mirror of https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread.git synced 2025-03-05 10:25:28 +08:00
Grissiom f51bce3fed add rm48x50 bsp and libcpu
We currently only support building with CCS and SCons is not using.
bsp/rm48x50/HALCoGen/HALCoGen.{hcg,dil} is the HALCoGen project file.
You may need to regenerate the source file as you like, providing that:

    1, IRQ is in Dispatch Mode and the table entry is IRQ_Handler. The
    channel 5 in enabled and connected to IRQ.

    2, RTI driver is enabled and compare3 source is selected to counter1
    and the compare3 will generate tick in the period of 10ms. This
    value is coresponding with RT_TICK_PER_SECOND in rtconfig.h.

In CCS, you need to create a new CCS project and create link folders
pointing at bsp/rm48x50, libcpu/arm/rm48x50 and src/, include/. Remember
to add the include path to the Build Properties.
2013-05-24 22:55:13 +08:00

1854 lines
64 KiB

// usblib.h - Main header file for the USB Library.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
#ifndef __USBLIB_H__
#define __USBLIB_H__
// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
// have a C binding.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* standard device requests -- USB_SetupDataPacket::bRequest */
// This is the maximum number of endpoints supported by the usblib.
#define USBLIB_NUM_EP 16 // Number of supported endpoints.
// The following macro allows compiler-independent syntax to be used to
// define packed structures. A typical structure definition using these
// macros will look similar to the following example:
// #ifdef ewarm
// #pragma pack(1)
// #endif
// typedef struct _PackedStructName
// {
// uint32 ulFirstField;
// char cCharMember;
// uint16 usShort;
// }
// PACKED tPackedStructName;
// #ifdef ewarm
// #pragma pack()
// #endif
// The conditional blocks related to ewarm include the #pragma pack() lines
// only if the IAR Embedded Workbench compiler is being used. Unfortunately,
// it is not possible to emit a #pragma from within a macro definition so this
// must be done explicitly.
#if defined(ccs) || \
defined(codered) || \
defined(gcc) || \
defined(rvmdk) || \
defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || \
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
#elif defined(ewarm) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#define PACKED
#elif (__TMS470__)
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
#error Unrecognized COMPILER!
// Assorted language IDs from the document "USB_LANGIDs.pdf" provided by the
// USB Implementers' Forum (Version 1.0).
#define USB_LANG_CHINESE_PRC 0x0804 // Chinese (PRC)
#define USB_LANG_CHINESE_TAIWAN 0x0404 // Chinese (Taiwan)
#define USB_LANG_EN_US 0x0409 // English (United States)
#define USB_LANG_EN_UK 0x0809 // English (United Kingdom)
#define USB_LANG_EN_AUS 0x0C09 // English (Australia)
#define USB_LANG_EN_CA 0x1009 // English (Canada)
#define USB_LANG_EN_NZ 0x1409 // English (New Zealand)
#define USB_LANG_FRENCH 0x040C // French (Standard)
#define USB_LANG_GERMAN 0x0407 // German (Standard)
#define USB_LANG_HINDI 0x0439 // Hindi
#define USB_LANG_ITALIAN 0x0410 // Italian (Standard)
#define USB_LANG_JAPANESE 0x0411 // Japanese
#define USB_LANG_KOREAN 0x0412 // Korean
#define USB_LANG_ES_TRAD 0x040A // Spanish (Traditional)
#define USB_LANG_ES_MODERN 0x0C0A // Spanish (Modern)
#define USB_LANG_SWAHILI 0x0441 // Swahili (Kenya)
#define USB_LANG_URDU_IN 0x0820 // Urdu (India)
#define USB_LANG_URDU_PK 0x0420 // Urdu (Pakistan)
//! \addtogroup usbchap9_src
//! @{
// Note:
// Structure definitions which are derived directly from the USB specification
// use field names from the specification. Since a somewhat different version
// of Hungarian prefix notation is used from the Stellaris standard, beware of
// making assumptions about field sizes based on the field prefix when using
// these structures. Of particular note is the difference in the meaning of
// the 'i' prefix. In USB structures, this indicates a single byte index
// whereas in Stellaris code, this is a 32 bit integer.
// All structures defined in this section of the header require byte packing of
// fields. This is usually accomplished using the PACKED macro but, for IAR
// Embedded Workbench, this requires a pragma.
#if defined(ewarm) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma pack(1)
// Definitions related to standard USB device requests (sections 9.3 & 9.4)
//! The standard USB request header as defined in section 9.3 of the USB 2.0
//! specification.
typedef struct
//! Determines the type and direction of the request.
uint8 bmRequestType;
//! Identifies the specific request being made.
uint8 bRequest;
//! Word-sized field that varies according to the request.
uint16 wValue;
//! Word-sized field that varies according to the request; typically used
//! to pass an index or offset.
uint16 wIndex;
//! The number of bytes to transfer if there is a data stage to the
//! request.
uint16 wLength;
// The following defines are used with the bmRequestType member of tUSBRequest.
// Request types have 3 bit fields:
// 4:0 - Is the recipient type.
// 6:5 - Is the request type.
// 7 - Is the direction of the request.
#define USB_RTYPE_DIR_IN 0x80
#define USB_RTYPE_DIR_OUT 0x00
#define USB_RTYPE_TYPE_M 0x60
#define USB_RTYPE_VENDOR 0x40
#define USB_RTYPE_CLASS 0x20
#define USB_RTYPE_OTHER 0x03
#define USB_RTYPE_DEVICE 0x00
// Standard USB requests IDs used in the bRequest field of tUSBRequest.
#define USBREQ_GET_STATUS 0x00
#define USBREQ_GET_CONFIG 0x08
#define USBREQ_SET_CONFIG 0x09
#define USBREQ_SYNC_FRAME 0x0c
// Data returned from a USBREQ_GET_STATUS request to a device.
#define USB_STATUS_SELF_PWR 0x0001 // Currently self powered.
#define USB_STATUS_BUS_PWR 0x0000 // Currently bus-powered.
#define USB_STATUS_PWR_M 0x0001 // Mask for power mode.
#define USB_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKE 0x0002 // Remote wake-up is currently enabled.
// Feature Selectors (tUSBRequest.wValue) passed on USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE and
#define USB_FEATURE_EP_HALT 0x0000 // Endpoint halt feature.
#define USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKE 0x0001 // Remote wake feature, device only.
#define USB_FEATURE_TEST_MODE 0x0002 // Test mode
// Endpoint Selectors (tUSBRequest.wIndex) passed on USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE,
#define USB_REQ_EP_NUM_M 0x007F
#define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_M 0x0080
#define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_IN 0x0080
#define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_OUT 0x0000
// Standard USB descriptor types. These values are passed in the upper bytes
// of tUSBRequest.wValue on USBREQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR and also appear in the
// bDescriptorType field of standard USB descriptors.
#define USB_DTYPE_OTG 9
// Definitions related to USB descriptors (sections 9.5 & 9.6)
//! This structure describes a generic descriptor header. These fields are to
//! be found at the beginning of all valid USB descriptors.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor (including this length byte) expressed
//! in bytes.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type identifier of the descriptor whose information follows. For
//! standard descriptors, this field could contain, for example,
//! USB_DTYPE_DEVICE to identify a device descriptor or USB_DTYPE_ENDPOINT
//! to identify an endpoint descriptor.
uint8 bDescriptorType;
PACKED tDescriptorHeader;
//! This structure describes the USB device descriptor as defined in USB
//! 2.0 specification section 9.6.1.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All device descriptors are
//! 18 bytes long.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For a device descriptor, this will be
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The USB Specification Release Number in BCD format. For USB 2.0, this
//! will be 0x0200.
uint16 bcdUSB;
//! The device class code.
uint8 bDeviceClass;
//! The device subclass code. This value qualifies the value found in the
//! bDeviceClass field.
uint8 bDeviceSubClass;
//! The device protocol code. This value is qualified by the values of
//! bDeviceClass and bDeviceSubClass.
uint8 bDeviceProtocol;
//! The maximum packet size for endpoint zero. Valid values are 8, 16, 32
//! and 64.
uint8 bMaxPacketSize0;
//! The device Vendor ID (VID) as assigned by the USB-IF.
uint16 idVendor;
//! The device Product ID (PID) as assigned by the manufacturer.
uint16 idProduct;
//! The device release number in BCD format.
uint16 bcdDevice;
//! The index of a string descriptor describing the manufacturer.
uint8 iManufacturer;
//! The index of a string descriptor describing the product.
uint8 iProduct;
//! The index of a string descriptor describing the device's serial
//! number.
uint8 iSerialNumber;
//! The number of possible configurations offered by the device. This
//! field indicates the number of distinct configuration descriptors that
//! the device offers.
uint8 bNumConfigurations;
PACKED tDeviceDescriptor;
// USB Device Class codes used in the tDeviceDescriptor.bDeviceClass field.
// Definitions for the bDeviceSubClass and bDeviceProtocol fields are device
// specific and can be found in the appropriate device class header files.
#define USB_CLASS_DEVICE 0x00
#define USB_CLASS_AUDIO 0x01
#define USB_CLASS_CDC 0x02
#define USB_CLASS_HID 0x03
#define USB_CLASS_IMAGE 0x06
#define USB_CLASS_PRINTER 0x07
#define USB_CLASS_HUB 0x09
#define USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA 0x0a
#define USB_CLASS_VIDEO 0x0e
#define USB_CLASS_MISC 0xef
#define USB_CLASS_EVENTS 0xffffffff
// Generic values for undefined subclass and protocol.
// The following are the miscellaneous subclass values.
// These following are miscellaneous protocol values.
//! This structure describes the USB device qualifier descriptor as defined in
//! the USB 2.0 specification, section 9.6.2.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All device qualifier
//! descriptors are 10 bytes long.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For a device descriptor, this will be
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The USB Specification Release Number in BCD format. For USB 2.0, this
//! will be 0x0200.
uint16 bcdUSB;
//! The device class code.
uint8 bDeviceClass;
//! The device subclass code. This value qualifies the value found in the
//! bDeviceClass field.
uint8 bDeviceSubClass;
//! The device protocol code. This value is qualified by the values of
//! bDeviceClass and bDeviceSubClass.
uint8 bDeviceProtocol;
//! The maximum packet size for endpoint zero when operating at a speed
//! other than high speed.
uint8 bMaxPacketSize0;
//! The number of other-speed configurations supported.
uint8 bNumConfigurations;
//! Reserved for future use. Must be set to zero.
uint8 bReserved;
PACKED tDeviceQualifierDescriptor;
//! This structure describes the USB configuration descriptor as defined in
//! USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.3. This structure also applies to the
//! USB other speed configuration descriptor defined in section 9.6.4.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All configuration descriptors
//! are 9 bytes long.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For a configuration descriptor, this will
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The total length of data returned for this configuration. This
//! includes the combined length of all descriptors (configuration,
//! interface, endpoint and class- or vendor-specific) returned for this
//! configuration.
uint16 wTotalLength;
//! The number of interface supported by this configuration.
uint8 bNumInterfaces;
//! The value used as an argument to the SetConfiguration standard request
//! to select this configuration.
uint8 bConfigurationValue;
//! The index of a string descriptor describing this configuration.
uint8 iConfiguration;
//! Attributes of this configuration.
uint8 bmAttributes;
//! The maximum power consumption of the USB device from the bus in this
//! configuration when the device is fully operational. This is expressed
//! in units of 2mA so, for example, 100 represents 200mA.
uint8 bMaxPower;
PACKED tConfigDescriptor;
// Flags used in constructing the value assigned to the field
// tConfigDescriptor.bmAttributes. Note that bit 7 is reserved and must be set
// to 1.
#define USB_CONF_ATTR_PWR_M 0xC0
#define USB_CONF_ATTR_BUS_PWR 0x80
//! This structure describes the USB interface descriptor as defined in USB
//! 2.0 specification section 9.6.5.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All interface descriptors
//! are 9 bytes long.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For an interface descriptor, this will
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The number of this interface. This is a zero based index into the
//! array of concurrent interfaces supported by this configuration.
uint8 bInterfaceNumber;
//! The value used to select this alternate setting for the interface
//! defined in bInterfaceNumber.
uint8 bAlternateSetting;
//! The number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding endpoint
//! zero).
uint8 bNumEndpoints;
//! The interface class code as assigned by the USB-IF.
uint8 bInterfaceClass;
//! The interface subclass code as assigned by the USB-IF.
uint8 bInterfaceSubClass;
//! The interface protocol code as assigned by the USB-IF.
uint8 bInterfaceProtocol;
//! The index of a string descriptor describing this interface.
uint8 iInterface;
PACKED tInterfaceDescriptor;
//! This structure describes the USB endpoint descriptor as defined in USB
//! 2.0 specification section 9.6.6.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All endpoint descriptors
//! are 7 bytes long.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For an endpoint descriptor, this will
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The address of the endpoint. This field contains the endpoint number
//! ORed with flag USB_EP_DESC_OUT or USB_EP_DESC_IN to indicate the
//! endpoint direction.
uint8 bEndpointAddress;
//! The endpoint transfer type, USB_EP_ATTR_CONTROL, USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC,
//! USB_EP_ATTR_BULK or USB_EP_ATTR_INT and, if isochronous, additional
//! flags indicating usage type and synchronization method.
uint8 bmAttributes;
//! The maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or
//! receiving when this configuration is selected. For high speed
//! isochronous or interrupt endpoints, bits 11 and 12 are used to
//! pass additional information.
uint16 wMaxPacketSize;
//! The polling interval for data transfers expressed in frames or
//! micro frames depending upon the operating speed.
uint8 bInterval;
PACKED tEndpointDescriptor;
// Flags used in constructing the value assigned to the field
// tEndpointDescriptor.bEndpointAddress.
#define USB_EP_DESC_OUT 0x00
#define USB_EP_DESC_IN 0x80
#define USB_EP_DESC_NUM_M 0x0f
// Mask used to extract the maximum packet size (in bytes) from the
// wMaxPacketSize field of the endpoint descriptor.
// Endpoint attributes used in tEndpointDescriptor.bmAttributes.
#define USB_EP_ATTR_CONTROL 0x00
#define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC 0x01
#define USB_EP_ATTR_BULK 0x02
#define USB_EP_ATTR_INT 0x03
#define USB_EP_ATTR_TYPE_M 0x03
#define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_M 0x0c
#define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_SYNC 0x0c
#define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGE_M 0x30
//! This structure describes the USB string descriptor for index 0 as defined
//! in USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.7. Note that the number of language
//! IDs is variable and can be determined by examining bLength. The number of
//! language IDs present in the descriptor is given by ((bLength - 2) / 2).
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. This value will vary
//! depending upon the number of language codes provided in the descriptor.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For a string descriptor, this will be
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The language code (LANGID) for the first supported language. Note that
//! this descriptor may support multiple languages, in which case, the
//! number of elements in the wLANGID array will increase and bLength will
//! be updated accordingly.
uint16 wLANGID[1];
PACKED tString0Descriptor;
//! This structure describes the USB string descriptor for all string indexes
//! other than 0 as defined in USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.7.
typedef struct
//! The length of this descriptor in bytes. This value will be 2 greater
//! than the number of bytes comprising the UNICODE string that the
//! descriptor contains.
uint8 bLength;
//! The type of the descriptor. For a string descriptor, this will be
uint8 bDescriptorType;
//! The first byte of the UNICODE string. This string is not NULL
//! terminated. Its length (in bytes) can be computed by subtracting 2
//! from the value in the bLength field.
uint8 bString;
PACKED tStringDescriptor;
//! Write a 2 byte uint16 value to a USB descriptor block.
//! \param usValue is the two byte uint16 that is to be written to
//! the descriptor.
//! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write two-byte
//! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and
//! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are
//! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures.
//! \return Not a function.
#define USBShort(usValue) (usValue & 0xff), (usValue >> 8)
//! Write a 3 byte uint32 value to a USB descriptor block.
//! \param ulValue is the three byte unsigned value that is to be written to the
//! descriptor.
//! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write three-byte
//! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and
//! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are
//! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures.
//! \return Not a function.
#define USB3Byte(ulValue) (ulValue & 0xff), \
((ulValue >> 8) & 0xff), \
((ulValue >> 16) & 0xff)
//! Write a 4 byte uint32 value to a USB descriptor block.
//! \param ulValue is the four byte uint32 that is to be written to the
//! descriptor.
//! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write four-byte
//! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and
//! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are
//! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures.
//! \return Not a function.
#define USBLong(ulValue) (ulValue & 0xff), \
((ulValue >> 8) & 0xff), \
((ulValue >> 16) & 0xff), \
((ulValue >> 24) & 0xff)
//! Traverse to the next USB descriptor in a block.
//! \param ptr points to the first byte of a descriptor in a block of
//! USB descriptors.
//! This macro aids in traversing lists of descriptors by returning a pointer
//! to the next descriptor in the list given a pointer to the current one.
//! \return Returns a pointer to the next descriptor in the block following
//! \e ptr.
#define NEXT_USB_DESCRIPTOR(ptr) \
(tDescriptorHeader *)(((uint8 *)(ptr)) + \
*((uint8 *)(ptr)))
// Return to default packing when using the IAR Embedded Workbench compiler.
#if defined(ewarm) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma pack()
// Close the usbchap9_src Doxygen group.
//! @}
//! \addtogroup device_api
//! @{
// Function prototype for any standard USB request.
typedef void (* tStdRequest)(void *pvInstance, tUSBRequest *pUSBRequest);
// Data callback for receiving data from an endpoint.
typedef void (* tInfoCallback)(void *pvInstance, uint32 ulInfo);
// Callback made to indicate that an interface alternate setting change has
// occurred.
typedef void (* tInterfaceCallback)(void *pvInstance,
uint8 ucInterfaceNum,
uint8 ucAlternateSetting);
// Generic interrupt handler callbacks.
typedef void (* tUSBIntHandler)(void *pvInstance);
// Interrupt handler callbacks that have status information.
typedef void (* tUSBEPIntHandler)(void *pvInstance,
uint32 ulStatus);
// Generic handler callbacks that are used when the callers needs to call into
// an instance of class.
typedef void (* tUSBDeviceHandler)(void *pvInstance,
uint32 ulRequest,
void *pvRequestData);
//! USB event handler functions used during enumeration and operation of the
//! device stack.
typedef struct
//! This callback is made whenever the USB host requests a non-standard
//! descriptor from the device.
tStdRequest pfnGetDescriptor;
//! This callback is made whenever the USB host makes a non-standard
//! request.
tStdRequest pfnRequestHandler;
//! This callback is made in response to a SetInterface request from the
//! host.
tInterfaceCallback pfnInterfaceChange;
//! This callback is made in response to a SetConfiguration request from
//! the host.
tInfoCallback pfnConfigChange;
//! This callback is made when data has been received following to a call
//! to USBDCDRequestDataEP0.
tInfoCallback pfnDataReceived;
//! This callback is made when data has been transmitted following a call
//! to USBDCDSendDataEP0.
tInfoCallback pfnDataSent;
//! This callback is made when a USB reset is detected.
tUSBIntHandler pfnResetHandler;
//! This callback is made when the bus has been inactive long enough to
//! trigger a suspend condition.
tUSBIntHandler pfnSuspendHandler;
//! This is called when resume signaling is detected.
tUSBIntHandler pfnResumeHandler;
//! This callback is made when the device is disconnected from the USB bus.
tUSBIntHandler pfnDisconnectHandler;
//! This callback is made to inform the device of activity on all endpoints
//! other than endpoint zero.
tUSBEPIntHandler pfnEndpointHandler;
//! This generic handler is provided to allow requests based on
//! a given instance to be passed into a device. This is commonly used
//! by a top level composite device that is using multiple instances of
//! a class.
tUSBDeviceHandler pfnDeviceHandler;
//! This structure defines how a given endpoint's FIFO is configured in
//! relation to the maximum packet size for the endpoint as specified in the
//! endpoint descriptor.
typedef struct
//! The multiplier to apply to an endpoint's maximum packet size when
//! configuring the FIFO for that endpoint. For example, setting this
//! value to 2 will result in a 128 byte FIFO being configured if
//! bDoubleBuffer is FALSE and the associated endpoint is set to use a 64
//! byte maximum packet size.
uint8 cMultiplier;
//! This field indicates whether to configure an endpoint's FIFO to be
//! double- or single-buffered. If TRUE, a double-buffered FIFO is
//! created and the amount of required FIFO storage is multiplied by two.
tBoolean bDoubleBuffer;
//! This field defines endpoint mode flags which cannot be deduced from
//! the configuration descriptor, namely any in the set USB_EP_AUTO_xxx or
//! USB_EP_DMA_MODE_x. USBDCDConfig adds these flags to the endpoint
//! mode and direction determined from the config descriptor before it
//! configures the endpoint using a call to USBDevEndpointConfigSet().
uint16 usEPFlags;
//! This structure defines endpoint and FIFO configuration information for
//! all endpoints that the device wishes to use. This information cannot be
//! determined by examining the USB configuration descriptor and is
//! provided to USBDCDConfig by the application to allow the USB controller
//! endpoints to be correctly configured.
typedef struct
//! An array containing one FIFO entry for each of the IN endpoints.
//! Note that endpoint 0 is configured and managed by the USB device stack
//! so is excluded from this array. The index 0 entry of the array
//! corresponds to endpoint 1, index 1 to endpoint 2, etc.
tFIFOEntry sIn[USBLIB_NUM_EP - 1];
//! An array containing one FIFO entry for each of the OUT endpoints.
//! Note that endpoint 0 is configured and managed by the USB device stack
//! so is excluded from this array. The index 0 entry of the array
//! corresponds to endpoint 1, index 1 to endpoint 2, etc.
tFIFOEntry sOut[USBLIB_NUM_EP - 1];
//! This structure defines a contiguous block of data which contains a group
//! of descriptors that form part of a configuration descriptor for a device.
//! It is assumed that a config section contains only whole descriptors. It is
//! not valid to split a single descriptor across multiple sections.
typedef struct
//! The number of bytes of descriptor data pointed to by pucData.
uint8 ucSize;
//! A pointer to a block of data containing an integral number of
//! USB descriptors which form part of a larger configuration descriptor.
const uint8 *pucData;
//! This is the top level structure defining a USB device configuration
//! descriptor. A configuration descriptor contains a collection of device-
//! specific descriptors in addition to the basic config, interface and
//! endpoint descriptors. To allow flexibility in constructing the
//! configuration, the descriptor is described in terms of a list of data
//! blocks. The first block must contain the configuration descriptor itself
//! and the following blocks are appended to this in order to produce the
//! full descriptor sent to the host in response to a GetDescriptor request
//! for the configuration descriptor.
typedef struct
//! The number of sections comprising the full descriptor for this
//! configuration.
uint8 ucNumSections;
//! A pointer to an array of ucNumSections section pointers which must
//! be concatenated to form the configuration descriptor.
const tConfigSection * const *psSections;
//! This structure is passed to the USB library on a call to USBDCDInit and
//! provides the library with information about the device that the
//! application is implementing. It contains functions pointers for the
//! various USB event handlers and pointers to each of the standard device
//! descriptors.
typedef struct
//! A pointer to a structure containing pointers to event handler functions
//! provided by the client to support the operation of this device.
tCustomHandlers sCallbacks;
//! A pointer to the device descriptor for this device.
const uint8 *pDeviceDescriptor;
//! A pointer to an array of configuration descriptor pointers. Each entry
//! in the array corresponds to one configuration that the device may be set
//! to use by the USB host. The number of entries in the array must
//! match the bNumConfigurations value in the device descriptor
//! array, pDeviceDescriptor.
const tConfigHeader * const *ppConfigDescriptors;
//! A pointer to the string descriptor array for this device. This array
//! must be arranged as follows:
//! - [0] - Standard descriptor containing supported language codes.
//! - [1] - String 1 for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - [2] - String 2 for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - ...
//! - [n] - String n for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - [n+1] - String 1 for the second language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - ...
//! - [2n] - String n for the second language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - [2n+1]- String 1 for the third language listed in descriptor 0.
//! - ...
//! - [3n] - String n for the third language listed in descriptor 0.
//! and so on.
const uint8 * const *ppStringDescriptors;
//! The total number of descriptors provided in the ppStringDescriptors
//! array.
uint32 ulNumStringDescriptors;
//! A structure defining how the USB controller FIFO is to be partitioned
//! between the various endpoints. This member can be set to point to
//! g_sUSBDefaultFIFOConfig if the default FIFO configuration is acceptable
//! This configuration sets each endpoint FIFO to be single buffered and
//! sized to hold the maximum packet size for the endpoint.
const tFIFOConfig *psFIFOConfig;
//! This value will be passed back to all call back functions so that
//! they have access to individual instance data based on the this pointer.
void *pvInstance;
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}
//! \addtogroup general_usblib_api
//! @{
// USB descriptor parsing functions found in usbdesc.c
//! The USB_DESC_ANY label is used as a wild card in several of the descriptor
//! parsing APIs to determine whether or not particular search criteria should
//! be ignored.
extern uint32 USBDescGetNum(tDescriptorHeader *psDesc,
uint32 ulSize, uint32 ulType);
extern tDescriptorHeader *USBDescGet(tDescriptorHeader *psDesc,
uint32 ulSize,
uint32 ulType,
uint32 ulIndex);
extern uint32
USBDescGetNumAlternateInterfaces(tConfigDescriptor *psConfig,
uint8 ucInterfaceNumber);
extern tInterfaceDescriptor *USBDescGetInterface(tConfigDescriptor *psConfig,
uint32 ulIndex,
uint32 ulAltCfg);
extern tEndpointDescriptor *
USBDescGetInterfaceEndpoint(tInterfaceDescriptor *psInterface,
uint32 ulIndex,
uint32 ulSize);
//! The operating mode required by the USB library client. This type is used
//! by applications which wish to be able to switch between host and device
//! modes by calling the USBStackModeSet() API.
typedef enum
//! The application wishes to operate as a USB device.
//! The application wishes to operate as a USB host.
//! The application wishes to operate as both a host and device using
//! On-The-Go protocols to negotiate.
//! A marker indicating that no USB mode has yet been set by the
//! application.
} tUSBMode;
// A pointer to a USB mode callback function. This function is called by the
// USB library to indicate to the application which operating mode it should
// use, host or device.
typedef void (*tUSBModeCallback)(uint32 ulIndex, tUSBMode eMode);
// Mode selection and dual mode interrupt steering functions.
extern void USBStackModeSet(uint32 ulIndex, tUSBMode eUSBMode,
tUSBModeCallback pfnCallback);
extern void USBDualModeInit(uint32 ulIndex);
extern void USBDualModeTerm(uint32 ulIndex);
extern void USBOTGMain(uint32 ulMsTicks);
extern void USBOTGPollRate(uint32 ulIndex, uint32 ulPollRate);
extern void USBOTGModeInit(uint32 ulIndex, uint32 ulPollRate,
void *pHostData, uint32 ulHostDataSize);
extern void USBOTGModeTerm(uint32 ulIndex);
extern void USB0OTGModeIntHandler(void);
extern void USB0DualModeIntHandler(void);
//! USB callback function.
//! \param pvCBData is the callback pointer associated with the instance
//! generating the callback. This is a value provided by the client during
//! initialization of the instance making the callback.
//! \param ulEvent is the identifier of the asynchronous event which is being
//! notified to the client.
//! \param ulMsgParam is an event-specific parameter.
//! \param pvMsgData is an event-specific data pointer.
//! A function pointer provided to the USB layer by the application
//! which will be called to notify it of all asynchronous events relating to
//! data transmission or reception. This callback is used by device class
//! drivers and host pipe functions.
//! \return Returns an event-dependent value.
typedef uint32 (* tUSBCallback)(void *pvCBData, uint32 ulEvent,
uint32 ulMsgParam,
void *pvMsgData);
// Base identifiers for groups of USB events. These are used by both the
// device class drivers and host layer.
// USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE is the lowest identifier that should be used for
// a class-specific event. Individual event bases are defined for each
// of the supported device class drivers. Events with IDs between
// USB_EVENT_BASE and USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE are reserved for stack use.
#define USB_EVENT_BASE 0x0000
#define USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE 0x8000
// Event base identifiers for the various device classes supported in host
// and device modes.
// The first 0x800 values of a range are reserved for the device specific
// messages and the second 0x800 values of a range are used for the host
// specific messages for a given class.
// General events supported by device classes and host pipes.
//! The device is now attached to a USB host and ready to begin sending
//! and receiving data (used by device classes only).
//! The device has been disconnected from the USB host (used by device classes
//! only).
//! Note: Due to a hardware erratum in revision A of LM3S3748, this
//! event is not posted to self-powered USB devices when they are disconnected
//! from the USB host.
//! Data has been received and is in the buffer provided.
//! This event is sent by a lower layer to inquire about the amount of
//! unprocessed data buffered in the layers above. It is used in cases
//! where a low level driver needs to ensure that all preceding data has
//! been processed prior to performing some action or making some notification.
//! Clients receiving this event should return the number of bytes of data
//! that are unprocessed or 0 if no outstanding data remains.
//! This event is sent by a lower layer supporting DMA to request a buffer in
//! which the next received packet may be stored. The \e ulMsgValue parameter
//! indicates the maximum size of packet that can be received in this channel
//! and \e pvMsgData points to storage which should be written with the
//! returned buffer pointer. The return value from the callback should be the
//! size of the buffer allocated (which may be less than the maximum size
//! passed in \e ulMsgValue if the client knows that fewer bytes are expected
//! to be received) or 0 if no buffer is being returned.
//! Data has been sent and acknowledged. If this event is received via the
//! USB buffer callback, the \e ulMsgValue parameter indicates the number of
//! bytes from the transmit buffer that have been successfully transmitted
//! and acknowledged.
//! An error has been reported on the channel or pipe. The \e ulMsgValue
//! parameter indicates the source(s) of the error and is the logical OR
//! combination of "USBERR_" flags defined below.
//! The bus has entered suspend state.
//! The bus has left suspend state.
//! A scheduler event has occurred.
//! A device or host has detected a stall condition.
//! The host detected a power fault condition.
//! The controller has detected a A-Side cable and needs power applied This is
//! only generated on OTG parts if automatic power control is disabled.
//! The controller needs power removed, This is only generated on OTG parts
//! if automatic power control is disabled.
//! Used with pfnDeviceHandler handler function is classes to indicate changes
//! in the interface number by a class outside the class being accessed.
//! Typically this is when composite device class is in use.
//! The \e pvInstance value should point to an instance of the device being
//! accessed.
//! The \e ulRequest should be USB_EVENT_COMP_IFACE_CHANGE.
//! The \e pvRequestData should point to a two byte array where the first value
//! is the old interface number and the second is the new interface number.
//! Used with pfnDeviceHandler handler function is classes to indicate changes
//! in endpoint number by a class outside the class being accessed.
//! Typically this is when composite device class is in use.
//! The \e pvInstance value should point to an instance of the device being
//! accessed.
//! The \e ulRequest should be USB_EVENT_COMP_EP_CHANGE.
//! The \e pvRequestData should point to a two byte array where the first value
//! is the old endpoint number and the second is the new endpoint number. The
//! endpoint numbers should be exactly as USB specification defines them and
//! bit 7 set indicates an IN endpoint and bit 7 clear indicates an OUT
//! endpoint.
//! Used with pfnDeviceHandler handler function is classes to indicate changes
//! in string index number by a class outside the class being accessed.
//! Typically this is when composite device class is in use.
//! The \e pvInstance value should point to an instance of the device being
//! accessed.
//! The \e ulRequest should be USB_EVENT_COMP_STR_CHANGE.
//! The \e pvRequestData should point to a two byte array where the first value
//! is the old string index and the second is the new string index.
//! Used with pfnDeviceHandler handler function is classes to allow the device
//! class to make final adjustments to the configuration descriptor.
//! This is only used when a device class is used in a composite device class
//! is in use.
//! The \e pvInstance value should point to an instance of the device being
//! accessed.
//! The \e ulRequest should be USB_EVENT_COMP_CONFIG.
//! The \e pvRequestData should point to the beginning of the configuration
//! descriptor for the device instance.
// Error sources reported via USB_EVENT_ERROR.
//! The host received an invalid PID in a transaction.
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_PID_ERROR 0x01000000
//! The host did not receive a response from a device.
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_NOT_COMP 0x00100000
//! The host received a stall on an IN endpoint.
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_STALL 0x00400000
//! The host detected a CRC or bit-stuffing error (isochronous mode).
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_DATA_ERROR 0x00080000
//! The host received NAK on an IN endpoint for longer than the specified
//! timeout period (interrupt, bulk and control modes).
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_NAK_TO 0x00080000
//! The host failed to communicate with a device via an IN endpoint.
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_ERROR 0x00040000
//! The host receive FIFO is full.
#define USBERR_HOST_IN_FIFO_FULL 0x00020000 // RX FIFO full
//! The host received NAK on an OUT endpoint for longer than the specified
//! timeout period (bulk, interrupt and control modes).
#define USBERR_HOST_OUT_NAK_TO 0x00000080
//! The host did not receive a response from a device (isochronous mode).
#define USBERR_HOST_OUT_NOT_COMP 0x00000080
//! The host received a stall on an OUT endpoint.
#define USBERR_HOST_OUT_STALL 0x00000020
//! The host failed to communicate with a device via an OUT endpoint.
#define USBERR_HOST_OUT_ERROR 0x00000004
//! The host received NAK on endpoint 0 for longer than the configured
//! timeout.
#define USBERR_HOST_EP0_NAK_TO 0x00000080
//! The host failed to communicate with a device via an endpoint zero.
#define USBERR_HOST_EP0_ERROR 0x00000010
//! The device detected a CRC error in received data.
#define USBERR_DEV_RX_DATA_ERROR 0x00080000
//! The device was unable to receive a packet from the host since the receive
//! FIFO is full.
#define USBERR_DEV_RX_OVERRUN 0x00040000
//! The device receive FIFO is full.
#define USBERR_DEV_RX_FIFO_FULL 0x00020000 // RX FIFO full
// Close the general_usblib_api Doxygen group.
//! @}
//! \addtogroup usblib_buffer_api
//! @{
//! A function pointer type which describes either a class driver packet read
//! or packet write function (both have the same prototype) to the USB
//! buffer object.
typedef uint32 (* tUSBPacketTransfer)(void *pvHandle,
uint8 *pcData,
uint32 ulLength,
tBoolean bLast);
//! A function pointer type which describes either a class driver transmit
//! or receive packet available function (both have the same prototype) to the
//! USB buffer object.
typedef uint32 (* tUSBPacketAvailable)(void *pvHandle);
//! The number of bytes of workspace that each USB buffer object requires.
//! This workspace memory is provided to the buffer on USBBufferInit() in
//! the \e pvWorkspace field of the \e tUSBBuffer structure.
//! The structure used by the application to initialize a buffer object that
//! will provide buffered access to either a transmit or receive channel.
typedef struct
//! This field sets the mode of the buffer. If TRUE, the buffer
//! operates as a transmit buffer and supports calls to USBBufferWrite
//! by the client. If FALSE, the buffer operates as a receive buffer
//! and supports calls to USBBufferRead.
tBoolean bTransmitBuffer;
//! A pointer to the callback function which will be called to notify
//! the application of all asynchronous events related to the operation
//! of the buffer.
tUSBCallback pfnCallback;
//! A pointer that the buffer will pass back to the client in the
//! first parameter of all callbacks related to this instance.
void *pvCBData;
//! The function which should be called to transmit a packet of data
//! in transmit mode or receive a packet in receive mode.
tUSBPacketTransfer pfnTransfer;
//! The function which should be called to determine if the endpoint is
//! ready to accept a new packet for transmission in transmit mode or
//! to determine the size of the buffer required to read a packet in
//! receive mode.
tUSBPacketAvailable pfnAvailable;
//! The handle to pass to the low level function pointers
//! provided in the pfnTransfer and pfnAvailable members. For USB device
//! use, this is the psDevice parameter required by the relevant device
//! class driver APIs. For USB host use, this is the pipe identifier
//! returned by USBHCDPipeAlloc.
void *pvHandle;
//! A pointer to memory to be used as the ring buffer for this
//! instance.
uint8 *pcBuffer;
//! The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pcBuffer.
uint32 ulBufferSize;
//! A pointer to USB_BUFFER_WORKSPACE_SIZE bytes of RAM that the buffer
//! object can use for workspace.
void *pvWorkspace;
//! The structure used for encapsulating all the items associated with a
//! ring buffer.
typedef struct
//! The ring buffer size.
uint32 ulSize;
//! The ring buffer write index.
volatile uint32 ulWriteIndex;
//! The ring buffer read index.
volatile uint32 ulReadIndex;
//! The ring buffer.
uint8 *pucBuf;
// USB buffer API function prototypes.
extern const tUSBBuffer *USBBufferInit(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer);
extern void USBBufferInfoGet(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer,
tUSBRingBufObject *psRingBuf);
extern void *USBBufferCallbackDataSet(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, void *pvCBData);
extern uint32 USBBufferWrite(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer,
const uint8 *pucData,
uint32 ulLength);
extern void USBBufferDataWritten(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer,
uint32 ulLength);
extern void USBBufferDataRemoved(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer,
uint32 ulLength);
extern void USBBufferFlush(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer);
extern uint32 USBBufferRead(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer,
uint8 *pucData,
uint32 ulLength);
extern uint32 USBBufferDataAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer);
extern uint32 USBBufferSpaceAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer);
extern uint32 USBBufferEventCallback(void *pvCBData,
uint32 ulEvent,
uint32 ulMsgValue,
void *pvMsgData);
extern tBoolean USBRingBufFull(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern tBoolean USBRingBufEmpty(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern void USBRingBufFlush(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint32 USBRingBufUsed(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint32 USBRingBufFree(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint32 USBRingBufContigUsed(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint32 USBRingBufContigFree(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint32 USBRingBufSize(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern uint8 USBRingBufReadOne(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf);
extern void USBRingBufRead(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
uint8 *pucData, uint32 ulLength);
extern void USBRingBufWriteOne(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
uint8 ucData);
extern void USBRingBufWrite(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
const uint8 *pucData,
uint32 ulLength);
extern void USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
uint32 ulNumBytes);
extern void USBRingBufAdvanceRead(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
uint32 ulNumBytes);
extern void USBRingBufInit(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf,
uint8 *pucBuf, uint32 ulSize);
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}
// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __USBLIB_H__