_DATA : 12; /*!< ADC2 data */
__I uint32_t ADC2_CHANNEL: 4; /*!< ADC2 channel number */
} ALL_ADC_FIFO_READ_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< status register */
struct {
__I uint32_t ADC1_READ_EMPTY: 1; /*!< ADC1 read empty */
__I uint32_t ADC2_READ_EMPTY: 1; /*!< ADC2 read empty */
__I uint32_t ADC1_READ_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< ADC1 read almost empty */
__I uint32_t ADC2_READ_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< ADC2 read almost empty */
__I uint32_t ADC1_WRITE_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC1 write full */
__I uint32_t ADC2_WRITE_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC2 write full */
__I uint32_t ADC1_WRITE_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC1 write almost full */
__I uint32_t ADC2_WRITE_ALMOST_FULL: 1; /*!< ADC2 write almost full */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
} ADC_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ EFUSE ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief EFUSE (EFUSE)
typedef struct { /*!< EFUSE Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t USER_CTRL_LOW; /*!< low user region control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t WR_EN : 1; /*!< write enable. 1 : write data into EFUSE. clear 0 after read */
__IO uint32_t RD_EN : 1; /*!< read enable. 1 : write data into EFUSE. clear 0 after read */
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< reading or writting */
__IO uint32_t COMPARE_FAIL: 1; /*!< data read isn't consist with EFUSE */
__I uint32_t RD_CRC_ERR : 1; /*!< CRC error in reading */
__I uint32_t WR_CRC_ERR : 1; /*!< CRC error in writting */
__I uint32_t LOCK : 1; /*!< user region in EFUSE is locked, EFUSE can't be burn */
__IO uint32_t TMRF : 2; /*!< Reference resistor select, 1200ohm is recommended */
} USER_CTRL_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TIMING_0; /*!< timing 0 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TPRS : 7; /*!< TPRS */
__IO uint32_t TESR : 2; /*!< TESR */
__IO uint32_t TRC : 4; /*!< TRC */
__IO uint32_t TRPW : 3; /*!< TRPW */
__IO uint32_t TRAH : 2; /*!< TRAH */
__IO uint32_t TRAC : 3; /*!< TRAC */
uint32_t : 6;
__IO uint32_t TPWPH : 5; /*!< TPWPH[6:2] */
} TIMING_0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TIMING_1; /*!< timing 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TPWPS : 7; /*!< TPWPS */
__IO uint32_t TEPS : 4; /*!< TEPS */
__IO uint32_t TPP : 11; /*!< TPP */
__IO uint32_t TPIT : 8; /*!< TPIT */
__IO uint32_t TPWPH : 2; /*!< TPWPS[1:0] */
} TIMING_1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA0_LOW; /*!< user data [31:0] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA1_LOW; /*!< user data [63:32] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA2_LOW; /*!< user data [95:64] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA3_LOW; /*!< user data [127:96] */
union {
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA4_LOW; /*!< crc and lock bit */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOCK : 1; /*!< write protection if true */
uint32_t : 23;
__IO uint32_t CRC : 8; /*!< CRC */
} USER_DATA4_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t USER_CTRL_HI; /*!< high user region control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t WR_EN : 1; /*!< write enable. 1 : write data into EFUSE. clear 0 after read */
__IO uint32_t RD_EN : 1; /*!< read enable. 1 : write data into EFUSE. clear 0 after read */
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< reading or writting */
__IO uint32_t COMPARE_FAIL: 1; /*!< data read isn't consist with EFUSE */
__I uint32_t RD_CRC_ERR : 1; /*!< CRC error in reading */
__I uint32_t WR_CRC_ERR : 1; /*!< CRC error in writting */
__I uint32_t LOCK : 1; /*!< user region in EFUSE is locked, EFUSE can't be burn */
__IO uint32_t TMRF : 2; /*!< Reference resistor select, 1200ohm is recommended */
} USER_CTRL_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA0_HI; /*!< user data [159:128] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA1_HI; /*!< user data [191:160] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA2_HI; /*!< user data [223:192] */
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA3_HI; /*!< user data [255:224] */
union {
__IO uint32_t USER_DATA4_HI; /*!< crc and lock bit */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LOCK : 1; /*!< write protection if true */
uint32_t : 23;
__IO uint32_t CRC : 8; /*!< CRC */
} USER_DATA4_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
} EFUSE_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ CAN0 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief CAN 0 (CAN0)
typedef struct { /*!< CAN0 Structure */
union {
__IO uint8_t MODE; /*!< mode Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t RM : 1; /*!< reset mode if 1 or operation mode */
__IO uint8_t LOM : 1; /*!< Listen only mode */
__IO uint8_t STM : 1; /*!< self test mode */
__IO uint8_t AFM : 1; /*!< acceptance filter mode. Single filter if 1, dual filter if 0 */
__IO uint8_t SM : 1; /*!< sleep mode */
} MODE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__O uint8_t CMD; /*!< command Register */
struct {
__O uint8_t TR : 1; /*!< Set to 1 when a message is to be transmitted */
__O uint8_t AT : 1; /*!< Set to 1 to cancel the next transmission request */
__O uint8_t RRB : 1; /*!< Set to 1 to release the Receive Buffer */
__O uint8_t CDO : 1; /*!< Set to 1 to clear the data overrun condition signaled by the
Data Overrun Status bit (SR.1). */
__O uint8_t SSR : 1; /*!< Set to 1 when a message is to be transmitted and received simultaneously */
} CMD_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__I uint8_t STATUS; /*!< status Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t RBNE : 1; /*!< Receive Buffer not empty */
__I uint8_t DO : 1; /*!< Data Overrun Status */
__I uint8_t TB_UNLOCK : 1; /*!< Transmit Buffer is unlocked and not in transmitting */
__I uint8_t TC : 1; /*!< Transmission complete */
__I uint8_t RXING : 1; /*!< receiving the data */
__I uint8_t TXING : 1; /*!< transmitting the data */
__I uint8_t ERR : 1; /*!< At least one of the error counters is more than Error Warning
Limit Register */
__I uint8_t BUS_OFF : 1; /*!< in 'Bus Off' state */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED2[3];
union {
__I uint8_t INT; /*!< interrupt Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t RBNF : 1; /*!< Receive Buffer not empty */
__I uint8_t TB_UNLOCK : 1; /*!< Transmit Buffer is unlocked and not in transmitting */
__I uint8_t ERR : 1; /*!< Set on every change (set or clear) of either the Bus Status
or Error Status bits (SR.7,SR.6) */
__I uint8_t DO : 1; /*!< Data Overrun Status */
__I uint8_t WAKEUP : 1; /*!< wake-up */
__I uint8_t EP : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 re-enters error active state after being
in error passive state or when at least one error counter exceeds
the protocol-defined level of 127 */
__I uint8_t AL : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 loses arbitration and becomes a receiver */
__I uint8_t BUS_ERR : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 detects an error on the CAN-bus */
} INT_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t INT_EN; /*!< interrupt enabled Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t RBNF : 1; /*!< Receive Buffer not empty */
__I uint8_t TB_UNLOCK : 1; /*!< Transmit Buffer is unlocked and not in transmitting */
__I uint8_t ERR : 1; /*!< Set on every change (set or clear) of either the Bus Status
or Error Status bits (SR.7,SR.6) */
__I uint8_t DO : 1; /*!< Data Overrun Status */
__I uint8_t WAKEUP : 1; /*!< wake-up */
__I uint8_t EP : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 re-enters error active state after being
in error passive state or when at least one error counter exceeds
the protocol-defined level of 127 */
__I uint8_t AL : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 loses arbitration and becomes a receiver */
__I uint8_t BUS_ERR : 1; /*!< Set when the MCAN2 detects an error on the CAN-bus */
} INT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED4[7];
union {
__IO uint8_t BTR0; /*!< Bus Timing 0 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t BRP : 6; /*!< TQ =2 x Txtal1 x (32 x BRP.5 + 16 x BRP.4 + 8 x BRP.3 + 4 x
BRP.2 + 2 x BRP.1 + BRP.0 + 1) */
__IO uint8_t SJW : 2; /*!< the maximum number of time quanta of sync segment */
} BTR0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED5[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t BTR1; /*!< Bus Timing 1 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t TSEG1 : 4; /*!< the maximum number of time quanta of propagation and 1st phase
segment */
__IO uint8_t TSEG2 : 3; /*!< the maximum number of time quanta of 2nd phase segment */
__IO uint8_t SAM : 1; /*!< sample times. Sample 3 times if 1, once if 0 */
} BTR1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED6[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t OCR; /*!< Output Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t MODE : 2; /*!< output control mode */
} OCR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED7[11];
union {
__I uint8_t ALC; /*!< Arbitration Lost Capture */
struct {
__I uint8_t BIT : 5; /*!< the current position of the Bit Processor when bus arbitration
lost, 1st bit (ID.28) if 0 */
} ALC_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED8[3];
union {
__I uint8_t ECC; /*!< Error Code Capture */
struct {
__I uint8_t SEGMENT : 5; /*!< segment code */
__I uint8_t DIRECTION : 1; /*!< If 1, the error occurred during reception. If 0, the error occurred
during transmission */
__I uint8_t ERR : 2; /*!< error code */
} ECC_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED9[3];
__IO uint8_t EWLR; /*!< Error Warning Limit */
__I uint8_t RESERVED10[3];
__IO uint8_t RXERR; /*!< Receive Error Counter */
__I uint8_t RESERVED11[3];
__IO uint8_t TXERR; /*!< Transmit Error Counter */
__I uint8_t RESERVED12[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t FI_OR_ACR0; /*!< Transmit Frame Information if writting or Receive Frame Information
if reading, ACR[0] if reset mode */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DLC : 4; /*!< byte number in the data */
uint8_t : 2;
__IO uint8_t RTR : 1; /*!< 1 indicates a remote frame; 0 indicates a data frame */
__IO uint8_t FF : 1; /*!< 1 selects Extended Frame Format (EFF); 0 selects Standard Frame
Format (SFF) */
} FI_OR_ACR0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED13[3];
__IO uint8_t DI0_OR_ACR1; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, ACR[1] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED14[3];
__IO uint8_t DI1_OR_ACR2; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, ACR[2] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED15[3];
__IO uint8_t DI2_OR_ACR3; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, ACR[3] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED16[3];
__IO uint8_t DI3_OR_AMR0; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, AMR[0] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED17[3];
__IO uint8_t DI4_OR_AMR1; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, AMR[1] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED18[3];
__IO uint8_t DI5_OR_AMR2; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, AMR[2] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED19[3];
__IO uint8_t DI6_OR_AMR3; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading, AMR[3] if reset mode */
__I uint8_t RESERVED20[3];
__IO uint8_t DI7; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading */
__I uint8_t RESERVED21[3];
__IO uint8_t DI8; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading */
__I uint8_t RESERVED22[3];
__IO uint8_t DI9; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading */
__I uint8_t RESERVED23[3];
__IO uint8_t DI10; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading */
__I uint8_t RESERVED24[3];
__IO uint8_t DI11; /*!< Transmit data Information if writting or Receive data Information
if reading */
__I uint8_t RESERVED25[3];
__IO uint8_t RMC; /*!< Receive Message Counter */
__I uint8_t RESERVED26[7];
union {
__IO uint8_t CDR; /*!< Clock Divider Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DIVIDER : 3; /*!< divider of XTAL1 */
__IO uint8_t OFF : 1; /*!< disable XTAL1 */
} CDR_b; /*!< BitSize */
} CAN0_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ DMA ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief DMA (DMA)
typedef struct { /*!< DMA Structure */
__IO uint32_t SAR0; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
__IO uint32_t DAR0; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP0; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW0; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI0; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT0; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT0; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR0; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR0; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED6;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW0; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI0; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR0; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED7;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR0; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED8;
__IO uint32_t SAR1; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED9;
__IO uint32_t DAR1; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED10;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP1; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED11;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW1; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI1; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT1; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED12;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT1; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED13;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR1; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED14;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR1; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED15;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW1; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI1; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR1; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED16;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR1; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED17;
__IO uint32_t SAR2; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED18;
__IO uint32_t DAR2; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED19;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP2; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED20;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW2; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI2; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT2; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED21;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT2; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED22;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR2; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED23;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR2; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED24;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW2; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI2; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR2; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED25;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR2; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED26;
__IO uint32_t SAR3; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED27;
__IO uint32_t DAR3; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED28;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP3; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED29;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW3; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI3; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT3; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED30;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT3; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED31;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR3; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED32;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR3; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED33;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW3; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI3; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR3; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED34;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR3; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED35;
__IO uint32_t SAR4; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED36;
__IO uint32_t DAR4; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED37;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP4; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED38;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW4; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI4; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT4; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED39;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT4; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED40;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR4; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED41;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR4; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED42;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW4; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI4; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR4; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED43;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR4; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED44;
__IO uint32_t SAR5; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED45;
__IO uint32_t DAR5; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED46;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP5; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED47;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW5; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI5; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT5; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED48;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT5; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED49;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR5; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED50;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR5; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED51;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW5; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI5; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR5; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED52;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR5; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED53;
__IO uint32_t SAR6; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED54;
__IO uint32_t DAR6; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED55;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP6; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED56;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW6; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI6; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT6; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED57;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT6; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED58;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR6; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED59;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR6; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED60;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW6; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI6; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR6; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED61;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR6; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED62;
__IO uint32_t SAR7; /*!< Current Source Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED63;
__IO uint32_t DAR7; /*!< Current Destination Address of DMA transfer */
__I uint32_t RESERVED64;
union {
__IO uint32_t LLP7; /*!< Linked List Pointer Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LMS : 2; /*!< Identifies the AHB layer/interface where the memory device that
stores the next linked list item resides. */
__IO uint32_t LOC : 30; /*!< Starting Address In Memory of next LLI if block chaining is
enabled */
} LLP7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED65;
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_LOW7; /*!< Lower 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN : 1; /*!< Interrupt Enable Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Destination Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t SRC_TR_WIDTH: 3; /*!< Source Transfer Width */
__IO uint32_t DINC : 2; /*!< Destination Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t SINC : 2; /*!< Source Address Increment */
__IO uint32_t DEST_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Destination Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_MSIZE : 3; /*!< Source Burst Transaction Length */
__IO uint32_t SRC_GATHER_EN: 1; /*!< Source gather enable bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_SCATTER_EN: 1; /*!< Destination scatter enable bit */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TT_FC : 3; /*!< Transfer Type and Flow Control */
__IO uint32_t DMS : 2; /*!< Destination Master Select */
__IO uint32_t SMS : 2; /*!< Source Master Select */
__IO uint32_t LLP_DST_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the destination side */
__IO uint32_t LLP_SRC_EN : 1; /*!< Block chaining is enabled on the source side */
} CTL_LOW7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTL_HI7; /*!< Higher 32-bits Control Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BLOCK_TS : 12; /*!< indicates the total number of single transactions to perform
for every block transfer */
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< a block transfer is complete */
} CTL_HI7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t SSTAT7; /*!< Source Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED66;
__IO uint32_t DSTAT7; /*!< Destination Status Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED67;
__IO uint32_t SSTATAR7; /*!< Source Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED68;
__IO uint32_t DSTATAR7; /*!< Destination Status Address Register for Channel */
__I uint32_t RESERVED69;
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_LOW7; /*!< Lower 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t CH_PRIOR : 3; /*!< Channel priority. A priority of 7 is the highest priority */
__IO uint32_t CH_SUSP : 1; /*!< Suspends all DMA data transfers from the source until this bit
is cleared. */
__I uint32_t FIFO_EMPTY : 1; /*!< Indicates if there is data left in the channel FIFO */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_DST : 1; /*!< If Destination Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t HS_SEL_SRC : 1; /*!< If Source Software handshaking interface */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_CH bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B_L : 2; /*!< Indicates the duration over which CFGx.LOCK_B bit applies. */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_CH : 1; /*!< Channel Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t LOCK_B : 1; /*!< Bus Lock Bit */
__IO uint32_t DST_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Destination Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t SRC_HS_POL : 1; /*!< Source Handshaking Interface Polarity. 0: active high */
__IO uint32_t MAX_ABRST : 10; /*!< Maximum AMBA Burst Length */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_SRC : 1; /*!< Automatic Source Reload */
__IO uint32_t RELOAD_DST : 1; /*!< Automatic Destination Reload */
} CFG_LOW7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CFG_HI7; /*!< Higher 32-bit Configuration Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCMODE : 1; /*!< if source transaction requests aren't serviced when the Destination
Peripheral is the flow controller. */
__IO uint32_t FIFO_MODE : 1; /*!< Determines space or data needs to be available in the FIFO before
a burst transaction request is serviced. */
__IO uint32_t PROTCTL : 3; /*!< There is a one-to-one mapping of these register bits to the
HPROT[3:1] master interface signals */
__IO uint32_t DS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
__IO uint32_t SS_UPD_EN : 1; /*!< STATx is only updated from STATARx */
} CFG_HI7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t SGR7; /*!< Source Gather Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SGI : 20; /*!< Source gather interval */
__IO uint32_t SGC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous source transfers of CTLx.SRC_TR_WIDTH */
} SGR7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED70;
union {
__IO uint32_t DSR7; /*!< Destination Scatter Register for Channel */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSI : 20; /*!< Destination scatter interval */
__IO uint32_t DSC : 12; /*!< Specifies the number of contiguous destination transfers of
} DSR7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED71[11];
__I uint8_t INT_TFR; /*!< DMA Transfer Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED72[7];
__I uint8_t INT_BLOCK; /*!< Block Transfer Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED73[7];
__I uint8_t INT_SRC_TRAN; /*!< Source Transaction Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED74[7];
__I uint8_t INT_DST_TRAN; /*!< Destination Transaction Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED75[7];
__I uint8_t INT_ERR; /*!< Error */
__I uint8_t RESERVED76[7];
union {
__IO uint16_t INT_EN_TFR; /*!< DMA Transfer Complete */
struct {
__IO uint16_t EN : 8; /*!< interrupt enable */
__IO uint16_t WE : 8; /*!< interrupt enable write enable */
} INT_EN_TFR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED77[3];
union {
__IO uint16_t INT_EN_BLOCK; /*!< Block Transfer Complete */
struct {
__IO uint16_t EN : 8; /*!< interrupt enable */
__IO uint16_t WE : 8; /*!< interrupt enable write enable */
} INT_EN_BLOCK_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED78[3];
union {
__IO uint16_t INT_EN_SRC_TRAN; /*!< Source Transaction Complete */
struct {
__IO uint16_t EN : 8; /*!< interrupt enable */
__IO uint16_t WE : 8; /*!< interrupt enable write enable */
} INT_EN_SRC_TRAN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED79[3];
union {
__IO uint16_t INT_EN_DST_TRAN; /*!< Destination Transaction Complete */
struct {
__IO uint16_t EN : 8; /*!< interrupt enable */
__IO uint16_t WE : 8; /*!< interrupt enable write enable */
} INT_EN_DST_TRAN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED80[3];
union {
__IO uint16_t INT_EN_ERR; /*!< Error */
struct {
__IO uint16_t EN : 8; /*!< interrupt enable */
__IO uint16_t WE : 8; /*!< interrupt enable write enable */
} INT_EN_ERR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED81[3];
__O uint8_t INT_CLEAR_TFR; /*!< DMA Transfer Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED82[7];
__O uint8_t INT_CLEAR_BLOCK; /*!< Block Transfer Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED83[7];
__O uint8_t INT_CLEAR_SRC_TRAN; /*!< Source Transaction Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED84[7];
__O uint8_t INT_CLEAR_DST_TRAN; /*!< Destination Transaction Complete */
__I uint8_t RESERVED85[7];
__O uint8_t INT_CLEAR_ERR; /*!< Error */
__I uint8_t RESERVED86[63];
union {
__IO uint32_t DMA_EN; /*!< DW_ahb_dmac Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< enable */
} DMA_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED87;
union {
__IO uint32_t CH_EN; /*!< DW_ahb_dmac Channel Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 8; /*!< enable */
__IO uint32_t WE : 8; /*!< enable write enable */
} CH_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED88[10];
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_6_HI; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 7 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_6_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_5_LOW; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 6 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_5_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_5_HI; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 5 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_5_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_4_LOW; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 4 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_4_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_4_HI; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 3 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_4_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_3_LOW; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 2 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_3_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_3_HI; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 1 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_3_HI_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_2_LOW; /*!< Component Parameters for channel 0 */
struct {
__I uint32_t DTW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the destination
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STW : 3; /*!< If this is not hardcoded, then software can program the source
transfer width. */
__I uint32_t STAT_DST : 1; /*!< If destination status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t STAT_SRC : 1; /*!< If source status load feature is on */
__I uint32_t DST_SCA_EN : 1; /*!< If destination scatter feature is on */
__I uint32_t SRC_GAT_EN : 1; /*!< If source gather feature is on */
__I uint32_t LOCK_EN : 1; /*!< If channel lock feature is on */
__I uint32_t MULTI_BLK_EN: 1; /*!< If multi blocks transfer feature is on */
__I uint32_t CTL_WB_EN : 1; /*!< If write back initial values to relative registers feature is
on */
__I uint32_t HC_LLP : 1; /*!< If disable LLP feature is on */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t MAX_MULT_SIZE: 3; /*!< Maximum value of burst transaction size (SRC_MSIZE and DEST_MSIZE). */
__I uint32_t DMS : 3; /*!< Destination AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t LMS : 3; /*!< Linked list AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t SMS : 3; /*!< source AHB dma interface */
__I uint32_t FIFO_DEPTH : 3; /*!< FIFO depth in bytes */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_2_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED89;
union {
__I uint32_t DMA_COMP_PARAMS_1_LOW; /*!< Maximum block size for channel */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH0_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 0. */
__I uint32_t CH1_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 1 */
__I uint32_t CH2_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 2 */
__I uint32_t CH3_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 3 */
__I uint32_t CH4_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 4 */
__I uint32_t CH5_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 5 */
__I uint32_t CH6_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 6 */
__I uint32_t CH7_MAX_BLK_SIZE: 4; /*!< Maximum block size for channel 7 */
} DMA_COMP_PARAMS_1_LOW_b; /*!< BitSize */
} DMA_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ ETH ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief ETH (ETH)
typedef struct { /*!< ETH Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< MAC Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRELEN : 2; /*!< Preamble Length for Transmit frames */
__IO uint32_t RX_EN : 1; /*!< Receiver Enable */
__IO uint32_t TX_EN : 1; /*!< Transmitter Enable */
__IO uint32_t DC_EN : 1; /*!< Deferral Check Enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t ACS : 1; /*!< Automatic Pad or CRC Stripping */
__IO uint32_t LUD : 1; /*!< Link Up or Down */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t IPC : 1; /*!< Checksum Offload */
__IO uint32_t DM : 1; /*!< Duplex Mode */
__IO uint32_t LM : 1; /*!< Loopback Mode */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t FES : 1; /*!< Speed in XMII interface */
__IO uint32_t PS : 1; /*!< the Ethernet line speed */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t JE : 1; /*!< Jumbo enable */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t JD : 1; /*!< if 0, the MAC cuts off the transmitter if more than 2,048 bytes
of data (10,240 if JE is set high) */
__IO uint32_t WD : 1; /*!< Watchdog Disable */
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< If 1, this bit enables the transmission of duplex mode, link
speed, and link up or down information to the PHY */
__IO uint32_t CST : 1; /*!< CRC Stripping for Type Frames */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t TWOKPE : 1; /*!< If 0, 1518 bytes is considered as a giant frame, 1 is 2000 bytes. */
__IO uint32_t SARC : 3; /*!< Source Address Insertion or Replacement Control */
} CONFIG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t FF; /*!< MAC Frame Filter */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PR : 1; /*!< Receive all frames in spite of source and destination address */
__IO uint32_t HUC : 1; /*!< if 1, don't compare DA field in destination address filtering
of unicast frames with DA register */
__IO uint32_t HMC : 1; /*!< if 1, don't compare DA field in destination address filtering
of multicast frames with DA register */
__IO uint32_t DAIF : 1; /*!< if set, the Address Check block operates in inverse filtering
mode for the DA address comparison */
__IO uint32_t PM : 1; /*!< Pass All Multicast */
__IO uint32_t DBF : 1; /*!< Disable Broadcast Frames */
__IO uint32_t PCF : 2; /*!< Pass Control Frames */
__IO uint32_t SAIF : 1; /*!< If set, the frames whose SA matches the SA registers are marked
as failing the SA Address filter */
__IO uint32_t SAF : 1; /*!< Source Address Filter Enable */
__IO uint32_t HPF : 1; /*!< Hash or Perfect Filter */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t VTFE : 1; /*!< VLAN Tag Filter Enable */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t IPFE : 1; /*!< Layer 3 and Layer 4 Filter Enable */
__IO uint32_t DNTU : 1; /*!< Drop non-TCP/UDP over IP Frames */
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t RA : 1; /*!< Receive all */
} FF_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t HTH; /*!< Hash Table High Register */
__IO uint32_t HTL; /*!< Hash Table Low Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t GMII_ADDR; /*!< GMII Address Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< GMII Busy */
__IO uint32_t GW : 1; /*!< GMII write or read */
__IO uint32_t CR : 4; /*!< CSR Clock Range */
__IO uint32_t GR : 5; /*!< These bits select the desired GMII register in the selected
PHY device */
__IO uint32_t PA : 5; /*!< This field indicates which of the 32 possible PHY devices are
being accessed */
} GMII_ADDR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t GMII_DATA; /*!< GMII Data Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t FC; /*!< Flow Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FCB : 1; /*!< This bit initiates a Pause frame in the full-duplex mode */
__IO uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< MAC enables the flow control operation to transmit Pause frames */
__IO uint32_t RFE : 1; /*!< MAC enables the flow control operation to receive Pause frames */
__IO uint32_t UP : 1; /*!< MAC can detect Pause frames with unicast address of the station */
} FC_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t VLAN_TAG; /*!< VLAN Tag Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VL : 16; /*!< VLAN Tag Identifier for Receive Frames */
__IO uint32_t ETV : 1; /*!< Enable 12-Bit VLAN Tag Comparison */
__IO uint32_t VTIM : 1; /*!< If set, The frames that do not have matching VLAN Tag are marked
as matched */
__IO uint32_t ESVL : 1; /*!< If set, consider the S-VLAN (Type = 0x88A8) frames as valid
VLAN tagged frames */
__IO uint32_t VTHM : 1; /*!< When set, the most significant four bits of the VLAN tag's CRC
are used to index the content */
} VLAN_TAG_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
__IO uint32_t RWUFFR; /*!< Remote Wake-Up Frame Filter Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t PMTCSR; /*!< PMT Control and Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PWRDWN : 1; /*!< Power Down */
__IO uint32_t MGKPKTEN : 1; /*!< Magic Packet Enable */
__IO uint32_t RWKPKTEN : 1; /*!< Remote Wake-Up Frame Enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t MGKPRCVD : 1; /*!< the power management event is generated because of the reception
of a magic packet */
__IO uint32_t RWKPRCVD : 1; /*!< When set, this bit indicates the power management event is generated
because of the reception of a remote wake-up frame */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t GLBLUCAST : 1; /*!< When set, enables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC (DAF)address
recognition to be a remote wake-up frame. */
uint32_t : 14;
__IO uint32_t RWKPTR : 3; /*!< Remote Wake-up FIFO Pointer */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t RWKFILTRST : 1; /*!< Remote Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Pointer Reset. */
} PMTCSR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
__IO uint32_t MACISR; /*!< Interrupt Status Register */
__IO uint32_t MACIMR; /*!< Interrupt Mask Register */
__IO uint16_t ADDR0_HIGH; /*!< MAC Address0 High Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED2;
__IO uint32_t ADDR0_LOW; /*!< MAC Address0 LOW Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t ADDR1_HIGH; /*!< MAC Address0 High Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 16; /*!< MAC Address1 [47:32] */
uint32_t : 14;
__IO uint32_t SA : 1; /*!< MAC address1 is source or destination address compared with
received frame */
__IO uint32_t AE : 1; /*!< the address filter module uses the MAC address1 for filtering */
} ADDR1_HIGH_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t ADDR1_LOW; /*!< MAC Address1 LOW Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[44];
union {
__IO uint32_t MMCCR; /*!< MMC Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNTRST : 1; /*!< Counters Reset */
__IO uint32_t CNTSTOPRO : 1; /*!< Counter Stop Rollover */
__IO uint32_t RSTONRD : 1; /*!< Reset on Read */
__IO uint32_t CNTFREEZ : 1; /*!< MMC Counter Freeze */
__IO uint32_t CNTPRST : 1; /*!< Counters Preset */
__IO uint32_t CNTPRSTLVL : 1; /*!< Counters Preset */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t UCDBC : 1; /*!< Update MMC Counters for Dropped Broadcast Frames */
} MMCCR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t MMCRIR; /*!< MMC Receive Interrupt Register */
__IO uint32_t MMCTIR; /*!< MMC Transmit Interrupt Register */
__IO uint32_t MMCRIMR; /*!< MMC Receive interrupt mask */
__IO uint32_t MMCTIMR; /*!< MMC Transmit Interrupt Mask */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4[59];
__IO uint32_t MMCIRCOIM; /*!< MMC IPC Receive Checksum Offload Interrupt Mask */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5[319];
union {
__IO uint32_t PTPTSCR; /*!< Timestamp Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TSENA : 1; /*!< Timestamp Enable */
__IO uint32_t TSCFUPDT : 1; /*!< Timestamp Fine or Coarse Update */
__IO uint32_t TSINIT : 1; /*!< Timestamp Initialize */
__IO uint32_t TSUPDT : 1; /*!< Timestamp Update */
__IO uint32_t TSTRIG : 1; /*!< Timestamp Interrupt Trigger Enable */
__IO uint32_t TSADDREG : 1; /*!< Addend Reg Update */
} PTPTSCR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t PTPSSIR; /*!< Sub-Second Increment Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTSHR; /*!< System Time Seconds Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTSLR; /*!< System Time Nanoseconds Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTSHUR; /*!< System Time Seconds Update Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTSLUR; /*!< System Time Nanoseconds Update Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTSAR; /*!< Timestamp Addend Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTTHR; /*!< Target Time Seconds Register */
__IO uint32_t PTPTTLR; /*!< Target Time Nanoseconds Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED6[567];
union {
__IO uint32_t BUS_MODE; /*!< Flow Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SWR : 1; /*!< Software Reset */
__IO uint32_t DA : 1; /*!< This bit specifies the arbitration scheme between the transmit
and receive paths of Channel */
__IO uint32_t DSL : 5; /*!< the byte number of bus width to skip between two unchained descriptors */
__IO uint32_t ATDS : 1; /*!< When set, the size of the alternate descriptor increases to
32 bytes */
__IO uint32_t PBL : 6; /*!< These bits indicate the maximum number of beats to be transferred
in one DMA transaction */
__IO uint32_t PR : 2; /*!< The Priority Ratio is (PR + 1) : 1 */
__IO uint32_t FB : 1; /*!< performs fixed burst transfers or not */
__IO uint32_t RPBL : 6; /*!< This field indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred
in one Rx DMA transaction */
__IO uint32_t USP : 1; /*!< If set, RPBL is same as RPBL definition */
__IO uint32_t PBLx8 : 1; /*!< If set, all PBLs multiplies 8 */
__IO uint32_t AAL : 1; /*!< If set, all bursts aligned to the start address LS bits */
__IO uint32_t MB : 1; /*!< When this bit is set high and the FB bit is low, the AHB master
interface starts all bursts of length more than 16 with INCR */
__IO uint32_t TXPR : 1; /*!< When set, the transmit DMA has higher priority than the receive
DMA */
__IO uint32_t PRWG : 2; /*!< The Priority weight is (PRWG + 1) : 1 */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t RIB : 1; /*!< If set, rebuilds the pending beats of any burst transfer initiated
with INCRx */
} BUS_MODE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t TPD; /*!< Transmit Poll Demand */
__IO uint32_t RPD; /*!< Receive Poll Demand */
__IO uint32_t RDESLA; /*!< Receive Descriptor List Address */
__IO uint32_t TDESLA; /*!< Transmit Descriptor List Address */
union {
__IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TI : 1; /*!< This bit indicates that the frame transmission is complete */
__IO uint32_t TPS : 1; /*!< Transmit Process Stopped */
__IO uint32_t TU : 1; /*!< the host owns the Next Descriptor in the Transmit List and the
DMA cannot acquire it. */
__IO uint32_t TJT : 1; /*!< Transmit Jabber Timeout */
__IO uint32_t OVF : 1; /*!< Receive Overflow */
__IO uint32_t UNF : 1; /*!< Transmit Underflow */
__IO uint32_t RI : 1; /*!< the frame reception is complete */
__IO uint32_t RU : 1; /*!< Receive Buffer Unavailable */
__IO uint32_t RPS : 1; /*!< Receive Process Stopped */
__IO uint32_t RWT : 1; /*!< Receive Watchdog Timeout */
__IO uint32_t ETI : 1; /*!< the frame to be transmitted is fully transferred to the MTL
Transmit FIFO */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t FBI : 1; /*!< a bus error occurred, as described in EB. */
__IO uint32_t ERI : 1; /*!< the DMA filled the first data buffer of the packet */
__IO uint32_t AIS : 1; /*!< Abnormal Interrupt Summary, must be cleared by writting */
__IO uint32_t NIS : 1; /*!< Normal Interrupt Summary, must be cleared by writting */
__I uint32_t RS : 3; /*!< Receive DMA FSM state */
__I uint32_t TS : 3; /*!< Transmit DMA FSM state */
__I uint32_t EB : 3; /*!< Error bit */
__I uint32_t GLI : 1; /*!< GMAC Line Interface Interrupt */
__I uint32_t GMI : 1; /*!< GMAC MMC Interrupt */
__I uint32_t GPI : 1; /*!< GMAC PMT Interrupt */
__I uint32_t TTI : 1; /*!< Timestamp Trigger Interrupt */
} STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t OPERATION; /*!< Operation Mode Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t SR : 1; /*!< Start or Stop Receive */
__IO uint32_t OSF : 1; /*!< Operate on Second Frame */
__IO uint32_t RT : 2; /*!< Receive Threshold Control */
__IO uint32_t DGF : 1; /*!< Drop Giant Frames */
__IO uint32_t FUF : 1; /*!< Forward Undersized Good Frames */
__IO uint32_t FEF : 1; /*!< Forward Error Frames */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t ST : 1; /*!< Start or Stop Transmission Command */
__IO uint32_t TT : 3; /*!< Transmit Threshold Control */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t FTF : 1; /*!< Flush Transmit FIFO */
__IO uint32_t TSF : 1; /*!< If set, transmission starts when a full frame resides in Transmit
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t DFF : 1; /*!< Disable Flushing of Received Frames */
__IO uint32_t RSF : 1; /*!< If set, the MTL reads a frame from the Rx FIFO while the complete
frame has been written to it, */
} OPERATION_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INT_EN; /*!< Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TIE : 1; /*!< Transmit Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t TSE : 1; /*!< Transmit Stopped Enable */
__IO uint32_t TUE : 1; /*!< Transmit Buffer Unavailable Enable */
__IO uint32_t TJE : 1; /*!< Transmit Jabber Timeout Enable */
__IO uint32_t OVE : 1; /*!< Overflow Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t UNE : 1; /*!< Underflow Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t RIE : 1; /*!< Receive Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t RUE : 1; /*!< Receive Buffer Unavailable Enable */
__IO uint32_t RSE : 1; /*!< Receive Stopped Enable */
__IO uint32_t RWE : 1; /*!< Receive Watchdog Timeout Enable */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< Early Transmit Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t FBE : 1; /*!< Fatal Bus Error Enable */
__IO uint32_t ERE : 1; /*!< Early Receive Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t AIE : 1; /*!< Abnormal Interrupt Summary Enable */
__IO uint32_t NIE : 1; /*!< Normal Interrupt Summary Enable */
} INT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t AHB_STATUS; /*!< AHB Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< If set, it indicates that the AHB master interface FSMs are
in the non-idle state */
} AHB_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED8[6];
__I uint32_t CURTDESAPTR; /*!< Current Host Transmit Descriptor Register */
__I uint32_t CURRDESAPTR; /*!< Current Host Receive Descriptor Register */
__I uint32_t CURTBUFAPTR; /*!< Current Host Transmit Buffer Address Register */
__I uint32_t CURRBUFAPTR; /*!< Current Host Receive Buffer Address Register */
} ETH_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ USB ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief USB (USB)
typedef struct { /*!< USB Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t GOTGCTL; /*!< Control and Status register */
struct {
__I uint32_t SES_REQ_SCS: 1; /*!< set when a session request initiation is successful as a device */
__IO uint32_t SES_SEQ : 1; /*!< set to initiate a session request on the USB as a device */
__IO uint32_t VB_VALID_OV_EN: 1; /*!< enable/disable the software to override the Bvalid signal using
the GOTGCTL.VbvalidOvVal as a host */
__IO uint32_t VB_VALID_OV_VAL: 1; /*!< set Override value for vbusvalid signal when GOTGCTL.VbvalidOvEn
is set as a host */
__IO uint32_t A_VALID_OV_EN: 1; /*!< enable/disable the software to override the Avalid signal using
the GOTGCTL.AvalidOvVal as a host */
__IO uint32_t A_VALID_OV_VAL: 1; /*!< set Override value for Avalid signal when GOTGCTL.AvalidOvEn
is set as a host */
__IO uint32_t B_VALID_OV_EN: 1; /*!< enable/disable the software to override the Bvalid signal using
the GOTGCTL.BvalidOvVal as a device. */
__IO uint32_t B_VALID_OV_VAL: 1; /*!< set Override value for Bvalid signal when GOTGCTL.BvalidOvEn
is set as a device. */
__I uint32_t HST_NEG_SCS: 1; /*!< sets when host negotiation is successful as a device. */
__IO uint32_t HNP_REQ : 1; /*!< sets this bit to initiate an HNP request to the connected USB
host as a device */
__IO uint32_t HST_SET_HNP_EN: 1; /*!< Host Set HNP Enable as a host */
__IO uint32_t DEV_HNP_EN : 1; /*!< Device HNP Enabled as a device */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t CON_ID_STS : 1; /*!< Connector ID Status */
__I uint32_t DBNC_TIME : 1; /*!< the debounce time of a detected connection as a host */
__I uint32_t A_SES_VLD : 1; /*!< A-Session Valid as a host */
__I uint32_t B_SES_VLD : 1; /*!< B-Session Valid as a host */
__IO uint32_t OTG_VER : 1; /*!< If 0, OTG Version 1.3. If 1, OTG Version 2.0. */
} GOTGCTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GOTGINT; /*!< OTG interrupt Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SES_END_DET: 1; /*!< Set when the utmiotg_bvalid signal is deasserted */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t SES_REQ_SUC_STS_CHNG: 1; /*!< Session Request Success Status Change */
__IO uint32_t HST_NEG_SUC_STS_CHNG: 1; /*!< Host Negotiation Success Status Change */
uint32_t : 7;
__IO uint32_t HST_NEG_DET: 1; /*!< if set, detects a host negotiation request on the USB */
__IO uint32_t A_DEV_TOUT_CHG: 1; /*!< A-device has timed out while waiting for the B-device to connect */
__IO uint32_t DBNCE_DONE : 1; /*!< debounce is completed after the device connect as a host */
} GOTGINT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GAHBCFG; /*!< AHB Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t GLBL_INTR_EN: 1; /*!< Global Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t BST_LEN : 4; /*!< Burst Length/Type */
__IO uint32_t DMA_EN : 1; /*!< DMA enable */
uint32_t : 15;
__IO uint32_t REMOTE_MEM_SUPP: 1; /*!< enable the functionality to wait for the system DMA Done Signal
for the DMA Write Transfers */
__IO uint32_t NOTIFY_ALL_DMA_WRITE: 1; /*!< enable the System DMA Done functionality for all the DMA write
Transactions corresponding to the Channel/Endpoint */
__IO uint32_t AHB_SINGLE : 1; /*!< supports Single transfers for the remaining data in a transfer */
} GAHBCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GUSBCFG; /*!< USB Configuration Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t PHY_IF : 1; /*!< PHY Interface */
__IO uint32_t ULPI_UTMI_SEL: 1; /*!< 1, ULPI. 0, UTMI+ */
__IO uint32_t FS_IF : 1; /*!< 1, 3-pin bidirectional. 0, 6-pin unidirectional */
__IO uint32_t PHY_SEL : 1; /*!< 0, USB 2.0 High-Speed PHY. 1, USB 1.1 full-speed serial transceiver */
__IO uint32_t DDR_SEL : 1; /*!< 0, Single Data Rate ULPI Interface, with 8-bit-wide data bus.
1, Double Data Rate ULPI Interface, with 4-bit-wide data bus */
__IO uint32_t SRP_CAP : 1; /*!< SRP-Capable */
__IO uint32_t HNP_CAP : 1; /*!< HNP-Capable */
__IO uint32_t USB_TRD_TIM: 4; /*!< Specifies the response time for a MAC request to the Packet
FIFO Controller (PFC) to fetch data from the DFIFO (SPRAM) as
a device. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t PHY_LPWR_CLK_SEL: 1; /*!< 0, 480-MHz Internal PLL clock. 1, 48-MHz External Clock */
uint32_t : 12;
__IO uint32_t TX_END_DELAY: 1; /*!< Tx End Delay as a device */
__IO uint32_t FORCE_HOST_MODE: 1; /*!< Force Host Mode */
__IO uint32_t FORCE_DEVICE_MODE: 1; /*!< Force Device Mode */
} GUSBCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GRSTCTL; /*!< Reset Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CORE_SOFT_RST: 1; /*!< Core Soft Reset */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t FRM_CNT_RST: 1; /*!< Host Frame Counter Reset */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t RX_FIFO_FLUSH: 1; /*!< RxFIFO Flush */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_FLUSH: 1; /*!< TxFIFO Flush */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_FLUSH_NUM: 4; /*!< This field indicates which of the 32 possible PHY devices are
being accessed */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_ALL: 1; /*!< TxFIFO flush all FIFOs */
uint32_t : 19;
__I uint32_t DMA_REQ : 1; /*!< Indicates that the DMA request is in progress */
__I uint32_t AHB_IDLE : 1; /*!< Indicates that the AHB Master State Machine is in the IDLE condition */
} GRSTCTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GINTSTS; /*!< Interrupt Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t CUR_MOD : 1; /*!< Current Mode of Operation */
__IO uint32_t MODE_MIS : 1; /*!< Mode Mismatch Interrupt */
__I uint32_t OTG_INT : 1; /*!< OTG Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t SOF : 1; /*!< Start of (micro)Frame */
__I uint32_t RFNE : 1; /*!< RxFIFO Non-Empty */
__I uint32_t NPTFE : 1; /*!< Non-periodic TxFIFO Empty */
__I uint32_t GIN_NAK_EFF: 1; /*!< Global IN Non-periodic NAK Effective as a device */
__I uint32_t GOUT_NAK_EFF: 1; /*!< Global OUT NAK Effective as a device */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t EARLY_SUS : 1; /*!< an Idle state has been detected on the USB For 3 ms as a device */
__IO uint32_t USB_SUS : 1; /*!< A suspend was detected on the USB as a device */
__IO uint32_t USB_RST : 1; /*!< A reset is detected on the USB as a device */
__IO uint32_t ENUM_DONE : 1; /*!< speed enumeration is complete as a device */
__IO uint32_t ISO_OUT_DROP: 1; /*!< Drop an isochronous OUT packet while no space in RXFIFO as a
device */
__IO uint32_t EOPF : 1; /*!< End of Periodic Frame Interrupt as a device */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t EP_MIS : 1; /*!< Endpoint Mismatch Interrupt as a device */
__I uint32_t IEP_INT : 1; /*!< IN Endpoints Interrupt as a device */
__I uint32_t OEP_INT : 1; /*!< OUT Endpoints Interrupt as a device */
__IO uint32_t INCOMP_ISO_IN: 1; /*!< Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer as a device */
__IO uint32_t IPT_IIOT : 1; /*!< OUT Incomplete Periodic Transfer as a host or Incomplete Isochronous
OUT Transfer as a device */
__IO uint32_t DFS : 1; /*!< Data Fetch Suspended as a device */
__IO uint32_t RST_DET : 1; /*!< reset detect as a device */
__I uint32_t HP : 1; /*!< a change in port status of one of the DWC_otg core ports as
a host */
__I uint32_t HC : 1; /*!< an interrupt is pending on one of the channels of the core as
a host */
__I uint32_t PTFE : 1; /*!< Periodic TxFIFO Empty as a host */
__IO uint32_t LPM : 1; /*!< LPM Transaction Received Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t CIDSC : 1; /*!< A change in connector ID status */
__IO uint32_t DD : 1; /*!< A change in connector ID status */
__IO uint32_t SR : 1; /*!< Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t WAKEUP : 1; /*!< Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt */
} GINTSTS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GINTEN; /*!< Interrupt enable Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t MODE_MIS : 1; /*!< Mode Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t OTG_INT : 1; /*!< OTG */
__IO uint32_t SOF : 1; /*!< Start of (micro)Frame */
__IO uint32_t RFNE : 1; /*!< RxFIFO Non-Empty */
__IO uint32_t NPTFE : 1; /*!< Non-periodic TxFIFO Empty */
__IO uint32_t GIN_NAK_EFF: 1; /*!< Global IN Non-periodic NAK Effective as a device */
__IO uint32_t GOUT_NAK_EFF: 1; /*!< Global OUT NAK Effective as a device */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t EARLY_SUS : 1; /*!< an Idle state has been detected on the USB For 3 ms as a device */
__IO uint32_t USB_SUS : 1; /*!< A suspend was detected on the USB as a device */
__IO uint32_t USB_RST : 1; /*!< A reset is detected on the USB as a device */
__IO uint32_t ENUM_DONE : 1; /*!< speed enumeration is complete as a device */
__IO uint32_t ISO_OUT_DROP: 1; /*!< Drop an isochronous OUT packet while no space in RXFIFO as a
device */
__IO uint32_t EOPF : 1; /*!< End of Periodic Frame Interrupt as a device */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t EP_MIS : 1; /*!< Endpoint Mismatch Interrupt as a device */
__IO uint32_t IEP_INT : 1; /*!< IN Endpoints Interrupt as a device */
__IO uint32_t OEP_INT : 1; /*!< OUT Endpoints Interrupt as a device */
__IO uint32_t INCOMP_ISO_IN: 1; /*!< Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer as a device */
__IO uint32_t IPT_IIOT : 1; /*!< OUT Incomplete Periodic Transfer as a host or Incomplete Isochronous
OUT Transfer as a device */
__IO uint32_t DFS : 1; /*!< Data Fetch Suspended as a device */
__IO uint32_t RST_DET : 1; /*!< reset detect as a device */
__IO uint32_t HP : 1; /*!< a change in port status of one of the DWC_otg core ports as
a host */
__IO uint32_t HC : 1; /*!< an interrupt is pending on one of the channels of the core as
a host */
__IO uint32_t PTFE : 1; /*!< Periodic TxFIFO Empty as a host */
__IO uint32_t LPM : 1; /*!< LPM Transaction Received Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t CIDSC : 1; /*!< A change in connector ID status */
__IO uint32_t DD : 1; /*!< A change in connector ID status */
__IO uint32_t SR : 1; /*!< Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t WAKEUP : 1; /*!< Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt */
} GINTEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t GRXSTSR; /*!< Returns the contents of the top of the Receive FIFO */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH_EP_NUM : 4; /*!< channel number as a host or EP number as a device */
__I uint32_t BCNT : 11; /*!< byte count of the received packet */
__I uint32_t DPID : 2; /*!< Data PID of the received packet */
__I uint32_t PS : 4; /*!< the status of the received packet */
__I uint32_t FN : 4; /*!< the least significant 4 bits of the (micro)frame number in which
the packet is received on the USB */
} GRXSTSR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t GRXSTSP; /*!< Pop the contents of the top of the Receive FIFO */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH_EP_NUM : 4; /*!< channel number as a host or EP number as a device */
__I uint32_t BCNT : 11; /*!< byte count of the received packet */
__I uint32_t DPID : 2; /*!< Data PID of the received packet */
__I uint32_t PS : 4; /*!< the status of the received packet */
__I uint32_t FN : 4; /*!< the least significant 4 bits of the (micro)frame number in which
the packet is received on the USB */
} GRXSTSP_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint16_t GRXFSIZ; /*!< This value is in terms of 32-bit words, 16 is minimize and 32768
is max */
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint32_t GNPTXFSIZ; /*!< Non-Periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t NTRSA_INEF0TRSA: 16; /*!< start address for Non-periodic Transmit FIFO RAM as a host or
IN Endpoint FIFO0 Transmit RAM as a device */
__IO uint32_t NTD_INEF0TD: 16; /*!< This value is in terms of 32-bit words, 16 is minimize and 32768
is max. Non-periodic TxFIFO Depth as a host or IN Endpoint TxFIFO
0 Depth as a device */
} GNPTXFSIZ_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t GNPTXSTS; /*!< Non-Periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t NTSA : 16; /*!< the amount of free space available in the Non-periodic TxFIFO,
max is 32768. */
__I uint32_t NTRQSA : 8; /*!< the amount of free space available in the Non-periodic Transmit
Request Queue, max is 8. */
__I uint32_t TNTRQ_LAST : 1; /*!< last Entry in the Non-periodic Tx Request Queue that is currently
being processed by the MAC */
__I uint32_t TNTRQ_TYPE : 2; /*!< type in the Non-periodic Tx Request Queue that is currently
being processed by the MAC */
__I uint32_t TNTRQ_CH : 4; /*!< Channel of top of the Non-periodic Transmit Request Queue */
} GNPTXSTS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[5];
union {
__I uint32_t GHWCFG1; /*!< User HW Config1 Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t EP0_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 0 direction, always Bidirection */
__I uint32_t EP1_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 1 direction */
__I uint32_t EP2_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 2 direction */
__I uint32_t EP3_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 3 direction */
__I uint32_t EP4_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 4 direction */
__I uint32_t EP5_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 5 direction */
__I uint32_t EP6_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 6 direction */
__I uint32_t EP7_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 7 direction */
__I uint32_t EP8_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 8 direction */
__I uint32_t EP9_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 9 direction */
__I uint32_t EP10_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 10 direction */
__I uint32_t EP11_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 11 direction */
__I uint32_t EP12_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 12 direction */
__I uint32_t EP13_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 13 direction */
__I uint32_t EP14_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 14 direction */
__I uint32_t EP15_DIR : 2; /*!< Endpoint 15 direction */
} GHWCFG1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t GLPMCFG; /*!< Core LPM Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EP0_DIR : 1; /*!< LPM capability is enabled */
} GLPMCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GPWRDN; /*!< Global Power Down Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t PMU_ACTIVE : 1; /*!< PMU Active is enabled */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t PDC : 1; /*!< Power Down Clamp is enabled */
__IO uint32_t PDR : 1; /*!< If clear, Reset DWC_otg */
__IO uint32_t PDS : 1; /*!< If 0, DWC_otg is in ON state, or OFF state */
__IO uint32_t DIS_VBUS : 1; /*!< Disable VBUS */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t SRP_DETECT_INT: 1; /*!< SRP has been detected by the PMU as a host */
__IO uint32_t SRP_DETECT_INT_EN: 1; /*!< Enable For SRPDetect Interrupt as a host */
__IO uint32_t STATE_CHN_INT: 1; /*!< a status change in either the IDDIG or BSessVld signal */
__IO uint32_t STATE_CHN_INT_EN: 1; /*!< Enable For Status Change Interrupt */
__I uint32_t LINE_STATE : 2; /*!< the current linestate on USB as seen by the PMU module */
__I uint32_t IDDIG : 1; /*!< the status of the IDDIG signal. If 0, host mode. if 1, device
mode */
__I uint32_t B_SESS_VLD : 1; /*!< B session valid status signal from the PHY */
__IO uint32_t ADP_INT : 1; /*!< set whenever there is a ADP event */
} GPWRDN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t GDFIFOCFG; /*!< Global DFIFO Software Config Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t GDFIFOCFG : 16; /*!< This field is for dynamic programming of the DFIFO Size. */
__IO uint32_t EPIBA : 16; /*!< This field provides the start address of the EP info controller */
} GDFIFOCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[40];
union {
__IO uint32_t HPTXFSIZ; /*!< Host Periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t HPTSA : 16; /*!< start address of the Periodic TxFIFO */
__IO uint32_t EPIBA : 16; /*!< the size of the Periodic TxFIFO */
} HPTXFSIZ_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF1; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF2; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF3; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF4; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF5; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF6; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF7; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF8; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF8_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF9; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF9_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF10; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF10_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF11; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF11_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF12; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF12_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF13; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF13_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF14; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF14_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTXF15; /*!< Device In Endpoint Transmit FIFO Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t INEFTRSA : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t INETFD : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth */
} DIEPTXF15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4[176];
union {
__IO uint32_t HCFG; /*!< Host Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FS_LS_PCS : 2; /*!< FS/LS PHY Clock Select as a host */
__IO uint32_t FS_LS_SUPPORT: 1; /*!< If set, FS/LS-only, even If the connected device can support
HS */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t EN_32K_SUS : 1; /*!< Enable 32 KHz Suspend mode */
__IO uint32_t RVP : 8; /*!< ResValid number of clock cycles to detect a valid resume */
uint32_t : 7;
__IO uint32_t EN_SG_DMA : 1; /*!< Enable Scatter/gather DMA in Host mode */
__IO uint32_t FLE : 2; /*!< the number of entries in the Frame list. 8 times of FLE */
__IO uint32_t EPS : 1; /*!< Enables periodic scheduling */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t MCRTE : 1; /*!< enable/disable the Host core to wait 200 PHY clock cycles at
the end of Resume to change the opmode signal to the PHY to
00 after Suspend or LPM. */
} HCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HFIR; /*!< Host Frame Interval Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FI : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint FIFOn Transmit RAM Start Address */
__IO uint32_t RC : 1; /*!< The HFIR can be dynamically reloaded during runtime if set */
} HFIR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t HFNUM; /*!< Host Frame Number/Frame Time Remaining Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t FN : 16; /*!< This field increments when a new SOF is transmitted on the USB */
__I uint32_t FTR : 16; /*!< amount of time remaining in the current microframe (HS) or Frame
(FS/LS), in terms of PHY clocks */
} HFNUM_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5;
union {
__I uint32_t HPTXSTS; /*!< Host Periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t PTDFSA : 16; /*!< Indicates the number of free locations available to be written
to in the Periodic TxFIFO, max is 32768 */
__I uint32_t PTRQSA : 8; /*!< Indicates the number of free locations available to be written
in the Periodic Transmit Request Queue, max is 16 */
__I uint32_t TPTRQ_LAST : 1; /*!< last Entry in the periodic Tx Request Queue that is currently
being processed by the MAC */
__I uint32_t TPTRQ_TYPE : 2; /*!< type in the periodic Tx Request Queue that is currently being
processed by the MAC */
__I uint32_t TPTRQ_CH : 4; /*!< Channel of top of the periodic Transmit Request Queue */
__I uint32_t TPTRQ_ODD_FRAME: 1; /*!< If set, send in odd (micro)Frame */
} HPTXSTS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t HAINT; /*!< Host All Channels Interrupt Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t INT : 16; /*!< Channel Interrupts, from 0 to 15. */
} HAINT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HAINT_EN; /*!< Host All Channels Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 16; /*!< Channel Interrupts Enable, from 0 to 15. */
} HAINT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t HFLBA; /*!< The starting address of the Frame list */
__I uint32_t RESERVED6[8];
union {
__IO uint32_t __HPRT; /*!< Host Port Control and Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t PCS : 1; /*!< If a device is attached to the port */
__IO uint32_t PCD : 1; /*!< A device connection is detected */
__IO uint32_t PE : 1; /*!< Port Enable */
__IO uint32_t PEDC : 1; /*!< Set if when the status of the Port Enable (bit 2) of this register
changes */
__I uint32_t POA : 1; /*!< Indicates the overcurrent condition of the port */
__IO uint32_t POC : 1; /*!< Set if when the status of the Port Overcurrent Active bit (bit
4) in this register changes */
__IO uint32_t PR : 1; /*!< Application and Core all can perform resume by setting, then
clear it whatever resume is success or not */
__IO uint32_t PS : 1; /*!< Sets this bit to put this port in Suspend mode */
__IO uint32_t PRESET : 1; /*!< sets this bit, a reset sequence is started on this port */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t PLSDP : 1; /*!< Logic level of D+ */
__IO uint32_t PLSDN : 1; /*!< Logic level of D- */
__IO uint32_t PP : 1; /*!< this field to control power to this port. 1, power on */
__IO uint32_t PTC : 4; /*!< The application writes a nonzero value to this field to put
the port into a Test mode */
__I uint32_t SPEED : 2; /*!< Indicates the speed of the device attached to this port */
} __HPRT_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED7[47];
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC0; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED8;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT0; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN0; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ0; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA0; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED9;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB0; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC1; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED10;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT1; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN1; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ1; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA1; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED11;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB1; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC2; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED12;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT2; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN2; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ2; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA2; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED13;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB2; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC3; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED14;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT3; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN3; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ3; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA3; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED15;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB3; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC4; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED16;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT4; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN4; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ4; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ4_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA4; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED17;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB4; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC5; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED18;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT5; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN5; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ5; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ5_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA5; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED19;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB5; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC6; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED20;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT6; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN6; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ6; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ6_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA6; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED21;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB6; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC7; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED22;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT7; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN7; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ7; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ7_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA7; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED23;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB7; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC8; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED24;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT8; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT8_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN8; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN8_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ8; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ8_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA8; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED25;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB8; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC9; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED26;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT9; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT9_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN9; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN9_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ9; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ9_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA9; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED27;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB9; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC10; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED28;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT10; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT10_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN10; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN10_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ10; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ10_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA10; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED29;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB10; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC11; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED30;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT11; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT11_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN11; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN11_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ11; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ11_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA11; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED31;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB11; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC12; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED32;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT12; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT12_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN12; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN12_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ12; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ12_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA12; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED33;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB12; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC13; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED34;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT13; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT13_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN13; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN13_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ13; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ13_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA13; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED35;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB13; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC14; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED36;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT14; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT14_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN14; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN14_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ14; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ14_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA14; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED37;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB14; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCC15; /*!< Host Channel Characteristics Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
__IO uint32_t EP_NUM : 4; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t EP_DIR : 1; /*!< Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT. 0, OUT. 1, IN */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t LSD : 1; /*!< indicate that this channel is communicating to a low-speed device. */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 2; /*!< Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC). */
__IO uint32_t DA : 7; /*!< This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink. */
__IO uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< The frame is odd or even. */
__IO uint32_t CD : 1; /*!< sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel. */
__IO uint32_t CE : 1; /*!< If the descriptor structure and data buffer are ready or not
yet. */
} HCC15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED38;
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT15; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT15_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCINT_EN15; /*!< Host Channel Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t CH_HALT : 1; /*!< Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink. */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
__IO uint32_t ETE : 1; /*!< 3 consecutive transaction errors occurred on the USB bus */
__IO uint32_t DR : 1; /*!< the corresponding channel's descriptor list rolls over */
} HCINT_EN15_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCTSIZ15; /*!< Host Channel Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SCHED_INFO : 8; /*!< Every bit in this 8 bit register indicates scheduling for that
microframe.Bit N indicates scheduling for Nth microframe scheduling
for 8th microframe in that frame. */
__IO uint32_t NTD : 8; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors. */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t PID : 2; /*!< the type of PID to use for the initial transaction */
__IO uint32_t PING : 1; /*!< Setting this field to 1 directs the host to do PING protocol */
} HCTSIZ15_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t HCDMA15; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Address Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CTD : 6; /*!< Number of Transfer Descriptors for Non-Isochronous */
__IO uint32_t ADDR : 23; /*!< he start address of 512 bytes page for Non-Isochronous */
} HCDMA15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED39;
__IO uint32_t HCDMAB15; /*!< Host Channel-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED40[64];
union {
__IO uint32_t DCFG; /*!< Device Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DSPEED : 2; /*!< the maximum speed the application can support */
__IO uint32_t NZLSOH : 1; /*!< select the handshake the core sends on receiving a non zero-length
data packet during the OUT transaction of a control transfer's
Status stage */
__IO uint32_t EN_32K_SUS : 1; /*!< Enable 32 KHz Suspend mode */
__IO uint32_t DEVICE_ADDR: 7; /*!< The application must program this field after every SetAddress
control command */
__IO uint32_t PFI : 2; /*!< Indicates the time within a (micro)frame at which the application
must be notified using the End Of Periodic Frame Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t EDON : 1; /*!< If set the core sets NAK after Bulk OUT transfer complete */
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t EN_SG_DMA : 1; /*!< enable the Scatter/Gather DMA operation */
__IO uint32_t PSI : 2; /*!< Periodic Scheduling Interval */
__IO uint32_t RVP : 6; /*!< It controls the resume period when the core resumes from suspend */
} DCFG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DCTL; /*!< Device Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RWS : 1; /*!< If set, the core initiates remote signaling to wake the USB
hosts */
__IO uint32_t SD : 1; /*!< If set, generates a device disconnect event to the USB host */
__I uint32_t GNPINS : 1; /*!< A NAK handshake is sent out on all non-periodic IN endpoints,
irrespective of the data availability in the transmit FIFO. */
__I uint32_t GONS : 1; /*!< No data is written to the RxFIFO, irrespective of space availability.. */
__IO uint32_t TC : 3; /*!< Test Control */
__O uint32_t SGNPIN : 1; /*!< A write to this field sets the Global Non-periodic IN NAK */
__O uint32_t CGNPIN : 1; /*!< A write to this field clears the Global Non-periodic IN NAK */
__O uint32_t SGON : 1; /*!< A write to this field sets the Global OUT NAK */
__O uint32_t CGON : 1; /*!< A write to this field sets the Global OUT NAK. */
__IO uint32_t POPD : 1; /*!< Power-On Programming Done */
__IO uint32_t GMC : 2; /*!< GMC must be programmed only once after initialization. the number
of packets to be serviced for that end point before moving to
the next end point */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t IFNIE : 1; /*!< Ignore frame number for isochronous endpoints */
__IO uint32_t NBE : 1; /*!< Set NAK automatically on babble */
__IO uint32_t ECBNA : 1; /*!< After receiving BNA interrupt, the core disables the endpoint */
} DCTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DSTS; /*!< Device Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t SUSPEND : 1; /*!< this bit is set as long as a Suspend condition is detected on
the USB */
__I uint32_t SPEED : 2; /*!< Indicates the speed at which the DWC_otg core has come up after
speed detection through a chirp sequence */
__I uint32_t EE : 1; /*!< reason of suspend state */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t SOFFN : 14; /*!< Frame or Microframe Number of the Received SOF */
__I uint32_t DLSDP : 1; /*!< Logic level of D+ */
__I uint32_t DLSDN : 1; /*!< Logic level of D- */
} DSTS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED41;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPEN; /*!< Device IN Endpoint Common Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer Completed Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t ED : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< AHB Error Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< Timeout Condition(Non-isochronous endpoints) */
__IO uint32_t ITRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO Empty */
__IO uint32_t ITRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t IENE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t FU : 1; /*!< Fifo Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< BNA Interrupt */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< NAK interrupt */
} DIEPEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPEN; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint Common Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer Completed Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t ED : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< AHB Error Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t SPD : 1; /*!< SETUP Phase Done, Applies to control endpoints only */
__IO uint32_t OTRWED : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received when Endpoint Disabled, Applies to control
OUT endpoints only */
__IO uint32_t SPR : 1; /*!< Status Phase Received */
__IO uint32_t BTBSPR : 1; /*!< Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received, Applies to control OUT
endpoints only */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t OPE : 1; /*!< OUT Packet Error */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< BNA Interrupt */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error interrupt */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< NAK interrupt */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< NYET interrupt */
} DOEPEN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t DAINT; /*!< Device All Channels Interrupt Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t INT : 16; /*!< IN Endpoint Interrupt Bits, from 0 to 15. */
__I uint32_t OUT_INT : 16; /*!< OUT Endpoint Interrupt Bits, from 0 to 15. */
} DAINT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DAINT_EN; /*!< Device All Channels Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t IN_EN : 16; /*!< IN EP Interrupt Enable, from 0 to 15. */
__IO uint32_t OUT_EN : 16; /*!< OUT EP Interrupt Enable, from 0 to 15. */
} DAINT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED42[4];
union {
__IO uint32_t DTHRCTL; /*!< Device Threshold Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t NISOINETE : 1; /*!< Non-ISO IN Endpoints Threshold Enable */
__IO uint32_t ISOINETE : 1; /*!< ISO IN Endpoints Threshold Enable */
__IO uint32_t TTL : 9; /*!< This field specifies Transmit thresholding size in DWORDS */
__IO uint32_t ATR : 2; /*!< These bits define the ratio between the AHB threshold and the
MAC threshold for the transmit path only. */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t RTE : 1; /*!< If set, the core enables thresholding in the receive direction */
__IO uint32_t RTL : 9; /*!< This field specifies Receive thresholding size in DWORDS */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t APE : 1; /*!< This bit controls internal DMA arbiter parking for IN endpoints */
} DTHRCTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint16_t DIEPEMPEN; /*!< Device IN Endpoint FIFO Empty Interrupt Enable Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED43[101];
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL0; /*!< Device Control IN Endpoint 0 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 2; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint,
applies to IN and OUT endpoints */
uint32_t : 13;
__I uint32_t USBAE : 1; /*!< Always 1, indicating that control endpoint 0 is always active
in all configurations and interfaces */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint */
__I uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Hardcoded to 00 for control */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit, and the core clears it when a
SETUP token is received for this endpoint */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED44;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT0; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED45;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ0; /*!< Device IN Endpoint 0 Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 7; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
uint32_t : 12;
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 2; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
} DIEPTSIZ0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA0; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA0; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED46;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB0; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED47;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED48;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED49;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB1; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED50;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED51;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED52;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB2; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED53;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED54;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED55;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB3; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED56;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED57;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED58;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB4; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED59;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED60;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED61;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB5; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED62;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED63;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED64;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB6; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED65;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED66;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED67;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB7; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED68;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED69;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED70;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB8; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED71;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED72;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED73;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB9; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED74;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED75;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED76;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB10; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED77;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED78;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED79;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB11; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED80;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED81;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED82;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB12; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED83;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED84;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED85;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB13; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED86;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED87;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED88;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB14; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPCTL15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous IN endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
__IO uint32_t TX_FIFO_NUM: 4; /*!< TxFIFO Number */
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop transmitting data on an
endpoint even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
transmit is setup */
} DIEPCTL15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED89;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPINT15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t TIMEOUT : 1; /*!< a timeout condition on the USB for the last IN token on this
endpoint */
__IO uint32_t INTRWTFE : 1; /*!< IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty */
__IO uint32_t INTRWEPM : 1; /*!< IN Token Received with EP Mismatch */
__IO uint32_t INEPNE : 1; /*!< IN Endpoint NAK Effective */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t TFU : 1; /*!< Transmit FIFO Underrun */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DIEPINT15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED90;
union {
__IO uint32_t DIEPTSIZ15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t MC : 2; /*!< the number of packets per microframe to periodic IN endpoints.
The number of packets must be fetched per non-periodic IN endpoints */
} DIEPTSIZ15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DIEPDMA15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__IO uint16_t DTXFSA15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n Transmit FIFO Space Avail Register */
__I uint16_t RESERVED91;
__I uint32_t DIEPDMAB15; /*!< Device IN Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL0; /*!< Device Control OUT Endpoint 0 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 2; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint,
applies to IN and OUT endpoints */
uint32_t : 13;
__I uint32_t USBAE : 1; /*!< Always 1, indicating that control endpoint 0 is always active
in all configurations and interfaces */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint */
__I uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Hardcoded to 00 for control */
__IO uint32_t SNOOP : 1; /*!< does not check if the OUT packets are correct before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit, and the core clears it when a
SETUP token is received for this endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application cannot disable control OUT endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED92;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT0; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED93;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ0; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint 0 Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 7; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
uint32_t : 12;
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 1; /*!< This field is decremented to zero after a packet is written
into the RxFIFO */
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t SETUP_CNT : 2; /*!< the number of back-to-back SETUP data packets the endpoint can
receive */
} DOEPTSIZ0_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA0; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED94;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB0; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL1; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED95;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT1; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED96;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ1; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ1_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA1; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED97;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB1; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL2; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED98;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT2; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED99;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ2; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ2_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA2; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED100;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB2; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL3; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED101;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT3; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED102;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ3; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ3_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA3; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED103;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB3; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL4; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED104;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT4; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED105;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ4; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ4_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA4; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED106;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB4; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL5; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED107;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT5; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED108;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ5; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ5_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA5; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED109;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB5; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL6; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED110;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT6; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED111;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ6; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ6_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA6; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED112;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB6; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL7; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED113;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT7; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED114;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ7; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ7_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA7; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED115;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB7; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL8; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED116;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT8; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED117;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ8; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ8_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA8; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED118;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB8; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL9; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED119;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT9; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED120;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ9; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ9_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA9; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED121;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB9; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL10; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED122;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT10; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED123;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ10; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ10_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA10; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED124;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB10; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL11; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED125;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT11; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED126;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ11; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ11_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA11; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED127;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB11; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL12; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED128;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT12; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED129;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ12; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ12_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA12; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED130;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB12; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL13; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED131;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT13; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED132;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ13; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ13_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA13; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED133;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB13; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL14; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED134;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT14; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED135;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ14; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ14_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA14; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED136;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB14; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPCTL15; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint N Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MPS : 11; /*!< Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UAE : 1; /*!< Indicates whether this endpoint is active */
__I uint32_t DPID : 1; /*!< Endpoint Data PID */
__I uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< The core is transmitting NAK handshakes on this endpoint if
set */
__IO uint32_t EP_TYPE : 2; /*!< Indicates the transfer type selected. */
__IO uint32_t EC : 1; /*!< Doesn't check the correctness of OUT packets before transferring */
__IO uint32_t STALL : 1; /*!< To non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints, stall all tokens.
To control endpoints, response an ACK */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SNAK : 1; /*!< A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint */
__O uint32_t SET_D0_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA0 PID */
__O uint32_t SET_D1_PID : 1; /*!< Set DATA1 PID */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< The application sets this bit to stop receiving data on an endpoint
even before the transfer for that endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t EPE : 1; /*!< the descriptor structure and data buffer with data ready to
receive data is setup */
} DOEPCTL15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED137;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPINT15; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Interrupt Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TC : 1; /*!< Transfer completed normally without any errors */
__IO uint32_t EPD : 1; /*!< Endpoint Disabled Interrupt */
__IO uint32_t AHB_ERR : 1; /*!< there is an AHB error during AHB read/write */
__IO uint32_t SETUP : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the SETUP phase for the control
endpoint is complete */
__IO uint32_t OUTTRWEPD : 1; /*!< OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled */
__IO uint32_t SPRFCW : 1; /*!< Only for Control OUT endpoints, the host has switched from data
phase to the status phase of a Control Write transfer */
__IO uint32_t B2BSETUPPR : 1; /*!< to Control OUT endpoints only, received more than three back-to-back
SETUP packets for this particular endpoint */
__I uint32_t TFE : 1; /*!< either half or completely empty depending on GAHBCFG.NPTxFEmpLvl */
__IO uint32_t OUTPE : 1; /*!< an overflow or a CRC error for an OUT packet */
__IO uint32_t BNA : 1; /*!< Buffer Not Available */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t BE : 1; /*!< Babble Error */
__IO uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< a NAK is transmitted */
__IO uint32_t NYET : 1; /*!< a NYET response is transmitted */
} DOEPINT15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED138;
union {
__IO uint32_t DOEPTSIZ15; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n Transfer Size Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SIZE : 19; /*!< Indicates the transfer size in bytes for endpoint 0 */
__IO uint32_t PACKET_CNT : 10; /*!< the total number of USB packets */
__IO uint32_t SETUPCNT_PID: 2; /*!< To control OUT Endpoints only, back-to-back SETUP data packets.
To isochronous OUT endpoints, data PID received in the last
packet */
} DOEPTSIZ15_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t DOEPDMA15; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Address Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED139;
__I uint32_t DOEPDMAB15; /*!< Device OUT Endpoint-n DMA Buffer Address Register */
} USB_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ GLOBAL_CTRL ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
typedef struct { /*!< GLOBAL_CTRL Structure */
union {
__I uint32_t AES_STATUS; /*!< AES status */
struct {
__I uint32_t RD_ALMOST_EMPTY: 1; /*!< FIFO read almost empty */
__I uint32_t RD_EMPTY : 1; /*!< FIFO read empty */
__I uint32_t WR_FULL_ALMOST: 1; /*!< FIFO write almost full */
__I uint32_t WR_FULL : 1; /*!< FIFO write full */
__I uint32_t IDLE : 1; /*!< decryption finish */
} AES_STATUS_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[253];
union {
__IO uint32_t CLK_SEL_0; /*!< clock select 0 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CAN1_CLK : 2; /*!< CAN1 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/32, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t CAN0_CLK : 2; /*!< CAN0 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/32, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t I2C1_CLK : 2; /*!< I2C1 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t I2C0_CLK : 2; /*!< I2C0 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t SPI1_CLK : 2; /*!< SPI1 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t SPI0_CLK : 2; /*!< SPI0 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t UART1_CLK : 2; /*!< UART1 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t UART0_CLK : 2; /*!< UART0 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t RTC_CLK : 2; /*!< RTC clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_CLK : 2; /*!< GPIO clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t TIMER_CLK : 2; /*!< TIMER clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t WDG_CLK : 2; /*!< watchdog clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which
should be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t FLASH_CLK : 2; /*!< FLASH clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t DMA_AHB_CLK: 2; /*!< DMA AHB bus clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which
should be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t USB_AHB_CLK: 2; /*!< USB AHB bus clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which
should be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 from 0 to 3 */
} CLK_SEL_0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CLK_SEL_1; /*!< clock select 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ETH_AHB_CLK: 2; /*!< ETH_AHB clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which
should be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t DDR_CLK : 2; /*!< DDR clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 from 0 to 3 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t ADC_CLK : 2; /*!< ADC clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, external from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t EFUSE_CLK : 2; /*!< EFUSE clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t SYS_CLK : 4; /*!< system clock clock frequency dividor based on system clock,
which should be oscillator(0), DLL(1), crystal(2), external(3),
JTAG(4), PS(8) */
__IO uint32_t UART2_CLK : 2; /*!< UART2 clock frequency dividor based on system clock, which should
be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 from 0 to 3 */
__IO uint32_t UTMI_CLK : 1; /*!< UTMI clock came from on-chip usb phy(0) or off-chip usb phy(1) */
} CLK_SEL_1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t USB_PHY_CTRL; /*!< USB Phy Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BITSTUFF : 1; /*!< 0: No bit stuff */
__IO uint32_t XTLSEL : 1; /*!< 0: 12MHz */
__IO uint32_t PLL : 1; /*!< PLL mode */
__IO uint32_t VOLDET : 1; /*!< Voltage Detector Enable, 0: Disable */
__IO uint32_t IDUP : 1; /*!< 0: ID is uplled up through 33k Ohm resister */
__IO uint32_t CKISEL : 1; /*!< Clock selection, 0: Crystal, 1: Internal Clock */
__IO uint32_t FMOD : 1; /*!< 1: Normal */
__IO uint32_t SQUELCH : 3; /*!< Squelch Reference Voltage, 000: 27.5mV, 001: 137.5mV, 111: 220mV */
__IO uint32_t HDISCDT : 3; /*!< Host Disconnect Detection Reference Voltage, 000: 500mV, 100:
588mV, 111: 654mV */
__IO uint32_t PRTSEL : 1; /*!< 0: Internal OTG PHY, 1: UTMI to External PHY */
__IO uint32_t RSTPRT : 1; /*!< 0: The reverse of usb_rst_n will reset, 1: Reset OTG PHY */
} USB_PHY_CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RTC_INT_EN; /*!< RTC interrupt enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SECOND : 1; /*!< 1s interrupt enable */
__IO uint32_t MILLSECOND : 1; /*!< 1ms interrupt enable */
} RTC_INT_EN_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t NMI_SEL; /*!< nmi interrupt selection */
struct {
__IO uint32_t NMI : 7; /*!< NMI interrupt ID */
} NMI_SEL_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2;
__IO uint32_t AES_TARGET_ADDR; /*!< AES target address, default is frame decoder address(0x41800000) */
union {
__IO uint32_t AES_BURST_TYPE; /*!< AES burst type */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TYPE : 2; /*!< burst type, fixed(0), incr(1) */
} AES_BURST_TYPE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t ICACHE; /*!< ICACHE Enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< ICACHE Enable */
} ICACHE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t IBUSOFF; /*!< Code Bus Offset */
__IO uint32_t DBUSOFF; /*!< Data Bus Offset */
__IO uint32_t EXTADDR; /*!< Bus Ext Addr */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ AES ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief AES (AES)
typedef struct { /*!< AES Structure */
__IO uint32_t FIFO; /*!< data FIFO to be decoded */
union {
__O uint32_t FIFO_CLEAR; /*!< clear data FIFO */
struct {
__O uint32_t CLEAR : 1; /*!< clear after write 1 and write 0 */
} FIFO_CLEAR_b; /*!< BitSize */
} AES_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ DDRC ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief DDR_CFG (DDRC)
typedef struct { /*!< DDRC Structure */
__IO uint32_t CMD; /*!< DDR commands to program */
union {
__IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< DDR Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TO : 1; /*!< Take over DDRC siggen */
__IO uint32_t CLR : 1; /*!< Clear commands in FIFO */
__O uint32_t STR : 1; /*!< Start to execute the commands in FIFO */
} CTRL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< DDR mode */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MODE : 6; /*!< DDRC Mode */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t LANE : 1; /*!< LANE synchronization logic bypass */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t ADEC : 1; /*!< address decoder mapping */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t B16 : 2; /*!< Active 16 bit DQ position when the unmber of DQ IO is 16 */
uint32_t : 6;
__IO uint32_t CLKPOL : 2; /*!< DQS clkpol set by user on the PHY */
} MODE_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t QUE; /*!< DDRC queue depth */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DEPTH : 1; /*!< DDRC queue depth */
} QUE_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t REF; /*!< Refresh control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t THRD : 5; /*!< Number of refresh requests which can be postponed */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t TRIG : 4; /*!< Number of refresh requests every dl_refi */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t TIME : 16; /*!< Refresh interval time */
} REF_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t REF_TRIG; /*!< Refresh trigger */
struct {
__O uint32_t GO : 1; /*!< Write 1 to trigger one refresh request by cbus */
} REF_TRIG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ZQ_TRIG; /*!< ZQCTL trigger */
struct {
__O uint32_t CS : 1; /*!< Write 1 to trigger one ZQCS request by cbus */
__O uint32_t CL : 1; /*!< Write 1 to trigger one ZQCL request by cbus */
} ZQ_TRIG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ZQCSR; /*!< ZQCSR */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< Enable ZQCS request */
__IO uint32_t PRI : 1; /*!< 0: DMA access prior to ZQCS, 1: ZQCS prior to DMA access */
} ZQCSR_b; /*!< BitSize */
__IO uint32_t ZQCSI; /*!< ZQCS interval time */
union {
__IO uint32_t RCD; /*!< t(RCD) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 5; /*!< t(RCD), delay from ACT command to RW command of same bank */
} RCD_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RAS; /*!< t(RAS) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 6; /*!< t(RAS), delay from ACT command to PRE command of same bank */
} RAS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RP; /*!< t(RP) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 5; /*!< t(RP), delay from PRE command to ACT/REF/ZQ command */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t RPA : 1; /*!< 0: t(RP) delay for PREA command; 1: t(RP)+1 delay for PREA command */
} RP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RC; /*!< t(RC) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 7; /*!< t(RC), delay from ACT command to ACT command of same bank */
} RC_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RRD; /*!< t(RRD) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 4; /*!< t(RRD), delay from ACT command to ACT command */
} RRD_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t CCD; /*!< t(CCD) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 3; /*!< t(CCD), delay from RW command to RW command */
} CCD_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RTW; /*!< t(RTW) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 5; /*!< t(RTW), delay from RD command to WR command */
} RTW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t WTR; /*!< t(WTR) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 5; /*!< t(WTR), delay from WR command to RD command */
} WTR_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RTP; /*!< t(RTP) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 3; /*!< t(RTP), delay from RD command to PRE command of same bank */
} RTP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t WTP; /*!< t(WTP) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 6; /*!< t(WTP), delay from WR command to PRE command of same bank */
} WTP_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RFC; /*!< t(RFC) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 8; /*!< t(WTP), delay from WR command to PRE command of same bank */
} RFC_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ZQCL; /*!< t(ZQoper) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 9; /*!< t(ZQoper), delay from ZQCL command to REF/ZQ/ACT command */
} ZQCL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ZQCS; /*!< t(ZQCS) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 7; /*!< t(ZQCS), delay from ZQCS command to REF/ZQ/ACT command */
} ZQCS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t FAW; /*!< t(FAW) */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DI : 6; /*!< t(FAW), 4 act command window time */
} FAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t BURST; /*!< BURST */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LEN : 1; /*!< 0: length 8, 1: length 4 */
} BURST_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PHUNG; /*!< PHUNG */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MODE : 1; /*!< 0: normal mode, 1: prevent read hang mode */
__IO uint32_t LPM : 1; /*!< 1: stop the IO clk */
} PHUNG_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RL; /*!< READ Latency */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VAL : 5; /*!< READ Latency */
} RL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t WL; /*!< WRITE Latency */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VAL : 5; /*!< WRITE Latency */
} WL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TRAIN; /*!< TRAIN */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 4; /*!< Enable lane N training mode */
} TRAIN_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DQSEN0; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 0 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 3; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 0 */
} DQSEN0_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DQSEN1; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 3; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 1 */
} DQSEN1_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DQSEN2; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 2 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 3; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 2 */
} DQSEN2_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t DQSEN3; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 0 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 3; /*!< Delay cycles of dqsen of byte lane 3 */
} DQSEN3_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ODTH; /*!< Delay from WR command to odt high transition */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 5; /*!< Delay from WR command to odt high transition */
} ODTH_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ODTL; /*!< Delay from WR command to odt low transition */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DL : 5; /*!< Delay from WR command to odt low transition */
} ODTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t ODT; /*!< Used in write leveling mode */
struct {
__O uint32_t TRIG : 1; /*!< 0: trigger odt low, 1: trigger odt high */
} ODT_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t DQS; /*!< Used in write leveling mode */
struct {
__O uint32_t TRIG : 1; /*!< Writing 1 to this register triggers a dqs pulse */
} DQS_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t STA; /*!< Commands FIFO */
struct {
__I uint32_t MODE : 1; /*!< DDRC in sw_proc mode */
__I uint32_t EMPTY : 1; /*!< Sw_proc command fifo empty */
__I uint32_t FULL : 1; /*!< Sw_proc command fifo full */
} STA_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INTCTL; /*!< Interrupt Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< 0: the sw_proc_done int will not be masked, 1: the sw_proc_done
int will be masked */
__IO uint32_t ERR : 1; /*!< mask of the lane_sync_error interrupt */
uint32_t : 14;
__IO uint32_t MODE : 1; /*!< Interrupt mode: 0: int level active, write 1 to clear; 1: int
edge active */
} INTCTL_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INTRAW; /*!< Interrupt RAW */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< Int register of sw_proc_done before mask */
__IO uint32_t ERR : 1; /*!< int reg of the lane sync error before masked */
} INTRAW_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t INTSTA; /*!< Interrupt STA */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DONE : 1; /*!< Int register of sw_proc_done after mask */
__IO uint32_t ERR : 1; /*!< int register of lane sync error after masked */
} INTSTA_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t PHY; /*!< PHY */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RST : 1; /*!< FPGA version, reset read dq fifo. Low active */
} PHY_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RDQ; /*!< FPGA version, read dq delay of byte lane N */
struct {
__IO uint32_t L3 : 6; /*!< FPGA version, read dq delay of byte lane3 */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t L2 : 6; /*!< FPGA version, read dq delay of byte lane2 */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t L1 : 6; /*!< FPGA version, read dq delay of byte lane3 */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t L0 : 7; /*!< FPGA version, read dq delay of byte lane0 */
} RDQ_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t CALIB; /*!< calibration */
struct {
__I uint32_t TPU : 8; /*!< calibration result values, if fail then 0x40 */
__I uint32_t TPD : 8; /*!< calibration result values, if fail then 0x40 */
__I uint32_t PDR : 5; /*!< calibration result values, if fail then 0x40 */
__I uint32_t NDR : 5; /*!< calibration result values, if fail then 0x40 */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< trigger the calibration processing which is sensitive to the
positive edge */
} CALIB_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t ITMDLY; /*!< "itmdly" is the fine delay trim to the read path "dq", "itmsdly"
is to the read path of "dqs". From 000 to 111 increasingly,
each step is about 40ps */
struct {
__IO uint32_t I0 : 4; /*!< itmdly0 */
__IO uint32_t IS0 : 4; /*!< itmsdly0 */
__IO uint32_t I1 : 4; /*!< itmdly1 */
__IO uint32_t IS1 : 4; /*!< itmsdly1 */
__IO uint32_t I2 : 4; /*!< itmdly2 */
__IO uint32_t IS2 : 4; /*!< itmsdly2 */
__IO uint32_t I3 : 4; /*!< itmdly3 */
__IO uint32_t IS3 : 4; /*!< itmsdly3 */
} ITMDLY_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t TUNE; /*!< CALIB_TUNE */
struct {
__IO uint32_t TPU : 4; /*!< tpu_tune, finial val = tune[3] ? val - tune : val + tune */
__IO uint32_t TPD : 4; /*!< tpd_tune, tune[3:0] for TPD/TPU, [2:0] is the tune val */
__IO uint32_t PDR : 4; /*!< pdr_tune, inial val = tune[2] ? val - tune : val + tune */
__IO uint32_t NDR : 4; /*!< ndr_tune, tune[2:0] for NDR/PDR, [1:0] is the tune val */
} TUNE_b; /*!< BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t RD_SEL; /*!< RD_WINDOWS_SEL */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PHY_SEL : 3; /*!< To fix the phy read valid issue, this is to adjust the read
data valid window to match the phy read valid by cycle level */
} RD_SEL_b; /*!< BitSize */
} DDRC_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ PDLOCK ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
typedef struct { /*!< PDLOCK Structure */
union {
__I uint32_t GCLK; /*!< GCLK */
struct {
__I uint32_t C1R2P : 1; /*!< gclk_c1r2_pll_lock */
__I uint32_t C1R1P : 1; /*!< gclk_c1r1_pll_lock */
__I uint32_t C2R1P : 1; /*!< gclk_c2r1_pll_lock */
__I uint32_t C2R2P : 1; /*!< gclk_c2r2_pll_lock */
__I uint32_t C1R2D : 1; /*!< gclk_c1r2_dll_lock */
__I uint32_t C1R1D : 1; /*!< gclk_c1r1_dll_lock */
__I uint32_t C2R1D : 1; /*!< gclk_c2r1_dll_lock */
__I uint32_t C2R2D : 1; /*!< gclk_c2r2_dll_lock */
} GCLK_b; /*!< BitSize */
} PDLOCK_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ PDPROT ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
typedef struct { /*!< PDPROT Structure */
union {
__O uint32_t LOCK; /*!< LOCK */
struct {
__O uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< Enable the PLL DLL Lock to Protect it */
} LOCK_b; /*!< BitSize */
} PDPROT_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ CFG_CTRL ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief CFG_CTRL (CFG_CTRL)
typedef struct { /*!< CFG_CTRL Structure */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t DONE; /*!< DONE CFG */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CMD : 1; /*!< Write 1 indicate all chain data write over */
__IO uint32_t STA : 1; /*!< 1= all chain config process over, chip is in user mode */
} DONE_b; /*!< BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[34];
union {
__IO uint32_t PDLLSTR; /*!< PLL DLL RESET */
struct {
__IO uint32_t C1R1P : 1; /*!< C1r1_rstpll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C1R2P : 1; /*!< C1r2_rstpll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C2R1P : 1; /*!< C2r1_rstpll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C2R2P : 1; /*!< C2r2_rstpll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C1R1D : 1; /*!< C1r1_rstdll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C1R2D : 1; /*!< C1r2_rstdll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C2R1D : 1; /*!< C2r1_rstdll_n, low active */
__IO uint32_t C2R2D : 1; /*!< C2r2_rstdll_n, low active */
} PDLLSTR_b; /*!< BitSize */
} CFG_CTRL_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ SOFT_RESET ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
typedef struct { /*!< SOFT_RESET Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t SOFTRST; /*!< SOFTRST */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CAN1_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_can1_n */
__IO uint32_t CAN0_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_can0_n */
__IO uint32_t I2C1_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_i2c1_n */
__IO uint32_t I2C0_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_i2c0_n */
__IO uint32_t SPI1_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_spi1_n */
__IO uint32_t SPI0_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_spi0_n */
__IO uint32_t UART1_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_uart1_n */
__IO uint32_t UART0_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_uart0_n */
__IO uint32_t RTC_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_rtc_n */
__IO uint32_t GPIO_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_gpio_n */
__IO uint32_t TIMER_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_timer_n */
__IO uint32_t WDT_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_wdt_n */
__IO uint32_t LVDS_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_lvds_n */
__IO uint32_t FLS_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_fls_n */
__IO uint32_t DMAC_AHB_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_dmac_ahb_n */
__IO uint32_t USB_AHB_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_usb_ahb_n */
__IO uint32_t ETH_AHB_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_eth_ahb_n */
__IO uint32_t DDRC_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_ddrc_n */
__IO uint32_t ARM_HCLK_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_arm_HCLK_n */
__IO uint32_t _48_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_48_n */
__IO uint32_t UTM_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_utmi_n */
__IO uint32_t CACHE_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_cache_n */
__IO uint32_t USB_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_cache_n */
__IO uint32_t ETH_RX_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_eth_rx_i_n */
__IO uint32_t ETH_TX_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_eth_tx_i_n */
__IO uint32_t ADC_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_adc_n */
__IO uint32_t EFUSE_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_efuse_n */
__IO uint32_t Reserved1_n: 1; /*!< Reserved11 */
__IO uint32_t AES_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_aes_n */
__IO uint32_t UART2_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_uart2_n */
__IO uint32_t AS_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_as_n */
__IO uint32_t FDCD_n : 1; /*!< soft_rst_fdcd_n */
} SOFTRST_b; /*!< BitSize */
/* -------------------- End of section using anonymous unions ------------------- */
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
/* leave anonymous unions enabled */
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
#pragma warning restore
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Peripheral memory map ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
#define UART0_BASE 0x41005000UL
#define UART1_BASE 0x4100C000UL
#define UART2_BASE 0x4100E000UL
#define WDG_BASE 0x41001000UL
#define TIMER0_BASE 0x41000000UL
#define TIMER1_BASE 0x41000020UL
#define TIMER2_BASE 0x41000040UL
#define TIMER3_BASE 0x41000060UL
#define SPI0_BASE 0x41004000UL
#define SPI1_BASE 0x4100B000UL
#define I2C0_BASE 0x41003000UL
#define I2C1_BASE 0x4100A000UL
#define RTC_BASE 0x41007004UL
#define GPIO_BASE 0x41002000UL
#define NOR_FLASH_BASE 0x40800000UL
#define ADC_BASE 0x41006000UL
#define EFUSE_BASE 0x41008000UL
#define CAN0_BASE 0x41009000UL
#define CAN1_BASE 0x4100D000UL
#define DMA_BASE 0x41500000UL
#define ETH_BASE 0x41200000UL
#define USB_BASE 0x41300000UL
#define GLOBAL_CTRL_BASE 0x41007010UL
#define AES_BASE 0x41600000UL
#define DDRC_BASE 0x41400000UL
#define PDLOCK_BASE 0x41007000UL
#define PDPROT_BASE 0x41007C00UL
#define CFG_CTRL_BASE 0x41700000UL
#define SOFT_RESET_BASE 0x41007400UL
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Peripheral declaration ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
#define UART0 ((UART0_Type *) UART0_BASE)
#define UART1 ((UART0_Type *) UART1_BASE)
#define UART2 ((UART0_Type *) UART2_BASE)
#define WDG ((WDG_Type *) WDG_BASE)
#define TIMER0 ((TIMER0_Type *) TIMER0_BASE)
#define TIMER1 ((TIMER0_Type *) TIMER1_BASE)
#define TIMER2 ((TIMER0_Type *) TIMER2_BASE)
#define TIMER3 ((TIMER0_Type *) TIMER3_BASE)
#define SPI0 ((SPI0_Type *) SPI0_BASE)
#define SPI1 ((SPI0_Type *) SPI1_BASE)
#define I2C0 ((I2C0_Type *) I2C0_BASE)
#define I2C1 ((I2C0_Type *) I2C1_BASE)
#define RTC ((RTC_Type *) RTC_BASE)
#define GPIO ((GPIO_Type *) GPIO_BASE)
#define ADC ((ADC_Type *) ADC_BASE)
#define EFUSE ((EFUSE_Type *) EFUSE_BASE)
#define CAN0 ((CAN0_Type *) CAN0_BASE)
#define CAN1 ((CAN0_Type *) CAN1_BASE)
#define DMA ((DMA_Type *) DMA_BASE)
#define ETH ((ETH_Type *) ETH_BASE)
#define USB ((USB_Type *) USB_BASE)
#define AES ((AES_Type *) AES_BASE)
#define DDRC ((DDRC_Type *) DDRC_BASE)
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_Registers */
/** @} */ /* End of group cmem7 */
/** @} */ /* End of group (null) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* cmem7_H */